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Which thai bank do you recommend I open an account with....

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Im trying to decide on which bank to use for opening up a thai bank account. There is obviously so many options. My minor requirements are:

- good website 24 hour useage. ( UOB has issues here from comments Ive read on this forum)

- website must allow payments to any other thai banks (surely all thai banks allow this?)

- No fee’s for using ATM card in all areas of Thailand ie at branches of the said bank (Bangkok bank is no good in this regard?)

- Bank with overseas ownership (Is UOB the only option in LOS?)

- Must have sms notification when my account is used (cant remember the name of the bank that offers this… the yellow branded bank?). Do you know any other banks in LOS that offer this?

- Must be able to accept IMT’s from abroad (assuming all banks?)

- Good customer service

- Long trading hours (UOB is out. They close at 330pm)

- Bank must allow opening on tourist visa. Soon to change to O visa (can you recommend a bank that has policy allowing this?)

- No card application fee’s or BS like that (Kasikorn bank is out)

- Finally, good security when making debits (ie staff ask for id etc)

Any helpful recommendations or experiences are appreciated

Many thanks

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Another vote for Kasikorn, good security and decent customer service. A couple of hundred baht for an ATM card every few years won't leave you out on the street. Also, I don't think there's a single bank that doesn't charge for out of province ATM withdrawals.

OP, your criteria for such a bank is way too strict. I don't know which country you're from but I'm sure banks in your own country would be hard pushed to meet all your expectations.

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The foreign owned retail banks here include: UOB, ICBC, CIMB and Standard Chartered. If the concern is about credit-worthiness, then Bank of Ayuddhya (Krung Sri) has a credit rating at least equal to the very best rated foreign banks here (and ahead of all other Thai banks). I posted on this subject a few days ago, including a table of credit ratings for all banks.

The most foreigner-friendly bank is Bangkok Bank. It's the only bank that would give me a debit card on opening the account, rather than an ATM card.

Trying to open a savings account with one of the smaller banks is unlikely to meet with success. (Unfortunately, they also have the best interest rates.) Yesterday I was turned down by Land & Houses, TISCO and Kiatnakin.

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The foreign owned retail banks here include: UOB, ICBC, CIMB and Standard Chartered. If the concern is about credit-worthiness, then Bank of Ayuddhya (Krung Sri) has a credit rating at least equal to the very best rated foreign banks here (and ahead of all other Thai banks). I posted on this subject a few days ago, including a table of credit ratings for all banks.

The most foreigner-friendly bank is Bangkok Bank. It's the only bank that would give me a debit card on opening the account, rather than an ATM card.

Trying to open a savings account with one of the smaller banks is unlikely to meet with success. (Unfortunately, they also have the best interest rates.) Yesterday I was turned down by Land & Houses, TISCO and Kiatnakin.

I have my Bank accounts in Thailand for over 10 years in three Thai Banks, the Banks are ...

Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank, and Krung Thai Bank, and there are no banking problems for National & Inter-National transfers for "money in and out" plus "online" bank account activities, and daily activities.

They all have ongoing fixed A/c's with a reasonable interest rate, and a low annual ATM charge.

Bangkok Bank is number 1. on many aspects.

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The foreign owned retail banks here include: UOB, ICBC, CIMB and Standard Chartered. If the concern is about credit-worthiness, then Bank of Ayuddhya (Krung Sri) has a credit rating at least equal to the very best rated foreign banks here (and ahead of all other Thai banks). I posted on this subject a few days ago, including a table of credit ratings for all banks.

The most foreigner-friendly bank is Bangkok Bank. It's the only bank that would give me a debit card on opening the account, rather than an ATM card.

Trying to open a savings account with one of the smaller banks is unlikely to meet with success. (Unfortunately, they also have the best interest rates.) Yesterday I was turned down by Land & Houses, TISCO and Kiatnakin.

UOB, ICBC, CIMB, and Standard Chartered are "foreign branded" (minority) foreign owned banks. That is, in addition to the foreign ownership they use the foreign bank's global branding,

However there are others with different degrees of foreign ownership including: TMB (ING, DBS), Thanachart (Scotiabank), BAY/Krunsri (Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ), but they all use the Thai brand instead of their foreign parent's brand. BAY is now the one and only majority foreign owned "local" bank (unlike Citibank for example, which has more restrictions as a foreign bank operating in Thailand).

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Not Kasikorn Bank..Well certainly not the Pattaya Branches, they have an awful attitude are rude & have no patience. This was not always my opinion of Kasikorn I'm not sure what happened to them.

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Nope. Cant think of a single bsnk that meets all those criteria.

What s your rationale for wanting overseas ownership BTW?

For retail banking services in Thailand only I prefer the local banks.

Wouldnt worry too much about the negative comments on here about UOB. People whinge about everything on forums. You can google any bank in the world and find someone who thinks it is the worst bank in the world.

For foreign I d say UOB or Stan Chart. Customer service is variable tho. Plus you wont get an account easily on a tourist visa. You will be ok on an O visa.

BAY recently became majority foreign owned when the Japanese BTM bought them out. Not sure it s an improvement tho. CIMB formerly Bank Thai is Mslaysian owned. Dont see major advantages there apart from they are looking to grow regionally and regional banking is important to you.

If you want service become a Priority Banking customer by having 3mio + of assets with the bank.

I use Stan Chart, Bangkok Bank and TMB. Each have their oen pros and cons.


Fletch :)

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The brand of the bank is irrelavant. What you should do is decide where you will spend most of your time in Thailand. And then visit all of the branches in your area. Have a talk with the manager and the staff.

Select the bank where they have the best service and ability to discuss issues IN ENGLISH.

I have accounts with 5 banks here in LOS. My favourite is Krungsi (yellow) because the staff in my village have good English and thus performing a task like transferring money OUT of Thailand is easy. Their Mai Tai dee account also provides a competitive rate without a fixed term.

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That is a question that cannot be answered. One of my banks is the Kasikorn, and it is dreadful, they tell you lies just so you will go away, another poster will probably tell you different. My first bank was the SCB, they were liars also, would tell you anything to get rid of you. My present bank along with the Kasikorn is the Bangkok Bank who are very good. But I could name you two different branches of the Bangkok Bank which are dreadful.

Every individual branch of every bank is different. Just like Immigration offices, schools, government depts etc, banks also have the same attitude, some will do this, some will do that, some will give you this, some won't etc, etc. This is Thailand.

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I do not recommend UOB Bank, they and Bank of Asia before them would seize my accounts if I did not access them often enough and then demand i perform crazy stunts or return to Thailand to gain access to my money again, when I am living in Thailand they perform adequately for day to day use, if I leave Thailand and wish them to be of any use from abroad, they are worse then useless, my last visit to Thailand I recovered the majority of my moneys and abandoned the rest and not worth the gyrations to recover.

My wife has an account at Kasikorn, this has been better, the last time I tried to access this account with an ATM Card, I only got a cryptic message to go to my branch. somehow I feel this will be easier to fix then UOB, but maybe not, Thai banks in General are far too scary to put much trust or money in.

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That is a question that cannot be answered. One of my banks is the Kasikorn, and it is dreadful, they tell you lies just so you will go away, another poster will probably tell you different. My first bank was the SCB, they were liars also, would tell you anything to get rid of you. My present bank along with the Kasikorn is the Bangkok Bank who are very good. But I could name you two different branches of the Bangkok Bank which are dreadful.

Every individual branch of every bank is different. Just like Immigration offices, schools, government depts etc, banks also have the same attitude, some will do this, some will do that, some will give you this, some won't etc, etc. This is Thailand.

Dead right ,it usually depends on the branch rather than the bank ,i found my Bangkok bank to be crap ,but i am sure it was just the branch on second rd (Pattaya) whereas both Thanachart and Ayhuddha(yellow) in tesco north pattaya and central mall are really good and very helpfull.

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I opened an account with Om Sin (Government Savings Bank?), but found it unsuitable for 2 reasons:

- their internet banking is for Thai nationals only

- because they use 13 digit account numbers, normal internet transfers into their accounts are not possible. You need to use an e-cheque, which carries significant charges.

So I closed it.

I have used Krung Thai for many years with no problems, and now have a Bangkok Bank account which seems to do all it's supposed to do.

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I have only used Kasikornbank, Bangkok Bank, and Krungthai for local banks.

Like many have said, each branch will give you a different perspective of each brand. So walk in there and get to know their manager and maintain good relations. Whenever I walk into the bank, I would get immediate service instead of waiting in line with the 10-20 people. Everything is fast track, I am sure you have seen when a counter staff is already with a customer and someone comes behind and "gives them more work to be done immediately", while you sit in your chair for the work to be done.

Of course, with the same brand, but at different branches, I may get treated rudely and such. So you get the idea.

However, the average qualities of each bank I would like to point out. Kasikornbank wins.

Their banks are usually very new and quiet, high so furnishings, "fresh air", hire pleasant looking 20-25 yr olds as counter staffs, online account comes with savings account/mutual funds account/ stock investment account all combined into one username password. When you leave the bank, another lady will "wai" you out. It's just very thought out overall.

Bangkok bank as I've seen, may win with regards to leniency and ease of getting something done without hassle and much regulation. You walk in, get greeted by a guard instead of a lady, old furnitures, few counters opened. The impression you get is just very dated, feels like a better version of immigration. However Kasikorn lets you feel like there is class as if in a shopping mall.

Krungthai worst of them all. They dont care what you think but obviously they are not trained in etiquette and service. You could be up at the counter, then the lady chats away with her colleagues, drinks her "cha yen", or picks her nose. Infrastructure seems better than bangkok bank but the negative points are the staffs.

So definitely try out the banks yourself in your specific area. And for some who swear only by their banks, give others a try as well, you never know what is good until you have tried others, or else you'll always assume your bank is the best.

If you live in central bangkok, and 3 million+ assets, consider Citibank or HSBC. Get treated like a boss literally haha. Walk in, have your own personal relationship banker, sit in your own "5-star hotel-like" room, your banker makes coffee for you, then when everything is done, escorts you out. And with these banks since they only have 1-2 branches in Thailand, they allow free use of ATM at other branches of other banks all over Thailand. They know their weak spot so they compensate it themselves for the customers.

Good luck!

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One comment as to where you open an account: If you will happen to need something in writing from your bank (such as the annual letter saying you've got the 800k baht for a retirement visa), at least some banks (such as mine - SCB in Chiangmai) require that you get such documents only from the particular branch where you opened the account. This may not happen with all the banks but, to avoid any potential problem, open an account at a branch that you're fairly certain will be convenient for you to use or get to in the future.

Somebody wrote that his (SCB) bank didn't charge for ATM withdrawals in any province. Mine does! (50 baht if I use it outside of Chiangmai province and I think that's fairly standard practice for most Thai banks).

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NOT Bangkok Bank.;

Re: Your statement >Not Bangkok Bank <...

Please outline the reason in respect of your above "three" words report.

We have had no problems with BBK.... I like the fact they have a branch in New York as well...my home state....although we did have a little problem with a direct deposit going through BBK NY to Bangkok.

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Kasikorn treated me really badly and I wouldn't go back. I didn't upset them and could've been a good customer so tough for them.

Bangkok Bank (savings and credit card) have been great as have Krungthai (ATM savings acct).

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