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Gambler dies after shooting himself in testicles: Thai police


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Hey stupid.

This may have helped.

It's obviously a Home-made - locally-made pistol and therefore would have no Safety.

It also looks as though it takes a single Shotgun cartridge, which would probably obliterate the genitalia rather than simply "puncture" them.


Yes, "vaporized" is more like it!

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Rummer has it , He owed money to a money lender, They said they where going to blow his balls of if he did not pay up, he begged for a chance, they said yes "Swing them"violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Edited by Thongkorn
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Loaded weapon ,chambered round and either no safety or safety off. What is there to say than he deserves what he got.

Thai's in general have no regard to safety in most aspects of their lives . This poor idiot simply reaped what he sowed.

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Hey stupid.

This may have helped.

It's obviously a Home-made - locally-made pistol and therefore would have no Safety.

It also looks as though it takes a single Shotgun cartridge, which would probably obliterate the genitalia rather than simply "puncture" them.


Yes, "vaporized" is more like it!

My bad.

Didn't see the gun in first scan.

I think I would rather join the flying club than the "self inflicted ladyboy club".

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I believe this was an accident. Come on the News Headline is too stupid... " gambler dies after shooting himself in Testicles", I dont think its funny !!! Was any one there when the fire took place???

How could possibly the reporter write such a report in such a manner? Gambler or not...he was a human being. Show some respect please

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Darwin award?

I went to a party where this numnut pulled a 9mm out of his "pocket" cos the karaoke bloke had not played his song.......rolleyes.gif

Could it be him............Hope so...............thumbsup.gif

That's why it is best to avoid all kinds of night venue, such as discos, karaokes etc that are frequented by these types. You just need to step on some one's toe by mistake or simply get caught in the cross fire.

Many years ago a famous Thai architect was shot dead by two goons on behalf of their boss in the Montien Hotel karaoke in Bangkok for allegedly hogging the mic. A police maj gen was there off duty and there were many other witnesses but nothing ever happened to the gangster who ordered the murder. One of the two goons went to prison because he was caught in possession of gun later on but not for the murder. They knocked the architect to the floor, savagely pistol whipped him and then each fired a shot into his head. All over a karaoke song.

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Shot in the balls!

Hummmmm...sounds like a gambling debt that was not paid.

I knew a lady in Chiang Mai who had a gambling addiction problem and owed money.

Since she did not pay, they threw acid on her face.

It was not super bad, but enough to scare other people to pay their debts to gambling loan sharks.

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Hey stupid.

This may have helped.

It's obviously a Home-made - locally-made pistol and therefore would have no Safety.

It also looks as though it takes a single Shotgun cartridge, which would probably obliterate the genitalia rather than simply "puncture" them.


Yes, "vaporized" is more like it!

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