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Chalerm says he may arrest PDRC leaders soon


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The Daily News is such a decidedly Democratic party-friendly publication, that it throws Chalerm's fanciful accusation in stark relief. Chalerm manages to cite the single, solitary example he could find of something that could be construed as a convenient ruse for a fantastical accusation that nobody believes - including the Administrative Court - that was also within range. Chalerm wants us to forget about that part of it. No, Thaksin, sees a problem with that narrative so he immediately sets Chalerm to create a counter-narrative that is as incredulous now as when Surapong first suggested it in January when these grenade attacks first started to surface. Chalerm has taken something - with zero evidence - and is now using it to push a narrative that debunks everything we've seen in the past three months. I'm sure Dr. Narong would have some choice words right now on the subject of these grenade attacks. As would Abhisit, the Governor of Bangkok, the Criminal Court, the independent agencies, and all the others that have suffered attacks. How could Chalerm possibly think people are this dumb ? ( Outside of Pheu Thai supporters, that is ). And of course he has the army at his command. Since when ? In his dreams. Since November Chalerm has issued these empty pronouncements. What is clear about all of this is that Chalerm - and presumably Thaksin - are eager to pursue any ridiculous narrative whatsoever that can be used as an excuse to clamp down on a peaceful and highly legitimate movement, while the UDD on the other hand clamps down on the judicial process. Not a peep will we hear from Chalerm about that. Not a peep. Chalerm is Minister of Labour. Yes, I know - it's immensely funny. But what is a man in that capacity doing giving these announcements, that he seems only to partake in when he feels people might somehow forget how important he is ?

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"Did you notice that on April 24, the Daily News was the only paper that published a photo of police being detained at the PDRC haeng Wattana rally site on its front page," Chalerm said.

"And the PDRC was affected by the report. I won't say who did it but I would like you to think about it."

I don't normally agree with Chalerm, but his assessment on this is spot on.

What he needs to do however, is stop the endless threats and arrest these PDRC scumbags who have been butchering the country in two for the last few months.

And while he's at it, why not try to arrest Thaksin. Wouldn't you agree moonao? I see you are being very selective in who arrest whom.

Why dont you go and arrest thaksin if you think it is so important to happen. Right now thaksin is not the problem suthep is. First things first.

Then why don't you go arrest Suthep, since you deem that of greater importance. Or are you like 99% of the farangs here and incapable of action?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Did you notice that on April 24, the Daily News was the only paper that published a photo of police being detained at the PDRC haeng Wattana rally site on its front page," Chalerm said.

"And the PDRC was affected by the report. I won't say who did it but I would like you to think about it."

I don't normally agree with Chalerm, but his assessment on this is spot on.

What he needs to do however, is stop the endless threats and arrest these PDRC scumbags who have been butchering the country in two for the last few months.

I thought you always agreed with Chalerm. Do you believe that all of the shootings and grenade attacks and bombs are false flag attacks?

Edited by gabruce
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"Did you notice that on April 24, the Daily News was the only paper that published a photo of police being detained at the PDRC haeng Wattana rally site on its front page," Chalerm said.

"And the PDRC was affected by the report. I won't say who did it but I would like you to think about it."

I don't normally agree with Chalerm, but his assessment on this is spot on.

What he needs to do however, is stop the endless threats and arrest these PDRC scumbags who have been butchering the country in two for the last few months.

Your assessment has as much merit as your IQ. Keep squeezing those lemons.

My assessment on you is that if you can't tolerate other peoples opinions, and the best you can do is respond with a flame and break the forum rules, perhaps this forum is not for you ?

Flatulence is flammable and you cause friction - result flames

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They already arrested one leader and he was free again within 2 days... so what's the point Chalerm.

It is actually more scary to think that this absolute freak of nature is tipped as PTP's front runner as Thailand's next PM.... How could they do this to a country they are meant to love?.......... allegedly.

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I wonder if Chalerm is ever sober enough to focus and think that restoring peace and order might not be such a good idea as CAPO would be stood down and he'd be back to the Labour Ministry, hardly a job for a man of his stature, drive and ability.

He would no doubt claim he had restored calm but there would be a queue as everyone would be after recognition and there would be a pecking order too but in the end it would all be down to YL's leadership.

As CAPO Director he's a somebody, can play big man whenever he wants and have the media hanging on his every word.

All in all peace and order sucks.

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"Did you notice that on April 24, the Daily News was the only paper that published a photo of police being detained at the PDRC haeng Wattana rally site on its front page," Chalerm said.

"And the PDRC was affected by the report. I won't say who did it but I would like you to think about it."

I don't normally agree with Chalerm, but his assessment on this is spot on.

What he needs to do however, is stop the endless threats and arrest these PDRC scumbags who have been butchering the country in two for the last few months.

Your assessment has as much merit as your IQ. Keep squeezing those lemons.

What is wrong with his assessment? If suthep had done what he said he would do at the beginning none of this would be going on right now. get your facts straight and maybe just maybe check your IQ.

Which one of you two wears the dress?

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Any supporters of Sutheps uprising are backers of a civil war. The blood will be on the hands of people like you who cant see that we have arrived at a point in history where there is 'no going back'. There is no more lets forgive and forget, which suits the elites that carry out horrendous act like Thammasat and 92. Nobody is backing down here...Thaksin has everything to gain and nothing to lose..... The amart (with its links to members in high placess) has everything to lose. Suthep needs to get the army out to gain control, he will orchestrate any heinous crime to fufil civil unrest amongst factions. How people see Thaksin as the man throwing grenades is beyond normal peoples belief, he is in control (regardless of being convicted by a corrupt judiciary installed by a junta) he was voted in democratically.

Give this land over to Suthep and his band 'of good men' is like stepping back into the dark ages. If you know why he wants it now, right now you will understand why the NACC is pushing forward with Yinglucks case while leaving others in the 'in tray' for 2 years. If article 7 of the constitution is envoked and some body is hand picked to be PM with royal degree do not believe this seal of approval will appease the people.

The time is here there is no going back in to their boxes. Support Suthep and you support Civil War

Not another soap box red and you wouldn't believe it, had to use that sophisticated word again; amart. Got to give it to them there smart red boys, they have all the answers, must be why the country is in good shape.

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and how many will he kill this time, just another attempt to protect his red mates and divert the attention away from them. Instead of keeping the peace he is inflaming it and ignoring the real culprits because they are on his side, drunken idiot.

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"Did you notice that on April 24, the Daily News was the only paper that published a photo of police being detained at the PDRC haeng Wattana rally site on its front page," Chalerm said.

"And the PDRC was affected by the report. I won't say who did it but I would like you to think about it."

I don't normally agree with Chalerm, but his assessment on this is spot on.

What he needs to do however, is stop the endless threats and arrest these PDRC scumbags who have been butchering the country in two for the last few months.

What do you expect? Issuing endless threats is what cowardly bullies like Chalerm do.

Of course Suthep should have been arrested but for some reason the government and the police were all talk and no game.

The question is...... why?

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"Did you notice that on April 24, the Daily News was the only paper that published a photo of police being detained at the PDRC haeng Wattana rally site on its front page," Chalerm said.

"And the PDRC was affected by the report. I won't say who did it but I would like you to think about it."

I don't normally agree with Chalerm, but his assessment on this is spot on.

What he needs to do however, is stop the endless threats and arrest these PDRC scumbags who have been butchering the country in two for the last few months.

What do you expect? Issuing endless threats is what cowardly bullies like Chalerm do.

Of course Suthep should have been arrested but for some reason the government and the police were all talk and no game.

The question is...... why?

Do you not think that arresting Suthep may cause his army of 2000 armed guards to cause some more violence?

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