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Honda Wave breaking my back, need alternative.


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4 years ago bought a Honda Wave 110, to save having to use the truck and so far 20k clicks on it hasn't missed a beat and has been the perfect bike....well for those under say 5ft 8", but for me at 6 foot, it is a back buster, so I need something else for getting around town and down to the pub.

We were in Big C today and saw a Platinum PX250 priced at 65k baht, so I sat on it and it fitted me, even the pegs were reasonably comfortable and looking it over the finish looked pretty good. This was a new model I think.

I fancy doing a bit of mild off-roading too and after riding a Kawasaki round Kho Summed and realising it was too small and down on power, thought the PX250 about right for me. The Kawa was great on the bumpy roads and Khon Kaen roads are not fantastic, so another back saver.

So who has one and what is your verdict?

I know this was covered a while back but things change.........

Edited by AllanB
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> I know this was covered a while back but things change.........

You are lucky. Platinum is getting better every day. The bad days are long time gone, now a Platinum is as reliable as a Wave. Service quality of your local Platinum dealer is second to none and you will never need anything else than changing oil. Rock solid bikes, made in Thailand/China/WhoKnowsWhoCares biggrin.png

Why you sold your Phantom? It sure was a more relaxed ride than a Wave and at least it was running iirr whistling.gif

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FWIW - I bought a platinum scooter in 2007 just after they were offered for sale in Pattaya at a silent auction for 12,000 baht. Rode it 5 years, it needed 1 battery.

Quality has improved since then too. For the price, if I was in the market, I would try one.

65k - can't go wrong.

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my verdict is:

dont buy chinese crap and get a second hand honda cbr250r for 65 -70 k and save yourself from trouble.

i am 5.9 and i fit on a cbr250 pretty comfortably in an upright position easily.

Edited by ll2
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If you're having back problems riding a Honda Wave, a scooter styled bike would probably be a better ride as you're seated in a more upright position.

Cruiser styled bikes also give a more upright riding position, but they're heavier when monoeverig at low speeds and could put more strain on your back.


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I had a Phantom and it has a poorly designed engine, that is prone to running hot, I just don't trust it and it handles like a pig especially in the wet. Probably the worst bike ever to take off road, but a comfortable enough ride on road.

The CBR250 is just too small and too easy to ride too fast, so not relaxing or suitable for town riding IMO.

The comfort problem with the Wave is that it feels too small and I stoop when I ride it, it is like "little bess" the cell they kept Guy Fawkes in, where he could neither sit, nor stand nor lay down. It is hard to change down when I am two up with the missus.

I have never done any "arse sucking" so don't know what that is like, sounds a bit unhygienic though.

I always look over these Chinese bikes when I pass a shop and this is the best I have see so far, much better looking/finish and fits me better than the Lifan. I rode a LIfan 200 a couple of years back, wasn't impressed and they still look the same. PX250, "getting better every day" I would agree, certainly if finish is anything to go by and engine size is ideal.

I don't like scooters, sitting astride feels more stable to me and again haven't found one big enough, even the PCX is a bit cramped.

This is only my opinion and we are all built differently, but this is the first new affordable bike that fits me.

I don't mind fixing bits that fall off, but that shouldn't include vital parts, so just trying to get an insight to current build quality.

The price of 65k ends 1st April....

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> The price of 65k ends 1st April....

Then it drops to 59k?


I know that you were active in quite some threads about quality of cheap chinese bikes. And Platinum is cheap chinese imo, even if they claim to be "made in thailand". So you know what you are doing imo. Just buy it and tell us more about it. It really looks nice and there shouldn't be much that could fail. Sadly the other owners of this bike left this forum after the chinese hater brigade did its work.

Imo you cannot compare Platinum with something like Keeway and Lifan. These companies are far above Platinum imo. They offer a certain standard. This standard maybe is low, but there is a certain quality level at least. Buying a Platinum is a risk. There is no real quality control. Same as with Tiger. You can get a really nice bike. Or you get a lemon. And getting spares is not always guaranteed. There are some happy owners of Platinum bikes out there, so its not all bad.

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Try sitting on a pillow on the Wave? 300baht.

If you buy the 250, suggest you remove the stickers and apply some Kawasaki or Yamaha ones...

or something.

Sleepy time now.

Edited by papa al
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FWIW - I bought a platinum scooter in 2007 just after they were offered for sale in Pattaya at a silent auction for 12,000 baht. Rode it 5 years, it needed 1 battery.

Quality has improved since then too. For the price, if I was in the market, I would try one.

65k - can't go wrong.

To be honest with you, in 5 years you made perhaps 5,000 parkings near to other nice bike / scooters.

How many of these got you proud of your choice ? Do you see Thais buying on a budget like you did ?

Or you were thinking about your money staying in the bank rather than in betwween your legs ?

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FWIW - I bought a platinum scooter in 2007 just after they were offered for sale in Pattaya at a silent auction for 12,000 baht. Rode it 5 years, it needed 1 battery.

Quality has improved since then too. For the price, if I was in the market, I would try one.

65k - can't go wrong.

Please tell what is a silent auction ?? new one to me

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Maybe the problem is with your back and not the bike. I notice once people get to Thailand they go bush and can't even be bothered to cross the street unless they are on a bike. Possibly you just need to get out do some excercise.

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It is true I have, in the past been quite vocal in criticising Chinese bikes, but then I bought a Honda Phantom which I consider a poorly designed bike, well actually a poorly designed engine. I now have a 30 year old NV400 which is very well built engine wise, though I do have a niggling problem with it and can't get info or spares. But that's okay, it's my labour of love.

Having competed with Chinese companies in my past businesses, I know something of how many of them work. The product starts out only fit for the skip and then they get better, just like in Japan, they copy and initially copy only the shape.

But then they get better..and then the products command a higher price, the question is where are Platinum now? This is often, but not always, reflected in the design and finish and as I have said the PX250 is the best in both respects. The Lifan is the same old dull as ditchwater design and finish is not too wonderful and all the Keeyways likewise, with the latter many being of a hideous design IMO.

The problem with other Asian bikes is that they are built for people 4ft 8"- 5ft 8" (you can't make it fit everyone), so there is no use putting a pillow on the seat, because this will only straighten my legs a little and make me stoop more reaching the handlebars...and bugga my back even more.

The best fitting bike I ever rode was a Bonny, it fitted me perfectly, probably because it was designed for a western market.

If the PX250 engine lasts for 5 years that will suit me fine, as I will probably keep it for 2 or 3 and then move upmarket. I am not hard on machines that I buy, even off-road the plan is slowish and gentle, as my body will probably be the weak link. Whack in new wheel bearings, head bearings when you feel them going, tyres probably won't last too long, but they are all cheap replacements.

The PX250 has another plus regarding it's appearance, it has only stickers, so if I don't want people to know I am riding a cheap Chinese bike, I remove them and since the design and finish is good, no one will know. It could quite easily pass for a Honda, a 120baht mod.

I have osteoarthritis mostly in my knee joints, so get exercise in my pool, but yes I am a bushman.

Edited by AllanB
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Sitting upright with a straight bike on a bike is the general cause of back pain because of the vertical load on the spine. It is quite common for riders of "large cruisers" . Leaning forward on a sport bike with a slight curve of the spine is , counter intuitively, for the back a much better position as the spine can flex and absorb any shock.

But you know your body better than we so if feels more comfortable.

Sorry about the arthritis is that something Glucosamine Sulphate would help?

Edited by VocalNeal
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Sounds like a honda Cr250 would be a good option

go sit on one and see if you like the motard version or the dual pupose

or kawasaki dtracker

When i ride some of the roads here on my scooter or er6n i often think the cr would be great alternative

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The Wave has the same rim as the Nano Spark by Yamaha. After ruining 4 rear rims on the Yamaha, I changed the tires to 2.50-17 front, and 2.75-17 rear (Michelin M45). I also bought an after market high quality progressive suspension by YSS, and changed the front fork oil to 15 SAE. It definitely improved the bikes rideability, and comfort. I would never go for a bike with a smaller rim, as small wheels can get very dangerous at potholes, especially at higher speeds.

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I wouldn't recommend the PCX150, the engine are looks are good. However when riding the bike you feel every bump in the road, sit too close to the handlebars and get a sore arse after ten minutes of sitting on a seat without enough padding.

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I actually went to China, Chonquing, where the Platinum factory is and went through the factory inspecting the brands and models,, at the price you can't go wrong BUT when i returned to Thailand i decided to inspect models that were already here maybe a few years old and sorry but the critics are right,, the first thing to go was the chrome, if you want to get one remember they might only last a few years where the Hondas the Yamahahas last much longer, the China bikes are all copies of something and built with cheaper materials, they look great though and the price is right but i wouldn't get one, they just won't last.

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To the OP, I have a eight year old Honda Wave 125, I am also 6ft tall, and it has never affected my back. I am now thinking about a Honda PCX150. I also have a customised Fino, and the seat causes me to keep slipping forward. It is now up for sale.

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A Honda Phantom would be a better ride for your back IMO, more angle on the forks, less impact there and a better setup rear

They don't make em anymore so you would have to buy used. The problem was the front disk break - skids

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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif I take me hat off to ya Allan! It was a very cunning way to start another Chinese bike thread without following the established formula. Well done.

Saying your going to buy one! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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