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how to remarry my ex-wife, please help


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I have a question about get married again to the same Thai person, she called the marriage registration office a few times and get different answers, my Swedish friend introduced me this visa forum, it is quite big forum which surprised me a little, He told me to post my question here, thank you.

I and my wife got married about 10 years ago in Bangkok, we have 2 kids, then she started to be very ambitious on business, opened a import company selling Korean health products, but in 1.5 years lost me about 5 million bahts, and had to throw away a whole warehouse of expired items, I got very angry and divorce her, returned my marriage certificate and received a divorce certificate, she was very sad and beg me to stay, but out of anger I left and took a trip to Japan, thinking about how to do the custody of my kids, but my anger faded away quickly in a week, and came back Thailand got back together with her and kids again.

After we got back together, I decided to take the kids and her to different countries and lived in Singapore 2 years, Kota Kinabalu 2 years, Hong Kong 1 year, and my native Sweden 1 year, and we came back Thailand this year, and we want to get re marry to each other again.

I remember first time I marry her, I had to get some single certificate from Swedish embassy and gave it to the translate shop and get a stamp at Thai government agency, before go to the marriage registartion office.

But now we would like to reverse divorce to married again, do I need to go through the same process like my first time, get embassy single certificate, translate, get Thai government stamp, all over again, or since we are just reverse our own divorce to married again, we can just go to registration office and reverse it without doing the same process again. One lady in a registration office told my wife this, but other said different thing.

Do any Thai visa expert know this answer. I never know about this forum before, it has so much Thai visa informations very helpful to foreigners. Thank you.

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You will ned to get a new affirmation letter of freedom to marry from your embassy and go through all the other steps again. Thsi time you give back the divorce certificate at the aphur and get a new wedding certificate.

The only thing that is different when you re-marry your wife is that there is no required waiting period to see if she is pregnant or not.

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You will ned to get a new affirmation letter of freedom to marry from your embassy and go through all the other steps again. Thsi time you give back the divorce certificate at the aphur and get a new wedding certificate.

The only thing that is different when you re-marry your wife is that there is no required waiting period to see if she is pregnant or not.

What ! There is a rule now that your future wife has to take a pregnancy test? Surely not.

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You will ned to get a new affirmation letter of freedom to marry from your embassy and go through all the other steps again. Thsi time you give back the divorce certificate at the aphur and get a new wedding certificate.

The only thing that is different when you re-marry your wife is that there is no required waiting period to see if she is pregnant or not.

What ! There is a rule now that your future wife has to take a pregnancy test? Surely not.

I think that period is after a divorce to ensure that if there IS a child the paternaty may not be yours. Similar I think to marrying a widow quickly after the death of her husband.

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You will ned to get a new affirmation letter of freedom to marry from your embassy and go through all the other steps again. Thsi time you give back the divorce certificate at the aphur and get a new wedding certificate.

The only thing that is different when you re-marry your wife is that there is no required waiting period to see if she is pregnant or not.

What ! There is a rule now that your future wife has to take a pregnancy test? Surely not.

It is only needed if a recently divorced woman wants to get married again. It is XXX number of days but I can't recall the number.

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A divorced woman cannot marry within 310 day of the divorce, unless:

- she remarries her ex-husband

- gets approval from the court

- has a doctors attest that she is not pregnant

Might be a few other exceptions, like when she didn't life with ehr husband for x amount of time.

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You will ned to get a new affirmation letter of freedom to marry from your embassy and go through all the other steps again. Thsi time you give back the divorce certificate at the aphur and get a new wedding certificate.

The only thing that is different when you re-marry your wife is that there is no required waiting period to see if she is pregnant or not.

Required waiting period! I did not have to wait to marry my wife, we just went to the aphur and got wed. Just seen other post my wife was single. facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif

Edited by a99az
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You will ned to get a new affirmation letter of freedom to marry from your embassy and go through all the other steps again. Thsi time you give back the divorce certificate at the aphur and get a new wedding certificate.

The only thing that is different when you re-marry your wife is that there is no required waiting period to see if she is pregnant or not.

What ! There is a rule now that your future wife has to take a pregnancy test? Surely not.

It is only needed if a recently divorced woman wants to get married again. It is XXX number of days but I can't recall the number.

Six months, I think.

The divergence of opinion amongst officials is common and an indication that they don't know the answer. That may indicate the possibility of hurdles being placed in the way of an application. My inclination would be to use a Bangkok agent to do the job. They aren't expensive if you avoid the trimmings.

I would expect that another affirmation document from the groom's Embassy would be required, despite the existence of a Thai divorce certificate.

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where's the problem getting married outside of Thailand and forget the whole Thai rigmarole?

Now only he has to go to the rigmarole, if they marry outside of Thailand both would be a foriegner in that country and go through a rigmarole.

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where's the problem getting married outside of Thailand and forget the whole Thai rigmarole?

Now only he has to go to the rigmarole, if they marry outside of Thailand both would be a foriegner in that country and go through a rigmarole.

that applies only to the uninformed. international accepted common law is that any marriage which is legal according to country's law where the marriage takes place is acceptable in other countries too.

e.g. in this case the marriage a Swede and a Thai getting married in India according to the rites of one of the acknowledged religions will also be acknowledged in other countries if the religious certificate is notarised by a government appointed/approved public notary.

in other words, the OP and his EX could take a flight to India contact a Hindu Pundit-Ji, a Sikh Bhai, a Catholic or Protestant Father, a Sunni or Shia Mullah, undergo a 15-20 minute ceremony et voilà!

a civil marriage is a bit more complicated. a sworn notarised affidavit of each party that they are not married and a waiting period of 4 weeks is mandatory.

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A divorced woman cannot marry within 310 day of the divorce, unless:

- she remarries her ex-husband

- gets approval from the court

- has a doctors attest that she is not pregnant

Might be a few other exceptions, like when she didn't life with ehr husband for x amount of time.

I can get you one for 20 baht that you're not pregnant, Mario.-w00t.gif

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Don't Forget to Pay the Sin-Sot again either............................clap2.gifclap2.gif

that's probably why they were divorced in the first place give it a 2nd gal

And a third....coffee1.gif 55555555555555

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You will ned to get a new affirmation letter of freedom to marry from your embassy and go through all the other steps again. Thsi time you give back the divorce certificate at the aphur and get a new wedding certificate.

The only thing that is different when you re-marry your wife is that there is no required waiting period to see if she is pregnant or not.

What ! There is a rule now that your future wife has to take a pregnancy test? Surely not.

not when i got married a couple of years ago.

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the international accepted common law


OK, lets compare this!

Thai rigmarole

  1. Translate Thai divorce certificate into Swedish/ English
  2. Take Thai Tuk Tuk to embassy and get the free man letter, by showing divorce certificate plus translation
  3. Take Thai Tuk Tuk to Ampare and sign certificate with wife

Indian rigmarole

  1. Take plane to India
  2. Take Indian Tuk Tuk to church or temple and be married
  3. Take Indian Tuk Tuk to government office and get church/ temple certificate authorised
  4. Take plane to Thailand
  5. Get authorised Indian certificate translated in Thai
  6. Take Thai Tuk Tuk to government office and present translation and register wedding in Thailand
Edited by Morakot
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Just to add a little bit to this thread.

I know guys who have divorced and remarried their wives many times. One guy has remarried his wife 7 times that I know. It was a way around land ownership in the days when wives married to foreigners couldnt purchase land. They would divorce, she would buy land/house and then remarry. That rule is now gone and wives of foreigners can now purchase land in their name.

I also know Thais who divorce then remarry for business reasons. It allows then to get around business problems. It also allows the couple to amend or include a pre nup.

My understanding is the waiting period only applies to a divorced woman marrying a new husband. Men can remarry a different woman without a waiting period.

My personal experience is the 310 day rule does not apply to women remarrying their original husband. It's possible to remarry as soon as the foreign husband can complete the embassy/MFA requirements.

Edited by Farma
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Don't Forget to Pay the Sin-Sot again either............................clap2.gifclap2.gif

in India the parents of the bride pay the sin sot!

And that information is relevant because of ...................What

He is married to a Thai...Not an Eskimo.....or an Indian

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Please help me!!!!

We divorced three, or four times.but we just recently found out that we still love each other, Her body is so amazing and I'm not capable to find NEW SLAVE, AEEH REAL WIFE.facepalm.gif

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