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How much is enough for the wife's monthly allowance?


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And I completely agree we old fat unattractive fellows SHOULDN"T NEED to pay for it, but since "it" is the enthusiastic companionship of young athletic and beautiful girls eager to please us, it seems we do indeed NEED to As for the TGs being all young, athletic and beautiful, well that certainly applies to all that I personally have taken on. All these are certainly in the eye of the beholder, and from what I've seen many are willing to compromise - in fact some claim they're actually better off with older slack and plain, why I can't imagine.

I've noticed young and beautiful = dull and non-participatory (might as well buy a blowup doll).

Not had your throughput so that might not be a big enough sample.

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I've noticed young and beautiful = dull and non-participatory (might as well buy a blowup doll).

Not had your throughput so that might not be a big enough sample.

Enthusiasm and eagerness to please are also key prerequisites.

Key is avoiding those been spoiled by previous less demanding partners and especially any exposure to the sex industry.

Haven't tried training them in trapeze, but dance, gymnastics and yoga have proven excellent disciplines.

And kegel weight-lifting of course, but have to bring the equipment in from overseas.

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I give 75,000 per month, I wanted her to give up work so I pay her instead.

She gave me a good deal, considering what she used to earn being the number one superstar in Baby GoGo, she has taken a cut in pay.

Thats nothing sir

My lady is a hi-so from Bangkok,with a very rich family,and she gives me 50,000 baht a month to look after my mia noi from soi cowboy,and gik,she is so understanding.I think this is fair,as she spends 40,000 bsht a month on whiteners.

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There are truth love in Thai lady, I know one Germany guy stay in Pattaya after he bankrupt from business his Thai wife borrow money to buy cigarette for him. Never left him in rich or poor. Not all Thai lady saying 'No money,No honey" it wasn't true.

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Operational security has to trump casual socializing.

If I had a grow op running, same same, even where it's legal - why go looking for trouble, much less invite it in te door?

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Operational security has to trump casual socializing.

If I had a grow op running, same same, even where it's legal - why go looking for trouble, much less invite it in te door?

Why develop a lifestyle over your 15 years in Thailand where there are so many who you would not want to have show up at your door?

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Operational security has to trump casual socializing.

If I had a grow op running, same same, even where it's legal - why go looking for trouble, much less invite it in te door?

Why develop a lifestyle over your 15 years in Thailand where there are so many who you would not want to have show up at your door?

I don't have a "lifestyle", I live my life, for myself not to please others.

The few times I take a properly prepared SO out to meet my farang acquaintances and coworkers they're impressed enough anyway with the end result, no need for them to see how the sausage is made.

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Operational security has to trump casual socializing.

If I had a grow op running, same same, even where it's legal - why go looking for trouble, much less invite it in te door?

Why develop a lifestyle over your 15 years in Thailand where there are so many who you would not want to have show up at your door?

I don't have a "lifestyle", I live my life, for myself not to please others.

The few times I take a properly prepared SO out to meet my farang acquaintances and coworkers they're impressed enough anyway with the end result, no need for them to see how the sausage is made.

properly prepared SO

Ah, so FunFon (aka Johnny) has finally got round to discussing his "finishing school". You just can't stop yourself Johnny, can you. Every one of your numerous banned accounts leads up to this moment.

For those of you not familiar with the sequence, it goes like this:

1.The incessant moralizing.

2. The endless crud about how there's nothing wrong with being a sex worker.

3. The introduction to "my program".

And when the schizophrenic gets banned, it comes back and starts all over again.

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Operational security has to trump casual socializing.

If I had a grow op running, same same, even where it's legal - why go looking for trouble, much less invite it in te door?

Why develop a lifestyle over your 15 years in Thailand where there are so many who you would not want to have show up at your door?

I don't have a "lifestyle", I live my life, for myself not to please others.

The few times I take a properly prepared SO out to meet my farang acquaintances and coworkers they're impressed enough anyway with the end result, no need for them to see how the sausage is made.

Well if you only live your life for yourself and not for others why the need to sometimes have --

... full-fledged background check required, character references from respected people that deal with me on a daily basis, testimonials from others I've sponsored.

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properly prepared SO

Ah, so FunFon (aka Johnny) has finally got round to discussing his "finishing school". You just can't stop yourself Johnny, can you. Every one of your numerous banned accounts leads up to this moment.

For those of you not familiar with the sequence, it goes like this:

1.The incessant moralizing.

2. The endless crud about how there's nothing wrong with being a sex worker.

3. The introduction to "my program".

And when the schizophrenic gets banned, it comes back and starts all over again.

Good example of the troll thread. TheUsualGarbage wants to censor another poster but can't figure out a way to do it so starts name calling.

TUG, unless you are the arbitrator of morals here on Thai Visa. If you disagree with something the man has said why not post it?

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I cannot fathom "paying" wife gf what ever....Thai couples work so can she. If you wanna get involved with village girls and the like or women with village mentality the precedent has been set by a number of expats before you.

15,000 is plenty if she cant manage on that she should be smart enough to get a job and you should show some authority, me i would have worked it out long before i slipped that ring on her finger and if she reneged id walk....no shortage of women in Thailand.

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Well if you only live your life for yourself and not for others why the need to sometimes have --

... full-fledged background check required, character references from respected people that deal with me on a daily basis, testimonials from others I've sponsored.

You've built up quite the reference database there.


Establishing bona fides in service to tactical goals is different from engineering a whole lifestyle with the purpose of impressing others.

I know nothing about this troll stuff -- it's just kinda fun chasing Harvey-the-Rabbit:

the story of Elwood P. Dowd, an endlessly pleasant & delightfully eccentric bachelor who makes friends with a spirit taking the form of a human-sized rabbit named Harvey that only certain people can see...

After his sister tries to commit him to a mental institution, a comedy of errors ensues. Elwood and Harvey become the catalysts for a family mending its wounds and for romance blossoming in unexpected places.

Sounds like I should watch that - and note it turns out Harvey's real after all

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Haven't tried training them in trapeze, but dance, gymnastics and yoga have proven excellent disciplines.

And kegel weight-lifting of course, but have to bring the equipment in from overseas.

Think I'll get them to work on this next, but with each other, I'll just watch:

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She's not sent me any money this month....I think she spent it all on clothes....;-)

Mate, any idea what she's getting you for Valentines Day?

I got nothing....apparently its not a Buddhist event.

So I took my revenge and went to the pub and got drunk. biggrin.png

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sometimes I get up in the morning and after checking out of few other things go to the General forum on ThaiVisa and I see 10 of these lined up like cherries on a slot machine -- so how is that considered stalking?


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