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Red shirt leader Thida tells Thai Navy to stop guarding anti-govt protesters


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Thida Thavornseth, chairwoman of the Red Shirt’s United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), said the navy should withdraw its personnel who have provided safety for Phra Buddha Issara at Chaeng Wattana rally site and PDRC secretary general Suthep Thaugsuban.

It's difficult to get a clean shot with all those navy personnel in the way. Surely we can not be held responsible for the deaths of a few navy people.

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“It doesn’t matter whether people from which sides are killed and injured, we have to condemn assailants. The world community is watching incidents in Thailand,” she said. (MCOT online news).

We have to, not we want to...

Because the world is watching...

Of course, if/when the 'world is not watching' they will be back to their 'burn the city to the ground' and shooting/bombing/intimidation campaign (Friendship highway, anyone?)

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Sorry Thida but in what official capacity are you allowed to tell the military what they can or cannot do? Have to admit you have a set of stones on you. Even the Poo doesn't tell the military what to do.

Unlike the police and the CMPO, at least one organization is doing its job to protect the people. These people are getting shot at and bombed daily so why shouldn't the Navy protect them? If the police won't do their job, the military will.

Could be a reference to those Navy Seals arrested carrying VIP passes issued by Suthep. Armed to the teeth with guns with silencers. Forgotten that one Gerry?

VIP passes issued by Suthep himself? That's new to me.

Anyway it would seem that some even suggest it was a potential 'kidnap Ms. Yingluck' commando group.

So, Ms. Thida doesn't want the Navy to guard anti-government protesters? Well, not only doesn't the police mange to do that efficiently, even the Navy fails miserably, assuming they were present around Lumpini last night. how are we going to protect those anti-government protesters then? As the UDD to provide some squads?

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Sorry Thida but in what official capacity are you allowed to tell the military what they can or cannot do? Have to admit you have a set of stones on you. Even the Poo doesn't tell the military what to do.

Unlike the police and the CMPO, at least one organization is doing its job to protect the people. These people are getting shot at and bombed daily so why shouldn't the Navy protect them? If the police won't do their job, the military will.

The military's involvement in Politics is well-known....Leaders of Political Movements have every right and 'official capacity' to call them on it.

".... at least one organization is doing its job to protect the people"....Protect "The People"?...Don't you mean the "coup-mongers"?.....One must distinguish between "The People" whose votes are waiting to be tabulated, and an electoral minority wanting it otherwise. To suggest one is the other doesn't fly.

Who says the Police won't do their job......

Trying to rationalize military involvement in Political matters would be ridiculed in the home countries of Foreigners, but somehow is supported in Thailand. Commonly referred to as double standards..

Who says the Police won't do their job......

16 people killed and over 600 wounded and NO trace of the culprits even though there are pictures and videos circulating in the media.

But.........Red Leader Samchai gets shot and within a few weeks they catch a bunch of guys....

And you question why military involvement in Thailand is supported.

Oh and by the way, who says it is dark at night......

Edited by Nickymaster
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This woman Thida is an evil person. An avowed communist past which is currently still here in here political dogma and comments even now.,

However some questions Thida.

How can you or why do you align yourself with Thaksin?

His (Thaksin) political views are indeed at odds with yours in more ways than one.O.K. you both delight in the thought of controlling the people. Yet with your political dogma Thida how do you reconcile your socialist communist ideals with Thaksins free enterprise and businesses and self enrichment ideals?

Are you blinded as to the truth of Thaksin's plan or are you blinded by the thought of a few crumbs from the table of a rich man for a brief period of time until your usefulness is done with and you and your political friends vanish without a trace as a number of prominent anti Thaksin people have over the years?

Or might there be a financial incentive, retirement and no income is not perhaps a pleasant panorama for you and you, thus you are able and indeed willing to sell your principles to the highest bidder.

No Thida you do not convince me of your ideals, to my mind and many others minds too you are nothing more than an unprincipled political power wanna be.

We've yet to hear you condemn the massacre of innocent children.

Thida, your politics are red, as is the blood of those massacred innocents on your hands.

You cannot give it a rest can you?

Grenades being lobbed about and With all your childish scare-mongering and hatred and incessant stirring it would seem you would be happy for thailand to descend into civil war.

A way back from this mess has to be found and that takes dialogue.

It will even if there is war.

Unmasked are some of the protestors but heaven forbid the red shirts come down to bangkok.

I hope the ordinary bangkokians come out in numbers and tell these bullies on the streets where to go and they can skulk off to southern parts and then the discussions can begin for the way forward.

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Go Thida! Speaking truth to power. A Thai leader who actually makes sense and knows who is accountable. Never mind the mindless, sexist rantings in this forum. Your truth is beautiful to me.

Another reincarnation.

Unfortunately not all come back as cockroaches but some do as a weasel!

He writes just like icommunity

No, he has his own history. When he's banned next time, he'll just come back as LadPhrao12345, as 1234 joins 123, 12, and 1 in the banned bucket.

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This is actual Thai Democracy!!!

Suthep should send all the PDRC Guards back home so the government can eliminate all opposition easier!!!

And after, they will teach at school to the young children to stand in ranks, the right arm forward and shout "Heil Hitler" NO NO sorry => "Heil Thaksin" xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gifxsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

Look also this "Red-shirt guards seize farmers' muster point on Friendship Highway"

Sorry but this is NOT Democracy!

A Taksin School circa late 2009 early 2010


Yes, this is what I say and this is why MANY people are with the PDRC!

haha nice try

MOST people are against the PDRC fascist uprising and that's why they LOSE every election

haha nice try

the PDRC never stood for election ever. SO much you don't know! whistling.gif

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This woman Thida is an evil person. An avowed communist past which is currently still here in here political dogma and comments even now.,

However some questions Thida.

How can you or why do you align yourself with Thaksin?

His (Thaksin) political views are indeed at odds with yours in more ways than one.O.K. you both delight in the thought of controlling the people. Yet with your political dogma Thida how do you reconcile your socialist communist ideals with Thaksins free enterprise and businesses and self enrichment ideals?

Are you blinded as to the truth of Thaksin's plan or are you blinded by the thought of a few crumbs from the table of a rich man for a brief period of time until your usefulness is done with and you and your political friends vanish without a trace as a number of prominent anti Thaksin people have over the years?

Or might there be a financial incentive, retirement and no income is not perhaps a pleasant panorama for you and you, thus you are able and indeed willing to sell your principles to the highest bidder.

No Thida you do not convince me of your ideals, to my mind and many others minds too you are nothing more than an unprincipled political power wanna be.

We've yet to hear you condemn the massacre of innocent children.

Thida, your politics are red, as is the blood of those massacred innocents on your hands.

Remember the old Communist leader's mantra?

"We are all equal.... although some are more equal than others."

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What is she talking about? What is the problem if Thai Navy is protecting protesters and other innocent people.

Navy is not attacking the Reds. Why does she have a problem with Thai Navy protecting anti government people.

They are just there for the security for the protesters. Perhaps, she wants attack the protesters.

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No I haven't. With all the bombings and killings, I'm glad at least someone in the military is there protecting the protestors.

Well at least you are being honest in your contempt for a civilian government. You have made clear that you support the Thai military's conflict of interest and of its taking sides in a political matter. A professional military does not meddle in this manner. Nor does it take up arms against a civilian government acting in a lawful manner. As a reminder, the lower court upheld the SOE which included the dispersal of the squatters,

Who meddles in this matter then??? the police 2010 ran away----here where are they to protect all ??? have they nailed anyone for any bombings or shootings, maybe the odd one--when a red leader was shot.

My point therefore is, who is there to protect.??

Way out of conflict area, Yesterday at Udon Thani a massive traffic jam was caused by 25 police stopping all traffic near one of the biggest junctions in the north.

This was to get tea money. Now compare say UK most of the force from ALL counties would be called upon to the riot areas to help protect -restore order.

Why are these collecting tea money, when they should be on emergency duties in BKK and other areas.

Tea money collection has also been stepped up in Buriram for the past few days.

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Mrs Thida said the Red Shirt assembly of key leaders nationwide, held in Nakhon Ratchasima on Sunday, was not politically motivated.
The objective was to exchange views among members in light of attempts by some military groups to discredit independent organisations and obstruct the democratic system, she said.

I'm sorry but Thida has lost the plot and the initiative.

Which I don't see as a good thing, because any reforms will ultimately have to involve the people the UDD claim to represent just as much as the protesting rice-farmers, southerners or Bangkok 'elites'.

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Go Thida! Speaking truth to power. A Thai leader who actually makes sense and knows who is accountable. Never mind the mindless, sexist rantings in this forum. Your truth is beautiful to me.

You and Weng too....

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I can't tell if she didn't actually state a reason why she believes the protestors should be left unprotected, or if this article is so badly written that they simply didn't think to include it.

Everyone knows the police will not protect them.
And considering the constant violent attacks, is this person really suggesting they be completely abandoned by the authorities?

Is that how government behaves in a democracy?
I know, trick question. People around here seem to have some very strange ideas about what democracy actually mean.
I'll help: No. That is not how people are treated in a democracy.

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Sorry Thida but in what official capacity are you allowed to tell the military what they can or cannot do? Have to admit you have a set of stones on you. Even the Poo doesn't tell the military what to do.

Unlike the police and the CMPO, at least one organization is doing its job to protect the people. These people are getting shot at and bombed daily so why shouldn't the Navy protect them? If the police won't do their job, the military will.

Could be a reference to those Navy Seals arrested carrying VIP passes issued by Suthep. Armed to the teeth with guns with silencers. Forgotten that one Gerry?

I think she means these guys. Of which the 3 caught by the police were only a part. Military are supposed to be neutral.

Rear Admiral Winai said they'd been withdrawn (he was the person that bailed the 3 out saying they were investigating drugs), but were seen again at Pan Fah bridge:

Infact they seem to spring up everywhere.

The second photo is actually of Naresuan 261 police in partial uniform (they're the only ones who wear that kind of camo). They were photographed at the bridge, assembling behind police lines in full uniform. Looks like they decided to take some bits of uniform off and don masks. I wonder why?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

My apologies, that was a misidentification on my part due to photo displaying in lower res on my phone. Having looked at the photo again with my PC it's clear that the shooter is not wearing Naresuan 261 camo.

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VOMIT sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.pngsick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Red shirt democracy. Kill 'em, bomb 'em, destroy 'em.

Yeah, we really need to keep these guys in office...

You are missing the point. The Navy personnel are refusing to allow the civilian police from carrying out a non violent dispersal of the squatters. The lower court upheld the SOE. That means it upheld the government's duty and obligation to reopen blocked roadways. The court also said that the civila authority could not use force. Unfortunately, when there are heavily armed military personnel protecting an illegal activity, it prevents a non violent response. It also demonstrates a conflict of interest and the tacit support of some parts of the military for illegal activity.

There are no armed personel. Stop spreading rumors.

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“It doesn’t matter whether people from which sides are killed and injured, we have to condemn assailants. The world community is watching incidents in Thailand,”

So dragon lady, you are only worried about the death and injury your mob continually commit because the world is watching. One sick twisted old bitch.

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You really are bold to think u can tell the military to stop trying to protect the protesters !!!

This bitch should be ashamed of herself...!!

What, take away their protection so you can kill more children...!!??

You scumbag...!!!!!

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VOMIT sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.pngsick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Red shirt democracy. Kill 'em, bomb 'em, destroy 'em.

Yeah, we really need to keep these guys in office...

You are missing the point. The Navy personnel are refusing to allow the civilian police from carrying out a non violent dispersal of the squatters. The lower court upheld the SOE. That means it upheld the government's duty and obligation to reopen blocked roadways. The court also said that the civila authority could not use force. Unfortunately, when there are heavily armed military personnel protecting an illegal activity, it prevents a non violent response. It also demonstrates a conflict of interest and the tacit support of some parts of the military for illegal activity.

There are no armed personel. Stop spreading rumors.

GK, you should <deleted> and withdraw from this one, because you are showing yourself to be an absolute <deleted> supporting the killing of small children...!!

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Ya think the military would be there to protect the Reds?? NOT. But i agree, they are needed for protection. The bigger question is what is how deep is military involved with supporting the yellows with henchmen (popcorn shooter & attempted murder of Reds Leader in Udon Thani?)

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This woman Thida is an evil person. An avowed communist past which is currently still here in here political dogma and comments even now.,

However some questions Thida.

How can you or why do you align yourself with Thaksin?

His (Thaksin) political views are indeed at odds with yours in more ways than one.O.K. you both delight in the thought of controlling the people. Yet with your political dogma Thida how do you reconcile your socialist communist ideals with Thaksins free enterprise and businesses and self enrichment ideals?

Are you blinded as to the truth of Thaksin's plan or are you blinded by the thought of a few crumbs from the table of a rich man for a brief period of time until your usefulness is done with and you and your political friends vanish without a trace as a number of prominent anti Thaksin people have over the years?

Or might there be a financial incentive, retirement and no income is not perhaps a pleasant panorama for you and you, thus you are able and indeed willing to sell your principles to the highest bidder.

No Thida you do not convince me of your ideals, to my mind and many others minds too you are nothing more than an unprincipled political power wanna be.

We've yet to hear you condemn the massacre of innocent children.

Thida, your politics are red, as is the blood of those massacred innocents on your hands.

You cannot give it a rest can you?

Grenades being lobbed about and With all your childish scare-mongering and hatred and incessant stirring it would seem you would be happy for thailand to descend into civil war.

A way back from this mess has to be found and that takes dialogue.

It will even if there is war.

Unmasked are some of the protestors but heaven forbid the red shirts come down to bangkok.

I hope the ordinary bangkokians come out in numbers and tell these bullies on the streets where to go and they can skulk off to southern parts and then the discussions can begin for the way forward.

It has to be a joke when red cheerleaders start prattling on about 'dialogue'. Some of us have slightly longer memories of when Thaksin kicked dialogue into touch in 2010 when the end result didn't meet his personal agenda. Anybody who thinks there can be dialogue about the removal of the Shinawatras from Thai public life is not quite of this world.

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Ya think the military would be there to protect the Reds?? NOT. But i agree, they are needed for protection. The bigger question is what is how deep is military involved with supporting the yellows with henchmen (popcorn shooter & attempted murder of Reds Leader in Udon Thani?)

Most would be happy for the army to provide a little better protection for demonstrators under attack from reds who are quite indiscriminate in who they take out. Why? Because the police are not to be trusted and in particular since that little episode of the black-shirted policemen found lurking on the roof.

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Sorry Thida but in what official capacity are you allowed to tell the military what they can or cannot do? Have to admit you have a set of stones on you. Even the Poo doesn't tell the military what to do.

Unlike the police and the CMPO, at least one organization is doing its job to protect the people. These people are getting shot at and bombed daily so why shouldn't the Navy protect them? If the police won't do their job, the military will.

Could be a reference to those Navy Seals arrested carrying VIP passes issued by Suthep. Armed to the teeth with guns with silencers. Forgotten that one Gerry?

Do you really blame them for protecting themselves against those who throw grenades at them on a daily basis?

Or are you suggesting they should rely on police protection? :-)

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