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I thought Thai Beauty Queens had a penis ?

Go easy Spoonman, breasts & a penis on the same body might be too much for the Aussie to comprehend

Oh I doubt that. Below from Sydney parade.



Nearly two months past the silly season, what's with the ridiculous threads lately

Well at least the post gave you the opportunity to post a ridiculous reply
What I meant was what's the problem with being kineow? I'm kineow and proud so I probably won't be getting any beauty queen anytime soon

Drama queen does not equate to beauty queen. Her looks will fade and her ideal husband will throw her out and get a younger model.

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Sad truth is now that she's defined exactly what she's looking for, she's halfway, if she's really all that, and pursues her goal with single-minded focus she may well land her prince after kissing a few frogs.

But as always, "be careful what you wish for", most people fail in that first step, and define goals they only THINK they want, not ones that will truly make them happy.


Thai beauty queen? Is she an ex miss Thailand? a FHM model? Sexy magazine model?

Beauty queen or beaty queer.

Thai golddiggers are funny. This chick is not on the mia noi/gik radar of Thai sugardaddies anymore. So only option are the farangs.


someone needs to tell her they only want to rent it, not buy the bloody thing.In the early 70's in Australia we had some of the best female impersonator shows going, the cross was notorious for them so we probaly got a good head start on a lot of people, even back then some were hard to tell if they were female or not, know more than one guy that went for the grab and ended up with meat and two veg.

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If this story is true than I have no doubts this attractive woman will find the mug she is looking for, in fact I guess they will be queueing up in the hope of being her future intended.

I have known and still know many men who like domineering women and becoming the long and suffering, falling under the spells of some desirable female flesh. There is one born every minute and without too much effort she will find them or they will find her.

So true but it's all about education and most guys coming into Thailand wouldn't know any better, they'd be willing to pay for whatever it takes until it goes belly up.

The link below was posted on another thread but I found this in the comments, its a hard blow but it sums things up. http://aeon.co/magazine/living-together/why-young-women-in-rural-china-become-the-mistresses-of-wealthy-older-men/

And as for getting a Vietnamese bride- that's just a tiny proportion of Singaporean men- mostly those uneducated poor ones over 50 years of age who were born and raised when Singapore was still a poor Third World Country. Again no different than the old, poor, uneducated White trash who go to Thailand and the Philippines to marry poverty stricken uneducated women.

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I don't know what's more astounding: the value some women put on what's between their legs or the sheer stupidity of the men in pursuit and the lengths they'll go to in order to access it exclusively.

I guess some guys are just born to pay

I guess I'm one of those just born-to-pay. Since I've been with the girl -- with my assistance, financial, legal, and otherwise -- she has gone from a net worth of about zero to well in excess of 100 million baht.


If this conversation ever happened, then it was said in jest and has been put out as actual. IMHO, no hi-so Thai woman would ever have said No. 3 in the OP:

3.She wants a husband who will take care of any children and do any work that needs to be done. Provide an income for her, clean the house etc.

She would demote her husband to that? That is what minions are for, more servants, the more hi-so.......................wink.png

Sort of BS you might expect from a farm girl living her life watching Thai soaps.

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