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The big black bees are thai bumble bees I was told and apparently they do not make so much honey, not like honey or wild bees, only enough for their offspring and its a more diluted syrup type stuff.

Anyway, thats what I was told, but not sure correct or not....


The big black bees are thai bumble bees I was told and apparently they do not make so much honey, not like honey or wild bees, only enough for their offspring and its a more diluted syrup type stuff.

Anyway, thats what I was told, but not sure correct or not....

possibly you are correct These are the biggest bees i have ever seen jet black//

/As far as i know there is only 1 man in the village who is brave enough to get their honey,,but as he is a complete angry person i dont want to ask him to get me honey

where did you say you get your honey again

Main group Subgenus Species Author Common name Thai name

Dwarf honey

bee Micrapis

A. andreniformis Smith (1858)

Small dwarf honey bee

/ Black dwarf honey


Pung mim


mim lek/

Pung marn

A. florea Fabricius (1787) Dwarf honey bee /

Red dwarf honey bee

Pung mim/

Pung vee

Giant honey

bee Megapis

A. laboriosa Smith (1871) Giant mountain honey

bee -

A. dorsata Fabricius (1793)

Giant honey bee /

Common giant honey


Pung luang

A. breviligula Maa (1953) giant Philippines

honey bee -

Cavity nesting

honey bee Apis

A. cerana Fabricius (1793) Eastern hive honey bee Pung prong

A. koschevnikovi Enderlein (1906) Red honey bee -

A. nigrocincta Smith (1861) Sulawesian honey bee -

A. nuluensis Tingek, Koeniger

and Koeniger (1996) Mountain honey bee -

A. indica Fabricius (1798) Plains Honey Bee -

A. mellifera Linnaeus (1758) Western honey bee Pung pun


The quest for pure honey is best satisfied at Rim Ping or the other major supermarkets. Look for the imported brands, yes its expensive but its your best chance for what you seek.

nonsense you can easily get 100% honey from the mountains of North Thailand..

.A few weeks ago you could have got it straight from the hive as soon as it was picked

yes, my northern soul mate, there is excellent honey here in northern thailand, but, unfortunately most of the honey sellers in the local markets are charlatans bah.gif

  • Like 2

yes, my northern soul mate, there is excellent honey here in northern thailand, but, unfortunately most of the honey sellers in the local markets are charlatans bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif

i dont need to go to the market...the old boy who lives at the back of my land has cavity bees and tree bees in his plot,,so when ever he needs a drink and that is usually every day when he has the honey or comb he stumbles in with a few bottles bees and all haha

  • Like 2

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

yes, my northern soul mate, there is excellent honey here in northern thailand, but, unfortunately most of the honey sellers in the local markets are charlatans bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif width=19 alt=bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif>

i dont need to go to the market...the old boy who lives at the back of my land has cavity bees and tree bees in his plot,,so when ever he needs a drink and that is usually every day when he has the honey or comb he stumbles in with a few bottles bees and all haha

Wish we had such a natural supply so close...we go through a lot of honey. I just made 2 bottles of pickled beetroot with honey.....outstanding it is...and that is just after 2 days, supposed to leave it for at least a week, but I could not wait.

The big black bees are thai bumble bees I was told and apparently they do not make so much honey, not like honey or wild bees, only enough for their offspring and its a more diluted syrup type stuff.

Anyway, thats what I was told, but not sure correct or not....

possibly you are correct These are the biggest bees i have ever seen jet black//

/As far as i know there is only 1 man in the village who is brave enough to get their honey,,but as he is a complete angry person i dont want to ask him to get me honey

where did you say you get your honey again

If I could get a regular wild supply from a reliable person, I would get that.

But, as it is, we buy it direct from a very good farm by the case...12 big bottles at a time...usually lasts us about 4 months, maybe 5.

Does your wild bee guy put the honey in recycled whiskey bottles ? I hate that, love whiskey, but not in my honey....always comes out smelling of it.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

yes, my northern soul mate, there is excellent honey here in northern thailand, but, unfortunately most of the honey sellers in the local markets are charlatans bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif width=19 alt=bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif>

i dont need to go to the market...the old boy who lives at the back of my land has cavity bees and tree bees in his plot,,so when ever he needs a drink and that is usually every day when he has the honey or comb he stumbles in with a few bottles bees and all haha

Wish we had such a natural supply so close...we go through a lot of honey. I just made 2 bottles of pickled beetroot with honey.....outstanding it is...and that is just after 2 days, supposed to leave it for at least a week, but I could not wait.

The big black bees are thai bumble bees I was told and apparently they do not make so much honey, not like honey or wild bees, only enough for their offspring and its a more diluted syrup type stuff.

Anyway, thats what I was told, but not sure correct or not....

possibly you are correct These are the biggest bees i have ever seen jet black//

/As far as i know there is only 1 man in the village who is brave enough to get their honey,,but as he is a complete angry person i dont want to ask him to get me honey

where did you say you get your honey again

If I could get a regular wild supply from a reliable person, I would get that.

But, as it is, we buy it direct from a very good farm by the case...12 big bottles at a time...usually lasts us about 4 months, maybe 5.

Does your wild bee guy put the honey in recycled whiskey bottles ? I hate that, love whiskey, but not in my honey....always comes out smelling of it.

I was under the assumption that the difference in real honey came from the source the bee's use.

On a side note how do you tame a wild bee?


Wild as in they build their own house rather than a white picket fence one provided for them.

Yes, the time of year and flowers available makes very different tasting honey.

The farm we buy has a few different types, there is a longan one and a sunflower one and another type, they also mix them for a different taste altogether.

By far the nicest is the sunflower one, only available after all the sunflowers have been and gone.

I like the ones from the forst best though, all the native trees flowering around now is producing a lot of extremely nice honey....somewhere.

  • Like 1
  • 7 months later...

Would only buy honey if I could see beehives and production...so far no farms here would let me see the hives..said it is all shipped in and bottled at factory...agree with post saying buy imported..I know chinese honey used to be banned in USA as contained excessive antibiotics..


We went with another couple who buy lots of longan honey from a bee farm on the road to Lamphun. We saw the many hives but I did notice some of the hives contained white sugar for the bees to eat. The owner said, he does this off longan season but you have to wonder if he mixes the resulting (white sugar) honey with the regular longan honey. At least, he doesn't include liquid white sugar, we hope.


150 baht for a liter of honey is a very , very low price. Compare that price, per liter, with common brands sold in Tops, Rimping. Honey is barely perishable, keeps a long time, and has a world wide appeal, so market price is somewhat global.


From my wives village. 100. % pure

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

yes i get the same some one coming to cnx from dio tao missus village,always brings me a couple of bottles.

We went with another couple who buy lots of longan honey from a bee farm on the road to Lamphun. We saw the many hives but I did notice some of the hives contained white sugar for the bees to eat. The owner said, he does this off longan season but you have to wonder if he mixes the resulting (white sugar) honey with the regular longan honey. At least, he doesn't include liquid white sugar, we hope.

Wife's family keep bees. They feed sugar to the bees after they take the honey. Bees need to eat.

  • Like 1

There is a honey seller in Mae Rim, Suphaa Bee Farm, or something like that, that has been selling honey for as long as I can remember. Located on the road to the Four Seasons just up from the traffic light after the bridge on the left.


Honey is basically a combination of glucose and fructose with a bit of water. The other natural flavorings and pollen grains are such a small proportion that they don't really matter when it comes to the physical properties of honey. So any good counterfeiter will make a fake honey that behaves in just the way that real honey does - including the water drop test.

Yes honey is a naturally made and flavored version of table sugar - and is just as deadly.


Honey is basically a combination of glucose and fructose with a bit of water. The other natural flavorings and pollen grains are such a small proportion that they don't really matter when it comes to the physical properties of honey. So any good counterfeiter will make a fake honey that behaves in just the way that real honey does - including the water drop test.

Yes honey is a naturally made and flavored version of table sugar - and is just as deadly.

We know white sugar and honey are "deadly" because no one who has ever eaten them has lived past the age of 120.

  • Like 1
  • 8 months later...

Honey is basically a combination of glucose and fructose with a bit of water. The other natural flavorings and pollen grains are such a small proportion that they don't really matter when it comes to the physical properties of honey. So any good counterfeiter will make a fake honey that behaves in just the way that real honey does - including the water drop test.

Yes honey is a naturally made and flavored version of table sugar - and is just as deadly.

That may be true for processed honey - almost any processed food is vitamin, mineral, enzyme deficient.

Natural Wild Honey is the go joe



I've eaten honey directly off the stick/from the nest, here in Thailand. If you can get a local do something like this for you, it would absolutely be worth it. It was one of the more memorable experiences I've had here. The little bees were still kicking around in the nest and stuff, but they didn't mind us eating the honey.. (Or at least, they didn't sting us.)

  • 2 months later...

Anybody know the name and phone number of that honey shop in Chiang Mai, just north of the night market, on the same side of the road? It is a big honey shop. They make amazing honey. As is nearly always the case, they have little to no internet presence, so I cannot track them down. Any help is appreciated. Would like to place a large order. Thanks.


Honey is basically a combination of glucose and fructose with a bit of water. The other natural flavorings and pollen grains are such a small proportion that they don't really matter when it comes to the physical properties of honey. So any good counterfeiter will make a fake honey that behaves in just the way that real honey does - including the water drop test.

Yes honey is a naturally made and flavored version of table sugar - and is just as deadly.

That is preposterous at best. Honey has alot of nutritional qualities, and a far lower glycemic count that processed sugar. Please do your research, before posting such nonsense.


Anybody know the name and phone number of that honey shop in Chiang Mai, just north of the night market, on the same side of the road? It is a big honey shop. They make amazing honey. As is nearly always the case, they have little to no internet presence, so I cannot track them down. Any help is appreciated. Would like to place a large order. Thanks.

I bought honey from that shop and was 100% pleased with the delicious product and the reasonable price. I am no expert on honey, but their stuff is easily the equal of specialty small batch honey types that I used to buy at local fairs in the US. Knowledgeable friendly staff, too. Time to go back for more!

  • 2 years later...

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