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Yingluck urges foes to hold off on legal salvoes


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Yingluck urges foes to hold off on legal salvoes

Jeerapong Prasertpolkrung
The Nation


Calls on her adversaries to ease off, give her side some 'space to stand'

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, facing an impeachment threat and the court defeat of her Bt2-trillion infrastructure loan bill, yesterday pleaded with her political adversaries to show her mercy and create a space for everyone to live together instead of trying to corner her with legal weapons.

"If you are going to use laws to hunt us down every day, how can we find peace in this country?" she asked with a strained voice.

She was responding to a move by Democrat Party heavyweight Jurin Laksanawisit to solicit 20,000 signatures to launch impeachment proceedings against her and her caretaker Cabinet.

Yingluck spoke to reporters while on a trip to Khon Kaen, before flying to Chiang Mai later in the day.

"I ask for sympathy but that does not mean I will not follow the law. I respect the court's ruling. What we should be seeking is unity among Thai people and a way to strike a balance so we can live together.

"We are all Thais and should leave space for everyone in society to live together. If you keep hunting us down until we have no space to stand, then those who are bullied will fight back. We don't want this vicious cycle, which has been repeating itself for the past seven to eight years. Are we going to continue like this?

"This cycle will not end. If we have compassion and forgiveness and leave space for others to stand, I believe the checks and balances in society will condemn those who have bad intentions. They won't be able to live in society. This is better than using legal tools and procedures to create deep divisions,'' she said.

As for calls for her to take responsibility for the Bt2-trillion loan project, Yingluck said she would assign her deputy Pongthep Thepkanjana and legal teams to look into the issue since she had not received a written version of the ruling.

Despite the setbacks, resorting to heavy-handed measures against anti-government protesters and her political rivals would not bring about solutions.

"What would we gain from using such measures? Using drastic measures means using force or enforcing the law - neither way is good for the country.

"Today people have no fear of the law. Those who follow the law cannot survive, while those who cross the line can. If this is the case, how can we move on?'' she said.

Questions independent agencies

While it might appear that independent organisations were not being fair to the government, she said she would like to ask for understanding since the government had good intentions.

She pointed out that the rally at the Commerce Ministry by anti-government protesters yesterday was an example of how the government was finding it difficult to pay farmers for their pledged rice.

"Today we can't proceed with the rice distribution, even though it's lawful. It is obstructed, so how can farmers receive their money? If it becomes a legal case, the money won't be paid to farmers because the case will still be in progress. We will have to wait till it's finished. That means farmers will get paid even later," she said.

Pheu Thai secretary-general Phumtham Wechayachai said he felt sorry for Yingluck, pointing out that though she has recently been seen with tears in her eyes, it did not indicate that she was weak.

He said her eyes were brimming out of frustration, adding that she never complains of being disheartened but instead lends moral support to her fellow Pheu Thai members.

-- The Nation 2014-03-14

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To late Yingluck you never thought about this when charging other leaders with murder or when you jammed every piece legislation through with no respect for the opposing side , your opponents asked for fair elections free from your corrupt party . You chose to continue to run a corrupt government.

The sooner you and your brother are out of politics the better as the damage that has been done could have been avoided but you would not listen so why should your ropponents listen now.

Also about your legal advisors it must be hard to get good ones as all the non corrupt good advisors support the other side and democracy.

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YL - it's knock 'em down, drag 'em out in politics. Politicians will always go for the jugular, and you have just exposed your neck big time. It won't surprise me if YL ends up in hospital with a nervous breakdown very soon. This situation is beyond her emotional maturity to handle.

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

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"Oh that tedious author, a dusty exhumer of chronicles! A fastidious mass of descriptions of bric-a-brac . . . and castoff things of every sort, armor, tableware, furniture, gothic inns, and melodramatic castles where lifeless mannequins stalk about, dressed in leotards . . ."

[samuel Cramer]

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

She should lead by example.

Get PTP to drop all cases - dissolution of Democrats, criminal cases agains constitution course, cases against NACC.

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

She should lead by example.

Get PTP to drop all cases - dissolution of Democrats, criminal cases agains constitution course, cases against NACC.

not against that - ALL drop these nonsense cases

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

The legal nonsense is self-inflicted through her family's blatant attempts to flout the law to steal the entire cookie jar while granting themselves amnesty. How much of that loan would have ended up in Shincorporated pockets, if it had gone ahead without scrutiny of expenditure?

The immunity covers discussions, not acts of corruption or negligence. Politicians are not above the law.

WRONG anything decided or discussed in PARLIAMENT or by an MP or by a Minister gets immunity in just about every democracy or the Courts would be full like here:

Functional immunity arises from customary international law and treaty law and confers immunities on those performing acts of state (usually a foreign official). Any person who in performing an act of state commits a criminal offence is immune from prosecution. This is so even after the person ceases to perform acts of state. Thus it is a type of immunity limited in the acts to which it attaches (acts of state) but will only end if the state itself ceases to exist. This type of immunity is based on respect for sovereign equality and state dignity.


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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

You're right nowhere else does a PM have to go through this.

Actually, I can't recall anywhere where a PM was corrupt to the unmatched level of Yingluck.

"If you are going to use laws to hunt us down every day, how can we find peace in this country?" she asked with a strained voice.

That breaks really all records.

Edited by JesseFrank
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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

For goodness sake Binj. Do you not see the irony in this woman's bleating...?!

How many writs have the PTP issued against various check and balance organisations in an attempt to shut them up? And how many times did Mr. T use the legal process to shut up his opponents.

It's simply a case of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander", and she has committed serious breaches of her role in office, so she must now face the consequences.

Please stop adopting this nonsensical stance of defending her at all costs, and against all the evidence, as it simply makes you look ridiculous...!!

Edited by GeorgeO
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Won't be long now,

"So long, it's been good to know you,
So long, it's been good to know you,
So long, it's been good to know you.
What a long time since I've been home, of corruption and crime.
And I've gotta be driftin' along. I should be doing some time."

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

For goodness sake Binj. Do you not see the irony is this woman's bleating...?!

How many writs have the PTP issued against various check and balance organisations in an attempt to shut them up? And how many times did Mr. T use the legal process to shut up his opponents.

It's simply a case of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander", and she has committed serious breaches of her role in office, so she must now face the consequences.

Please stop adopting this nonsensical stance of defending her at all costs, and against all the evidence, as it simply makes you look ridiculous...!!

The final 3 words is sufficient, everything prior is superfluous.

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

For goodness sake Binj. Do you not see the irony is this woman's bleating...?!

How many writs have the PTP issued against various check and balance organisations in an attempt to shut them up? And how many times did Mr. T use the legal process to shut up his opponents.

It's simply a case of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander", and she has committed serious breaches of her role in office, so she must now face the consequences.

Please stop adopting this nonsensical stance of defending her at all costs, and against all the evidence, as it simply makes you look ridiculous...!!

read my post #18 for your first salvo


if I look 'ridiculous' by defending someone against a farang onslaught on an internet forum where she cannot defend herself I admit to it

if I look 'ridiculous' pointing out that in every other democracy Parliament would have immunity - I plead 'guilty as charged'

If I look 'ridiculous' by supporting democracy against the tyranny of Suthep's unelected 'peoples council' then Mea Culpa

I have stated in numerous posts that she is certainly not a great PM nor even a gifted politician but that people voted for her and PTP because of the greater incompetence of the Dems and their obedience to the rich eilte - if they lose that they may stand a chance wai.gif

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This lady is really demented.

How pathetic is it if you dare ask for legal mercy while you behave like a criminal and while your self righteousness drags the whole country into the (financial) abyss? Worst still, there are idiots (binjalin seems to be proudly one of them) who pity this witch!

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a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

"a courageous woman"

Sounds like she is begging for mercy actually.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I swear the Shinawatras have lost their collective marbles or the have been lying so blatantly for so long that reality no longer plays into their lives. It is unbelievable what this woman is saying. She opens all the ugly cans of worms with things like trying force her criminal brother back into the lives of Thais so he can continue the financial rape of Thailand. She implements insane populist policies like the rice pledging scam and spends the first 2 years in office being the belle of the ball by flying all over the world on lavish shopping trips thinly disguised as diplomatic outings. She has been a classic definition of incompetence and dishonesty, but now that the sh*t has hit the fan and is appropriately being blown back on her until she`s up to her neck in it, she pleads for mercy. Amazing! The sooner Thailand is rid of this parasitic disease called Shinawatras, the better.

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