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Thinking of moving back to Thailand for good? Could use some opinions.


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if you really committed the crimes you confessed to in the OP, only the court should decide where you live

you should hand yourself in to the police and let the justice system protect the rest of society from your violence

if you do this in america you will probably receive some free help to fix / control your mental health issues

Lol. Be quiet woman. Stay in the kitchen.

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nothing tough or manly about beating up women

if you aren't brave enough to face justice i'm sure karma will catch up on you later

best regards, miss brit

How about me and you catch up later, since your gods perfect gift to earth.

Shut the hell up about the abusive bs. Read my past posts explaining the situations before you open your mouth. Damn <deleted>.

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Well I guess you are aware of the unpleasant impression you make on people ? In fact you are a miserable deleted son of a deleted that needs help.

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Please close your hole between your legs please. This is about my life. Not you people hurting me.

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My advise is just make a decision to leave her!

tearing my shirt off me, screaming, crying yelling, pulling, ripping my car keys out of my hand

Your a good friend will buy you a singha

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Just my opinion that don't be afraid to get rid of toxic people. Also may be I should add that make a decision being with your mother and taking care of her while you can and you will not regret later in life. I wouldn't worry about the future, at least I know I'm doing the right thing now. If it doesn't work in Thailand you can always go back to the States.


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I'm by no means am living wild.

I've lived in Thailand for 3 years so I need no paragraphs about the 'rules' and life style.

I'm in a bad relationship and I admit that.

My mom is leaving and I will be alone in the state no moral or any type of support if / will the relationship goes sour. That worries me.

It's been on my mind, just asking for some opinions. I don't need to hear how someone will beat me to death or I'm headed for jail.

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If you know you are in a bad relationship, as you say, and are asking what you should do about it then it is clear you have a normal life problem that most adults at age 30 know how to handle. You dont.

So you should get some help. If Mom or family hasn't been helpful in this capacity (some families can be and others cannot... it depends on a lot) then you should get it from a professional. Go get some therapy. And end the relationship.

Generally speaking... in today's world you cannot get a decent job and career without some kind of advanced degree - MBA, MA, or some kind of graduate school. That's general. People will disagree but based on what you have said it is probably a good idea for you.

Don't look to Thailand for good schools, unless you talk about Sasin, which is as expensive as a grad program in the USA and is only really good if you plan to work in Thailand, even though it is as good as many grad programs in the USA, in fact.

One part kind of shocked me: still living with Mom at age 30?

I can't relate. I left home at 18 when I went to college and have never been back for more than a visit. I love my Dad and my Mom a lot. Great people. But I never wanted to live under their roof after I was 15 or so.

Get help. Its not unusual to need help of this kind. I know many people who have needed some help at different points in their lives and it made their lives better.

Some good points.

But I'm not living with my mom at 30.

I asked if I should go back to Thailand at age 30. If I can find a job in BKK and make it on my own then I will do that 110%.

If I live at my moms house in the village and help her with her business then what's wrong with that? Where else am I going to live in a VILLAGE? A fancy apartment? The village doesn't have those. Only makes sense to stay at moms house.

My two aunts, their boyfriends, ex wife and kid...Live at my moms house. My moms ex boyfriends mom and dad and cousin and her nephews lived at my moms house all at one time.

That's how asian family's work. You all should know that. Your bar girlfriends family live the same way.

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go on. tell us what else we don't know about asian families? Abusive relationships?

Nothing wrong with living at Mom's if you are an asian boy who has dead end jobs and no ambition to develop a career. And... let me guess. ... everyone is there because she has the money or the business that produces the money? Sounds like you will be perfectly at home in a village. lost of support for you.

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Sounds like a rude, angry, little boy who still depends on Mama. Can't get his act together in the States, so has to follow mama where ever she goes.

He's probably a bit scared cos mama is going to be far away. And he can't run back to her everytime the <deleted> hits the fan in his violent relationship.

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my own opinion: you like many others , born in the states but still a sort of half life of first generation immigrant (your mom, i am guessing, for whatever reason got to the states. );

being first generation is never easy as the pull to the 'homeland' is always there from the parents' side. i have friends here in israel with a boy (man actually now) in the same position exactly. he went through israeli army, has a good job translating for thai workers and foreign office etc.

his thai mother has gone back to thailand while his israeli step father decided to stay here for medical and family reasons.

this guy is also older (after army everyone here is older when going to uni), and doesnt feel 100% home here. however, he has the same qualms about going bacfk to thailand.

his mother is well off also and he has the option of going back too.

, 'the other place' always will seem better, but then there u might not fit in 100% either being half/half. he also is stuck one foot here and one foot there. im not sure why american westerners dont understand that /mother country pull. israelis living in the states face the same feelings. when they are there, they want to be here, and when they are here they all complain about how good it was there. my thai husband has the same reaction. freedom in thailand. howver, when he goes back to visit im sure he will realize that it isnt what he has been dreaming about the past five years since he was last in thailand.

in this day of skype etc you can still be in constant contact with your mother , maybe use your residential rights to uni in your home town/state, then go to thailand throuigh something like a company with one year job overseas, that would be the best of all possible worlds.

as to your gf. well. luggage goes with u to all countries. either lyou decide on a year break to see what happens, or cold turkey, or stay in the situation. it is only your own choice. she is an idiot for staying with u if u abuse her , and you are an idiot for staing with someone that brings out that side of u.

i think u are nervous about staying in a country that dont see as all yours since u have no family ties, and your mother probably lived there sa a 'guest' and resident but not as if it was 'her country', therefore she is doing what most thais , and a majority of israelis do. GO HOME. and for you, home is not quite there, as no family ties, but most likely not thailand either, since many aspects will annoy you. you are a limbo generation. that is also a plus. u can live and work between two places, two cultures, the best of both worlds. it just depends on how u play it out.

maybe doing something really different in thailand for a while might change the way u see things. volunteer in some place that needs exactly someone like you: bilingual, educated, sees both sides of things... it will be a challenge, get u away from the gf, near your mom, and not in a typical situation.

i would skip uni in thailand it doesnt seem such a plus if u can get a decent education in the states somehow.

and frankly, nothing is life and death here. its all a plane ride away. if u have money saved up, u can go and then change your mind and come back. your gf can join you. whatever.

do u even know what u would want to study? if not, then find something else useful to work at. working as a mechanic or a plumber is jsut as good as being a lawyer or a hi tech pro, if u enjoy it and it puts food on the table.

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I'm by no means am living wild.

I've lived in Thailand for 3 years so I need no paragraphs about the 'rules' and life style.

I'm in a bad relationship and I admit that.

My mom is leaving and I will be alone in the state no moral or any type of support if / will the relationship goes sour. That worries me.

It's been on my mind, just asking for some opinions. I don't need to hear how someone will beat me to death or I'm headed for jail.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If you know you are in a bad relationship, as you say, and are asking what you should do about it then it is clear you have a normal life problem that most adults at age 30 know how to handle. You dont.

So you should get some help. If Mom or family hasn't been helpful in this capacity (some families can be and others cannot... it depends on a lot) then you should get it from a professional. Go get some therapy. And end the relationship.

Generally speaking... in today's world you cannot get a decent job and career without some kind of advanced degree - MBA, MA, or some kind of graduate school. That's general. People will disagree but based on what you have said it is probably a good idea for you.

Don't look to Thailand for good schools, unless you talk about Sasin, which is as expensive as a grad program in the USA and is only really good if you plan to work in Thailand, even though it is as good as many grad programs in the USA, in fact.

One part kind of shocked me: still living with Mom at age 30?

I can't relate. I left home at 18 when I went to college and have never been back for more than a visit. I love my Dad and my Mom a lot. Great people. But I never wanted to live under their roof after I was 15 or so.

Get help. Its not unusual to need help of this kind. I know many people who have needed some help at different points in their lives and it made their lives better.

Some good points.

But I'm not living with my mom at 30.

I asked if I should go back to Thailand at age 30. If I can find a job in BKK and make it on my own then I will do that 110%.

If I live at my moms house in the village and help her with her business then what's wrong with that? Where else am I going to live in a VILLAGE? A fancy apartment? The village doesn't have those. Only makes sense to stay at moms house.

My two aunts, their boyfriends, ex wife and kid...Live at my moms house. My moms ex boyfriends mom and dad and cousin and her nephews lived at my moms house all at one time.

That's how asian family's work. You all should know that. Your bar girlfriends family live the same way.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


go on. tell us what else we don't know about asian families? Abusive relationships?

Nothing wrong with living at Mom's if you are an asian boy who has dead end jobs and no ambition to develop a career. And... let me guess. ... everyone is there because she has the money or the business that produces the money? Sounds like you will be perfectly at home in a village. lost of support for you.

So am I lying then? That's not how it works? I've lived on both sides of the fence. I know how white family's work and asian ones work.

I have no ambition? I have plenty ambition. If I didn't I wouldn't even have brought up going BACK TO SCHOOL. You idiot.

My mom has money? WHY WOULD SHE MOVE BACK TO THAILAND THEN?! HELLLLLLO. Is there a brain inside that head?

If she had MONEY she would be living in a great place here in the states not worrying about nothing.

I actually care about my mom. She's been through a ton of shit. She has no MAN at home taking care of her and making sure everything is fine. So what's wrong with being a good son these days? You dick heads probably visit your mom once every 5 years and rush them off the phone when they call so you can make it to your Soapy appointment. Scum bags.

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does the bad relationship girl, make the money in the relationship?

No scarpolo........She just sits at home feeding the rats, while eating saltine crackers on the bed.


I swear.

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Sounds like a rude, angry, little boy who still depends on Mama. Can't get his act together in the States, so has to follow mama where ever she goes.

He's probably a bit scared cos mama is going to be far away. And he can't run back to her everytime the hits the fan in his violent relationship.

Half of that is true.

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skeet, stop reading the stupid stuff and concentrate on the actual advise that might even help you... and leave off the language and nasty remarks. you chose to bring out some 'dirty laundry' and this is an open forum with its share of idiots as well...

so if u asked for advise u will get it by the bucketful. just sort through it. relax. many of us have been in same or even worse situations and we still manage to be normal if a bit eccentric human beings... you are only 30 although u do seem to anser like a petulant teenager some of the time. come down out of yuor tree back to earth, read through some of our messages, skip the bs and then , to quote my mother (at age 78 no less) : shit or get off the pot. i.e. stop bogging down in stuff and jsut sort out and make decisions.

u seem to have a big chip on your shoulder for sure also... get rid of it its only hindering you.

its great taht u are taking care of your mom. its seems she raised you right. but if she is going back to to thailand to family then she willl be taken care of there also for a while, and u can get on with taking care of your self. im sure she wants u to better yourself and get ahead in life, find a decent girl and get some grandkids going... and with her being taken care of, u will have time to take care of yourself for a change.

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You should come to Thailand. What are you embarrassed about? I am 27 and just finishing a degree. There are guys in their 50's here studying with me (not many, but still).

Address your problems. Maybe try Vipassana meditation. It has helped me with me problems. www.dhamma.org.

Try to be compassionate with yourself. You are just a person.

Edited by Water Buffalo
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Whatever problems you have in the states you will have here.
College at 30? The women will be all over you.

No they won't. The typical female undergrad will be 18-21. She will have nothing in common with a 30 year old farang freshman living off his mum. If he was a dashing doctoral or post doc fellow and was financially independent, then yes, there might be interest. Desirable Thai university girls can have their pick of a large pool of handsome, financially secure Thai university students.

Lol who said I'm looking for a woman in Thailand? I've been there done that. If I did go, I'm doing my own thing. Been on lock down long enough. I've got 21 year olds trying to give me the cat here in America I don't think I'll have a problem in Thailand. Thanks

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And what's the point in starting a thread and then verbally attacking everyone who says something which isn't to your liking?

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does the bad relationship girl, make the money in the relationship?

No scarpolo........She just sits at home feeding the rats, while eating saltine crackers on the bed.


I swear.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


do you have a job?

and, where is your american father in this dilemma you have?

have you asked him why he isnt in thailand?

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Whatever problems you have in the states you will have here.

College at 30? The women will be all over you.

No they won't. The typical female undergrad will be 18-21. She will have nothing in common with a 30 year old farang freshman living off his mum. If he was a dashing doctoral or post doc fellow and was financially independent, then yes, there might be interest. Desirable Thai university girls can have their pick of a large pool of handsome, financially secure Thai university students.

Lol who said I'm looking for a woman in Thailand? I've been there done that. If I did go, I'm doing my own thing. Been on lock down long enough. I've got 21 year olds trying to give me the cat here in America I don't think I'll have a problem in Thailand. Thanks

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


And what's the point in starting a thread and then verbally attacking everyone who says something which isn't to your liking?

Cat = American slang for "vagina"

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does the bad relationship girl, make the money in the relationship?

No scarpolo........She just sits at home feeding the rats, while eating saltine crackers on the bed.


I swear.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


do you have a job?

and, where is your american father in this dilemma you have?

have you asked him why he isnt in thailand?

Yep I stated I have a job in the first post.

Of course you people criticize everything before reading anything......

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I ask again,

did you consult your father on this one?

have you asked him why he didnt want to stay in Thailand?

He's never lived in Thailand.

I haven't spoke to him for 11 years.

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Cat = American slang for "vagina"

Oh really? Are you sure? Are you NES American?

If so, in what subculture or what part of the country is this usage common?

I have lived in america my entire life,

I have never heard the use of the word cat, to describe anything other than, a cat.

sometimes is is about a woman named Catherine, who doesnt like the victorian name given her, nor cathy

the only other time I have heard it used was when the rumors floated that it was being substitued for chicken,

I have heard a haitian call the female body part, chicken,

but never cat,

that puts the posters credibility that below a haitian who barely spoke english

good job

Edited by Scarpolo
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Cat = American slang for "vagina"

Oh really? Are you sure? Are you NES American?

If so, in what subculture or what part of the country is this usage common?

I have lived in america my entire life,

I have never heard the use of the word cat, to describe anything other than, a cat.

sometimes is is about a woman named Catherine, who doesnt like the victorian name given her, nor cathy

the only other time I have heard it used was when the rumors floated that it was being substitued for chicken,

I have heard a haitian call the female body part, chicken,

but never cat,

that puts the posters credibility that below a haitian who barely spoke english

good job

Because you are an old white man. You don't use slang like we use.

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Cat = American slang for "vagina"

Oh really? Are you sure? Are you NES American?

If so, in what subculture or what part of the country is this usage common?

Don't worry about where I'm from or at. Just read my posts.

For you slow people....

P u s s y = cat = vagina

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What ever you choose to do, I would strongly recommend you to not be physically abusive to any Thai-girls here. You can and will get into serious trouble here if you do not put that behind you, before you come.

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Hey skeetjones, I am 50 and have just started a BEd so I can work as a teacher here at home or in Thailand. I figure I've got 15-20 more years of work in me. There's a guy in my course who is 57 so I am young. You are 30 and the world is your oyster. Do something good with your life so when you are old you can look back with contentment, not regret.

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