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Dating a younger Thai girl - or why I love Thailand.

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Lara, I don't know why you're bothering.

You don't really expect these clowns to pass up an opportunity to convince you that because the locals pay for some massage fun, that validates their belief that, by extension, it's perfectly normal to pay your Thai wife and her deadbeat extended family a monthly stipend in return for coitus 3 times a week and a cooked meal each evening.

Brilliant thread, great to see the finest trolls trollvisa has to offer out in force, the user name may change but the drivel remains the same, 21 pages of it.

I sometimes wonder how these Love Gawds ever get any time for any, they spend all day on here, no skin off my nose, best of luck to them as they sit at the keyboard masturbating in their scuzzy 20sm condo (minus a/c) regaling us with their fantasies, Walter Mittys and fantasists, Billy No Mates Losers, couldnt get it at home and cant get it here.

To any normal person reading this, NO, you dont have to pay for sex in Thailand.

If you want to see some of what this thread has to offer, haul your ass down to the lower Suk farang ghetto and see them in their natural enviornment, hansum men indeed.

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it's perfectly normal to pay your Thai wife and her deadbeat extended family a monthly stipend in return for coitus 3 times a week and a cooked meal each evening.

It's perfectly normal all over the world. It's called marriage.

And after the divorce, it's still perfectly normal to pay her, it's called alimony.


I know you are not in Thailand but in Thailand everybody pays. Everybody pays sin sot.


I'm not in Thailand??

Jeez bro, your dementia's getting worse.

"Everybody pays??"

OK you keep telling yourself that if it brings you the validation you need

Momma said, "why buy the cow if the milk is free." This is not a new idea.

You are such a stud that I could not imagine you posting on the INTERNET at 3:00 AM in morning if you lived in Thailand.

Also some women in the West don't charge up front. So putting two and two together I assume you are posting from somewhere else besides Thailand.

Also you seem to put some moral stigma on charging for sex. And that men who don't pay for sex are somehow better than men who do. That's not really a Thai idea.

I don't give a toss what your "Momma" said.

I'm such a stud??!! Really??!! Well thanks but as I haven't and don't intend to hand navigation of the direction my life takes to over to my cock, I can find other things to do in BKK at 3am.

Like go to an after hours bar or club.

Everyone pays you say but I don't see Somchai, the motorbike taxi handing over a stipend to his wife and supporting her deadbeat extended family. Hell, she's lucky to even get a look in to his wage packet and yet here you are trying to reinforce the moronic assertion that "everyone" pays.

Anyway, you're really boring the shit out of me now so go back to chanting

"Paying IS normal.

Paying IS normal.

I AM a real man.

I AM a real man."

You may be right about the motor bike taxi's wife,

But what on gold earth could she possible look like?


This topic is hilarious and entertaining.

OP title reads something like ''dating a young Thai girl and why I love Thailand for this''

Well. Yes. I only date Thai ladies younger than me, the older ones does not gives me advantageous wits over the young Thai girls, physically as well as mentally.

Physically, this is a no brainer, I am a man, and a man by nature likes young looking women. Mentally, older Thai ladies does not equals to being more mature, still as childlish. Maybe the ones 45+ are mature.

Sure I love Thailand in the sense that there are so many young beautiful available women around. I am having a hard time organising my dating schedule.


Ooooh hit a nerve did I?

OK well firstly, I've never said that I haven't paid for it. I have partaken - albeit very occasionally - but do I get on TV forums telling everyone that because I have paid for it, everyone else must be paying too?

That the lines between P4P and normal relationships with women have become so completely blurred for you tells me and everyone else reading your pitiful posts exactly what you're about.

Do you really think that saying "Come to Thailand" actually taunts me?

I mean, you're in your 70s, right?


It is blurred for me as well,

I am 54


This topic is hilarious and entertaining.

OP title reads something like ''dating a young Thai girl and why I love Thailand for this''

Well. Yes. I only date Thai ladies younger than me, the older ones does not gives me advantageous wits over the young Thai girls, physically as well as mentally.

Physically, this is a no brainer, I am a man, and a man by nature likes young looking women. Mentally, older Thai ladies does not equals to being more mature, still as childlish. Maybe the ones 45+ are mature.

Sure I love Thailand in the sense that there are so many young beautiful available women around. I am having a hard time organising my dating schedule.

Amen to the childish,

but can we amend to "girlish?"


Wanting a person to wash the spoon in between the first and second cup, is clearly to me, over the top control issues

As is the usage of the bin, instead of the toilet for paper,

Yes, I find that control freak insanity, and, that is what the toilets are for, so yes....

And, <deleted>, you mean, by,

"I am up for a gentle scolding?"

sounds to me like you are the slave

You apply an adversarial view to your dealings with women and this is very likely at the root of your lack of success with them.

You're a rebel without a cause.

You're seeing control and manipulation when she's just wanting to keep her place clean and in the manner that she thinks is best.

You're a guest - albeit a paying one - so shouldn't you try to respect her desire to do things her way in her own freakin' home rather than sitting there suggesting she's trying to control you?

Lose the chip on your shoulder and bloody well grow up, for cryin' out loud.


Today, I was chartered to drive a hole in her concrete wall to hang a picture.

I have handled a drill my entire life,

She, never, only watched other Thai repair and installation people.

With me so far?

She selects the drill bit. I see, it is the only bit ever used in the set. makes sense. (If you are thai)

I compare with the screw and plastic sheath, and it sizes up. No problem, the last guy who hung the clock used the same sizes.

So, I install the smallest bit in the drill, because I want to start the hole.

She insists I use the larger bit. Mind you now, she has never touched the drill in her life,

I instead, go about doing it the way I know is right, use a small bit to start the hole, so the larger bit, doesnt careen all over the wall,

So far, so good?

I get the hole started, and mention, this is similar to getting a woman started (goes over her head)

Continuing with the next size, to ensure the larger size will fit.

She comes over, insists I use the larger size.

I attempt to do that, see the larger bit wobbling, as it is too long for the drill, and understand anymore pressure and it may snap, and I lose an eye,

So, I go down two sizes to complete the hole,

Does she understand any of this? no, but at the end, wanted me to agree with the use of the larger bit first, notwithstanding my safety concern.

Yes, this is a control freak,

I am well aware of it,

And I enjoy her anyway

OTT for sure.

Suggestion.. why dont you just say "do you want to drill the hole yourself, or do you want me to drill it?"

Her reply, im guessing, would be "you".

Then reply in a cheeky but sweet way "ok sweetie, can you leave me to it then".

I dunno..maybe i have it wrong. I wouldnt want someone standing over me telling me how to do something either..but i also wouldnt allow them to stand over and watch my every move either whilst my blood boils.

Id simply make light by saying something like, Oy! let me get on with it and go make me a cuppa! (Of course in an amicable joking way!).

If i was watched over, id simply put down the drill (or whatever else) and say if im going to be told how to do a job, i may as well leave you to do it yourself.


On the contrary,

It is her home,

her wall,

I want to make sure I do it right` and go home with two eye's in my head, and not a drill bit in my forehead.

just an example of a woman in need of complete control.

she is a Leo,

they are all that way,

the issue is, how is it handled,

remember, she is 32, not used to having a man in her home,

I am happy to entertain her, and it doesn't make anything boil, as, to me, she is cute


Can't keep deleting pointless insults so this topic is closed.

As one or two members found out the hard way, insulting other members' souses is a quick way to get sidelined for a long period of time.

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