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Red wave set to swamp Bangkok

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In the photo they are really praying and asking " Where is our Rice Money ! " .... clap2.gif

Naaa, there are only about 20 or 25 people in the photo, the ones fighting for their rice money are in Bangkok and have joined the demonstrators wink.png

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I'm not sure that this is the point. They had been neglected for so long since 1932. Bangkokians have enjoyed far better services and living standards its not funny. I don't see this in red or yellow. We need to understand what only Thaksin did for the people of the north and northeast to realise this. 17 times the amount of government services in and around Bangkok compared to the North.. And now people trying to stop them and others from voting. This is not Democratic. I think we can lay the blame at successive governments who have spurned the people who are at fault. This is not so much about Thaksin but rather a semblance of democracy that I think the people desire. Not the elite of Bangkok infringing upon their rights. Be he good bad or ugly for all of Thaksins faults he did connect with the people. The Democrat's have not and cannot until they participate in the democratic process. In short Thailand needs to usher in a constitution that benefits all the people even the minority. Maybe they could take a leaf out of Australian or New Zealand democracy and copy this. But until both sides stop wanting power and money, it will be the people who revolt as we are seeing today and especially in the last 10 years. Marginalisation is Thailand's biggest problem as is the Ammarts, police, military and the judicial system. Their will be no real peace for any Thai until these items can be addressed. The revolution will continue until an equal balance of power and reform has been achieved. A rough road lies ahead.

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Equality & minority rights are guaranteed by the Thai Constitution, but in practice often ignored, so then it becomes a legislation issue for enforcement of Constitutional rights. As you know enforcement of the law in Thailand is 'fragile' and undermined by institutionalised corruption. Therefore back to square one, how to overcome endemic corruption within Thai society.

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Channel News Asia has produced some good reports on the protests and a few day s ago interviewed Udon red leader Kwanchai in hospital during which he boasted the reds could field more supporters than the protesters and if they wanted a civil war ' So Be It ".

This has been repeated several times since then and while relevant to the story is frightening in that it raises the possibility that some in the media might want this to really kick off, and I'm not pointing at the channel in question, simply because it will give them a big story.

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Channel News Asia has produced some good reports on the protests and a few day s ago interviewed Udon red leader Kwanchai in hospital during which he boasted the reds could field more supporters than the protesters and if they wanted a civil war ' So Be It ".

This has been repeated several times since then and while relevant to the story is frightening in that it raises the possibility that some in the media might want this to really kick off, and I'm not pointing at the channel in question, simply because it will give them a big story.

Not surprising really, without wars what would the media have to do all day long. TV for that matter as well lol

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Channel News Asia has produced some good reports on the protests and a few day s ago interviewed Udon red leader Kwanchai in hospital during which he boasted the reds could field more supporters than the protesters and if they wanted a civil war ' So Be It ".

This has been repeated several times since then and while relevant to the story is frightening in that it raises the possibility that some in the media might want this to really kick off, and I'm not pointing at the channel in question, simply because it will give them a big story.

Not surprising really, without wars what would the media have to do all day long. TV for that matter as well lol

Unfortunately you're right. Over the years I've heard variations on the theme that bad news makes the best news.

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No you only want those agreeing with you whether they are Thai or falang

You are supporting a group which is trying to deny the fundamental right of voting! It does not get any more undemocratic than that! The Yellows have had multiple opportunities to make their so called "reforms" recently, in 2006-2008 especially.

Only some arrogant and ignorant Bangkok expats continue supporting them for some selfish reason obviously. Some are even hoping for a military coup.

Keep on voting is the only way to get rid of corrupted politicians eventually. Military coups only hand power back to the same corrupted elite in Bangkok and nothing improves. The Reds are not much better but at least it is a small step forward.

This arrogant attitude of Thai Chinese minority is very dangerous. The idea it is their birthright is to rule over Thailand. It could turn against themselves if the angry Reds really started flooding to Bangkok. All that decades long hate just waiting to be released. It could turn very ugly and very fast. When Thais lose their cool, they really lose it in very bad way. I hope it does not come to that.

In 2010 it was very close of starting a civil war. Government buildings already were burning all over the place but for some unknown reason it did not escalate beyond that. This time we might not be so lucky.

No good voting some maggots back in, same problem. The only way forward is to get the courts to kill the maggots off-get rid of them ALL.

Then you can sit down once the rabble has departed get your big changes in laws and reform. OOO la La Elections.

you mentioned abot getting rid of the Chinese Thai elite, good lets start with the rebel rouser first -the one that is still today causing thee problem--The big Chinese Thai himself Thaksin.

Have a look at forbes gin the top 10 will tell you whos the big chinese thai and Mr isnt anywhere near close wink.png but i get your point i suggest the maggots are kicked out in elections when the arrogant sobs in yellow finally realise its not all about them they might just do it. ... or maybe not in this lifetime whistling.gif

I never said Thaksin was the wealthiest. DID I ?? and I didn't say kick the maggots out in elections DID I.

I said let the courts kick them out-------REFORM then elections. There are arrogant slobs in all colours here in Thailand, You know full well, so why single out the Yellows.

Elections are the most stupid thing at this time, big problems for the voters, cannot finish in one day, total chaos. Whoever is trying to block is not the point.

impossible situation. Thailand needs stability, just because it's( democratic to do) doesn't mean it has to be now because the PM wants it now for her own reasons, not to be in defiance of Suthep.

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If they're all coming to Bangkok today, how are they going to vote?

I doubt the coup will happen today. In fact I still doubt it'll happen at all, although it's always a possibility. I just don't see Prayuth staging it. Also, whilst I don't think the red shirt talk of setting up a new capital is helpful, the threat of red insurrection is probably the main factor in the military's reluctance to stage a coup.

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

"All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness..."

Same old, same old...PAD-Dem arrogance. Denigrating the pro-electoral majority by suggesting they are uni-dimensional and devoid of political awareness.....According to them, only the PAD-Dem's are blessed with Political wisdom....

And they speak of 'reconciliation".....Good luck with that!

"It will not happen"....reminds me of a Regional Red Shirt leader stating emphatically, "That elitist minority will not control us".........In other words "It will not happen"

Exactly, let's just grant amnesty to everyone and go for a beer like nothing ever happened.

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you mentioned abot getting rid of the Chinese Thai elite, good lets start with the rebel rouser first -the one that is still today causing thee problem--The big Chinese Thai himself Thaksin.

Thaksin in his Machiavellian style power play started for real the political awareness among poor northern Thais. He probably never intended it to become such a large political force, he just wanted the top spot in Thai government by using them.

Anyway, he and his sister will some day be voted out of power but the awareness and political influence by voting are here to stay. If the Bangkok yellow elite tries to deny the northerners from voting, it could turn very ugly.

If it was your business that was going under-----you would sack the management first----then (vote) recruit to start on the right path.

You would never let them stay in management.

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The Reds are proclaiming about Sedition and Revolution, not Democracy. The evidence is in their act of injuring or killing others who disagree with them.

Hmmm...DSI is very quiet towards this group of people. Who is DSI working for?

Hmmm... I think you have a point. The DSI may be biased towards the govt. But seriously, I'm no fan of violent rhetoric, but is talking about such plans in case of a coup really illegal? The anti-govt protesters want to overthrow the govt and tear up the constitution. Attempting to overthrow the democratic system of governance - which is what they're doing - is illegal according to section 68 of the charter. So how can you accuse people that say they're going to resist a sedition attempt of sedition? Strange logic.

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The Reds are proclaiming about Sedition and Revolution, not Democracy. The evidence is in their act of injuring or killing others who disagree with them.

Hmmm...DSI is very quiet towards this group of people. Who is DSI working for?

Hmmm... I think you have a point. The DSI may be biased towards the govt. But seriously, I'm no fan of violent rhetoric, but is talking about such plans in case of a coup really illegal? The anti-govt protesters want to overthrow the govt and tear up the constitution. Attempting to overthrow the democratic system of governance - which is what they're doing - is illegal according to section 68 of the charter. So how can you accuse people that say they're going to resist a sedition attempt of sedition? Strange logic.

Protesters want to tear up the constitution? I must have missed that part.

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

"All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness..."

Same old, same old...PAD-Dem arrogance. Denigrating the pro-electoral majority by suggesting they are uni-dimensional and devoid of political awareness.....According to them, only the PAD-Dem's are blessed with Political wisdom....

And they speak of 'reconciliation".....Good luck with that!

"It will not happen"....reminds me of a Regional Red Shirt leader stating emphatically, "That elitist minority will not control us".........In other words "It will not happen"

Exactly, let's just grant amnesty to everyone and go for a beer like nothing ever happened.

Beer would be good. And do you want a serving of another election with that?

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

I don't think it's so much the desire to gain more wealth and power. Thaksin, his family and his own network of elites have committed so many crimes while in power that if they ever lose control of the system it will come after them.

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The Reds are proclaiming about Sedition and Revolution, not Democracy. The evidence is in their act of injuring or killing others who disagree with them.

Hmmm...DSI is very quiet towards this group of people. Who is DSI working for?

Hmmm... I think you have a point. The DSI may be biased towards the govt. But seriously, I'm no fan of violent rhetoric, but is talking about such plans in case of a coup really illegal? The anti-govt protesters want to overthrow the govt and tear up the constitution. Attempting to overthrow the democratic system of governance - which is what they're doing - is illegal according to section 68 of the charter. So how can you accuse people that say they're going to resist a sedition attempt of sedition? Strange logic.

And yet again how is that different than Thaksin and his lackey's also wanting to tear up the constitution and continue ripping apart the shred of the democratic system that is there? Also strange logic.

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Same old, same old...PAD-Dem arrogance. Denigrating the pro-electoral majority by suggesting they are uni-dimensional and devoid of political awareness.....According to them, only the PAD-Dem's are blessed with Political wisdom....

So you are saying The Nation has it worng huh, what ? biggrin.png

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

One really has to be a blind fool to write such rubbish. So you are against democracy?! Go back to your home country, Thailand does not need your kinds of expats!

sorry my friend you are the blind fool

How can you vote for democracy when their is only 1 party to vote for

todays vote is for democracy or dictatorship

when there is only one party in power it is a dictatorship not democracy

Please state what your right is to tell someone to leave Thailand, that right is held only by a Thai citizen

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Sadly if the Dubai crim gets his way the next generation will look the same as they keep the rich Chang Mai elite in the lifestyle they demand.

In you other post it is possibly not the political colours on the wristbands that you see but the nation....two sides opposed but both contain an element with a common want for their country...common ground is there. There is hope.

Of course if the poor and north continue to benefit from the raise in standard of living at the rate they have over the last 10 years that would be just great.

Someone without the the corruption but business sense of Thaksin and without the arrogance, manipulation and corruption of the Dems that would be nice. I also live in hope.

Thaksins business sense is self, acquired mainly through his position in Government. There is the greed problem.

There has been more corruption in the last 3 years than anything the Dems could have dreamed about.

Arrogance lies mainly in the FAMILY and hangers on.

Let the courts decide who has been corrupt. Time is Thailands hope, NOT quick elections before the PTP can be raked over in the courts about unaccounted money.

But Gin the current gov have only been in for 2 1/2. sorry bud but as much as i dont like thaksin he did all right for the country paid off its crippling debts and raised the poor standard of living about 60% , better than anyone previously, brought hope to the north and a voice they will always have now.

Good men do bad things and power corrupts we all know this, so he used the north.... end result is hes not here but the north is booming .. now why is that ? because the good done outlasts the bad.

Every academic of note accepts the good done in those early years they should not be pretended as bad because they wernt, i dont even like admitting it myself but its simple undeniable fact.

Suthep on the other hand has done sweet FA but feather his own nest and his handlers ... now if you want to compare the two I will come down on the side of Thaksin every single time because he at least benefited millions and it will continue to and never tried to stop the people from voting whereas Suthep .... well i dont know what his achievements have been apart from being a leader repeatedly when civilians are getting shot at by his orders at worst or acquiescence at best.

Sorry mate--totally biased-

Your statement that the government has only been in for 2 and half years means what ??? long enough to bring the country to it's knees---you know that.

Suthep appeared because of it.

Thaksin paid off crippling debts, during a world BOOM, when things were thriving, and at the same time feathered HIS nest---this was his only interest.

Please remember what he paid off was Government earned money---HIS JOB-- no favours. when everyone had money--before the world collapsed.

When you have corrupt business you kick out the management FIRST no elections needed--the courts do that --aftermath elections as I have said.

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If those do come to Bangkok ... I'll recommend to the gf that there is an untapped market maybe selling ageless face-cream to our friends from the north ... rolleyes.gif

They just look old from working hard to keep the rich BKK elite in the lifestyle they demand.

Judging by an interview with Forbes, I don't think it's The Bangkok Elites lifestyle that they are maintaining.

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