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Dead boy's family in Phuket 'mob' against Russians

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RIP Lotus, in your next life do wear helmet when you ride on motorbike.

1. The PKT, Samui and Pattaya russky population is under Zero moral.

2. The PKT police is useless as usually.

3. 95% of Thai drivers would left the accident scene, and no-one organizes a "mob".


I feel for the boy's parents but what the Russians did is the norm in Thailand. Lets face facts the kid was not even old enough to have a drivers license not to mention not wearing a helmet. We all see how these idiots on motorcycle break every rule of the road. The accident would have been treated as a lottery win for the parents and police.

The Russian did the right thing IMHO they would have received no justice and would have been automatically at fault for being foreigners. The police would have ignored the fact that the rider was under aged and not wearing a helmet.

The Russians would have been in jail until their life saving were in the hands of greedy police and the kid's parents.

This is precisely what would have happened. In this case the people were Russians but the same would have happened to any nationality


One other thing, Thais find it acceptable to leave the scene of an accident. It's programmed into their brains from an early age to try and get away with it if they can to save face. Now the boots on the other foot and they don't like it.

I read some time ago that lorry drivers are told not to stop if they hit someone as their employers would face the bill for compensation. In fact, they were told to actually run back over the hapless victim to make sure they were dead. Less compo for hospital expenses. I have no doubt as to the veracity of this as a friend of mine witnessed a Thai guy run over a toddler on the busy Patak road in his pickup and then backed over it to make sure it was dead. My friend was still in shock after having witnessed this some hours earlier, particularly when, after he'd told his Thai wife about the incident, she simply shrugged blink.png


Wait... so if a Thai runs someone down on a bicycle or motorbike and kills them (which is practically a daily occurrence), it's ok... som nom nah...shouldn't have been on the road. But when a foreigner does it, let's riot.

A) MOST of these accidents are due to negligence and regardless of where they're from, there should be stiff penalties for reckless/careless driving (but police are lazy and easily bought so, this will never happen).

cool.png This 'mob' is probably more about a long ongoing irritation with Russian tourists (or perhaps tourists in general) than this particular incident. Perhaps the police should enforce laws better to keep tourists in line (Oh yeah...forgot, they're useless).

C) Wear a <removed> helmet. I'm still astonished when I see three drunk idiots flying down the road on one scooter, no helmets and all over the road. They crash, they die, nobody cares. If only the police..... nevermind.

Basically they hate ALL farangs and just see them as a means to make money, which is why they tolerate us being here. When they can't make money out of a situation or feel cheated they turn on the hand that generally feeds them. They intimidate in large mobs to extort money, rather than letting the insurance companies do their job of paying compensation.


It is a very sad beyond words to lose a child and my heart goes out to the family.

When you analyze it, it would seem the russians respect thai culture greatly as they have adopted what seems to be the norm for locals, that is to flee. Flee the scene, flee the city, or flee the country.

Even assuming the accident would not have happened if it weren't for the U turn we have to wonder if a helmet could have saved his life (quite possibly) and whether or not motorbike lights were functional. A 20 baht bulb can save a life.

The roads are filled with astonishingly dangerous driving(all types of vehicles). Common to see bikes at night with zero lights, no helmet, even going fast. Really difficult to see.


100% that these guys need to be held accountable.. its just the anti foreigner part of this that I dislike they don't seem to get rattled when Thais do it and they do quite often.

I agree with robblok that these people need to be held accountable... if they are in fact accountable.

Many posters seem to be cocentrating on Thai driving which I agree is far from safe and bloody dangerous most of the time.

I do believe this had a large part to do with it.

I am trying to visualize how the accident happened, because the report says they were traveling in the same direction.

If the motorcycle was in front of the car, the accident would not have happened because the motorcycle would have kept traveling down the road when the car made the U turn.

If the motorcycle was behind the car, logic dictates that the motorcycle would have slowed down to allow the car ahead of them which had also slowed down to make the U turn. If the motorcycle ran into the car directly from behind, it is his fault.

How I see it happening is that the motorcycle did not slow down at all, and actually attempted to pass between the car and the centerline of the road. The car might have eased slightly into the curb lane to increase its radius for the U turn and opened up a gap that the motorcycle tried to drive through, making the motorcyclist believe that the car was actually changing to the curb lane instead of preparing for a U turn. When the car started its U turn, it hit the motorcyclist.

It is possible and even probable that the car did not signal, and gave no warning to the motorcycle. However, if the motorcycle was traveling at speed, the driver of the car may not have expected a motorcycle to appear in the small amount of space between their car and the centerline of the road.

This is Thai motorcycle driving at its finest - cutting lanes, and a tourist would not have anticipated this.

In any case, if they were traveling in the same direction, and the motorcycle approaching from behind the vehicle, some of the fault would be with the motorcycle for not being able to control or stop their vehicle, or making a dangerous pass.

The only way I can see this being 100% the fault of the car is if they started their U turn from the curb lane and crossed the motorcycle's path.

Totally agree,a few months ago i stopped clearly indicating i was making a right turn,it was early,6am or so,i had not been drinking as i slowly started my turn, a motorbike with no lights overtook me on the right,no helmet,he was travelling around 80kmh,he missed my front wing by about an inch,if he had hit me he would have died i am sure,this is not the first time this has happened,as someone who lives here i am ultra careful when turning in either direction,and i agree as tourists they probably did not expect this,this does not excuse fleeing from the scene however,and i must say the handling of the whole incident seems very strange.


This is precisely what would have happened. In this case the people were Russians but the same would have happened to any nationality

The fact they were Russian would have made it very much worse for them. I have yet to hear a Thai say a good word about the Russians. 'Mai mii marayat' - They're not polite. I couldn't say, the few Russians I've been in brief contact with seemed okay to me. There are worse ...


I've been hit off my motorbike, (broken wrist) the Thai driver, stopped to see if i was moving, then sped off... As for this accident, the Russians soon after the accident probably paid off the cops and made their exit... simple as that i reckon :)


I spoke to my wife about this,why do Thais think if a car is hit by a motorcycle the car driver is at fault,is this why the never look when turning out of side streets,'car have to care'she tells me,this is plain crazy.


Typical! Blame someone else. The family should first realise that their son was riding a bike at odd hours of the night without a crash helmet. That in itself is irresponsible and should go down to poor guidance from the parents. Societies acceptance of a lack of helmet does not help either. Yes, the Russians should have made a police report (it did not state if they did), and stayed back to closed up the loose ends of this accident. That is what it was an accident.

Either way, even if they had stayed back the end result would still be the same. A senseless death, why? because of clear disregard for safety.

This is more of the family not having the opportunity to milk money off these Russians for the loss of their child. IMHO.

Yes, it was an accident, but if she and the friend in the second car were not drinking, they would of filed a police report. If they had of got milked for all the money they had, it still would not make up for the son that was lost.


A 16 Y.O. wandering about at 1.A.M. No Crash Hat.If the Lad was mine id feel some resposibility.Perhaps im just Old Fashioned.RIP.

No! You're not old-fashioned. Thai culture does not instill, either a sense of responsibility, nor accountability in the parenting process of raising youth. This holds true, especially among Thai menfolk, who will readily seek to blame others for the consequences of their own folly.

The death of the boy "Lotus" is indeed tragic, but its a safe bet that his death was directly caused by an avoidable "head injury", had he been wearing even a cheap helmet.

Lotus's parents were derelict in their duty as parents, before the fact. However, a Thai Court of Law would claim that, had the Russian girl NOT been in Thailand, then the accident would never have happened. Duh! Ditto!whistling.gif


Typical! Blame someone else. The family should first realise that their son was riding a bike at odd hours of the night without a crash helmet. That in itself is irresponsible and should go down to poor guidance from the parents. Societies acceptance of a lack of helmet does not help either. Yes, the Russians should have made a police report (it did not state if they did), and stayed back to closed up the loose ends of this accident. That is what it was an accident.

Either way, even if they had stayed back the end result would still be the same. A senseless death, why? because of clear disregard for safety.

This is more of the family not having the opportunity to milk money off these Russians for the loss of their child. IMHO.

And now we so quickly blame the victim.


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A 16 Y.O. wandering about at 1.A.M. No Crash Hat.If the Lad was mine id feel some resposibility.Perhaps im just Old Fashioned.RIP.

No! You're not old-fashioned. Thai culture does not instill, either a sense of responsibility, nor accountability in the parenting process of raising youth. This holds true, especially among Thai menfolk, who will readily seek to blame others for the consequences of their own folly.

The death of the boy "Lotus" is indeed tragic, but its a safe bet that his death was directly caused by an avoidable "head injury", had he been wearing even a cheap helmet.

Lotus's parents were derelict in their duty as parents, before the fact. However, a Thai Court of Law would claim that, had the Russian girl NOT been in Thailand, then the accident would never have happened. Duh! Ditto!whistling.gif

You are obviously not qualified to comment on Thai culture.


A 16 Y.O. wandering about at 1.A.M. No Crash Hat.If the Lad was mine id feel some resposibility.Perhaps im just Old Fashioned.RIP.

No! You're not old-fashioned. Thai culture does not instill, either a sense of responsibility, nor accountability in the parenting process of raising youth. This holds true, especially among Thai menfolk, who will readily seek to blame others for the consequences of their own folly.

The death of the boy "Lotus" is indeed tragic, but its a safe bet that his death was directly caused by an avoidable "head injury", had he been wearing even a cheap helmet.

Lotus's parents were derelict in their duty as parents, before the fact. However, a Thai Court of Law would claim that, had the Russian girl NOT been in Thailand, then the accident would never have happened. Duh! Ditto!whistling.gif

Nonsense, that is not what a Thai court would claim. A Thai court though would probably claim the driver of the car was drunk and for sure that the car made a u-turn when it was not safe. So there lies the blame.


A 16 Y.O. wandering about at 1.A.M. No Crash Hat.If the Lad was mine id feel some resposibility.Perhaps im just Old Fashioned.RIP.

What on earth are spouting off about? He was killed by a car being driven illegally, helmet or not, the car driver caused his death.

DUUUUUUHHHHHH No Helmet = Contributive Neglegence


I spoke to my wife about this,why do Thais think if a car is hit by a motorcycle the car driver is at fault,is this why the never look when turning out of side streets,'car have to care'she tells me,this is plain crazy.

It's because the car driver is considered to have more money than the motorcyclist. You'll always find if you're driving a car and have an accident with a bike and the BiB turn up, they'll always say "He no money, you pay". The insurance companies always say as soon as you have an accident to call them and they will have a representative come to the scene of the accident and argue on your behalf. Even if you've been drinking alcohol they will tell the police you have to go to hospital for checks to avoid being taken to the police station for booze testing. They're really very helpful and go to great lengths to avoid paying third party costs if they can avoid it.


I spoke to my wife about this,why do Thais think if a car is hit by a motorcycle the car driver is at fault,is this why the never look when turning out of side streets,'car have to care'she tells me,this is plain crazy.

It's because the car driver is considered to have more money than the motorcyclist. You'll always find if you're driving a car and have an accident with a bike and the BiB turn up, they'll always say "He no money, you pay". <snip>

From own experience, even with Chalong policestation: this is not true.


This boy and all the kids in Thailand should not be driving motor cycles and should not be out alone at 1;00am.

What a complete and utter load of tosh. I have many friends who at 16 had a job, a license and a motorcycle. One of the reasons motorcycles have lights is so they can be ridden at night!

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If you want to ride a bike with a helmet, have speed radar & breathalyser units why don't you go home.

The beauty of this country is the lack of these regulations. When I started riding a bike the only riders that wore helmets were the track racers (unless you come from a cold country). Compulsory helmets were a retrograde step to satisfy the insurance companies (obviously not here though).

Freedom is what we want. We, like Thais, prefer to look after ourselves without do-gooders trying to put their will on us.

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Absolutely shocking comments from some.

X10 Times worst tragedy should strike them just to see if the sarcasm still apply.


If you want to ride a bike with a helmet, have speed radar & breathalyser units why don't you go home.

The beauty of this country is the lack of these regulations. When I started riding a bike the only riders that wore helmets were the track racers (unless you come from a cold country). Compulsory helmets were a retrograde step to satisfy the insurance companies (obviously not here though).

Freedom is what we want. We, like Thais, prefer to look after ourselves without do-gooders trying to put their will on us.

Great but if your hit and your head splits open your at least partly responsible for not having a helmet. Otherwise sure go for it as long as you accept the simple truth that by not wearing a helmet your also to blame.

Greater blame at the one who causes the accident but some blame for not wearing a helmet as its mandatory. Much head injury could be avoided.

But if you say yes i would be responsible to.. power to you and have fun driving without a helmet then its a 100% personal choice.


^ So that makes it perfectly ok just to drive off does it? Who said the boy doesn't have a licence? Only gotta be 15 to have one

Indeed, "lostyourbike". Read the book. "Money Number One..

Not one person on this forum has yet to reply that leaving the scene was whistling.gifk. But Thai civil behavior, in this regard, has earned Thai people a global reputation for seizing the opportunity to fleece foreigners, whenever that opportunity presents itself. And, Thai people further know that the police will support their efforts to fleece any foreigner, even when the police "know" that the Thai was 100% in the wrong.

I hope you "findyourbike" someday! Cheers,coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

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There is one reason and one reason only why the family want to catch these Russians. It's not for justice it's purely for compensation plain and simple. According to the family this boy used to support his grand mum and siblings, now they want someone to pay for it. A couple of hundred thousand should do it but these islanders have become greedy now asking for millions. No doubt these Russians are aware of this .

There’s one reason and one reason only to hate you and your fancy view of an innocent Thai boy who got killed by a Russian woman.

A couple of hundred thousand baht should do it? That’s a life worth for you? Now these “islanders” have become “greedy”?

Insanity at its best.

Shame on you, and shame on all people who think like you do. No doubt the Russians were aware that they killed somebody, helmet, or not.

Look in a mirror, what do you see? A guy who's supporting Russian killers.

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My sympathies to the family of "Lotus". They suffer and the criminals run free.

My sympathy goes to 'Lotus" ONLY!. A young life gone, because he was not instructed by his parents, re:the wisdom of providing "head-protection" for himself.

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