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Thai Police in position to retake Bangkok rally sites


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You seem to forget the first people killed in 2010 were the soldiers that were killed by the reds including a high ranking Colonel. Your selective memory must be very convenient for you.

Actually the first person to die on April 10th 2010 was a UDD supporter who was shot by the army in the afternoon.

Please cite a source to aid my poor memory. Would like to know the circumstances surrounding the incident.

For "poor memory".read "selective memory"

Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Before everyone explodes with indignation and self-righteousness about 2010 contra 2014, consider this.

Today's police action is but an incredibly transparent manoeuvre to try and justify the SofE that is currently under consideration by the Civil Court.

After the last days' defeats; refusal by the courts to extend imprisonment of Sonthiyarn, the refusal of the deportation order for Sehgal, the 'unfreezing of Dr Seri's accounts and the 'leaking' of the list of suspected PDRC supporters. to have the SofE declared illegal would be an even more serious blow to CMPO and Chalerm and Yingluck/Thaksin personally.

Seen in this light, a propaganda exercise played out for the 'red' faithful and the Civil Court, it is no surprise that the police just turned up, played street-cleaner and moved off again. Expect a press-conference later today with Chalerm proudly displaying grenades and automatic weapons 'found' at the protest site.

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You seem to forget the first people killed in 2010 were the soldiers that were killed by the reds including a high ranking Colonel. Your selective memory must be very convenient for you.

Actually the first person to die on April 10th 2010 was a UDD supporter who was shot by the army in the afternoon.

Please cite a source to aid my poor memory. Would like to know the circumstances surrounding the incident.

For "poor memory".read "selective memory"

Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The Red Terrorists had killed military personnel long before April 10th, 2010.

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Very funny, some policeman on the Asia Update channel just now ( aka the red propaganda channel ) giving a live statement. Not carried by any other channel, I flicked through all my Thai channels while he was wittering through his written statement he was made to read and not one other channel thought it was important. VERY FUNNY ! Shows what the tv media in general think about the situation doesn't it .clap2.gif

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Two bomb explosions at protest site near Govt House
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Feb 14 – Two bombs exploded near Makkawan Bridge on Rajdamnoen Avenue this morning as police combed the demonstrator-occupied area, injuring a Thai reporter.

The first explosion was reported at around 10.45am during a confrontation between police and anti-government protesters.

Police said a home-made bomb, hidden near a barricade of sandbags, exploded as police were removing the sandbags. There were no induries.

The second explosion was at 11.15 am as police moved out of Makkawan Bridge and protesters were about to move in.

A reporter from Siam Rath newspaper, identified as Vacharin Klinmali, was injured and rushed to a nearby hospital.

There was a minor clash before police retreated from the area.

Metropolitan Police Commander Kamronwit Thoopkrachang led a group of police to raid the area from Missakawan intersection to Makkawan intersection on Ratchdamnoen Road in an attempt to retake the area and Government House which has been sealed off by protesters of the Network of Students and People for Reform of Thailand for the last few months.

Police said the raid was aimed at reopening traffic near the Royal Plaza to prepare for the annual Red Cross fair.

Protesters who were alerted last night moved out of the area early this morning before the police raid.

Caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yubamrung, in his capacity as director of the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO), said the prime minister has instructed police to be lenient to protesters in the operations to retake occupied areas.

He described the raid as successful and said the weapons seized at the protest ground displayed the protesters’ intention to topple the government and force the prime minister to resign.

Mr Chalerm called on Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary general of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee, to show his responsibility by calling off the demonstrations.

He said police would not retake the occupied area near Government House at Nang Lerng intersection because the protesters have relocated elsewhere.

Mr Chalerm said the CMPO would map out a new plan to again seize the government buildings.

“We will not retake Government Complex on Chaeng Wattana Road because it is Makha Puja Day today. We ask protesters to immediately move out of the area and return home,” he said. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-02-14

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There was a minor clash before police retreated from the area.


Protesters who were alerted last night moved out of the area early this morning before the police raid.


He described the raid as successful and said the weapons seized at the protest ground displayed the protesters’ intention to topple the government and force the prime minister to resign.


He said police would not retake the occupied area near Government House at Nang Lerng intersection because the protesters have relocated elsewhere.

Mr Chalerm said the CMPO would map out a new plan to again seize the government buildings.

Is it just me or are there some inconsistencies in this report...

Chalerm declares it successful, however the police have retreated and now the police need a 'new plan' to retake the area...

Methinks Chalerm hit the bottle hard today, he must be soo stressed because he makes himself look like a fool at every possible turn...

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And whether you like it or not, this caretaker government have been caught lying, cheating and acting illegally. Being elected doesn't mean you are above the law, although they have tried very hard to put themselves in that position. They dissolved parliament and face numerous corruption charges, as well as still refusing to answer questions on illegal behavior.

No country in the world would tolerate a government openly cavorting, influenced and even instructed by a fugitive convicted criminal fraudster with such massive amounts of money being unaccounted.

And no country in the world would replace then with equally corrupt morons like Suthep. Both as bad as each other.

Equally corrupt ?

Well, call me crazy but I don't remember the Democrat party ever :

appointing terrorists as MP's ( Nuttawat, Jatuporn, Arisman )

any reports of them getting their sons off of murder charges ( Chalerm )

or welcoming 200+ convicted electoral fraudsters into their party.

I do not remember them openly cavorting with a fugitive ex member on the run or allowing him to run the party

Giving a diplomatic passport to a convicted fugitive on the run.

or pissing away ( stealing a large sum of ) 800 billion baht on some crazy hairbrained populist scam to buy votes.

Not to mention Taksin's litany of wrongdoings including failing to bribe the judge and running away.

etc. etc. etc.

To call anyone else 'equally corrupt' is a very specious argument at best without lots of evidence. Land deal, palm oil blah blah blah whatever. By far the lesser of two evils and Suteb HAS STATED MANY TIMES that he will have no further role in government. So can we stop with the specious hyperbolic crap and stick to facts please ? Thank you.

By the way, correct me if I am wrong, please, go ahead, try and justify the PT criminals actions.

Kasit the Foreign Minister - important full ministerial post. BTW, none of the PTP MPs you mentioned was convicted of Terrorism. However, they were jailed and now on bail. Many of the RS/UDD demonstrators are still in jails without trials. None of the PAD leaders with terrorism charges ever step in a jail on the crimes they committed. They cases have been postponing almost for six/seven years now.

Alright, well, I think 'kill the amart' = inciting murder and 'Turn Bangkok into a sea of fire' = inciting arson. If they weren't convicted of terrorism they bloody well should have been. Pardon my mistake, just makes for double injustice, I hate the terrorists twice as much now. I hope their day in court comes soon. The red rioters in jail belong there, I agree they should have fair and open trials though. As for the PADS anyone who did anything wrong should be arrested and have a fair trial. I don't deny that and never have.

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Actually the first person to die on April 10th 2010 was a UDD supporter who was shot by the army in the afternoon.

Please cite a source to aid my poor memory. Would like to know the circumstances surrounding the incident.

For "poor memory".read "selective memory"

Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The Red Terrorists had killed military personnel long before April 10th, 2010.

Hahahaha The red sheeple are the ones with brainwashed memories that only remember the lies the red media propaganda machines feed to them. Try doing some real research. Glad there are at least 2 of us MH that can remember what reallly happened.

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[Chalerm] described the raid as successful and said the weapons seized at the protest ground displayed the protesters’ intention to topple the government and force the prime minister to resign.

Yes, I also saw his candid pics of the slingshots.rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

He's probably too modest to also show the heaps of feces the protesters intended to turn into projectilesbah.gif .

Edited by zaphodbeeblebrox
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Ahhhh.....the farang pseudo-reds and pseudo-yellows battling it out on Thaivisa.

Enjoy it whilst you can dearies, the school-teacher will be blowing her whistle soon to announce the end of playtime.

Pleeeeeeease Mom, don't blow the whistle yet, can't be the end of playtime already, this is my free daily entertainment reading all this mindless ranting LMAO

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Hahahaha The red sheeple are the ones with brainwashed memories that only remember the lies the red media propaganda machines feed to them. Try doing some real research. Glad there are at least 2 of us MH that can remember what reallly happened.

I was in Bangkok at the time, my office was right in the middle of the Red Shirt protest site... we had to relocate the office for a few months when the red guards started stopping and searching people at gun point (Red Apologists can deny it all they want.. i was there and searched at gun point) and when they started intimidating my female staff and telling them to do things for them otherwise they wouldn't let them past... we moved.

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*Suthep turns on Sinatra song*

...and now, the end is near ...and so I face, the final curtain ...

you thought that up all by yourself? a bit of let down I know for those like you hoping Captain Capo's big surprise was more than just another big false promise / prediction. Perhaps it's time someone traded in their Super Fortune Teller for a watch.

Back to CAPO for a min. Centre for Admin of Peace and Order. How does one be the admin of Peace?

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There seems to be enough evidence to suggest that CMPO with its crackdown has ended in epic failure. All it has managed to do is acquire a photo of some soft core weapons such as slingshots, and most of those were probably planted anyway.

It's almost 5pm and I am still waiting to hear of this big 'afternoon' surprise that Chalerm has in store for Suthep.... More BS I suspect.

Deserted and depleted sites that were even more depleted because a lot of protesters would be doing stuff on this double barreled holiday, and still they couldn't manage it.

I think we can now safely assume that the CMPO are never going to be able to shift the protesters.

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Thai police didn't have the balls to get in there and take back Chaengwattana which houses a huge number of government related offices, hardly any numbers at all protesting any more the rally sites could be easily taken bck early morning any weekday

Inefficient and corrupt to the core, must be one of the worst police forces in Asia

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Thai police didn't have the balls to get in there and take back Chaengwattana which houses a huge number of government related offices, hardly any numbers at all protesting any more the rally sites could be easily taken bck early morning any weekday

Inefficient and corrupt to the core, must be one of the worst police forces in Asia

Not exactly showing balls of steel. are they?

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The first stage of the war on the shutdown of Bangkok has begun.

Yes, you reds do like your violence, don't you?

Seems a rather odd statement to make given the different approaches for clearing the city centre in 2010 and now.The former if you recall involved the army shooting innocent victims.The latter involves internationally praised patience and restraint.

If I may strain your recollection, this is exactly how the Abhsit government started clearing protest sites, with riot gear *only*. Protesters retaliated with grenades, forcing the authorities to arm the troops.

You forgot, or you have a case of selective recall?

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The first stage of the war on the shutdown of Bangkok has begun.

Yes, you reds do like your violence, don't you?

Seems a rather odd statement to make given the different approaches for clearing the city centre in 2010 and now.The former if you recall involved the army shooting innocent victims.The latter involves internationally praised patience and restraint.

If I may strain your recollection, this is exactly how the Abhsit government started clearing protest sites, with riot gear *only*. Protesters retaliated with grenades, forcing the authorities to arm the troops.

You forgot, or you have a case of selective recall?

I relied on the independent accounts particularly that of HRW which while exculpating no party made it clear the military murdered many innocent civilians.

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..."We will re-take wherever we can and arrest protest leaders," he said. "It's not a crackdown on the protests -- it's enforcement of the law over the protest sites."

He said there was illegal assembly and possession of weapons at the sites....

And when someone dies will they get the same treatment for

the same actions as Abhisit and Suthep are getting for the EXACT SAME REASONING.

Charged with murder for 'clearing out an illegal rally'?

Only difference is police vs army doing the cleaning out.

Hypocrisy 101.

It's OK when you do what your enemy did, because you believe you are better people.

It's OK to charge your enemy for a crime for doing what you are doing because you are in charge now.


You seems to forget the main differences.

Mark/Suthep's Army declare "Life Firing Zone" and did shoot people with M16 & Tavor (proven), and use APC.

Yingluck police clear the place un-armed. Not even baton. Confirm: "Not even baton".

You seem to forget the first people killed in 2010 were the soldiers that were killed by the reds including a high ranking Colonel. Your selective memory must be very convenient for you.

You seem to forget the first people killed in 2013 was a police officer that were killed by the Suthep's thugs at Din Dang doing his job to allow candidate registration (it was not even a protest site). Your selective memory must be very convenient for you.

Edited by Suriya4
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Off topic posts and replies have been removed, this is not a re-hash of the events of 2010. Allegations of paid to post have been removed.

Posts using derogatory nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly.

Inflammatory posts and replies have been removed.

Trolling posts have been removed.

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If they clear the protesters today, what is to stop them coming back in greater numbers tomorrow, and Sunday, and Monday,....................?

Are we going to see mass arrests and detentions? How will Thaksin's toady Surapong explain that to the world?

Wait, I've worked it out! The BIB could blockade those sites to stop protesters from re-entering. That'll show them.

Laziness? Apathy?

Protest sites are empty for most of the day.

Yellow shirts lost. Deal with it.

someone better tell you it not all over till the fat lady sings

there is still the farmers and the courts to come

this will drag on for a long time still to come

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