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Foreign Pickpockets at Soi Bukhao market

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OP, you should have knocked him to the ground, and then done in front of all and sundry, some ""classic"" finger-pointing.

Good opportunity wasted.

Good advice or maybe not. Spain has a terrible problem with professional pick-pockets.


That's not the link that I wanted, sadly I could not find the one that had many amazing tales of how the pros worked. Often, at least there, though there may seem to be only two there might actually be three or four, since the goal is to make things disappear very, very fast in case the pick gets caught. So one acts to knock you off guard, the second picks you, but then almost immediately passes the wallet to a third, and sometimes that to a fourth. Knock the pick to the ground and you might feel a stiletto piercing your kidney from behind.

There is no end to dishonesty these days and many are smart.

Scammers everywhere these days, I own apartments and am so sick of the (usually) Ruskie scammers, supposedly American coming back to America and needing an apartment--they will send you a bank check for an apartment, in my case for 1st and Security, so let's say $1600, then you receive a certified bank check via postal service for $3200. "Oh, how terrible, I made a mistake, please send the extra back, but keep $200 for your trouble." So the hit deposits the bank check, the clerk at the bank smiles, and the balance increases $3200. "All is fine," says the hit, the money is there, might as well send back $1400 and keep the $200 for my trouble. So the hit sends the money back Western Union--bye bye. Four to six days later the check gets returned as fake. Hit's bank account drops $3200 plus overdraft fees, and scammer is laughing with the $1600 profit.

This scammer purports to be from "i was born and brought up in Thailand I'm 29 years old of age.,I'm caring person.I don't drink nor smoke,I need to secure this room for myself before my arrival ,I will arrive in two weeks time and i will stay in the house for 12 months during my stay i will be working with General hospital for Medical Research work (the MRC) I'm coming for cancer research prevalence rate in the States"

*lol* Ain't no such hospital in America, so I wrote this, any person born and brought up in Thailand can at least come up with a response to this even if they can't read/speak Thai, they'd ask someone:

"ชายหาปลาคนหนึ่งออกไปสุ่มปลาแถว หลังวัดตอนใกล้รุ่ง ? that should be easy...."

No response, but she sent the check, "Good-day ,The payment has been sent via USPS which will deliver tomorrow ,Here is the payment tracking number 9405501699320018148100"

It's a real USPS tracking number. Look it up...somehow stuck in limbo. Somehow they caught onto my game and somehow--I don't know how, stopped the USPS packet. Even my local postmaster can't figure that one out. I was here waiting with an Iodine fuming kit and enhancer to pull fingerprints off the check, then I would have deposited it, but told her, "oh, can't do Western Union, but I'm only willing to mail cash to any US PO" (the packet from them came from CA). Had they taken the bait, I'd have had fingerprints and their photos picking up the empty "cash payment." USPS takes mail fraud very seriously and would follow up, a fair chance that someone would get deported. My local postmaster told me that he sees several complaints on this particular scam every year.

Not particularly dangerous:, filtered through Craiglist email, tossabledigits phone number, fake name. Usually the scammers are Russian, they won't travel that far...the trick is to inconvenience them.

Maybe you can rig up a sort of rat trap that fits in the pocket... fingers go in...............snap. The world needs more scam-baiters.

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OP, you should have knocked him to the ground, and then done in front of all and sundry, some ""classic"" finger-pointing.

Good opportunity wasted.

Good advice or maybe not. Spain has a terrible problem with professional pick-pockets.


That's not the link that I wanted, sadly I could not find the one that had many amazing tales of how the pros worked. Often, at least there, though there may seem to be only two there might actually be three or four, since the goal is to make things disappear very, very fast in case the pick gets caught. So one acts to knock you off guard, the second picks you, but then almost immediately passes the wallet to a third, and sometimes that to a fourth. Knock the pick to the ground and you might feel a stiletto piercing your kidney from behind. (as Soihok previously pointed out).

There is no end to dishonesty these days and many are smart.

Scammers everywhere these days, I own apartments and am so sick of the (usually) Ruskie scammers, supposedly American coming back to America and needing an apartment--they will send you a bank check for an apartment, in my case for 1st and Security, so let's say $1600, then you receive a certified bank check via postal service for $3200. "Oh, how terrible, I made a mistake, please send the extra back, but keep $200 for your trouble." So the hit deposits the bank check, the clerk at the bank smiles, and the balance increases $3200. "All is fine," says the hit, the money is there, might as well send back $1400 and keep the $200 for my trouble. So the hit sends the money back Western Union--bye bye. Four to six days later the check gets returned as fake. Hit's bank account drops $3200 plus overdraft fees, and scammer is laughing with the $1600 profit.

This scammer purports to be from "i was born and brought up in Thailand I'm 29 years old of age.,I'm caring person.I don't drink nor smoke,I need to secure this room for myself before my arrival ,I will arrive in two weeks time and i will stay in the house for 12 months during my stay i will be working with General hospital for Medical Research work (the MRC) I'm coming for cancer research prevalence rate in the States"

*lol* Ain't no such hospital in America, so I wrote this, any person born and brought up in Thailand can at least come up with a response to this even if they can't read/speak Thai, they'd ask someone:

"ชายหาปลาคนหนึ่งออกไปสุ่มปลาแถว หลังวัดตอนใกล้รุ่ง ? that should be easy...."

No response, but she sent the check, "Good-day ,The payment has been sent via USPS which will deliver tomorrow ,Here is the payment tracking number 9405501699320018148100"

It's a real USPS tracking number. Look it up...somehow stuck in limbo. Somehow they caught onto my game and somehow--I don't know how, stopped the USPS packet. Even my local postmaster can't figure that one out. I was here waiting with an Iodine fuming kit and enhancer to pull fingerprints off the check, then I would have deposited it, but told her, "oh, can't do Western Union, but I'm only willing to mail cash to any US PO" (the packet from them came from CA). Had they taken the bait, I'd have had fingerprints and their photos picking up the empty "cash payment." USPS takes mail fraud very seriously and would follow up, a fair chance that someone would get deported. My local postmaster told me that he sees several complaints on this particular scam every year.

Not particularly dangerous:, filtered through Craiglist email, tossabledigits phone number, fake name. Usually the scammers are Russian, they won't travel that far...the trick is to inconvenience them.

Maybe you can rig up a sort of rat trap that fits in the pocket... fingers go in...............snap. The world needs more scam-baiters.


I'd like to tell you what I do with my money when out and about in these areas, but then the pickpockets would know where to look thumbsup.gif

LOL !! Same here! When the shopkeeper wrinkles their nose as I hand over the bills I just mumble something about palaa and all is good.


Does a foreign pickpocket need a work permit in Thailand?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

He can't get a work permit.

This profession is reserved for Thai in Thailand. wai2.gif

Yes and this kind of well-worn humour reserved for the old dodderer TV members ridiculously obsessed with Thai bashingcoffee1.gif


Is there a problem with your keyboard...it seems to be dropping the "R's"?

I've always maintained it's the farengs to be wary of; not the friendly locals.

And I always thought it was "Farangs"? Well there u go....So many versions.whistling.gif


First responsibility lays with yourself, don't give those guys a chance, they observe first before they attempt (like burglars do too). So if you have a wallet losely in your open back pocket bet they will give it a try.

I still got 2 pairs of shorts, German quality, good shorts. On the inside of the back pocket is a "hidden" pocket, that is only accessible by getting into your trousers, well, don't think guys would give that a try, not even ladyboy pickpockets :)

Second, if I go into shopping or at least spending more money I take my Swat bag with me, a nice black Swat bag, with loads of pockets, all with zippers and flaps to cover it. Mind you: the zippers are double, meaning that you not only have to open one to one side, but also the other to the other side. Perfect protection, no pickpocket would go through such a fuzz of zippers. I hang the bag over my shoulder and neck, plus hold the bag, in case they wanted to cut the (broad and strong) band and take the whole thing. I can't do more than that, it's as safe as I think it should, never had a problem, there are many more careless shoppers around that are a nice target for pickpockets.

To the advice to knock the pickpocket down: Don't, most of them carry knives and are quite experienced in using them. Stay away from it!


Kerryd, I'll limit my post to thanking you for the warning about these predatory creatures. Others have taken the opportunity to expand as to "You could have, should have, would have". I think you did the prudent thing based on the circumstances.

"Sometimes crying wolf results in a nasty bite".


Anytime I go to a very crowded area, anywhere in the world, I use safety pins to close my pockets shut. Problem solved.

Interesting solution but I don't fancy having to always have them on me. I just move my wallet to a front pocket and if it's really a crowded space, like a bus/subway, I'll put my hand in my wallet pocket. An inside coat/jacket does the trick in cooler Western climes.

Interesting to note the increasingly desperate or financially destitute farang tourists and/or residents in Pattaya these days.

Yep, front pocket, wedged in tight is the place for a wallet in a crowd.

My second precaution is to leave important cards at home - foreign issued cards... and never carry more money than you need for the day.

Some people go to the trouble of carrying dummy wallets, but I think that's going a bit overboard here.

The OP was probably lucky because the pick-pockets weren't too good at their trade.

I know in the Philippines they carry sharp blades to cut pockets. Another good reason not to confront them as you never know what they're carrying.

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First responsibility lays with yourself, don't give those guys a chance, they observe first before they attempt (like burglars do too). So if you have a wallet losely in your open back pocket bet they will give it a try.

I still got 2 pairs of shorts, German quality, good shorts. On the inside of the back pocket is a "hidden" pocket, that is only accessible by getting into your trousers, well, don't think guys would give that a try, not even ladyboy pickpockets smile.png

Second, if I go into shopping or at least spending more money I take my Swat bag with me, a nice black Swat bag, with loads of pockets, all with zippers and flaps to cover it. Mind you: the zippers are double, meaning that you not only have to open one to one side, but also the other to the other side. Perfect protection, no pickpocket would go through such a fuzz of zippers. I hang the bag over my shoulder and neck, plus hold the bag, in case they wanted to cut the (broad and strong) band and take the whole thing. I can't do more than that, it's as safe as I think it should, never had a problem, there are many more careless shoppers around that are a nice target for pickpockets.

To the advice to knock the pickpocket down: Don't, most of them carry knives and are quite experienced in using them. Stay away from it!

IMO pickpocketing is not such a problem here that you have to go out in special clothes to avoid it....like going out in battle dress. I've never had a problem wearing normal fashion clothes. I reckon if it got so bad that we'd have to dress up in special clothes, the time has probably come to find a safer place to live. It's not that bad yet. Not even close.


OP, you should have knocked him to the ground, and then done in front of all and sundry, some ""classic"" finger-pointing.

Good opportunity wasted.

Opportunity for what? Why bother making a song and dance about it? To what end? For every pick-pocket you apprehend 10 will come along to replace them.

Everyone should hang onto their wallets tightly no matter where they are. It should never be kept anywhere that it can slide out undetected.

I would have just walked away happy that I still had my wallet and made a resolve to be more careful in future. The pick-pocket actually taught the OP a valuable lesson... a free lesson at that.smile.png

Indeed, the fact there were two of them has to be considered.

Plus getting stabbed

do some people just not 'get' humour or are they only interested in starting an arguement everytime a humourous comment is made?

......and they will definately need a work permit if theyre going to stab people. if you get stabbed by pickpockets demand to check their work permit. they will only be able to stab you in the place they stated on the application.

..........cue the next ranter that cant spot a joke.

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Occasionally Farangs run out of money but want to stay (by all means). They have to generate some income to accomplish this. The few Farang pick-pockets can't do that much harm.

- The other kind of Farang pick-pocket is far more dangerous. Focusing in on "new-farang-arrivals" with the intent to sell them everything, ranging from condo's to health-insurance up to "discounted" gold-jewellery. biggrin.png They can do far more damage than a Soi Buakao pick-pocket.

Generally they are known as white-collar-criminals. Needless to say they do not qualify as "quality-tourists" or "quality-expats" in the eyes of the TAT.

What to do do? Asking for references is always good and above all: "Can I see your work-permit please"? Amen.


How do you know so much about farang pickpockets? Or are you just making assumptions about the way you guess it is?


Thanks for the warning. I hate farang scumbags bah.gif

The OP let him go??? He should have battered the hell out of him as there was no chance of about six Thais joining in. OK so they were working in pairs, do you think the other one would have hung around. You missed a good chance there OP.

Don't you just love these arm-chair tough guys who tell someone else what they 'should' have done ... or with much bravado say what they "would" have done? Easy to talk ...


Thanks for the warning. I hate farang scumbags bah.gif

The OP let him go??? He should have battered the hell out of him as there was no chance of about six Thais joining in. OK so they were working in pairs, do you think the other one would have hung around. You missed a good chance there OP.

Don't you just love these arm-chair tough guys who tell someone else what they 'should' have done ... or with much bravado say what they "would" have done? Easy to talk ...

Yes, very easy to talk as I have in the past battered hell out of people for stealing from me or threatening violence, and I will not hesitate to do it again. Do you have a problem with that?


I'd like to tell you what I do with my money when out and about in these areas, but then the pickpockets would know where to look thumbsup.gif

There are some signs in the market warning people to be aware of pickpockets, so it is clearly a problem there. Many years ago i had a mate who had a clothes stall in Petticoat Lane in London, where there was a big problem with professional pickpockets, there were signs everywhere warning people. He gave me some interesting and sound logical advice. Apparently it was common knowledge that the professionals hung around near these signs, human nature being what it is shoppers upon reading one of these signs would automatically check the pocket that the wallet was in to reassure themselves. Then of course a pickpocket knew exactly which pocket to go for, his or her job was made a lot easier. It is advice i have never forgotten when shopping in a crowded place.

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OP, you should have knocked him to the ground, and then done in front of all and sundry, some ""classic"" finger-pointing.

Good opportunity wasted.

Opportunity for what? Why bother making a song and dance about it? To what end? For every pick-pocket you apprehend 10 will come along to replace them.

Everyone should hang onto their wallets tightly no matter where they are. It should never be kept anywhere that it can slide out undetected.

I would have just walked away happy that I still had my wallet and made a resolve to be more careful in future. The pick-pocket actually taught the OP a valuable lesson... a free lesson at that.smile.png

Indeed, the fact there were two of them has to be considered.

Plus getting stabbed

do some people just not 'get' humour or are they only interested in starting an arguement everytime a humourous comment is made?

......and they will definately need a work permit if theyre going to stab people. if you get stabbed by pickpockets demand to check their work permit. they will only be able to stab you in the place they stated on the application.

..........cue the next ranter that cant spot a joke.

In these 3 quotes, who didn't spot a joke, and what joke wasn't spotted? (I'm not referring to your feeble attempt)

  • Like 1

We all know Thais are honest living people who would never pick a pocket because they spend all their time scattering stardust. They would never think of bribing people and corruption is out of the question because they are angelic,divine people.They symbolise the beauty of mankind with their honest sincerity. Get a life!


OP, you should have knocked him to the ground, and then done in front of all and sundry, some ""classic"" finger-pointing.

Good opportunity wasted.

Good advice or maybe not. Spain has a terrible problem with professional pick-pockets.


That's not the link that I wanted, sadly I could not find the one that had many amazing tales of how the pros worked. Often, at least there, though there may seem to be only two there might actually be three or four, since the goal is to make things disappear very, very fast in case the pick gets caught. So one acts to knock you off guard, the second picks you, but then almost immediately passes the wallet to a third, and sometimes that to a fourth. Knock the pick to the ground and you might feel a stiletto piercing your kidney from behind.

There is no end to dishonesty these days and many are smart.

Scammers everywhere these days, I own apartments and am so sick of the (usually) Ruskie scammers, supposedly American coming back to America and needing an apartment--they will send you a bank check for an apartment, in my case for 1st and Security, so let's say $1600, then you receive a certified bank check via postal service for $3200. "Oh, how terrible, I made a mistake, please send the extra back, but keep $200 for your trouble." So the hit deposits the bank check, the clerk at the bank smiles, and the balance increases $3200. "All is fine," says the hit, the money is there, might as well send back $1400 and keep the $200 for my trouble. So the hit sends the money back Western Union--bye bye. Four to six days later the check gets returned as fake. Hit's bank account drops $3200 plus overdraft fees, and scammer is laughing with the $1600 profit.

This scammer purports to be from "i was born and brought up in Thailand I'm 29 years old of age.,I'm caring person.I don't drink nor smoke,I need to secure this room for myself before my arrival ,I will arrive in two weeks time and i will stay in the house for 12 months during my stay i will be working with General hospital for Medical Research work (the MRC) I'm coming for cancer research prevalence rate in the States"

*lol* Ain't no such hospital in America, so I wrote this, any person born and brought up in Thailand can at least come up with a response to this even if they can't read/speak Thai, they'd ask someone:

"ชายหาปลาคนหนึ่งออกไปสุ่มปลาแถว หลังวัดตอนใกล้รุ่ง ? that should be easy...."

No response, but she sent the check, "Good-day ,The payment has been sent via USPS which will deliver tomorrow ,Here is the payment tracking number 9405501699320018148100"

It's a real USPS tracking number. Look it up...somehow stuck in limbo. Somehow they caught onto my game and somehow--I don't know how, stopped the USPS packet. Even my local postmaster can't figure that one out. I was here waiting with an Iodine fuming kit and enhancer to pull fingerprints off the check, then I would have deposited it, but told her, "oh, can't do Western Union, but I'm only willing to mail cash to any US PO" (the packet from them came from CA). Had they taken the bait, I'd have had fingerprints and their photos picking up the empty "cash payment." USPS takes mail fraud very seriously and would follow up, a fair chance that someone would get deported. My local postmaster told me that he sees several complaints on this particular scam every year.

Not particularly dangerous:, filtered through Craiglist email, tossabledigits phone number, fake name. Usually the scammers are Russian, they won't travel that far...the trick is to inconvenience them.

Maybe you can rig up a sort of rat trap that fits in the pocket... fingers go in...............snap. The world needs more scam-baiters.

Pickpockets are not scammers - it's a different profession and probably not as lucrative.

I don't believe any of these problems are a "these days" phenomenon. The 10 commandments were handed down about 3500 years ago. Theft is a very old problem.

If you think about it, even the police are "pickpocketing" here everyday and using their guns and badges to get away with it.

Who are the bigger scumbags? I won't answer that here.


I agree Tropo, there are far worse animals and entities to encounter in the world.

I think to engage in a fight if you are outnumbered, too old, have children to protect is a decision not to taken lightly.


I agree Tropo, there are far worse animals and entities to encounter in the world.

I think to engage in a fight if you are outnumbered, too old, have children to protect is a decision not to taken lightly.

I'd go one step further. Starting a fight would be pure folly and it would achieve absolutely nothing. Even if the police became involved, where would that lead if the wallet is still in your hand? Common sense should prevail. Why become a vigilante for law and order in a country where we're barely tolerated.

As it went, the OP:

1. Still has his wallet

2. Learned a free lesson

If he decided to fight, the possible negative outcomes are many, starting from just a waste of time, to being seriously injured, arrested or even killed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Does a foreign pickpocket need a work permit in Thailand?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

No work permit needed, just place a BIB outside the market and share the profit with him. Make sure he help you if somebody catch you red handed like the OP coffee1.gif


Always keep your eyes open - small amounts of money - wallet in front pocket is something I have done here since the 60's.

However, you purposely damaging his fingers might have reduced his effectiveness with the next victim - instead, you taught him what not to do.


You have to be pretty stupid to keep your wallet in the back pocket when you go to a crowded market.

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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