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Thai-born British citizen accused of lese majeste by her own parents


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Her facebook has a lot of insulting things towards the royal family. She is clearly stupid and very childish. If she has issues with the royal family why not try and air them in an articulate and factual manner instead of putting people's heads onto animals etc. She is also clearly loving all of the attention she is getting and I would be worried if I was in her shoes as all it takes is one over zealous Thai and suddenly she's in the hospital. My wife won't stop going on about how much she hates her and frankly I would prefer if she went and crawled under a rock OR started to put across her point properly instead of throwing around insults.

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Her facebook has a lot of insulting things towards the royal family. She is clearly stupid and very childish. If she has issues with the royal family why not try and air them in an articulate and factual manner instead of putting people's heads onto animals etc. She is also clearly loving all of the attention she is getting and I would be worried if I was in her shoes as all it takes is one over zealous Thai and suddenly she's in the hospital. My wife won't stop going on about how much she hates her and frankly I would prefer if she went and crawled under a rock OR started to put across her point properly instead of throwing around insults.

Hating someone you never met and hasn't harmed you or anyone you know seems a bit irrational.

Feel free to say bad things about my President, it won't bother me, I might even agree with you.

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I don't see it as thinking outside the box, but rather as thinking inside a different box.

Spewing Western imported rhetoric is fine, but seriously doubt most so-called pro-democracy voices are all that different

from what they claim to be against. Sounds more like supporting a side and wanting to win at all costs.

Not too clear about the relationship within the family, so hard to say if she "lost" them or not. Also was not aware that she

was planning on returning to Thailand anytime soon. The way I read a lot of these so-called "brave" people, it is more to

do with wanting to feel special, play the hero sort of thing. Not necessarily a personal commitment to bettering the country.

That said, those two dimwits on the clips (Mrs. Eggs and Mr. Spray) are much worse, in my opinion. Seemingly they do

not quite realize where they live and what democracy is all about.

Probably not really a debate to get into as I cant voice my real opinions on the matter but Ill try

I dont get your pro-democracy comment, this is an argument regarding lese majeste as far as I can see?

Why does her different point of you amount to battering the country? I dont necessarily disagree with you in that she loves the attention etc but my point still stands I commend any Thai willing to think for themselves and not accept the hegemony forced on them which I find downright creepy to be perfectly honest.

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So if this girl becomes wanted by the Thai authorities for Les Majeste.

Would'nt that mean that whomever in this thread who actually supported her and cheered for her in their posts, in facto support a wanted criminal in the kingdom, and should also be prosecuted here for the very same crime?

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Here is one of Rose's videos that has not been blocked yet:

http://<div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script> <div class="fb-post" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=829781593718259" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=829781593718259">Post</a> by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/PongthipIndy">Pongthip Soontornthip</a>.</div></div>

I can't seem to embed a video here. sad.png Anyway, if you can follow the link, it pretty much speaks for itself.

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As there is a huge elephant in the room which we can't talk about then it's difficult to have any meaningful discussion, Suffice to say back in Georgian days it was allowed for satirists and writers to defame the monarch and the instution of the royal family which is as it should be a tradition and a freedom which remains thank god to this day. Thailand is a bit like a game of Jenga that bar gilrs so like to play - if you pull out the wrong piece the whole rickety edifice falls down.

To the idiot who posted his video of identifying her place and threatening her I hear the police are investigating and as an act of harrassement which could endanger her life I hope he has the book thrown at him.

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I don't see it as thinking outside the box, but rather as thinking inside a different box.

Spewing Western imported rhetoric is fine, but seriously doubt most so-called pro-democracy voices are all that different

from what they claim to be against. Sounds more like supporting a side and wanting to win at all costs.

Not too clear about the relationship within the family, so hard to say if she "lost" them or not. Also was not aware that she

was planning on returning to Thailand anytime soon. The way I read a lot of these so-called "brave" people, it is more to

do with wanting to feel special, play the hero sort of thing. Not necessarily a personal commitment to bettering the country.

That said, those two dimwits on the clips (Mrs. Eggs and Mr. Spray) are much worse, in my opinion. Seemingly they do

not quite realize where they live and what democracy is all about.

Probably not really a debate to get into as I cant voice my real opinions on the matter but Ill try

I dont get your pro-democracy comment, this is an argument regarding lese majeste as far as I can see?

Why does her different point of you amount to battering the country? I dont necessarily disagree with you in that she loves the attention etc but my point still stands I commend any Thai willing to think for themselves and not accept the hegemony forced on them which I find downright creepy to be perfectly honest.

People in Thailand who hold similar opinions to Rose's also claim to be the vanguard of democracy. While they are not as

direct as she is, most Thais seem to be pretty clear what they are talking about. Hence some of these groups, more of an

academic nature, do not necessarily pull a mass of people in support.

There is a certain attempt to equate dissolution of LM laws with having democracy. While I agree that the current LM laws in

place are probably too strict and too easily drawn out of the legal arsenal, I do not think that they are the cornerstone which

makes or breaks democracy in Thailand. Thailand's issues with democracy go somewhat deeper and further than that.

Not exactly clear on what your meant with the "battering the country" bit. As for independent thinking, that's the thing, it isn't.

I know a few of these people (well, again, most probably aren't as rude as her) - most seem to be re-hashing the ideas and

the slogans they learned from certain teachers in their universities. Most seem to enjoy playing the rebel, or the radical. And

most have issues applying the very same concepts they seem to support when taken in another context. This "thing" with

making some teachers like the prophets of old is quite common here, at least as far as I can tell, and not limited to a specific

discipline or point of view. So the way I see it, what you're saying about Thais in general could be true, but I believe that it

applies to almost everyone, even to the so-called "free thinkers".

Making your own opinion on something required some experience, some context for comparison, willingness to accept

criticism, and an open mind. That's without counting proper education regarding concepts and facts. Somehow it doesn't

seem like Rose (or for that matter, the wannabee vigilantes in the other clips) is quite "it".

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Her facebook has a lot of insulting things towards the royal family. She is clearly stupid and very childish. If she has issues with the royal family why not try and air them in an articulate and factual manner instead of putting people's heads onto animals etc. She is also clearly loving all of the attention she is getting and I would be worried if I was in her shoes as all it takes is one over zealous Thai and suddenly she's in the hospital. My wife won't stop going on about how much she hates her and frankly I would prefer if she went and crawled under a rock OR started to put across her point properly instead of throwing around insults.

Hating someone you never met and hasn't harmed you or anyone you know seems a bit irrational.

Feel free to say bad things about my President, it won't bother me, I might even agree with you.

I agree with the first line.

The other part - more of a cultural thing. Thailand isn't the only country where certain aspects (ruler, religion, symbols) are

out of bounds when it comes to criticism and political debate.

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Her facebook has a lot of insulting things towards the royal family. She is clearly stupid and very childish. If she has issues with the royal family why not try and air them in an articulate and factual manner instead of putting people's heads onto animals etc. She is also clearly loving all of the attention she is getting and I would be worried if I was in her shoes as all it takes is one over zealous Thai and suddenly she's in the hospital. My wife won't stop going on about how much she hates her and frankly I would prefer if she went and crawled under a rock OR started to put across her point properly instead of throwing around insults.

Hating someone you never met and hasn't harmed you or anyone you know seems a bit irrational.

Feel free to say bad things about my President, it won't bother me, I might even agree with you.

I agree with the first line.

The other part - more of a cultural thing. Thailand isn't the only country where certain aspects (ruler, religion, symbols) are

out of bounds when it comes to criticism and political debate.

Sure, but all those countries are basket cases too.

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Her facebook has a lot of insulting things towards the royal family. She is clearly stupid and very childish. If she has issues with the royal family why not try and air them in an articulate and factual manner instead of putting people's heads onto animals etc. She is also clearly loving all of the attention she is getting and I would be worried if I was in her shoes as all it takes is one over zealous Thai and suddenly she's in the hospital. My wife won't stop going on about how much she hates her and frankly I would prefer if she went and crawled under a rock OR started to put across her point properly instead of throwing around insults.

Hating someone you never met and hasn't harmed you or anyone you know seems a bit irrational.

Feel free to say bad things about my President, it won't bother me, I might even agree with you.

I agree with the first line.

The other part - more of a cultural thing. Thailand isn't the only country where certain aspects (ruler, religion, symbols) are

out of bounds when it comes to criticism and political debate.

Sure, but all those countries are basket cases too.

That's a generalization, not sure if it is correct in relation to all countries. Not even sure what you define as "basket case".

I do not think that Thailand's LM laws, by themselves, bring the country to the forefront of oppressive regimes. Not even

close to that, really.

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Literally true. Because the Thai law also covers other monarchies around the world.

You do understand that Thai law can only be enforced "in" Thailand, no one else in the rest of the world gives a monkeys what the law is here and it can't and won't be enforced anywhere else in the world, and contrary to popular Thai belief, they are not the center of the universe either.

And do understand that if you are in downtown Bangkok and draw a moustache on a portrait of Queen Elizabeth, supposedly, you are violating the Thai law and subject to arrest and fine. I think it's Section 133. For those of us living, here, there are certain landmines best avoided in encountering during everyday life. I have no intention of testing the law.

Ah, I understand what you mean now by "covers other monarchies" . . . yes . . . there are indeed a number of landmines . . . if you're in Thailand.

Interestingly, Section 118 protects the Thai flag from desecration, and Section 135 protects the flags of friendly foreign states . . . so whilst the US Supreme Court has permitted the burning of the American flag in the United States, doing the same here in Thailand could result in arrest lol

The use of the Thai flag for mens underwear is not allowed but you can buy underpants with flags of other countries in Thailand, that is also against Section 135, but who is going to do anything about it, unless of course it was the Thai flag.

Oh and I am married to a Thai and always praise the King for the work he has done in the past to help his folk.

Edited by beano2274
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I saw a Video on Facebook of some Thais in the UK sat in a car outside this girls house, would be great if they attacked her as then they would be the ones facing deportation.

This girl has planned ahead, as if she was in any way obliged to leave the UK, she could go for asylum as she would be imprisoned in Thailand and the UK government does not like to hand people over for prison sentences.

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I saw a Video on Facebook of some Thais in the UK sat in a car outside this girls house, would be great if they attacked her as then they would be the ones facing deportation.

This girl has planned ahead, as if she was in any way obliged to leave the UK, she could go for asylum as she would be imprisoned in Thailand and the UK government does not like to hand people over for prison sentences.

The Thai who threatened her with the fake BB gun in the link I posted above "DJ Ken" and spraypainted a Thai flag on her door, is apparently a British citizen anyway. So is Kae who threatened to slap Rose and may have thrown eggs at the house. So they won't be deported, but UK police are apparently taking it seriously, both have reported to the police station already.

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Her facebook has a lot of insulting things towards the royal family. She is clearly stupid and very childish. If she has issues with the royal family why not try and air them in an articulate and factual manner instead of putting people's heads onto animals etc. She is also clearly loving all of the attention she is getting and I would be worried if I was in her shoes as all it takes is one over zealous Thai and suddenly she's in the hospital. My wife won't stop going on about how much she hates her and frankly I would prefer if she went and crawled under a rock OR started to put across her point properly instead of throwing around insults.

Hating someone you never met and hasn't harmed you or anyone you know seems a bit irrational.

Feel free to say bad things about my President, it won't bother me, I might even agree with you.

I agree with the first line.

The other part - more of a cultural thing. Thailand isn't the only country where certain aspects (ruler, religion, symbols) are

out of bounds when it comes to criticism and political debate.

Yeah Saudia Arabia and North Korea come easily to mind. Freedom of Speech is taken to easily for granted in the western world and with that comes a responsibility - Thailand for the most part just doesn't get it - having been taught from birth to accept,accept,accept - and they have little or no knowledge of history unless it comes as a poster to put up in the family shrine. Any way with the nice army now in charge and the nay-sayers having had their collar felt to desist - all is happy once again in the Land of Smiles. One of the good things about Thailand is they don't let principles get in the way of running a country just keeping the good times roll. And with that comes a stayed hand with the authorities knowing if they shed blood on a scale that has happened in other countries it could well be game over for the ruling class and their noses removed from their rather big trough.

The rich man in his castle,

The poor man at his gate,

God made them high and lowly,

And ordered their estate.

And to every Thai in the UK harrassing her I hope she uses all the legal tools at her disposal to make sure they feel the full force of the law.

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However, Rose isn't out of the woods just yet, the Thai police and foreign ministry are joining forces to arrest Rose.

"Sek Wannamethee, Director-General of the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists on Thursday that the foreign ministry, the Royal Thai Police and the Office of the Attorney General are currently working on legal provisions to bring Chatwadee Amornpat, aka Rose, back from London to face lese majeste charges in Thailand for insulting the Thai royal family on Facebook and YouTube.

Sek Wannamethi said Thailand has an extradition treaty with the United Kingdom, but Thai officials need to look into the details of the treaty, as Ms Amornpat has British nationality, before any further action is taken.
The Royal Thai Embassy in London, in the meantime, will cooperate by verifying the addresses of Ms Amornpat and other lese majeste offenders in the United Kingdom."


Sounds like they're making this one of their top priorities.
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Her facebook has a lot of insulting things towards the royal family. She is clearly stupid and very childish. If she has issues with the royal family why not try and air them in an articulate and factual manner instead of putting people's heads onto animals etc. She is also clearly loving all of the attention she is getting and I would be worried if I was in her shoes as all it takes is one over zealous Thai and suddenly she's in the hospital. My wife won't stop going on about how much she hates her and frankly I would prefer if she went and crawled under a rock OR started to put across her point properly instead of throwing around insults.

Hating someone you never met and hasn't harmed you or anyone you know seems a bit irrational.

Feel free to say bad things about my President, it won't bother me, I might even agree with you.

I agree with the first line.

The other part - more of a cultural thing. Thailand isn't the only country where certain aspects (ruler, religion, symbols) are

out of bounds when it comes to criticism and political debate.

Yeah Saudia Arabia and North Korea come easily to mind. Freedom of Speech is taken to easily for granted in the western world and with that comes a responsibility - Thailand for the most part just doesn't get it - having been taught from birth to accept,accept,accept - and they have little or no knowledge of history unless it comes as a poster to put up in the family shrine. Any way with the nice army now in charge and the nay-sayers having had their collar felt to desist - all is happy once again in the Land of Smiles. One of the good things about Thailand is they don't let principles get in the way of running a country just keeping the good times roll. And with that comes a stayed hand with the authorities knowing if they shed blood on a scale that has happened in other countries it could well be game over for the ruling class and their noses removed from their rather big trough.

The rich man in his castle,

The poor man at his gate,

God made them high and lowly,

And ordered their estate.

And to every Thai in the UK harrassing her I hope she uses all the legal tools at her disposal to make sure they feel the full force of the law.

Thailand is most definitely not Saudi Arabia, nor North Korea.

There are different levels of personal and political freedoms in different countries. Many of us posters are lucky enough to

come from countries where such freedoms and rights are common and widely acknowledged. That does not mean every

country not fully adhering to the same codes and laws is automatically at the other end of the scale.

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However, Rose isn't out of the woods just yet, the Thai police and foreign ministry are joining forces to arrest Rose.

"Sek Wannamethee, Director-General of the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists on Thursday that the foreign ministry, the Royal Thai Police and the Office of the Attorney General are currently working on legal provisions to bring Chatwadee Amornpat, aka Rose, back from London to face lese majeste charges in Thailand for insulting the Thai royal family on Facebook and YouTube.

Sek Wannamethi said Thailand has an extradition treaty with the United Kingdom, but Thai officials need to look into the details of the treaty, as Ms Amornpat has British nationality, before any further action is taken.
The Royal Thai Embassy in London, in the meantime, will cooperate by verifying the addresses of Ms Amornpat and other lese majeste offenders in the United Kingdom."


Sounds like they're making this one of their top priorities.

They can make it whatever priority they wish, not even a remote chance of this happening.

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However, Rose isn't out of the woods just yet, the Thai police and foreign ministry are joining forces to arrest Rose.

"Sek Wannamethee, Director-General of the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists on Thursday that the foreign ministry, the Royal Thai Police and the Office of the Attorney General are currently working on legal provisions to bring Chatwadee Amornpat, aka Rose, back from London to face lese majeste charges in Thailand for insulting the Thai royal family on Facebook and YouTube.

Sek Wannamethi said Thailand has an extradition treaty with the United Kingdom, but Thai officials need to look into the details of the treaty, as Ms Amornpat has British nationality, before any further action is taken.
The Royal Thai Embassy in London, in the meantime, will cooperate by verifying the addresses of Ms Amornpat and other lese majeste offenders in the United Kingdom."


Sounds like they're making this one of their top priorities.

They can make it whatever priority they wish, not even a remote chance of this happening.

and just goes to show how deluded they all are in their belief in Thailand's superiority. Maybe they should solve some of the outstanding crimes in country such as the Blue Diamond Affair whilst they are tidying things up. When the letter from the Thai Ambassador lands at the feet of the Foreign Secretary I can imagine the hilarity that will ensue amongst ministers and offcials. And this order is emanating from a democratically elected governmen - NOT !. As an aside I just spoke on the phone with my wife and told her how annoyed I was with the behaviour of the stalker and hoped he would be deported. She replied Thai people here want her killed and had no sympathy with her plight. No point in getting angry cos logic and understanding have no place in the mind of an average Thai. Forgive them Father for they know what what they do.

“It was possible, no doubt, to imagine a society in which wealth, in the sense of personal possessions and luxuries, should be evenly distributed, while power remained in the hands of a small privileged caste. But in practice such a society could not long remain stable. For if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realise that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away. In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance.”

George Orwell, 1984

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However, Rose isn't out of the woods just yet, the Thai police and foreign ministry are joining forces to arrest Rose.

"Sek Wannamethee, Director-General of the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists on Thursday that the foreign ministry, the Royal Thai Police and the Office of the Attorney General are currently working on legal provisions to bring Chatwadee Amornpat, aka Rose, back from London to face lese majeste charges in Thailand for insulting the Thai royal family on Facebook and YouTube.

Sek Wannamethi said Thailand has an extradition treaty with the United Kingdom, but Thai officials need to look into the details of the treaty, as Ms Amornpat has British nationality, before any further action is taken.
The Royal Thai Embassy in London, in the meantime, will cooperate by verifying the addresses of Ms Amornpat and other lese majeste offenders in the United Kingdom."


Sounds like they're making this one of their top priorities.

The Royal Thai embassy will probably let all the addresses be known to other Thais in the UK, so they can sort out their own kind of justice.

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However, Rose isn't out of the woods just yet, the Thai police and foreign ministry are joining forces to arrest Rose.

"Sek Wannamethee, Director-General of the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists on Thursday that the foreign ministry, the Royal Thai Police and the Office of the Attorney General are currently working on legal provisions to bring Chatwadee Amornpat, aka Rose, back from London to face lese majeste charges in Thailand for insulting the Thai royal family on Facebook and YouTube.

Sek Wannamethi said Thailand has an extradition treaty with the United Kingdom, but Thai officials need to look into the details of the treaty, as Ms Amornpat has British nationality, before any further action is taken.

The Royal Thai Embassy in London, in the meantime, will cooperate by verifying the addresses of Ms Amornpat and other lese majeste offenders in the United Kingdom."


Sounds like they're making this one of their top priorities.

They know that extradition by the UK is never going to happen.They are just going through the motions to please their new masters.It's a mixture of saving face and bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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However, Rose isn't out of the woods just yet, the Thai police and foreign ministry are joining forces to arrest Rose.

"Sek Wannamethee, Director-General of the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists on Thursday that the foreign ministry, the Royal Thai Police and the Office of the Attorney General are currently working on legal provisions to bring Chatwadee Amornpat, aka Rose, back from London to face lese majeste charges in Thailand for insulting the Thai royal family on Facebook and YouTube.

Sek Wannamethi said Thailand has an extradition treaty with the United Kingdom, but Thai officials need to look into the details of the treaty, as Ms Amornpat has British nationality, before any further action is taken.

The Royal Thai Embassy in London, in the meantime, will cooperate by verifying the addresses of Ms Amornpat and other lese majeste offenders in the United Kingdom."


Sounds like they're making this one of their top priorities.

They know that extradition by the UK is never going to happen.They are just going through the motions to please their new masters.It's a mixture of saving face and bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Indeed, the LM law attacks to whole concept of Freedom of Speech and I personally feel that, aside from shouting "fire" in a crowded building, people should be allowed complete freedom of expression. However, the people who hold up Rose as some sort of intellectual anti-monarchist protester are misrepresenting her entirely.

In one of her videos she repeatedly steps on HM's picture while saying how much she hates him. She then holds up a picture of QE2 and kisses it, while proclaiming how glad she is to be a subject of the British Queen and how much she loves the Queen. So, she is not anti-monarchist at all, she just doesn't like the Thai monarch!

Quite frankly, she comes across as a complete nut case and her ravings should just be ignored by rational people.

Edited by otherstuff1957
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However, Rose isn't out of the woods just yet, the Thai police and foreign ministry are joining forces to arrest Rose.

"Sek Wannamethee, Director-General of the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists on Thursday that the foreign ministry, the Royal Thai Police and the Office of the Attorney General are currently working on legal provisions to bring Chatwadee Amornpat, aka Rose, back from London to face lese majeste charges in Thailand for insulting the Thai royal family on Facebook and YouTube.

Sek Wannamethi said Thailand has an extradition treaty with the United Kingdom, but Thai officials need to look into the details of the treaty, as Ms Amornpat has British nationality, before any further action is taken.
The Royal Thai Embassy in London, in the meantime, will cooperate by verifying the addresses of Ms Amornpat and other lese majeste offenders in the United Kingdom."


Sounds like they're making this one of their top priorities.

They can make it whatever priority they wish, not even a remote chance of this happening.

Perhaps not officially, but remember that the UK has a lot of vested interests in Thailand, including commercial and as allied countries.

I am not suggesting anything illegal here, but underhanded agreements can be made behind closed doors between Governments and this woman could receive an unofficial warning to either take a schtum powder or face the consequences, as has happened in the past to those considered as enemies of a State or bad for International relations between countries and in risk of creating such International incidents. Also considering that if in the events of problems with China or North Korea in the future, Thailand is the allies friendly base in South East Asia and there is no way the allies would want to jeopardise that, something similar to Israel being the allies unofficial base in the middle east. Then of course there are the fanatics and the loons who may have other ideas on how to shut this woman up.

In my opinion, this woman is in a no win situation whatever her intentions and has made her point. She would be wise to cease and desist her public activities now, falling out of the limelight while the going is good.

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Her parents are getting attacked from people in Thailand, due to her actions. basically the parents are protecting themselves. we dont know what threats they have had against them but im pretty sure its ugly. some of these people can get fanatical. sad all round

Exactly. What a horrible, ungrateful daughter! That's what you get when you westernize people, you get horrible, arrogant, selfish people that defame everyone no matter who it hurts because of so called "freedom of speech". Freedom to not care about others and be completely full of oneself... that's what it really is.

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Her parents are getting attacked from people in Thailand, due to her actions. basically the parents are protecting themselves. we dont know what threats they have had against them but im pretty sure its ugly. some of these people can get fanatical. sad all round

Exactly. What a horrible, ungrateful daughter! That's what you get when you westernize people, you get horrible, arrogant, selfish people that defame everyone no matter who it hurts because of so called "freedom of speech". Freedom to not care about others and be completely full of oneself... that's what it really is.


Involves telling untruths, insults are specifically excluded from the definition of defamation.

Saying you don't like someone or something is an opinion, not defamation.

And finally dead people cannot be defamed.

Defamation can only be done to living people, the moment they are dead, case dismissed.

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However, Rose isn't out of the woods just yet, the Thai police and foreign ministry are joining forces to arrest Rose.

"Sek Wannamethee, Director-General of the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists on Thursday that the foreign ministry, the Royal Thai Police and the Office of the Attorney General are currently working on legal provisions to bring Chatwadee Amornpat, aka Rose, back from London to face lese majeste charges in Thailand for insulting the Thai royal family on Facebook and YouTube.

Sek Wannamethi said Thailand has an extradition treaty with the United Kingdom, but Thai officials need to look into the details of the treaty, as Ms Amornpat has British nationality, before any further action is taken.
The Royal Thai Embassy in London, in the meantime, will cooperate by verifying the addresses of Ms Amornpat and other lese majeste offenders in the United Kingdom."


Sounds like they're making this one of their top priorities.

They can make it whatever priority they wish, not even a remote chance of this happening.

Perhaps not officially, but remember that the UK has a lot of vested interests in Thailand, including commercial and as allied countries.

I am not suggesting anything illegal here, but underhanded agreements can be made behind closed doors between Governments and this woman could receive an unofficial warning to either take a schtum powder or face the consequences, as has happened in the past to those considered as enemies of a State or bad for International relations between countries and in risk of creating such International incidents. Also considering that if in the events of problems with China or North Korea in the future, Thailand is the allies friendly base in South East Asia and there is no way the allies would want to jeopardise that, something similar to Israel being the allies unofficial base in the middle east. Then of course there are the fanatics and the loons who may have other ideas on how to shut this woman up.

In my opinion, this woman is in a no win situation whatever her intentions and has made her point. She would be wise to cease and desist her public activities now, falling out of the limelight while the going is good.

They maybe, possibly, somehow get some UK official to pay her a visit and ask her nicely to stop making a fuss.

Thing is she's got a citizenship, and therefore rights - and she could make a media circus if such a request is made.

In fact, the best course of action would be to let her vent, and ignore her - each time something like extradition and

pressing charges comes up, she gets more exposure.

I don't think whatever she says or do will effect UK-Thai relationship much. There are similar people saying similar

things in other countries, no one hushes them up.

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