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How much is enough for the wife's monthly allowance?


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your lies and made up stories are between ridiculous and sick.

if you want to try and con people into believing anything you have to say, may i suggest keeping your posts consistant

it was only two weeks ago you were telling a completley different pack of lies

others may not remember, but as i had an extended argument with you with lasted a couple of days, i can clearly remember your lies.

and i have gone and retrieved the lies you wrote from the topic regarding thai's social skill or lack of.

I have copied and pasted a couple of them here just to prove my point

anyone wishing to seek more verification of this can easily go back and look at the thread reaarding " are thais berfit of all social skills"

people will be able to read the endless pages containing your creative lies

what a sad pathetic loser you are.

i dont care if i get suspended for saying so either.

better i get suspended, if it means other posters get to see what a complete weirdo and liar you really are.

i knew a couple of weeks ago you were a liar and a fraud but had no way to prove it.

but now i do...

just out of interest, you were here since 1967 have since had four wives and seen a dozen marriage guidence coucellers, was these councellers here in thailand.... lol

your fourth wife was a hooker (according to your post today) who died 10 years ago

but last week you said your wife was 30 years younger than you, works in an office and calls you twice a day!

the numbers dont add up, in fact they are just as ridiculous as your lies

I like many others were stationed here in the military in the late 1960's. After serving two tours of duty in South East Asia in went back to the States and returned to Thailand to retire. You have made a number of false assumptions.

I liked Thailand when I was here in the 1960's and still have friends from that time. I like it even better now. I think paying ones wife is up to the couple and has nothing to do with the normalcy of the relationship. You apparently feel you are better than some because you pay your wife less. I find that not polite.

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Tyler 2208 your flames are getting out of control. My wife died in the US and I came to Thailand and remarried. That is not against the law or an unusual event. I suggest you remove the copies of my posts from another thread because they have no relevance to this thread.

im not removing anything,

as far as i am concerned they are relavent, because they highlight your lies

i dont want to argue with anyone, especially you, but i feel people need to be made aware of this.

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now thailiketoo is trying to start a private conversation with me

thailiketoo has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "Excited".


copied and pasted from my inbox


20) Not to post personal messages from other members, whether in full or in part. I was trying to save you some embarrassment by explaining some things that you misinterpreted. But if you want to violate further rules like #20 go ahead. My advice is calm down. You seem over excited about an internet forum.

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The problem is, with questions like the op in forums like these is

there is such a wide spectrum of view points and opinions based on each members personal circumstances.

it is not the same as sitting down with a close friend or group of friends of a similar age and in relatively similar circumstances.

an example of this can be seen above where one poster states that "he is not interested in an independent career minded girl"

where as i personally would only be interested in an independent career minded girl and that is exactly what i married.

for me, the thought of dating or marrying a girl much younger than me, with little education that requires me to support her and family is just ridiculous.

what would i possibly have in common with a peasant farm girl? what we discuss, what common interests would we share?

for me, these things are important in a relationship and is usually why people date each other before marriage, to see if we are compatable and see if we share common beliefs, opinions and interests.

many farang men can't even have an adult conversation with their wives due to language barrier and lack of similar education and backgrounds

but as i said this is all about our personal expectations and also personal circumstances.

I am 37, have lived here since I was 9 years old, went to school here and work here etc

without trying to be cocky, i have never had a problem with meeting the type of woman that i like (before i was married), maybe i had more access to these types of women because i have grown up here and their is no language barrier etc.

my point is though, if you compare my expectations and circumstances to the one of the above posters who stated "he is an old unattractive farang and does not want an independent career minded girl"

comparing us would be like comparing apples and oranges and thus are going to lead to obvious conflict of opinions and probably are never going to see or understand each others point of you.

not that i would want to, but could you imagine the reaction from my thai parents if i would have bought home a bar girl/prostitute or even a peasant farm girl who was clearly with me for money and said i want to marry this girl.

ad i said there is a wide spectrum of members of this forum, all with their own reasons for being here, different expectations and criteria with regard to the women they seek/choose..

there really are far to many variables for the op to expect to get an answer to his question that all posters agree on.

see i have no problem with the posts like that of the "old unattractive farang" who is realistic about his expectations and circumstances.

i have grown up seeing old farang men walking around with young peasant girls, everyone knows what their both in it for, its like temples and soi dogs... part of the scene

the poster above even stated himself " that if he had an independent career minded girl, that once she became more successful she would leave him, because why would she want an old unattractive farang"

i personally would not choose to live my life the way he does, but i think he deserves some respect because he is honest enough with himself to accept the reality of his situation and personal circumstances and makes no attempt to try and disguise the fact or pretend the relationship is anything more than a business relationship.

i do however have a problem with posters that are in similar situations (through choice, thats remember that) but try and pretend that their "marriage is a normal setup" and will attack other posters that claim to be in what is deemed a more "normal marriage"

yes in the west many men are supporting a western wife and is often the sole provider for the home/family unit.

but thats be honest, in most (not all) cases they probably met when both the man and woman had jobs/careers, then date each other before marrying or starting a family and the lady is closer to the mans age

in most cases the woman is already quite capable of supporting herself financially and therefore not out actively seeking a man with money so she can give up her job and do nothing.

yes of course there are exceptions, but im not talking about gold diggers, just normal everyday women.

then in a lot of cases the woman will give up her job to stay at home and raise the children leaving the husband as the sole provider

obviously these days more and more women continue to work even after marrying and having children to either help out financially or because they enjoy working and wish to continue to pursue their careers

this does not just happen in the west but also here.

the main difference here is that many farangs choose to marry peasants and the peasants are often in it for the money

in the west it is very unusual for a man (even as the sole provider for the home) to be supporting his wife's parents or entire family.

what ever people want to say, or whatever arguments that are put forward

it does not change the fact that thailand is internationally famous for producing these kind of relationships between foreign men and thai ladies, i.e relationships based more on a financial arrangement more so than real love and commitment.

if a foreign man meets and dates a thai women with an education, a job and her own income and comes from a self supporting family, who is not motivated by money to date an " apparently rich foreigner" then it is different

if later down the line, they decide to start a family, the lady give up work to take care of the home and children thus leaving the husband/foreigner as the sole provider, then i see no problem with that and is comparable with many relationships in the west

but in thailand especially between farang/thai relationships the above scenario is often not the case.

when i met my wife, she already a good job her own money, a mortgage on a house with her mum,

i already had my own condo, also land in my name (i have thai nationality)

and my thai (adopted parents) have their own property and money)

my wife still pays the mortgage with her mum, she just bought a new car which she also pays for, other than that we share everything, all the bills, if we eat out we share the cost.

never in all the years we have been together has there ever been one supporting the other, we both work hard and enjoy are jobs.

her mum still works and will receive a pension when she retires and has never needed help from us ever, in fact her mum has helped us out at times.

my wife nor her family are "hi-so's) and certainly not rich, my wife has only just finished paying off her university loans (yes they have those here, for those that say education is not an option for many)

there have been hard times (financially) but we worked together as a team to get through them, that is a marriage... in my opinion...

the fact is, is that normal relationships/marriages exist here in thailand, if people are willing to invest the time needed to seek the right lady and work at the relationship.

i have a problem with members that have the "financial arrangement" type relationship but try and call it a real marriage... it is an insult to those of us who have worked hard or continue to work hard at a real marriage, a marriage where the couple is there for each other through thick and thin.

like i said i dont have a problem with people that choose financially based "relationships" if they are honest enough to stick to the facts and admit what it is.

but in some cases, members of this forum feel the need to snigger or scorn other members when we say we are in "normal relationships" or make comments like "we all pay in the end mate" bla bla... it is just not true

if someone wants to come on to a forum and stupid questions of how much to pay his his wife then he is obviously going to be met with some contempt from people who consider themselves to be in a real marriage.

maybe it's time for "thai visa"'to open more categories for these kind of posts

because this is like asking the yellow's and the red's to share an open forum relating to a particular subject and then asking them to get along....

sorry for the long long post and im sure it will be met with the usual "get of your high horse" mob etc etc which will just prove my point even more with regard to more sub categories for members.

maybe they should have a thai visa forum forum for men married to hookers or money motivated farm girls, then the posters in that forum will be in similar situations and probably be able to contribute a lot more effectively to op's like this.

it would surely help reduce the petty squabbling between posters.

try having 1 forum for christians and muslims to share and then let someone post "who is the real god" and see what happens.

anyway sorry again for the long post.

You wrote, "but in some cases, members of this forum feel the need to snigger or scorn other members when we say we are in "normal relationships" or make comments like "we all pay in the end mate" bla bla... it is just not true."

I have been married four times legally and have been to over a dozen marriage counselors in more than one country. I beg to differ, it is true.

See there is the rub.

My favorite marriage counselors were two board certified psychiatrists (that means MD and Dr. of Psychiatry.) Quote, "Well if you put it that way of course you pay for it."

I think you are trying to be reasonable and make sense but your whole long argument is based on a lie.

I married a hooker. She was my 4th wife. She left me 10 years, 23 days, 12 hours and 6 minutes ago.

Since she's been gone I can do whatever I want. I can see whomever I choose. I would have paid anything and it would have been cheap to keep her. Because nothing compared to her.

She died 10 years, 23 days, 12 hours and 6 minutes ago and I would have paid anything to keep her alive. Money had nothing to do with it.

It would reduce the petty squabbling between posters if you didn't act like God. You don't know if we all pay in the end......yet.

so if you are remarried now, how come you can do what you want and see who you want ?

and if in fact you are remarried again that would be 5 wives and not 4 wouldn't it

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Inflammatory posts have been removed. Posts with messed up quotes have been removed, please learn to use the Multiquote and Quote functions, then it is easier to see who said what.

yes, sorry. i dont know how to do what you said, thats why i just copied and pasted what he said

i just dont think what he is doing is right or fair

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so if you are remarried now, how come you can do what you want and see who you want ?

and if in fact you are remarried again that would be 5 wives and not 4 wouldn't it

I have a traditional Thai marriage. We were married by monks in our home with 250 guests/witnesses to the marriage.

It's what her mother wanted and OK with me. I would say that doing what I want and seeing who I want are in keeping with a traditional Thai marriage. All of the Thai men who I know do pretty much what they want and see who they want.

That would not have been my interpretation of a traditional American marriage. In America that would have be called fooling around with a college girl young enough to be your grand daughter.

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You're overlooking a major difference between peasants in your country and those here in Thailand. In your country, peasants have access to benefits. And so do their parents.

In Thailand, peasants often have nothing and yet are still expected to support their parents (who also have nothing). Marrying a Thai peasant is a major financial commitment when compared to marrying a western peasant.


I never get why overseas guys travel so far and spend so much, only to leave Thailand with so little.

It doesn't HAVE TO BE a "major financial commitment" if you get them young and poor enough.

"if you get them young and poor enough"

If your expectations and self-esteem are so low that you're prepared to consider this option then your best bet would be to go back to your own country and get some therapy. It really sounds as though you need it.

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You're overlooking a major difference between peasants in your country and those here in Thailand. In your country, peasants have access to benefits. And so do their parents.

In Thailand, peasants often have nothing and yet are still expected to support their parents (who also have nothing). Marrying a Thai peasant is a major financial commitment when compared to marrying a western peasant.


I never get why overseas guys travel so far and spend so much, only to leave Thailand with so little.

It doesn't HAVE TO BE a "major financial commitment" if you get them young and poor enough.

"if you get them young and poor enough"

If your expectations and self-esteem are so low that you're prepared to consider this option then your best bet would be to go back to your own country and get some therapy. It really sounds as though you need it.

i agree with you, but i believe that this is another troll, i think its troll season

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i have grown up seeing old farang men walking around with young peasant girls, everyone knows what their both in it for, its like temples and soi dogs...

Do you mean that decrepit farang men are like temples and their peasant girlfriends are like soi dogs?

I agree with the soi dog part, but I'm not too sure about the temple metaphor.

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i have grown up seeing old farang men walking around with young peasant girls, everyone knows what their both in it for, its like temples and soi dogs...

Do you mean that decrepit farang men are like temples and their peasant girlfriends are like soi dogs?

I agree with the soi dog part, but I'm not too sure about the temple metaphor.

lol i actually just meant that old farang with young poor peasant girls, seems to be part of the daily scene in thailand, along with temples and soi dogs...

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Now if you have stopped the flaming I'll mention my original point. A relationship is not normal or abnormal depending on the amount of money one partner gives the other. Money has nothing to do with the morality of a relationship. If the OP wants to give his partner money who is anyone here to cast aspersions on his choice to do so, Or imply that they are somehow more moral or a better person because they give their wife or partner less money than another person.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Now if you have stopped the flaming I'll mention my original point. A relationship is not normal or abnormal depending on the amount of money one partner gives the other. Money has nothing to do with the morality of a relationship. If the OP wants to give his partner money who is anyone here to cast aspersions on his choice to do so, Or imply that they are somehow more moral or a better person because they give their wife or partner less money than another person.

In a normal relation you are right. But here a lot of girls/women demand money to stay with their boyfriend or husband. And very often also money to a few relatives.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Now if you have stopped the flaming I'll mention my original point. A relationship is not normal or abnormal depending on the amount of money one partner gives the other. Money has nothing to do with the morality of a relationship. If the OP wants to give his partner money who is anyone here to cast aspersions on his choice to do so, Or imply that they are somehow more moral or a better person because they give their wife or partner less money than another person.

In a normal relation you are right. But here a lot of girls/women demand money to stay with their boyfriend or husband.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There are women that have never heard the word no from a man. There are women who have received kingdoms with the wink of an eye. It is in the giving. Some women don't have to ask nor demand. It has nothing to do with normal or abnormal. Some women have "it" and some don't. So why try to base your opinion of the relationship on the gifts a woman may possess from the creator?

It is in the nature of things for a man to protect a woman. That may mean clubbing the caveman next door or it may mean giving her money to buy groceries or a dress. Some things change but that innate thing in the nature of man to protect his mate has not changed. How he protects her may change but not the instinct for protection.

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Now if you have stopped the flaming I'll mention my original point. A relationship is not normal or abnormal depending on the amount of money one partner gives the other. Money has nothing to do with the morality of a relationship. If the OP wants to give his partner money who is anyone here to cast aspersions on his choice to do so, Or imply that they are somehow more moral or a better person because they give their wife or partner less money than another person.

In a normal relation you are right. But here a lot of girls/women demand money to stay with their boyfriend or husband. And very often also money to a few relatives.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

my point exactly, which i wrote in my post, it depends on the circumstances

but thailiketoo is a well known troll here, he takes

peoples posts and twists what the poster sais to suit his own argument.

like i said he is just a troll.

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Now if you have stopped the flaming I'll mention my original point. A relationship is not normal or abnormal depending on the amount of money one partner gives the other. Money has nothing to do with the morality of a relationship. If the OP wants to give his partner money who is anyone here to cast aspersions on his choice to do so, Or imply that they are somehow more moral or a better person because they give their wife or partner less money than another person.

In a normal relation you are right. But here a lot of girls/women demand money to stay with their boyfriend or husband. And very often also money to a few relatives.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

my point exactly, which i wrote in my post, it depends on the circumstances

but thailiketoo is a well known troll here, he takes

peoples posts and twists what the poster sais to suit his own argument.

like i said he is just a troll.

People have come to use the word ‘troll’ to mean, ‘It made me angry on the Internet." When you attack me instead of what I have written or my ideas that is Abusive ad hominem usually involves attacking the traits of an opponent as a means to invalidate their arguments. Equating someone's character with the soundness of their argument is a logical fallacy.

Because you disagree with me and can present no logical alternative does not mean I am a troll. It means you have been shown to be in error.

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We allow my wife's niece 25K a month while she's at university up in Khon Kaen which includes digs, books, to run a scoot and a fun, comfortable lifestyle which is what university is all about in spite of what academics seem to ...

When the wife and I retire (not too far off) she will be the earner of the family (we hope) so will take up the reins of financial responsibility from us, her Uncle and my in-laws, all of who both recently retired so for us we see it as an investment albeit one for the good of the family.

After that she will never work as she will have to take a 10,000 baht a month cut if she is lucky enough to get a job. The mind boggles.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by maprao
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1. Posting previous posts out of context that have nothing to do with this topic is flaming. 2. Learn how to use the quote function and everyone will know what each person said.

My point is, "A relationship is not normal or abnormal depending on the amount of money one partner gives the other. Money has nothing to do with the morality of a relationship. If the OP wants to give his partner money who is anyone here to cast aspersions on his choice to do so, Or imply that they are somehow more moral or a better person because they give their wife or partner less money than another person."

I fail to see how anything you have posted is related to my post positive or negative. You were in error when you posted that normal relationships don't involve giving your partner money. I am still pointing out that fact. Yelling troll does not change the fact that you are in error.

no you are in error, if you actually take the time to read peoples posts in full then you would realise that you are talking absolute nonsense as usual

you are a first class bafoon and a troll

my post clearly stated it is about the circumstances that money is given that makes a relationship normal or abnormal

if a women is married to a man purely for money, then it is not a real marriage

plain and simple... bit like you really

p.s you are still a lying troll

Tyler wrote, "but in some cases, members of this forum feel the need to snigger or scorn other members when we say we are in "normal relationships" or make comments like "we all pay in the end mate" bla bla... it is just not true

if someone wants to come on to a forum and stupid questions of how much to pay his his wife then he is obviously going to be met with some contempt from people who consider themselves to be in a real marriage."

I wrote, "A relationship is not normal or abnormal depending on the amount of money one partner gives the other. Money has nothing to do with the morality of a relationship. If the OP wants to give his partner money who is anyone here to cast aspersions on his choice to do so, Or imply that they are somehow more moral or a better person because they give their wife or partner less money than another person."

Tyler wrote, "i do however have a problem with posters that are in similar situations (through choice, thats remember that) but try and pretend that their "marriage is a normal setup" and will attack other posters that claim to be in what is deemed a more "normal marriage"

End quote

Nope. Normal setup in my opinion has nothing with money. Normal marriage has nothing to do with money. Too many differences in too many places. When using the words normal or abnormal you should not use money as it is not significant in determining if a marriage is normal. Who are you or who am I to tell another person what is normal?

Because you pay more or less than I makes no difference to anybody about anything.

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Anyone can define any word how they like, doesn't make it so.

People can choose to marry for whatever reason they like doesn't make it any less a marriage.

In some people's JUDGEMENT it might be a less happy or "valid" marriage, but really that's nobody's business but the people involved.

People used to think same-sex marriage is somehow less a marriage, these days few agree.

Some people think how long a marriage lasts is a measure of its success, or that there's something wrong with getting married many times in one lifetime.

May even be more than two people involved, doesn't make it less a marriage.

Whatever floats your boat, live and let live.

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no troll, you have openly admitted to marrying hookers and paying women for affection

i have never said i pay less, i said i pay nothing, me and my wife share all costs

i also said there should be different forums for people like you and me

after all you are old, with 4 failed marriages behind you and well into destroying your 5th

you marry hookers and pay for the attention of girls that are only just above the legal age (yes i have read many of your prior posts) and i really would not be surprised if you are wanted by interpol in some part of the world

why would you and i ever see eye to eye about anything.

i have read posts of yours where you claim to openly try and have sex with young girls for money

yet you also state you have a loving caring wife who cares about you, calls you twice a day to check on your health

your slime sir


I get affection from my dog. I give her food and attention and she gives me affection. I don't remember getting much affection for money.

When I go out for dinner and I pay 1000 baht and my wife pays 1000 baht did I pay for dinner? Yes I paid 1000 baht or 50%. Would she have eaten at a restaurant that charged 2000 baht for a dinner for two? No, she never did before she met me. So I paid 1000 for dinner. It makes no difference that she also paid 1000 baht.

If we share everything, I allow her to live a higher standard of living than if she lived alone. There is a big difference between a 20,000 per month house and a 10,000 baht per month house. Together she can afford a 20,000 baht house.

Is there a difference between you sharing and me giving? Sure but only a percentage. And only in your mind. You still give your wife money. You call it sharing. OK fine. We both give our wives money. Perhaps I give a higher percent than you? I don't know. Nor does anyone care. It does not make your relationship better or more moral than mine or any different than mine.

So, stop patting yourself on the back. We all like to take care of women. It's hardwired into the male brain.

Are you a better husband because you are faithful? How important is it in Thai culture? It is only one thing out of many that make a relationship. So I wouldn't get too excited about it.

You have called me a lot of names. That tells me you are not a polite person. Is politeness important in Thai culture?

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I am a little confused.

tyler wrote in post #295

"I am 37, have lived here since I was 9 years old, went to school here and work here etc"

Then he wrote in post #300

"I am 30 years older than my wife and she calls to make sure I'm alive. Many health problems have a time limit of 4 hours. If one can get to a hospital in 4 hours corrective action can be taken. That's why she calls. Or I text her and she calls to tell me what I should pick up from the store."

if i am not mistaken either he is a young 37 year old married to a 7 year old or he is an old guy with a wife calling him every 4 hrs or less thinking he is going to die.

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I am a little confused.

tyler wrote in post #295

"I am 37, have lived here since I was 9 years old, went to school here and work here etc"

Then he wrote in post #300

"I am 30 years older than my wife and she calls to make sure I'm alive. Many health problems have a time limit of 4 hours. If one can get to a hospital in 4 hours corrective action can be taken. That's why she calls. Or I text her and she calls to tell me what I should pick up from the store."

if i am not mistaken either he is a young 37 year old married to a 7 year old or he is an old guy with a wife calling him every 4 hrs or less thinking he is going to die.

no thats thailiketoo's post about his wife calling 4 times a day i am 37 my wife is 37 i have been here since i was 9

i think where i have copied and pasted some of thailiketoo's previous posts to expose his lies it has caused some confusion as to who wrote what

sorry for that

but i am 37 and my wife is 2 months older than me

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thailiketoo is the winner of these arguments. clap2.gif

He remained respectful and did not provoke tyler2208.

tyler2208 puts up a good fight but he lost his cool.

Finished !

There's no absolute right or wrong. Life's not that simple.

Please take a break and chill out if the forum becomes too stressful.

Edited by RandomSand
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Please remember that hundreds of people besides the posters are investing time reading these threads, some perhaps are entertained by such personal bickering, but I'm guessing most are here for factual information, or at least informed opinions on relevant topics, would prefer a higher signal-to-noise ratio.

Better to just avoid personal attacks and focus on exchanging information and useful opinions.

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15k should be plenty. Depends on the standard of course. I would tell her any money she gives to her family is up to her and you're not the one giving $ to the family. Give her a set amount and that's all. She can learn to budget like everyone else that way. If she's not going to school then a job is in order. Don't do anything different than you would in your home country, e.g. buy house in her name, etc

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Please remember that hundreds of people besides the posters are investing time reading these threads, some perhaps are entertained by such personal bickering, but I'm guessing most are here for factual information, or at least informed opinions on relevant topics, would prefer a higher signal-to-noise ratio.

Better to just avoid personal attacks and focus on exchanging information and useful opinions.

Trust FunFon to chip in with his usual moralizing.

In case you don't already know, FunFon is the character who cheated his landlady out of rent. He's been banned from this forum dozens of times.

Isn't that right, "wym"?

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