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Chalerm says he will disguise himself to arrest Suthep


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"The labour minister said he would wear moustache, sun glasses and a hat to prevent protesters from recognizing him when he would venture in disguise into the protest site together with a special police team tasked with arresting Mr Suthep."

That sounds like a lot abuse of ear medicine.

When I read things like this, it reminds me why I enjoy Thailand so much.

I know that the man is a very nasty piece of work, I know something about the scandals and cover ups which he has been involved in. I think that Yingluck would be better off without him and his ilk in her administration, but sometimes, as with this announcement, things, politics, events in this messed up country with its lovely people just make me smile!

I had better lay off the ear medicine!

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I can just imagine him and his team, All turning up with the exact same disguise, Plastic imitation glasses no lens and plastic moustache.

Clever. Like the Thomas Crown Affair movie.

great post and reply.

During my time here, Thai's with moustache's are not the norm and seem to stand out in a crowd.

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I can just imagine him and his team, All turning up with the exact same disguise, Plastic imitation glasses no lens and plastic moustache.

Clever. Like the Thomas Crown Affair movie.

During my time here, Thai's with moustache's are not the norm and seem to stand out in a crowd.

that maybe because thai men cant grow them ......

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Great how the reds have tried to turn this into another Suthep hate secession.

Would be wonderful to see Chalerm turn up with his goons and be invited up onto the stage for a friendly chat.

The vapor trail would go all the way to Denmark or wherever it was that Chalerm ran away to when he was to be investigated for extraordinary wealth.

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Great how the reds have tried to turn this into another Suthep hate secession.

Would be wonderful to see Chalerm turn up with his goons and be invited up onto the stage for a friendly chat.

The vapor trail would go all the way to Denmark or wherever it was that Chalerm ran away to when he was to be investigated for extraordinary wealth.

Suthep to the crowd "What shall we do with him?"

Guy in the crowd from The Waterboy "Cut his ******* head off."

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Chalerm says he will disguise himself two arrest Suthep ...

If there are clowns here it must be all the observations written
here in this forum ...
Who really is Mr. Chalerm?
I do not know him, but he is like all other politicians - dull - perhaps greedy and corrupt, but who is not?
So in think that a government under Mr. Suthep would be better?
just wait and see what happens ...................
All whites from Europe - England. If you are married to a Thai lady, she is probably the Thai / Cambodian and in the manner she and her village probably red shirts so dear fellow let be writing nonsens.Thanks.

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I enjoy a good laugh, and you can always rely on "Chalerm" to suply one, i have read most of the replys and have tears in my eyes and ache in my stomach, he really is wasted as an MP he should have his own stand up comedy show in the same format as the great " Dave Allen "

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If he went dressed as himself, he would look like a mafia punk. If he were to hear that, he'll take it as a compliment. He could go disguised as a tramp, just tussle his hair with some used motor oil, rub his face in a pig bucket - just leave the pink Bentley in the garage at home.

he may be in disguise, but the alcohol fumes will give him away.

That's it then. Simple and easy. He goes as an alcoholic tramp. He's already got the alcoholic part down pat. All he needs, is to get dressed in some tattered clothing, and maybe a Charlie Chaplin mustache. What to do with his bodyguards (fellow tramps?)

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Chalerm says he will disguise himself two arrest Suthep ...

If there are clowns here it must be all the observations written

here in this forum ...

Who really is Mr. Chalerm?

I do not know him, but he is like all other politicians - dull - perhaps greedy and corrupt, but who is not?

So in think that a government under Mr. Suthep would be better?

just wait and see what happens ...................

All whites from Europe - England. If you are married to a Thai lady, she is probably the Thai / Cambodian and in the manner she and her village probably red shirts so dear fellow let be writing nonsens.Thanks.




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I'd have to say it difficult to take this clown seriously

maybe you are a clown self

Maybe I am (I'm not sure what a clown self is but I'll go with the flow). But congratulations on a great post, I had to pick myself upo and dust myself down I laughed so hard.

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