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PM Yingluck's lawyer not worried about rice case


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NACC will not let defense witnesses give evidence? <deleted>!

What amazingly exculpatory evidence do you think they might provide?

looks like we will never get to know what they have to say.

What other countries put the elected Prime Minister on trial and then do not let all the witnesses give testimony?

Thailand has a long way to go to get freedom and Democracy.

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of course he aint worried he will be paid unlike the farmers..

Unless he's taken the case on a contingency basis if such a thing exists here although I can't see many Thai lawyers taking that risk.

If the NACC finds against YL he might not get paid and could become yet another lawyer who joins the ranks of the ' disappeared '.


there is a rich family that will throw money at him because he believed in her till the end

Now its time for an appeal

will send you a quote and bill at the same time

just need to find a calculator that has more zeros

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They should be worried but they're not. They have an army of paid red thugs on standby with the addresses of the NACC members. But intimidation won't work this time. Just have that private jet on standby, Poo.

Would be good to have a rotation of aircraft SPOTTERS at Chiang Mai, collecting numbers of aircraft, especially private, or chartered. Looking up who owns them and report back. OK I know I cannot, but there are enthusiasts around. Posters interested.

This lawyer is saying the same of the rest----intimidation tactics--

The Shins forever use this method.

Chiang Mai is in Thailand.

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First two phrases lawyers learn in school are:

- My client is innocent.

- We will appeal.

They say these phrases over and over and over until they become automatic statements in any trial or press release....they become like involuntary reflexes...just like breathing and blinking your eyes.

Is appeal even possible? I thought that the NACC was NOT a court. If they find her guilty, don't they just pass the conclusion on to the Senate?

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NACC will not let defense witnesses give evidence? !

What amazingly exculpatory evidence do you think they might provide?

looks like we will never get to know what they have to say.

What other countries put the elected Prime Minister on trial and then do not let all the witnesses give testimony?

Thailand has a long way to go to get freedom and Democracy.

Well for once I agree with something you write.Thailand has a long way to go to get freedom and democracy.

But the Thai people have started this process by demonstrating against this corrupt goverment and the red shirts are helping them to show of how the realy are.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Let this play out. We have had to endure 6 months of your yellow friends and their armed thugs holding Thailand to ransom. If the Courts decide that this attempt to removed a legitimate government and grab power is ok, fine. But allow the pro government supporters on to the streets of Bangkok to carry their protests.

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of course he aint worried he will be paid unlike the farmers..

And if she is convicted he will get paid more for appeals. Also if all the appeals are lost he won't have to go to jail with his client. Lawyers never lose.

Lawyers & Doctors bury their mistakes. Literally, where there is (still) capital punsishment!

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I see it reported that Kitterat gave the NACC 60 pages of evidence.

I have to assume that coming from the minister of finance involved with the scheme that the 60 pages would be a full and accurate accounting of the scheme audit by independent auditors showing that there was absolutely no corruption involved.

That would be the ultimate defense which would account for the lawyers lack of worry and certainty that they would find in Yinglucks favor.

But then again if she is found not guilty he will be out of a job while a guilty verdict will mean he can continue defending her through the next step of the proceedings and keep charging all those exorbitant fees. (Paid by the tax payer ?)

Nacc toilet bum gun was broken so the 60 pages came in handy.

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NACC will not let defense witnesses give evidence? <deleted>!

What amazingly exculpatory evidence do you think they might provide?

looks like we will never get to know what they have to say.

What other countries put the elected Prime Minister on trial and then do not let all the witnesses give testimony?

Thailand has a long way to go to get freedom and Democracy.

Well, for Freeedom & democracdy, PTP have got it sorted. For freedom, stay out of the country & you don't go to jail. Democracy? Just invent your own interpretation & organize an army of bully boys to invade anywhere including airport departure lounges to try to throw faeces at anyone they think may have offended them. Violence, the language of the in-articulate!!!

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They should be worried but they're not. They have an army of paid red thugs on standby with the addresses of the NACC members. But intimidation won't work this time. Just have that private jet on standby, Poo.

Would be good to have a rotation of aircraft SPOTTERS at Chiang Mai, collecting numbers of aircraft, especially private, or chartered. Looking up who owns them and report back. OK I know I cannot, but there are enthusiasts around. Posters interested.

This lawyer is saying the same of the rest----intimidation tactics--

The Shins forever use this method.

Chiang Mai is in Thailand.

And you want to tell me BKK is also here or Pattaya, what are you on about.?? can you explain, did I give any indication it wasn't ???

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Let this play out. We have had to endure 6 months of your yellow friends and their armed thugs holding Thailand to ransom. If the Courts decide that this attempt to removed a legitimate government and grab power is ok, fine. But allow the pro government supporters on to the streets of Bangkok to carry their protests.

Yellows went out with the ark, armed thugs--I think I've heard that one before. legitimate government, then for 3 years illegitimate.

Change the needle you have to do with them 78 records.

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Let this play out. We have had to endure 6 months of your yellow friends and their armed thugs holding Thailand to ransom. If the Courts decide that this attempt to removed a legitimate government and grab power is ok, fine. But allow the pro government supporters on to the streets of Bangkok to carry their protests.

If they are peaceful, why not? But you did mrention armed thugs in passing (If I remember correctly, you frequently do.) I would respectfully advise you to examine the incidences of political armed thuiggery resulting in death or injury over the last 4 months. (No need to go back to 2010 when the "the boys came to town" last time) See if you can work out which side are more inclined to use "armed thuggery." I promise you it won't be hard. PTP have soured their own voter support, over most of the country except the hard core N/NE reds (and their red trolls of course, most of whom are NOT voters).

Edited by The Deerhunter
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

NACC will not let defense witnesses give evidence? <deleted>!

How many do you think should be allowed to stand up and repeat: 'she's a nice girl', 'she has a masters degree so she must be good', 'she is the protector of democracy', and 'she tried her best'?

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Let this play out. We have had to endure 6 months of your yellow friends and their armed thugs holding Thailand to ransom. If the Courts decide that this attempt to removed a legitimate government and grab power is ok, fine. But allow the pro government supporters on to the streets of Bangkok to carry their protests.

A legitimate government? Yes, they were elected. But this government has blatantly overstepped its authority and broke the law on numerous occasions.

I take it that you believe they can do anything they want, including breaking the law. You are dead wrong. Every country has laws that must be abided by including Thailand. What makes you think Thailand's government and it's officials are exempt from obeying the laws of the land.

Please explain Mr. Yim.

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NACC will not let defense witnesses give evidence? <deleted>!

Nonsense. Not even a poor try at a spin!

The NACC have stopped a procession of witnesses regurgitating the same thing over and over again. No court, commission or tribunal in the world would allow an endless procession of irrelevant witnesses offering nothing new.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Let's take away the political labels for a moment and consider the situation for any hypothetical defendent.

If the NACC has indeed decided that its has had sufficient information to find a defendent not guilty, then continuing to hear additional testimony would be an unnecessary burden on both the NACC and the defendent. It is that scenario that Parameesanaporn presumes to exist based on the NACC being fair and politically nuetral. It is the nature of defense attorneys to find the glass half-full rather than half-empty.

If rather the NACC's decision not to hear any further testimony for the defence is because it has already decided the defendent is guilty, then the NACC has deprived the defendent of due process of law. It is not up to the juristional authority to determine what is adequate for the defense to offer testimony that it believes will acquit it. Rather its is the jurisdictional authority to judge the relevance of defense evidence. Violation of this most basic tenant for the defendent in a democratic society constitutes a presumption of guilt until proven innocent and the standard for innocence will always be undefined.

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Everyone knows that it is a stall tactic. We can have witness after witness called. Yeah...let's get two more after this, and two more.... While the rice farmers are the real victims. To help the farmers, you must prosecute the guilty ones. That starts from the PM and down the chain of command. If the subordinates did her wrong, then she better go after them with the full extent of the law. Or she does not, she will have to bare the burden of their sin. But she is no messiah for sure. Just a little girl lost in the big boys game. With the tile comes the responsibility. She just have to take it an move into jail. Defrauding millions of billions. Yeah...that fraud. Anyone want to dispute that fact?

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