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Thailand's future prime minister plays it coy

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The future prime minister plays it coy

The Nation

Chitpas in her favourite photo.

BANGKOK: -- While you were wasting precious time cuddling your sweetheart on the Valentine's Day weekend, Chitpas "Tant" Kridakorn - one of the anti-government protest leaders - was demonstrating the true meaning of love, as in love of the country.

Tant told Nation TV last week she has no one special in her life and will "probably use this same surname for a long while yet". She'd switched to Kridakorn from her family name Bhirombakdi in the hope of averting any possible blowback against the clan's brewery business and said she's getting used to the new moniker. "But I still need more practise signing my name!"

While the People's Democratic Reform Committee remained steadfastly in place on Valentine's Day on Friday, albeit playing up the love angle with a "Rak Prathet Thai" campaign, Tant made the rounds of the rally sites. Asked about her fashion sense, which has earned a lot of praise, she said she has no particular style actually, but since joining the protests has had to stick to clothes that are comfortable and allow freedom of movement.

"You've been photographed a lot during the rally - which photo do you like most?" Nation TV's Noppatjak Attanon asked. Tant said her favourite remains the one showing her riding a truck while the protest moved to the Defence Ministry.

Would she like to be prime minister? Tant said that remains her dream, but she must work hard and gain more experience first. "People look at me and might decide I'm a new face in politics, but I've actually been involved in politics since I was young. I got a lot of training during my university days."

Bank skips the nuptials

Wedding planners cringed the other day when Preeti "Bank" baramee-anant, former lead singer of the rock band Clash, said he didn't feel marriage is really important. And this comes from a guy who's been engaged to Krittiya "NiNew" Chiyarat for a decade. There'll be no wedding anytime in the near future, he said, not even in another four or five years.

And as for his eventual wedding being a major event on the social calendar, "I think having a grand wedding party is just a waste of money. It would be better to keep that money for my kids!" (Bank is indeed looking forward to having a brace of kids.)

NiNew's mother "isn't serious" about the kids getting hitched, he says. "She's rather Western in style and even says we should have a grandchild for her first. I told her to take it easy! As for my dad, he'd not rushing anything either. We've all become like a big family already anyway."

To Cupid's invitation to define "love", Bank said it's certainly not "marriage". To him it's about trust, patience, sacrifice and respect. "But your great love is now supposedly proved by a big wedding!"

Surely he's giving NiNew a token of his esteem for Valentine's Day? "No present, because I've given her all of my life. Everything is the same as we pass the decade mark as it was when we began, and nothing could be sweeter than this. We're more like relatives now."

How, uh, romantic.

-- The Nation 2014-02-17

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The Nation printed this as news ?

What a waste of a tree.

I think you mean electrons. No actual paper involved here, unless you are printing it out. tongue.png

I do agree with you however, must have been a slow news day.


One would hope that the future Thai PM isn't like some of the others that have graced the corridors of power in Thailand , however I would like to point out that there was a Group out of the UK called the "Clash" , so you have not progress as far as you think , still copying other peoples idea's , the only thing you haven't copied and should is the Westminster/ U.S./ Euro type of democracy, go copy that, now that's a dream everyone wants.clap2.gif

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Why is everyone calling it a news item? It's social gossip, the kind of thing found in every newspaper when the privileged demand attention and love and adoration from the great unwashed. Read, digest and dismiss.

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Did 'Hello' magazine take-over 'The Nation', while nobody was looking ? blink.png

Just shows, how used we've all become, to life in Thailand being different from out countries-of-origin.

And hopefully 'The Nation' uses 80%+ recycled-paper ...

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Sad, extremely sad indeed, what needs to be done is stop buying her families beer, by the democratic process of not buying products from those that opposed democracy in Thailand!


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To be fair - she did not initiate the "favourite photo" topic, and she was asked a leading question ("Would she like to be prime minister?"), to which she gave a reasonable reply.

I blame the Nation for a misleading title ("Thailand's Future Prime Minister").

I just worry about her being in the sun for prolonged periods .... I hope she uses protection


Well it seems that some of you think you'd make a better PM, please step forward & show us what your plans for this country are.

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<deleted> is that?

Future PM? What about your fashion style?

I liked the bit where she claims a lot if experience in politics. Dies that extend to not wanting poor or stupid people to vote as she was quoted before?

My God, Thailand is a mess. This is the future. Anointed daughters of breweries educated overseas whilst living in glorious isolation in bangkok?

Torturingly depressing



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