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Airlines demand crackdown on unruly passengers


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sorry but i wear a nice shirt, decent shorts and also flip flops. if the <deleted> in some airports did not demand you remove your shoes i would wear shoes

Sorry but no excuse for Flip-flops and anyway, the business about shoe removal is for YOUR OWN SAFETY. If they stop just ONE SHOE BOMBER from boarding a flight, I hope it is MY Flight and I don't mind what they do to ensure my safety. If you must wear Flip-Flops, simply stay at home or go to the beach..... Hope you at least take the trouble to clean out the muck from under your toe nails.

What about socks and proper sandals? Does that satisfy your criteria of what's acceptable? I've only worn covered shoes in 20 years in Thailand maybe 3-4 times. My wedding, meeting a PM and one other important person. But always wear dress pants and dress shirts when out or at work (my wife spelled out that criteria after we got married. biggrin.png

Sounds like she is the one who wears the pants!

I always get on board in BKK in shorts and sandals... memories of the airport being too warm.

Change clothes in the toilet ready for the English summer.

Another idea is an unscheduled landing to remove troublesome passengers en-route.

I am sure one of the 'stans' can deal with them better than Europe!

Edited by jacko45k
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Depends who you fly with and where you sit, the French have been the rudest passengers I have sat with. seat pulling, loudness and getting up for a pish too often. When I burn upto 2k eur on business flights believe me it's worth it not to sit with the turkey's.

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Last trip back to Amsterdam a very drunk passenger kept going to his stash of Chang for a drink.(I saw him at least 7 times). I pointed it out to the Hostess. She didn't give a <deleted>. How he got past the security check I don't know.

Because security at BKK is before you pass immigration and that's where they take away any liquids pastes or ungents that are too big for regulations. Everything on the air-side is considered a secure area, including all the water, beer and whisky you care to tote onboard. I think the only airlines that have a secondary security search are United (but I think they don't come here anymore) and (probably) El Al. Oh, and I think Air France still has those shady looking ex-foreign legionnaire types giving you a secondary gate grope pat-down as well.

Amsterdam is one of those pain-in-the-arse airports where the security scan is at the gate and unless you have drunk it already, it gets taken away.

Next time bring your own six-pack (or two) and enjoy yourself too.

You can add the Qantas gate to Sydney to that NanLaw----every recent trip there has been a bag search and confiscation of liquids that are deemed to be too much--- a nice little " earner " for the boys/girls at the gate maybe ??

I know that in N.Z all confiscated liquids are destroyed--that's the word from a friend of mine who works Security at Auckland Airport--

I think it would be TOOOOO much for me --and break down--to watch a 12 year old Single Malt being poured down the drain xcrying.gif.pagespeed.ic.kh9vLpJQkU.png

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Airlines should stop their alcoholic beverage service but they'd lose money. I have never seen an unruly passenger in which alcohol was not involved.

Dont care how they are dressed, as long as they dont smell.

No lack of hi-so unruly passengers when alcohol is involved.

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This is not good if you are an unruly passenger like me. Haha, my friend and I in the 80s would fly coach and raise hell until thru moved us to first class and fave us good food and free drinks to shut us up. That does not work anymore.

Why does this admission of bad behaviour not shock me?

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One better be on their best behavior when flying in USA. There is minuscule tolerance of misbehavior and you'll be immediately arrested and prosecuted upon landing. Or, even better, if there's an undercover agent on board the flight, you'll quickly be taken down on the spot.

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This is not good if you are an unruly passenger like me. Haha, my friend and I in the 80s would fly coach and raise hell until thru moved us to first class and fave us good food and free drinks to shut us up. That does not work anymore.

Why are you bragging about this as if it's something to be proud of? Although it sounds like a bunch of highly exaggerated BS, actually. Impossible to believe they'd move rowdy drunk hooligans into first class to annoy their premium customers.

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I think most passengers demand protection from loutish behavior. Its to be expected when discipline is lacking at home and many children grow up without a responsible father.

Unfortunately I don't see this improving any time soon,

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Last trip back to Amsterdam a very drunk passenger kept going to his stash of Chang for a drink.(I saw him at least 7 times). I pointed it out to the Hostess. She didn't give a <deleted>. How he got past the security check I don't know.

Because security at BKK is before you pass immigration and that's where they take away any liquids pastes or ungents that are too big for regulations. Everything on the air-side is considered a secure area, including all the water, beer and whisky you care to tote onboard. I think the only airlines that have a secondary security search are United (but I think they don't come here anymore) and (probably) El Al. Oh, and I think Air France still has those shady looking ex-foreign legionnaire types giving you a secondary gate grope pat-down as well.

Amsterdam is one of those pain-in-the-arse airports where the security scan is at the gate and unless you have drunk it already, it gets taken away.

Next time bring your own six-pack (or two) and enjoy yourself too.

Funny story about security and tooth paste. I had a 160 gram tube of tooth paste that was nearly empty, maybe enough for two or more brushings at most. Security confiscated it and when I asked why, she triumphantly pointed to the size written on the tube. When I asked what sizes were acceptable, she froze with the proverbial "Deer in the Headlights look, then proceeded to the next person in line...

Don't ask, don't tell at Bangkok Airport :)

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if there was bit more room it would be less stressfull

if the guy in front of you puts his seat all the back to "relax '"

you have his headrest nearly in your face and dont have any room to read a book or magazine unless you hold it to the side

the only solution to give yourself room is to put your own seat back as far as it goes and do the same to the guy behind you

whether you want to be seated on an incline or not you have no choice if you want your 6 inches of space back.......

i find tis very annoying because i am 6 foot 1" and i am squashed with no choice but to squash the person behind me

a fight nearly started once when i put my seat back and a big russian guy tried to press his knees so my seat couldnt recline into "his space "

chaos lol

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This is not good if you are an unruly passenger like me. Haha, my friend and I in the 80s would fly coach and raise hell until thru moved us to first class and fave us good food and free drinks to shut us up. That does not work anymore.

Why are you bragging about this as if it's something to be proud of? Although it sounds like a bunch of highly exaggerated BS, actually. Impossible to believe they'd move rowdy drunk hooligans into first class to annoy their premium customers.

wah, wah, wah . . . Completely proud of my younger day escapades. Be surprised what one could get when one worked for it . . .

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Great, nothing worse than having to sit next to / near a loud mouth or completely drunk passanger. Its not fair for the rest of us, and the crew !

What depresses me is how often I find myself sat next to a totally sober person, it's enough to turn someone to drink.

That or someone with stinky breathe. Vodka breathe over stinky old dude breathe any day.

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This is not good if you are an unruly passenger like me. Haha, my friend and I in the 80s would fly coach and raise hell until thru moved us to first class and fave us good food and free drinks to shut us up. That does not work anymore.

Why does this admission of bad behaviour not shock me?

Haha, ya old stick in the mud . . . Gotta learn to live life. Heck, I was 19 and 20 when this happened, living in St. Martin and lovin life.

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One better be on their best behavior when flying in USA. There is minuscule tolerance of misbehavior and you'll be immediately arrested and prosecuted upon landing. Or, even better, if there's an undercover agent on board the flight, you'll quickly be taken down on the spot.

I had a trip to Phoenix from east coast right after 911. We were in first class and this really big, like 6'8", foreigner looking dude came up from coach and was heading toward cockpit when we were beginning our descent and fasten seat belt was on. He was just heading to bathroom, but it was like everyone was looking around like who the f was going to take this guy down. He was huge!

DC is the worst now. Seems like I always have to pee about the time we hit that stay seat in your seat no matter what zone. One time we got put in a pattern I guess due to traffic and I was close to saying screw it, arrest if you have to but I gotta go.

Edited by F430murci
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if there was bit more room it would be less stressfull

if the guy in front of you puts his seat all the back to "relax '"

you have his headrest nearly in your face and dont have any room to read a book or magazine unless you hold it to the side

the only solution to give yourself room is to put your own seat back as far as it goes and do the same to the guy behind you

whether you want to be seated on an incline or not you have no choice if you want your 6 inches of space back.......

i find tis very annoying because i am 6 foot 1" and i am squashed with no choice but to squash the person behind me

a fight nearly started once when i put my seat back and a big russian guy tried to press his knees so my seat couldnt recline into "his space "

chaos lol

As I fly to the USA via the Pacific route, wherein most all the passengers put their seat backs in full tilt-back (oftentimes smashing your knees in the process), I refer to it as the Asian reclining gene.

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Not sure what the fuss is about..

Any decent airline has always taken a proactive line on unruly pax.

Hence that talentless (compared to his brother), drunken oaf, Liam Gallagher, being banned for life by Cathay Pacific for behaving like the drunken bum he specializes at. If all airlines took a similar line these gits would be doing a lot of walking....

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This is what happens when there's so much competition and low fares...the uncouth masses are allowed to fly.

Really? Raising fares and discouraging competition is your solution to the problem? 'Talk about punishing everybody for the sins of a few!

I have a better idea. Let's get back to actually punishing those (and only those) who can't play well with others. Temporary or permanent flight bans sound good. Nobody seems to know exactly how a name gets on no-fly and watch lists now, but adding individuals like these sounds like just what the doctor ordered. It's partly the airlines' fault. They don't want the negative publicity that goes with making these incidents too big a deal.

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if there was bit more room it would be less stressfull

if the guy in front of you puts his seat all the back to "relax '"

you have his headrest nearly in your face and dont have any room to read a book or magazine unless you hold it to the side

the only solution to give yourself room is to put your own seat back as far as it goes and do the same to the guy behind you

whether you want to be seated on an incline or not you have no choice if you want your 6 inches of space back.......

i find tis very annoying because i am 6 foot 1" and i am squashed with no choice but to squash the person behind me

a fight nearly started once when i put my seat back and a big russian guy tried to press his knees so my seat couldnt recline into "his space "

chaos lol

As I fly to the USA via the Pacific route, wherein most all the passengers put their seat backs in full tilt-back (oftentimes smashing your knees in the process), I refer to it as the Asian reclining gene.

It's the domino effect, and speedtripler is absolutely right. The guy in front of you reclines; you get crushed if you don't recline your own seat. It's on the airlines - send your gripes to them. They're the ones spacing seats that close together simply in order to be able to cram more people in. They can't even serve meals without making everybody put their seats forward.

I have no sympathy with some a-hole behind trying to prevent me from reclining my seat with his knees, though I do try and be "gradual" about it so no one's actually injured... But if there's a reprobate behind me, I just relax for a few minutes until his guard's down, and then put mine back. Lol. If they don't like it, they can fly business class.

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Qantas has the answer---they have just reduced the economy points by about 40% sad.png --effective today for new bookings flying after July 1st-

that should cut down on any troublemakers--NOT !!!!

I expect there will be many like me and voting with their feet--Thai Airways has the best deal now -for me

from N.Z-----wai2.gif

Edited by Bucko
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I expect there will be many like me and voting with their feet--Thai Airways has the best deal now -for me

from N.Z-----wai2.gif

If they vote with their feet, they better wear shoes. Some of our posters don't like flying with people wearing flip-flops.

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I expect there will be many like me and voting with their feet--Thai Airways has the best deal now -for me

from N.Z-----wai2.gif

If they vote with their feet, they better wear shoes. Some of our posters don't like flying with people wearing flip-flops.

O.K Scott--I will take off my Flip-Flops--and put on my Jandels giggle.gif

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This is not good if you are an unruly passenger like me. Haha, my friend and I in the 80s would fly coach and raise hell until thru moved us to first class and fave us good food and free drinks to shut us up. That does not work anymore.

Why does this admission of bad behaviour not shock me?

Haha, ya old stick in the mud . . . Gotta learn to live life. Heck, I was 19 and 20 when this happened, living in St. Martin and lovin life.

So, you were Justin Bieber's age when you were acting like...well, Justin Bieber?

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And why do the airline often hand out those disposable socks that will not fit anyone with a shoe size bigger than 7 in the amenity packs?

So you can have a crafty wank into one when everybody else is asleep.

Edited by mca
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And why do the airline often hand out those disposable socks that will not fit anyone with a shoe size bigger than 7 in the amenity packs?

So you can have a crafty wank into one when everybody else is asleep.

havent gotten socks since i flew with lufthansa years ago (i believe they are to keep your regular socks clean if you need to stretch your legs with a little walk or take a trip to the bathroom)

i think you have to fly business or first class to get them ,if your in the cheap seats they dont care about your socks :(

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The last time I flew on Singapore on a long haul flight, I got the socks. They were a close match to some pants I sometimes wear and I wore them out one day. Somebody asked me if I fly on Singapore Airlines often! Slightly embarrassing.

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And why do the airline often hand out those disposable socks that will not fit anyone with a shoe size bigger than 7 in the amenity packs?

So you can have a crafty wank into one when everybody else is asleep.

havent gotten socks since i flew with lufthansa years ago (i believe they are to keep your regular socks clean if you need to stretch your legs with a little walk or take a trip to the bathroom)

i think you have to fly business or first class to get them ,if your in the cheap seats they dont care about your socks sad.png

Reminds me of a flight years ago "Bangkok, to Dubai via Delhi" you needed wellies to visit the rest room.

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Passengers would like to clamp down on UNRULY airlines,failing to check ID of passengers,poor food,baggage handling dispute resolution.

It would be good if MH370 folks all sue in USA class action and break the airline so badly no other will risk such jejune behaviour,

Its the old 6Ps my officer taught me







Edited by RubbaJohnny
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Passengers would like to clamp down on UNRULY airlines,failing to check ID of passengers,poor food,baggage handling dispute resolution.

It would be good if MH370 folks all sue in USA class action and break the airline so badly no other will risk such jejune behaviour,

Its the old 6Ps my officer taught me







And how does the U.S. figure into this? As the global mecca for class-action lawsuits of course. (Not that anyone can argue the fact...) Probably lowest marks for baggage "losses" (outright theft actually), poor food, and geriatric flight attendants as well, sadly.

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if there was bit more room it would be less stressfull

if the guy in front of you puts his seat all the back to "relax '"

you have his headrest nearly in your face and dont have any room to read a book or magazine unless you hold it to the side

the only solution to give yourself room is to put your own seat back as far as it goes and do the same to the guy behind you

whether you want to be seated on an incline or not you have no choice if you want your 6 inches of space back.......

i find tis very annoying because i am 6 foot 1" and i am squashed with no choice but to squash the person behind me

a fight nearly started once when i put my seat back and a big russian guy tried to press his knees so my seat couldnt recline into "his space "

chaos lol

As I fly to the USA via the Pacific route, wherein most all the passengers put their seat backs in full tilt-back (oftentimes smashing your knees in the process), I refer to it as the Asian reclining gene.
Airline screwing you gene, not Asian,as the Whole World Reclines...
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