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motorbike taxi drivers mafia in pattaya .help with this


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Oh dear a Thai talking to westerner like this how dare they, the should be kowtowing down at your feet saying "yes boss" you littered dear boy and were called on it

As regards "I am a big guy and can handle myself" grow up you silly man, you will not be so big if you have 10 of them coming at you to beat the sh*t out of you

All over a piece of cucumber.... Grow up, how petty

yes an a sad pathetic excuse like you spewing abuse from the safety of your cosy little condo would just lie down and take, i know that. but this was nothing more than pure hatred for a foreigner alone against a lot of them. there are ways of speaking to people ,simple as that, any man who can handle himself knows about this i suspect not too many of you understand this.

just makes you hate thai people all the more after greed bah.gifbah.gif

Actually I have quite a big house, not a little condo, I am not a retiree, I work in Thailand and have done so for many years and I am very capable of looking after myself and with all the above being said my opinion remains the same........

Grow up you silly little person

Boo hoo the little funny brown man spoke to me rudely and didn't respect I am a superior white westerner, go tell your mommy

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Although it was biodegradable rubbish, it was rubbish all the same. You would never have had the confrontation had you not thrown rubbish on the street. You would never have had the confrontation if you had accepted the first guy's criticism and picked up the rubbish you had thrown.

I would have stood over and criticised a foreign litterer in my country. How dare they come to my country, disrespect our customs, and then throw rubbish on the street to boot?!

I think the OP needs to show a bit more respect to the host.

This post has nothing to do with littering this is more to do with the sense of superiority some farangs think they have over the natives, how dare they tell a farang off.... Don't they know their place ?

But if the OP wants a hospital visit all because of a piece of cucumber, go for it, just another stupid farang with an attitude me thinks

right on cu guys,him big boy likes hot dog from 7-11cheesy.gif

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Oh dear a Thai talking to westerner like this how dare they, the should be kowtowing down at your feet saying "yes boss" you littered dear boy and were called on it

As regards "I am a big guy and can handle myself" grow up you silly man, you will not be so big if you have 10 of them coming at you to beat the sh*t out of you

All over a piece of cucumber.... Grow up, how petty

Please don't feed the troll...this is exactly the kind of response the OP is looking for. Do a search on his topics/posts and you'll get his number fast. It's simple: ignore these types, and they go away. They live for attention and "controversy".

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Are you sure it wasn't gherkin?? Usuaully it is gherkin that is thrown away, because no-one on this earth likes gherkin, and it is is only served with your takeaway so as to enable witty conversation with the locals as you eject it...

Please pm me all your unwanted gherkins

Re OP, perhaps initially he did not realise it was a bit of cucumber, and was already invested in taking you to task for littering. You could have thrown it in a bin to be fair, I wouldn't chuck it in the gutter personally, regardless of biodegradability.

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So, do I understand right, the OP put trash just on the street and complains when a motorbike taxi told him to pick it up and throw it in trash bin?

Just unbelievable......If a Chinese or Thai in my country takes out some parts of his sandwich and throws it on the street, I would also tell him to pick it up and put it in the trash bin.

I actually recall a friend of mine stopped a car with Turkish people who throw things out of the window and told them to litter their own country.

Nice anti racist thread....it clearly shows that everywhere are pigs, no matter what nationality, West/East/Europe/Thailand/Christ/Buddhist/Muslim....

Great reply H90 well said ...

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these cretins just want any excuse to have a go at a farang (when backed up by their buddies that is). They aspire to be the Taxi mafia gangs, but in reality are sad pathetic louts who seem to think that a red tunic makes them some kind of authority. I was having this talk with the other half on Friday where as I said it seems to be fine for thai males to shout random abuse at farangs who are basically going about minding their own business, but if the farang responds he can expect the full on pack attack often involving knives and bats.

Why? Poverty. Jealousy. A feeling of uselessness. Coveting their women. Countless reasons no doubt but more often than not a complete lack of respect for fellow human beings which is instilled in the men folk from birth.

OP - stay the hell away from them. They will slice you open just for the pocket full of loose change you have, whilst pretending its about honour.

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lanng khao, on 09 Mar 2014 - 01:09, said:

Am 6 ft 4, 18 stone and got a black belt in death, am that hard even me nightmares are scared of me, am up for gettin a little firm together and waiten down a dark dusty soi, when one of them drops one of the boys off there we jump out and kick seven shades of kee out of him, see how they like it. Anybody fancy it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Surprising how fast a .38 or 9mm adjusts attitudes like yours. Still, enjoy your dreams.

Edit: You don't have to be 6'4" to pull the trigger..................wink.png

Edited by chrisinth
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lanng khao, on 09 Mar 2014 - 01:09, said:

Am 6 ft 4, 18 stone and got a black belt in death, am that hard even me nightmares are scared of me, am up for gettin a little firm together and waiten down a dark dusty soi, when one of them drops one of the boys off there we jump out and kick seven shades of kee out of him, see how they like it. Anybody fancy it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Surprising how fast a .38 or 9mm adjusts attitudes like yours. Still, enjoy your dreams.

Edit: You don't have to be 6'4" to pull the trigger..................wink.png

You do know he was taking the piss out the OP

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Reminds me a bit of a court case in Hong Kong when I was living there. An expat threw an apple core away in a National Park. He was charged by a ranger. His defense was similar to that of the OP - "it is biodegradable, so it is not litter"). Actually, vegetable matter is biodegradable, so I think in that case he was harshly made a principle of by the court.

However, vegetable matter thrown on a pavement is garbage. The OP was in the wrong. If he had thrown it in a garden bed, maybe okay, but not onto a hard surface. That is just laziness, IMHO.

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cmon lets just cut the crap and be honest here, littering is littering, doesnt matter what you throw on the ground it is littering, simple answer is BIN IT. They probably did have other reasons for what they did but you made the first mistake, very simple really and now you just want to vent your indignation.

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You were caught out littering. Someone called you on it. Grow a set and deal with it.

In the meantime I shall get a bin full of green waste from the market and dump it on your door step... For the insects and soi dogs of course.

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2 things, you should have picket it up and said sorry, You can think what you like. You will never win anything in Thailand because you are a foreigner and they will never let you forget it. Just move to Vietnam they will accommodate you more than Thailand will. AS many people have done in the past.

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Who the hell puts cucumber on a hotdog? Should be beat up for that. Better yet that should be an offense in itself. Littering a hotdog.

makes the entire story suspect,

but, for the OP's sake, assuming he is still alive.

probably better he came to his laptop to complain rather than try his luck with a team of cabbies who would have clubbed and stabbed him to death before the cops arrived, and, good luck getting a ID

anyone who intentionally wants to screw with natives, in any country, will meet his fate, this is a certainty

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You're the one who has twisted the story with the "funny little brown man" angle. The fact is that many people in Thailand, especially Thais, dump stuff on the streets and no one says a word. Street cleaners come to pick it up but the streets are generally not particularly clean. Do you really believe this moto gang were on a campaign of street beautification rather than just opportunistically asserting their dominance over a "farang"?

You always post in threads like this and regardless of the facts of the story you always have the same angle - it's all the fault of the racist white person. Why not take your own advice and "grow up you silly little person".

No the point is they ARE in charge, we are just guests.

They have the right to litter all they like, we have none.

Given any slight provocation they may beat us with impunity and they love to.

Way it is, your indignance IS because you feel we farang should be protected from such bullying. Q: by whom pray tell? You don't like it get yourself on back home. . .

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