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Does anyone else's girlfriend fly into incoherent rages about nothing?


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she sounds like a spoiled little brat and is treating you like her Daddy whose told her she can't have another ice cream..... does she stamp her feet and hold her breath till she turns blue?

Mind you the fact she knows you are not faithful and will use that against you for the rest of your remaining years.... time to bolt!!!

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You joined over a year ago and this is your first post?

Congratulations making it this far without asking for advice on TV, because in all honesty, from this post, I am truly surprised you made it this far.

Dump the psycho. Move on...today.

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Sounds. To me that she is getting over you but hasn't found someone to replace you yet. You are obviously annoying her with everything you do. I used to get agitated at my ex husband for nothing. I realised it was because I didn't want to be there anymore. Watch to see if the finances are disappearing.

I also don't blame her if you slept with someone else. Why on earth do you think that she is okay with that?

You mean they're not ?

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Sounds. To me that she is getting over you but hasn't found someone to replace you yet. You are obviously annoying her with everything you do. I used to get agitated at my ex husband for nothing. I realised it was because I didn't want to be there anymore. Watch to see if the finances are disappearing.

I also don't blame her if you slept with someone else. Why on earth do you think that she is okay with that?

Time to move on. There are plenty of others that would love to take her place
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Sounds. To me that she is getting over you but hasn't found someone to replace you yet. You are obviously annoying her with everything you do. I used to get agitated at my ex husband for nothing. I realised it was because I didn't want to be there anymore. Watch to see if the finances are disappearing.

I also don't blame her if you slept with someone else. Why on earth do you think that she is okay with that?

You mean they're not ?

Well I don't think so haha

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OP move on, believe me worse is to come. Sorry but true............I am three times divorced in farang land. I cannot take that shit. My LOS wife now loses it now and again, but guess what, she neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever does with her family, including her low life daughter. rolleyes.gif

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Been with my wife over 8 years and the first time any of this behaviour surfaced, very early on, I plainly said that I don't need to stand for that kind of treatment...there is the door, you are free to leave. 8 years later never had a problem and never a harsh word between us.

We have respect for each other, we give each other our free time, she goes out with her friends and I don't annoy her with texts all night, I go out with my friends and I don't get a text either. Thats what an adult relationship is about...I am 53 now and wife is 33.

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Don't worry about it. She is going to do it only as long as you let her do it.

I would rather spend the rest of my life with prostitutes than to be with a woman who regularly abuses me instead of showing love and being an angel in general.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Been with my wife over 8 years and the first time any of this behaviour surfaced, very early on, I plainly said that I don't need to stand for that kind of treatment...there is the door, you are free to leave. 8 years later never had a problem and never a harsh word between us.

We have respect for each other, we give each other our free time, she goes out with her friends and I don't annoy her with texts all night, I go out with my friends and I don't get a text either. Thats what an adult relationship is about...I am 53 now and wife is 33.

I don't think you fixed it. A weeee bit of common sense on her behalf sort of fixed it for her.

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I get the same shit from my Girlfriend of 7 years. Days ago she started again and I told her " Your an A**** Hole So she go mad and left

Good for me because I dont have to listen to this and she knows it . They do not bridle their emotions They do not take it out on their parents so sometimes they think a man can take it

I don't and she knows it. Better she cools off then when she wants to be with me she is nicer Simple Don't accept it

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1. She is a control freak. 2. She is with you for the money but she hates the job 3. Tantrums are designed to make you feel small and fear that you might lose her so that you give her money and presents to keep her happy.

My ex-Thai partner 20 years ago in the UK crashed her BMW on purpose because she didn't like the colour and made me buy another one in red.

Advice: Ditch her. I ditched mine and have been married for 20 years to a really nice Thai Woman who I also met in the UK

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This has nothing to do with her being Thai. You are a victim of domestic abuse. She bullies you and is causing you stress and unhappiness. You won't leave because she has mentally beaten you so badly you feel weak and unworthy. The problem here is that we tend to think such abuse only occurs from man to woman, but it doesn't. Millions of men are stuck in abusive relationships and end up depressed, turning to drink, drugs and even suicide.

She treats you worse than an animal. I strongly advise seeking professional help to get your self-esteem and confidence back so that you can leave her and find someone who respects you. Perhaps someone on here knows of a service that could offer you this help.

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I read two sentences, if it was me i would like another poster said, "i'm just going to the toilet" and never come back, are you a man or a dog ?

Think about it and don't be treated like one, be a man, you are putting me to shame, you are letting the side down, chin up (wallet hidden) and walk

like a man not a snag, tell her where to go, and stand up for yourself.

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