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These are interesting topics. Some things are very difficult to teach. like gratitude, respect and compassion for others.. I think some people are literally incapable of such traits. Its one thing teaching your kids to say please and thank you but it means nothing if they are not genuinely grateful.

Its a difficult one with the bankers as they are not directly hurting anyone. They are usually operating within the bounds of banking legislation. The corruption in banking lies very deep and goes back a long way. Its difficult to blame some money hungry rookie in the city who just wants to get that new Ferrari next year.

Most governments seem to have an agenda to keep people uneducated and uninformed. Maybe they are right to do so.... The world would be an interesting place if everybody had an IQ over 170.

Unfortunately, the education system is not the type where thinking (cause and consequence) is taught. Have you seen what they must watch on TV (Thai soaps)! Jeesh! One loses IQ points on that VERY FAST (social IQ points, included)!

Yesterday, my wife (THai) was driving the scooter and she had one Thai woman running with a bucket towards her. We assumed it was water, but it was some kind of powder. I had a fill helmet so she did not target me. My wife got some poweder on her face, but not the full amount because I quickly removed the lady/the bucket from the perpetrator. My wife did not appreciate this, as she think all Thais should know this powder would burn the skin. Not sure if this is so. But, Songhkran has degenerated. Was she targeted because she was riding with a foreigner (jealousy)?

Again, there are idiots everywhere thanks in part to a school system lacking in decent programs! There are also idiots born everywhere. Sad, but true!



Of course, who is the idiot here is debatable? We know who the criminal is though! Banksters making billions are, but they are not criminals, although the shareholders! smile.png

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Bring in government controlled selective breeding programs as well as medically sterilizing people who do not pass a common sense test. The process would speed up 10 fold.

Oh dear, Thailand seems to be turning me in to Hitler... Maybe it really is time to go home wai2.gif


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One needs to keep in mind that in 3rd world countries life is cheap, and enjoying yourself as much as possible while you're here probably takes precedence over worrying about common sense. Add to that the fact that people get stupid drunk and you obviously have a recipe for disaster.

In the Philippines for example they burn tires in the middle of the road during NYE, have thousands of fireworks accidents, people get shot at, etc. So yeah, if you didn't like Songkran in Thailand, definitely do not go to a traditional NYE in the Philippines. :P

Personally I have a good experience with Songkran and am much more scared of joining Loi Kratong celebrations as you have a bunch of drunken people with no common sense handling explosives.

I have to admit though, my first Songkran in Thailand I was in Pattaya for a few days and was not liking it much as it was just pointless water throwing, mostly between the farang community and the bar girls, with a few fights breaking off and lots of alcohol to fuel things up. Luckily enough I went to Tabo near the border with Laos to visit a friend, and had an amazing time as it's not just about water and talc but more about showing appreciation for the elders and going to the temple for blessings.

If you ever decide to venture out into it in the future, maybe try it in a rural area next time. Otherwise it's easy, just stock up on whichever drinks/movies/books you like best and enjoy a relaxing day with the whole house to yourself.

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Quite easy to be honest.

You like it - Go out and celebrate with everyone else.

You don't like it - Stock up on whichever drinks/movies/books you like best and enjoy a relaxing day with the whole house to yourself.

Not one day, though, Up in CM it started Friday, still going strong Tuesday.

Suspect it will still be on tomorrow.


So sorry for your horrendous experience. I am in Chiang Mai and I stayed clear of the moat and old town. I had a great experience. Music, dancing, foam, water and in general, happy people having a great time. Folks that were silly enough to ignore the warnings, went to the moat and old town and came back disgusted, filthy, etc. Much like your experience. There is always next year.

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In general its been fun. 99.9% of people out there are throwing water. You can't judge the entire tradition based on a few dimwits.. And I wasn't. Just could have done without it yesterday... Blew the proverbial fuse.

So sorry for your horrendous experience. I am in Chiang Mai and I stayed clear of the moat and old town. I had a great experience. Music, dancing, foam, water and in general, happy people having a great time. Folks that were silly enough to ignore the warnings, went to the moat and old town and came back disgusted, filthy, etc. Much like your experience. There is always next year.

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In general its been fun. 99.9% of people out there are throwing water. You can't judge the entire tradition based on a few dimwits.. And I wasn't. Just could have done without it yesterday... Blew the proverbial fuse.


So sorry for your horrendous experience. I am in Chiang Mai and I stayed clear of the moat and old town. I had a great experience. Music, dancing, foam, water and in general, happy people having a great time. Folks that were silly enough to ignore the warnings, went to the moat and old town and came back disgusted, filthy, etc. Much like your experience. There is always next year.

Glad to hear that you enjoyed the most part of it!

The way I always think about the development of the Songkran tradition is to remind myself of what events like Christmas have evolved into in the western culture.

Christmas has very little to do with religion today, taken over by the need to give and receive presents instead of what it is all about. True, some people do still follow the real meaning, but the majority don't.

IMHO, Songkran has evolved along the same lines, with some still following tradition and the majority just enjoying the holiday's mayhem.

All the best for future water fun....................wink.png


Now that this thread has a few more replies, it's nice to see Arnold getting some support instead of repeated 'go home' and words to the effect of 'Songkran is fun - get a life'.

In his defense, his anger was directed specifically at idiots abusing what is/should be good fun. Even when referring to the neknominations, Arnold was critical of the idiots going to extremes but in his own words "To be fair some of them are quite funny, thousands of them on youtube." showing, I believe a sense of humour and a good sense of judgement.

A shame that somebody like Arnold has to be defended against detractors who are all to eager to be critical, without, it would appear, reading and understanding his frustration.

Rant over and onto my first, very pleasant, Songkran experience in Kut Chap.

People have been respectful when I've been busy a couple of times doing things and politely refused a soaking - yes, they gave me the option. When I have invited a soaking it's been fun and in good humour, with lots of smiles. Even getting sprayed with a water pistol in a local shop (completely unexpected) by a 5 year old was fun.

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Thoughts? Yes -- you now have 52 weeks to plan for SongKran next year

Welcome to Thailand.

Welcome to Thai Visa where the complaining goes on for 52 weeks out of the year and I agree with the O/P ... "I would say its closer to assault..." on the senses as the whining reaches ear splitting levels each Songkran.

I fail to see the cleansing side to this age old tradition ...

So your first Songkran and you're an expert on "age old" traditions. I fail to see any connection to the age old traditions of Christmas & Easter and the obscene commercial nonsense of today, but things change. Thailand is not a museum. Some things change for the better, some for the worse. Some people behave poorly and the majority who do not act like idiots get indicted here as the Thai Visa Kangaroo Court sits in judgement of all things Thai. A small percent of the 66 million people use the holiday to go crazy and here at TV all of Thai culture is found wanting.

Anyway, here at the hub of pontificating, keep up the whining and if it's cleansing you want, try more dietary fiber.

Carry on ranting ...



Look dude, i dont mean to get you all upset and make your senses hurt. I know how this site works with certain members, its all "i have been listening to these rants for 30 years" and "if I hear one more person complaining about the word farang......." I just thought I would share what I considered to be an unexpected and unsavory experience.

As for your reference to evolving traditions, I think its utter nonsense. Its like your saying Christmas has changed, its now okay to put dye in snowballs and cause damage to peoples property. Move on get with the times.

Take a walk dude.

Thoughts? Yes -- you now have 52 weeks to plan for SongKran next year

Welcome to Thailand.

Welcome to Thai Visa where the complaining goes on for 52 weeks out of the year and I agree with the O/P ... "I would say its closer to assault..." on the senses as the whining reaches ear splitting levels each Songkran.

I fail to see the cleansing side to this age old tradition ...

So your first Songkran and you're an expert on "age old" traditions. I fail to see any connection to the age old traditions of Christmas & Easter and the obscene commercial nonsense of today, but things change. Thailand is not a museum. Some things change for the better, some for the worse. Some people behave poorly and the majority who do not act like idiots get indicted here as the Thai Visa Kangaroo Court sits in judgement of all things Thai. A small percent of the 66 million people use the holiday to go crazy and here at TV all of Thai culture is found wanting.

Anyway, here at the hub of pontificating, keep up the whining and if it's cleansing you want, try more dietary fiber.

Carry on ranting ...

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Stay home next time like most of us try to do. Sorry about your bad experience , try Isaan next time.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

It's very good idea. I tried it.

Was so funny when they bunged to my head a huge piece of ice (half Kg) than I had to visit a hospital for a few stitches in the first day.

At the second I didn't go to play water but one idiot boy poured a big bucket water to my face when I was riding in motorbike. My Oakley sunglasses were broken and my right ear was ringing for 2 days. He said: solli, solli.

So the third day I decided to stay home with drunk houseful.

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Sounds like a horrific couple of days...

i am glad we had this discussion, I will take on board the general opinion of the Expat community which seems to be "quit whining" "get with the times" "this is what Songkran is all about"

Happy Easter!

Stay home next time like most of us try to do. Sorry about your bad experience , try Isaan next time.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

It's very good idea. I tried it.

Was so funny when they bunged to my head a huge piece of ice (half Kg) than I had to visit a hospital for a few stitches in the first day.

At the second I didn't go to play water but one idiot boy poured a big bucket water to my face when I was riding in motorbike. My Oakley sunglasses were broken and my right ear was ringing for 2 days. He said: solli, solli.

So the third day I decided to stay home with drunk houseful.


So now the OP he has 51 weeks to make arrangements for next year's Songkran. For me, the only downside is that I have a dozen cans of tuna fish that I didn't need to eat. Had a few enjoyable private wet T-shirt viewings. Can't wait again 'til next year.


I don't believe the OP at all.

I have done Songkran every year and not once have I had or even seen anyone putting food colouring in water or using smelly water.

My wife has also never heard of it and she has been doing songkran for 30 years, and i would expect someone using food dye in water would be in for a big problem within minutes of using it.

Get a life instead of making up crap to post because you have nothing to do with your sad life.


I don't believe the OP at all.

I have done Songkran every year and not once have I had or even seen anyone putting food colouring in water or using smelly water.

My wife has also never heard of it and she has been doing songkran for 30 years, and i would expect someone using food dye in water would be in for a big problem within minutes of using it.

Get a life instead of making up crap to post because you have nothing to do with your sad life.

Getting a bit hostile there. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't discount someone else's experience. Next time do a little research before mouthing off.


Before the faithful day arrives, there are a few things that you should do to prepare. First thing you will need is a set of clothes that you don’t mind getting ruined. Some Thai’s love to put food coloring in the water, so whatever you wear will likely get stained.


  1. Locals sometimes put food coloring in the water, so don’t wear any clothes that are nice or expensive.


The locals will sometimes put food colouring in the water, so don’t wear your favourite or most expensive clothes as they can stain.


  • Like 2

I don't believe the OP at all.

I have done Songkran every year and not once have I had or even seen anyone putting food colouring in water or using smelly water.

My wife has also never heard of it and she has been doing songkran for 30 years, and i would expect someone using food dye in water would be in for a big problem within minutes of using it.

Get a life instead of making up crap to post because you have nothing to do with your sad life.

With that statement you are also making a pre judgement that I lie, when I say that's exactly what some people use, colored water, a color that doesn't easily dissapear when washing our clothes.

Gotten poisened by VERY smelly water two times in the past with severe kee nam after.

If you haven't seen or experienced it, it doesn't exist, is that how you believe in things?

Please, be really careful about your response, think it through really hard.

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The worst and dangerous happiness festival of Thailand.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 7.5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Stay home,stay safe.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 7.5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This site is incredible... What a bunch!! It doesn't seem to matter what the post is about, there's just so many people who want to textually abuse the OP.

I have been called a lot of things in this thread but you Sir are the first to accuse me of being a liar. And the part about having nothing to do with my sad life, well that cuts me deep bro, cuts me real deep :(

I don't believe the OP at all.

I have done Songkran every year and not once have I had or even seen anyone putting food colouring in water or using smelly water.

My wife has also never heard of it and she has been doing songkran for 30 years, and i would expect someone using food dye in water would be in for a big problem within minutes of using it.

Get a life instead of making up crap to post because you have nothing to do with your sad life.


In my opinion Sonkran is so beautiful. At least in Chiang Mai for days you only see smileys on the street. Once I rented with a friend a Tuktuk and for 2 hours we drove around with it, and of course with a water bucket. Best fun ever! :)


Well was in Bangkok during this days and paid 2 visits :

one day to Central Workd, Siam where it was all family fun water fights music and food.
Next day checked Silom and its soooo crowdy avenue, but still it was great atmosphere, lots of smiles, icy water fo sure but no ice cube. Actually even my wife was surprised that it went so cool.

Even on our ways, on the streets and avenues around, it seems to run smoothly, of course the stupid "throwing water to motorbikes" was on, but that's all the worse I've seen.

I had fun, actually, got a lot of cool photos and quite satisfied with my 1st experience.
Now of course I didn't stay at evening nor at night when everyone is drunk !


In my opinion Sonkran is so beautiful. At least in Chiang Mai for days you only see smileys on the street. Once I rented with a friend a Tuktuk and for 2 hours we drove around with it, and of course with a water bucket. Best fun ever! :)

Where is the fun of deal with drunk people and ice water?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 7.5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Had my first experience too with mixed feelings.

Had a great time at first as I was returning back what they were dishing out. The Thai's were respectful when I gestured that I did not want to get wet as I got a fever/cold after a couple of days. Some dumb foreigners just do not know when to stop and were shooting ppl in the face point blank when just walking by, a Thai had seen this and gave them a tongue lashing.

Silom was absolutely nuts on the last night as everyone was giving it their last shot and thankfully ppl behaved as it could have gotten seriously out of hand in an instance considering it was the end and how drunk and euphoric ppl were. I stopped counting of all the dangerous sights I witnessed and read of the hundreds of deaths and thousands of injured during the holiday due to the excesses.

I now know why some friends stay out of certain areas during this time.

Next time, will get my fill on one nights worth then retire.

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