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is your girlfriend addicted to her telephone?


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...once shagged a thai girl and during the full on "action" she made 3 telephone calls...one of them to her mother...I will never never ever forget that episode as long as I live...

On a Friday night right?

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...once shagged a thai girl and during the full on "action" she made 3 telephone calls...one of them to her mother...I will never never ever forget that episode as long as I live...

i hope you married her .........she sounds like a real class act thumbsup.gif

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These smartphones have made people so rude without them even having a clue

that they are inconveincing other people.

They stop in elevated doors, take one step off an escalator and stop, and stop to

text or read a message on the footpath.

Thais are very bad at this but Singaporeans I find are the worst!

With their heads down looking at their phones they have not seen the sun, stars, and

the moon for maybe a month!

Amazing how a little piece of plastic can control a persons life!

I'm sure there is a waterproof phone coming soon so people can

take them into the shower and swimming pool.

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These smartphones have made people so rude without them even having a clue

that they are inconveincing other people.

They stop in elevated doors, take one step off an escalator and stop, and stop to

text or read a message on the footpath.

Thais are very bad at this but Singaporeans I find are the worst!

With their heads down looking at their phones they have not seen the sun, stars, and

the moon for maybe a month!

Amazing how a little piece of plastic can control a persons life!

I'm sure there is a waterproof phone coming soon so people can

take them into the shower and swimming pool.

galaxy s4 active and new galaxy s5 are water proof ,you can even take pictures underwater

also some sony models already on the market are fully waterproof too

by next year every major phone will be waterproof

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when we moved found out the house and district have almost no phone signal, if you can make a call it usually cuts off after 30 seconds, good result! Mrs forgot her 2 phones once when we went out and was devastated, head in hands- have no confidence without phone!! what did they do before the damn things, I wish the mobile could be un invented.

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when we moved found out the house and district have almost no phone signal, if you can make a call it usually cuts off after 30 seconds, good result! Mrs forgot her 2 phones once when we went out and was devastated, head in hands- have no confidence without phone!! what did they do before the dam_n things, I wish the mobile could be un invented.

They had a jungle drum like system. I walked out of my hotel 26 blocks away from my GF's house and before i walked one block I was reminded three times that I had a date with her. The information was passed person to person in seconds back and forth. It was awesome. It made NSA seem like amateur communicators.

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My g/f told me about a friend of hers,

who called her boyfriend to ask him why he wasnt home yet.

he said he was out with his guy friends at a restaurant, but was instead in a slut bar with a girl on his lap,

She texted him a picture of himself kissing the girl on his lap, within minutes of it occuring,

No girl will ever give up her iPhone,

it is their connection to their life and the world they want to live in

I on the other hand, no longer use a phone

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...


Conversation will fall off and her English will suffer.

It's not an issue but *who's she Lining with ?*

Or is she one of these New Zealand-educated bank executives we're getting fewer and fewer boasts about on TV, busy keeping in touch with other international grad-school alumni of her Uni ?

(BTWThis is a quip about the "so, mine-is-so-hi-so, she makes everyone else's look "so-so" syndrome and NOT a poke at anyone's chosen paramour ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

"Conversation will fall off and her English will suffer."

Actually her English should improve.

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...once shagged a thai girl and during the full on "action" she made 3 telephone calls...one of them to her mother...I will never never ever forget that episode as long as I live...

It couldn't be more insulting if she was peeling grapes as well!

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when we moved found out the house and district have almost no phone signal, if you can make a call it usually cuts off after 30 seconds, good result! Mrs forgot her 2 phones once when we went out and was devastated, head in hands- have no confidence without phone!! what did they do before the damn things, I wish the mobile could be un invented.

I'm sorry, but that is just sad and I would seriously consider the relationship. Mrs regularly leaves her phone behind, as do I, and it matters not one whit. If it were a big deal and she had her head in the thing all the time while out, she'd be down the road.

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...once shagged a thai girl and during the full on "action" she made 3 telephone calls...one of them to her mother...I will never never ever forget that episode as long as I live...

It couldn't be more insulting if she was peeling grapes as well!

Did it not occur to the two of you that it turned her on?

Obviously not.

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Taking a smart phone off a Thai girl is considered an act of war.

My wife and girlfriend both use FB all the time. I just do it back to them soon makes them put the phone down if they think I am talking to other gigs.

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  • 1 year later...

This is remedied quite easily.

If you're out on a date with your GF or partner and she's glued to the smart phone, you just have to man up and politely remind her that seeing as she's out with you then you'd like to have her attention and conversation and not have to compete with the phone,.. and then ask her to turn it off.

If she won't comply then you simply tell her that if she values the relationship and conversation with her phone over dinner/lunch/coffee then that's fine,.. and then get up and leave her in the solitary and charming company of her electronic companion.

If she switches off the device before you can leave the table then you've just established an important maxim in your relationship. If not,.. leave with a smile on your face and seek another "non-addict" GF in the ever plentiful sea of willing females awaiting your favor!

I have two cell phones (one domestic, one international) but I don't even carry them half the time. I don't play games, and hardly use them. I don't get what is so attractive about a tool.

To me, meals are a no cell phone time. At first, any time my gf pulled hers out while we ate, I stood up and motioned to the wait staff for the check. My gf asked what's wrong and I would say "You have to go, you have an emergency call." After doing this 5 or 6 times, she sopped bringing it out when we ate.

Although she has an online business that she runs from her second phone, I told her there are times when we are together that I consider it very rude if she's on her phone. Of course, I get the "I'm doing my business, you don't want me to make money?" I do get very tired of arguing over her phone use. After a 1.5 years, we still argue about it.

She takes her phone to the bathroom, in bed, and while driving. I told her not to do it while driving (I was in a very bad accident last year and I'm still a bit skittish being a passenger in a car). I explained to her how much it bothers me because she won't see what other drivers are doing. Another argument.

In dating Thai girls, much like in the West, I've learned they are going to do what they want. I do bring it up but of course there are times I just don't have the energy or patience to deal with it. And of course they know this, wear a guy out so he doesn't bring it up again.

I visited my family in the West not too long ago and the cell phone issue was the same. My nephews didn't know I was in the room, same with my sister. All playing on their phones.

It's electronic crack. Instant gratification which is what the world wants nowadays. I don't get it, but it's only getting worse.

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I got mad at my TGF on a trip and smashed her iphone on the counter.she got angry but I said I bought it so it was my phone.when we got home she dug up her old Nokia and used that.no games just sms a little bit.every day she say "I mis my iphone"I made her suffer one month and had one sent from ebay in America and now she is happy.I tell her my phone and she not use it alot

My wife is too smart for your controlling pimp behavior. A gift is a gift and hers to do as she pleases.
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I once went for coffee with a Thai lady to talk about opening up a restaurant together (we also had a bit of a thing going on). Her phone constantly kept ringing and she would spend a long time chatting with each call. I asked her to tell them she will call back later as we were talking business, but she paid no attention. This was outside Ca-<deleted> (Big C) Pattaya. While she was talking on one of her calls I nodded to her that I was going to the toilet, instead I got two Baht bus taxis back to View Talay Jomtien which took about 40 mins. As I was walking into the building she called me to ask where I had gone, I told her I was at home in my condo....it took her 45 mins. to notice I wasn't there.

When ever anything similar happened after that with different ladies, I simply apologize to them for boring them and get up and leave. People can only treat you like s- - - if you allow them to.

Amazing. I had a similar experience with a so called (educated gal with car) working for a high end french baker in thailand. met her at an international restaurant / food show at impact. she was quite forward. we met for dinner and she spent 90 % of time on social phone calls with friends. in my opinion they do not do it intentionally to piss you off, they are literally not even aware they are doing anything socially incorrect. lack very elemental "awareness" not only in that but across the board often (exceptions duly noted)

Bingo. You're absolutely right...they are not doing it out of malice/intentionally. But for all their good qualities, one of Thais' worst qualities, IMHO, is that they utterly lack the capacity for empathy. I guess I should say MOST Thais (I dunno, 93% maybe?). It is virtually impossible for them to imagine themselves "in someone else's shoes". So no, they have absolutely no idea they're showing bad social form/being rude to the person they're with when they spend 90% of the time on the phone.

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I guess if you are paying by the hour you would be p!ssed if she is on her phone all the time.

Just tell her no phone unless its for work..

Sent from my c64

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Are you familiar with the fact that "dinner has to wait for LINE message"? She spent more time with her touch screen toy than with you? LINE message always goes first, even in traffic? She forgot her telephone, panic! laugh.png

I call it being addicted to your mobile.

What do you think?

Yes my gf was till I told her if you seat and eat with me no phone play and she not do now , just tell her and take control.

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One of the many reasons I never date Thai women. Bad enough being around Thai friends who are constantly chatting on their phones, playing stupid childish games on their phones, continually taking selfies, photos of every meal before they eat it etc etc. Boring.

... But but, it's so cute! Selfies and meal pics everywhere. Look at me culture.
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I'm not complaining. In the past my life was sometimes like a red coat at Butlins. I was the default chief entertainments officer wasting a lot of time fixing her boredom. Now we are both happy. I can leave her on the bed playing with her tablet whilst I can relax and pursue my hobbies in peace. Between her phone and her other new hobby, gardening , she is completely content and no longer needs to go shopping for yet another pair of shoes.

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...once shagged a thai girl and during the full on "action" she made 3 telephone calls...one of them to her mother...I will never never ever forget that episode as long as I live...

... Action.... Not hard enough it seems to keep her distracted from her phone.
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