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City water CM….information?


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Hi it was proposed today by a water filter and pump company that a manganese precipitation from the well water supply to a condominium building is far best removed by simply changing to city water.

Problem……whilst I am pretty happy to trust WHO guidelines and spent my teenage years for two hours a day in a pool which utterly STANK of chlorine and have seen no ill effects, at least one of our residents is very nervous about chlorine…..even showering in city water. I must respect his opinion or provide an alternative source of information and I always try to start with the facts.


Does CM use chlorine .,….or an alternative like chloramine or UV?

Where do I find details……ppm etc etc?

Does city water tend to smell unpleasant in any way?

Where are the company headquarters for information?

Does anyone here dechlorinate their own water such as with Vitamin C or filtration?


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The Chiang Mai Water Works office is around the corner and a few doors east of the big Tesco Lotus Kanmthieng store. Wanted to map it but it's too much bother. City water is certainly good enough to shower and wash clothes and dishes in, and brush teeth, but most people prefer not to drink it. It doesn't smell bad, and always runs clean.

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The Chiang Mai Water Works office is around the corner and a few doors east of the big Tesco Lotus Kanmthieng store. Wanted to map it but it's too much bother. City water is certainly good enough to shower and wash clothes and dishes in, and brush teeth, but most people prefer not to drink it. It doesn't smell bad, and always runs clean.

Thanks Frank

Sorry don't understand about around the corner east could you please specify more it would help thanks I'd like to go straight to the horse's mouth.


ps which area do you live?

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Tested some city water last month and the chlorine level was .85 ppm , any further info pm me .

That sounds good, I believe the recommended limit is 4ppm so many times less.

Not surprising it doesn't smell.

ps whcih level do you live?

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Just found out the person concerned is not oaranoid about chlorine, but about fluoride.

Do we even know if it's in the water supply?

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I also am concerned about fluoride in drinking water. This is after dozens of hours or more of personal research, I am not a chemist or doctor. Fluoride is also added to many or most bottled water products and not usually shown as such on the label or on the company websites. Claims that fluoride is added to drinking water to protect the teeth is stupid IMO, think about it - the fluoridated water goes immediately past the mouth/teeth and into the guts and is absorbed by the entire body. There are a few studies I have found about the toxicity of fluoride to the body in general and the pineal gland in particular, some links below. Fluoride can occur naturally in the water table but it is my understanding that the chemical composition is different than the fluoride that is added to drinking water (it is a byproduct of industrial waste and here)

I have used a "Berkey Water Filter" for a few years now as it has extra filters (optional) that remove most of the fluoride. I am very happy with the product, mine is the "travel berkey" as it is large enough for two people yet packs small for shipping. This is the supplier I used www.bigberkeywaterfilters.com and I was happy with the service including ordering replacement filters a couple years ago. I have no connection with the company and there are many other dealers for the same product - google "berkey water filters" if interested in researching them further.

Some links for those wanting to research the controversy of fluoride added to drinking water below.

"...Continental Europe has ceased water fluoridation" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_fluoridation_controversy

by country (no mention of Thailand) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoridation_by_country

I found this just now by googling

"The Chiand Mai Basin in [is?] one such region where groundwater contains very high levels of fluoride. Many residents of the basin suffer from chronic fluorosis."


"The Case Against Fluoride"



Pineal Gland & Lowered IQ

"Sodium fluoride is accumulated and stored by bone matter, displacing calcium and weakening bones. The pineal gland sucks up even more of the stuff that is being put in 70% of the USA water supply"

Anyway, do your own research, I have done mine and have acted accordingly for my own mental comfort. I believe water fluoridation is a huge con. Those who believe in fluoride for oral health can purchase toothpase and mouthwash that contains added fluoride, why should our entire body be poisioned by the stuff being added to our drinking water.
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So Thai herbs presumably you've found out if there's flouridation of CM water?

No, I have no idea if fluoride is being physically added to CM water supplies. This report http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-4-431-78399-2_15 and others I read 3-4 years ago from my research indicate that the Chiang Mai region has lots (perhaps an excess) of fluoride occuring naturally in our ground water - we certainly do not need to consume even more in our bottled water (and/or tap water IF it is being added).

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So Thai herbs presumably you've found out if there's flouridation of CM water?

No, I have no idea if fluoride is being physically added to CM water supplies. This report http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-4-431-78399-2_15 and others I read 3-4 years ago from my research indicate that the Chiang Mai region has lots (perhaps an excess) of fluoride occuring naturally in our ground water - we certainly do not need to consume even more in our bottled water (and/or tap water IF it is being added).

Sorry you didn't have this information seems odd when you are so worried about it.

Funnily the same applies to our resident who is worried about fluoride...he can't answer the question.

Now your document has hinted (I didn't pay to learn more....did you really pay $29.95 to go past the tiny introduction?) at high Fl levels in CM basin it could even be that the city water our resident is desperate we avoid like death may be untreated and have LESS fluoride than the well supply.

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Yes, I went to the waterworks (and they really have reservoirs behind the offices).

It was a very worthwhile visit in that:

1. I discovered thee is NO fluoridation added to CM city water (leaving the scenario that the guy trying to AVOID fluoride may.....as CM natural groundwater I read last night can in some areas have very high levels of Flouride indeed causing the public health dept to begin treatment.....have been getting a HIGHER dose from the well he has been trying so hard to keep.

2. The PWA said they would come round and do the well water analysis for FREE!

3. They are going to give me a typical analysis of CM city water.

(Was heartened to see many sample bottles there, apparently drawn from their own outlets in different areas for monitoring.

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Yes, I went to the waterworks (and they really have reservoirs behind the offices).

It was a very worthwhile visit in that:

1. I discovered thee is NO fluoridation added to CM city water (leaving the scenario that the guy trying to AVOID fluoride may.....as CM natural groundwater I read last night can in some areas have very high levels of Flouride indeed causing the public health dept to begin treatment.....have been getting a HIGHER dose from the well he has been trying so hard to keep.

2. The PWA said they would come round and do the well water analysis for FREE!

3. They are going to give me a typical analysis of CM city water.

(Was heartened to see many sample bottles there, apparently drawn from their own outlets in different areas for monitoring.

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That's strange. I had my wife contact the CM waterworks a few years ago, once by phone and once by email. She was told that flouride (the granules, hydroflourisic acid, I don't don't) IS added to the water, but they didn't know how much. When we persisted they said they'd find out and get back to us. We're still waiting.

So I bought a Big Berkey from the same company Thai Herbs bought his from, with the optional flouride/heavy metal attachments and have been drinking delicious water ever since. If you're buying water off the truck, a Berkey pays for itself soon enough.

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The rationale may be because there are occasionally heavy natural flouride levels here.

Or it may just be that flouride's going out of fashion.

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Let's not conflate naturally occurring flouride with the 80+ toxic waste chemicals that go under the cover term flouride.

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I don't know if the chlorine number stated is low (no knowledge) but here in the city I used to use tap water for hot drinks. About 18 months ago I started using treated water because the chlorine smell was so bad. Couldn't taste it, but the smell didn't go even after boiling and it spoiled my cups of tea - coffee smell maybe masked it, but it was really noticeable with tea. I can still smell it when I do the washing up, so it's still there.

Years ago, when the drought was well underway in Melbourne, the water started smelling and tasting really badly of chlorine, which was a shame as Melbourne had for years been assessed to have the best potable water in the world. Don't know if it was because the reservoirs and dams were getting low so they started to put an extra handful in because of all the sludge on the lower levels. A retired chemical engineer told me to get a wide mouthed jug and leave tap water in it for a few hours as the chlorine evaporated faster than water. I was sceptical, but it worked and I did that for years. Tried the same here, and even leaving the water overnight doesn't get rid of it; even boiling it doesn't.

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The rationale may be because there are occasionally heavy natural flouride levels here.

Or it may just be that flouride's going out of fashion.

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Let's not conflate naturally occurring flouride with the 80+ toxic waste chemicals that go under the cover term flouride.

Natural Flouride in groundwater water can and does cause flourosis in parts of Northern Thailand (or did until the public health stsrted doing something about it.

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We find we have to filter the water to get the muck out. Still definitely not drinkable.

Need a storage tank as the supply is not reliable.

This is in Suthep so may be better elsewhere.

Condo woman how often has the water been not clear?

Are you aware the PWA will come and sample it for free?

(would be interested in what the impurity is)

Naturally roadworks every now and then will cause a burst of dirty water.

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  • 2 months later...

The Lancet classifies flouride as a neurotoxin. A new report puts it in the same category as mercury, arsenic, lead and some others.


Some elements, such as iron and iodine, are essential in small quantities and toxic in large quantities.

When I was a child, about four years old, I endured a miserable trip to the dentist while my rotten teeth were patched up. My mother put me on fluoride vitamins; I had a few more cavities over the next three or four years, but haven't had a cavity since. I'm in my late fifties now, went to the dentist for the first time in twelve years a couple of months ago, and everything in the mouth was fine. This wasn't entirely due to fluoride vitamins a half century ago, but I think they helped.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Lancet classifies flouride as a neurotoxin. A new report puts it in the same category as mercury, arsenic, lead and some others.



I agree with the last poster.

It is a disservice to good decision making to quote soundbites, ie from an abstract, without the full context.

Your article even cites Manganese as a toxin.

Like everything else no doubt it is in some concentration, but be aware that we are practically swimming in Manganese, it,s the 12th most common element, our bodies have adapted to it for all of evolution including the enormously long pre-human period, and we can never escape it.

By all means filter it if you wish to or drink city water where they worry about it for you, but please don't begin to suggest it's a toxin in the same way we normally think about toxins, you'll scare the life out of everyone.

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