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Jeremy Clarkson: BBC gave me final warning

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How is this overrated, overpaid , fat drunkard so popular . I for one cannot stand him . His idea of funny is based on mickey taking & sarcasm . The show him & his two drunken mates did supposedly building a bridge over the river Kwai sums up the scandalous waste of the license fee by the BBC .

Not everyone wants to watch repeats of the Morecombe and Wise show.smile.png

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This is utterly pathetic..........

As a film ended on my TV yesterday, the music was some form of rap or whatever.

It was a tirade of racist, violence promoting and sexist filth splattered with references to sexual acts etc.

This type of non-music is played frequently on TV here.

I don't think Clarkson would be welcome in the USA, nor at Al Jazeera, but if he has the rights to his Top Gear program, which I think is great laddish fun, he could do it privately. Maybe Oz could give him a platform...... but aren't they heading the same way?

If the BBC gets it's way we will be subjected to News and Sports presented solely by 'minority' women with a sprinkling of gender neutral looking 'men'.

Uk, what a society, the majority gagged and limited while the minorities have multiple wives and force them to completely cover themselves and their daughters into early marriages against their will!

Rant over.....

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I don't know if Jeremy Clarkson is a racist. He is however an accomplished entertainer who knows his audience. If this thread and the other thread on JC are anything to go by, his audience has a large racist contingent. He could just be playing to his audience because he's aware which side his bread is buttered.

The various insensitive comments here are understandable because racists aren't racist in their own minds. Hence the shocked looks when others accuse them. To help these people out, I've prepared the following partial list.

How to tell if you're probably a racist:

If you've ever used the phrase "I don't care if you're black, white yellow or green"

If, when you're referring to an entire subset of humans and preface that subset with "the" for example, "The Thai" as in "lemme tell you something about The Thai..."

If you think freedom of speech means freedom to denigrate based purely on race or ethnicity.

If you feel the need to tell people you have black/Indian/Thai/white/Filipino friends.

If you equate the promotion of human decency and mutual respect in the public sphere as "political correctness gone mad"

If you think Jeremy Clarkson didn't make any racist remarks.

On the other hand, if you're genuinely puzzled as to why the 'N' word is offensive, you're just ignorant of history and not necessarily racist.

I hope this helps, because some of you guys really need help.

You're welcome.


Some of this is ridiculous and nothing more than veiled attempt at placing oneself on a moral high ground above others. Is that not the ideology behind racism. Congrats, you suffer from the same condition for which you condemn others . . . and then we have the psycho bible verse God babble from Susteno . . . OHHHH, watch out JC because God is going to strike you down. That would be one messed up God to strike down someone like JC, yet prop up so many people that do actual and real harm to others on a grander scale.

Peace, love tolerance and forgiveness. What eve happened to that. Nope, you guys wanna play judge and executioner and condemn people, with whom you dis like or disagree, to suffering . . . and you wanna take the moral high ground and spout biblical verses. Too funny.

"Some of this is ridiculous"

Actually that was partly the point - to show the untenable ridiculousness of racists. Kudos for getting at least a part of the message.

JC inhabits the public airwaves. Asking that he behave in a manner consistent with societal norms and refrain from using derogatory racist language when doing his job is hardly "taking the moral high ground." One's moral ground would have to be pretty low-lying to see it that way.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

How many of the people who are complaining about their lack of 'freedom of speech' would actually walk up to the next black guy they saw in the street and say 'Hi nigger'? No, I didn't think so...

It´s not about that. Me myself and almost all normal ´whites´, have no desire to use those words. But don´t be a fool , when your own people are using it the whole day everywhere and then tell a person of different colour that it is offensive.

Btw i refer to white foreigners as Farang too. I know it is not the nicest way in thai, but it is accepted and understood. Double standards help nobody. The coloured people should stop using this word if it so offensive.... thats my point here.

get over the complex they have and realize it is other times, so behave like how you want to be treated.


Top Gear, however, remains the broadcaster's most successful export. Perhaps in the interests of balance, it acts as a kind of anti-World Service, informing a Guinness-record 212 countries that this is still essentially a nation with a vast superiority complex and an adolescent sense of humour, populated by corpulent Boy's Own fantasists in throaty cars. When the corporation paid Clarkson around £14m in 2012 – a big chunk of it to buy out his share of rights deals – it secured a revenue stream worth in excess of £150m a year. He knows, and the BBC knows, it can't yet live without him.

One of the reasons that this particular story had such mileage last week was that it has seemed to be of a piece with the "outing" of various bonkers Ukip candidates in local elections. Clarkson and Ukip have long occupied a similar space in public life; or at least it is hard to imagine the rise of the blokeish populism of Nigel Farage had it not been foreshadowed by Clarkson's say-it-as-I-see-it appeal to the English middle classes. Both men make direct claims to that constituency who don't like being made to feel guilty by "the Hoxton Thought Police" of new Labour or patronised by the austerity mongers of the coalition.

Reading Clarkson's bestselling books, you could be forgiven for believing that they constitute Farage's manifesto. The soft targets are pretty much interchangeable – foreign aid, gay marriage and wind turbines – and the Ukip leader's delivery owes much to Clarkson's pint-supping plain speaking. There was a time, before Farage, when Clarkson seemed the sole answer to middle England's secret prayers in a world of euphemism and acronym. In 2008, a petition was posted on the Downing Street website demanding that the nation's favourite petrolhead be made prime minister – it had nearly 50,000 signatures – and we would all be allowed to drive Triumph Stags just as quickly as we wanted and not have to live next door to Romanians. You can be sure that every one of those signatories will now be voting Ukip.



Why was this not considered racist ?

Oh please, get a life. I remember that episode. It was hilarious. Didn't Clarkson get busted for having a dead cow on the top of his car???

His buddies had 'Hillary For President' and 'Country & Western Is Rubbish' on their vehicles. Cool...

But if they had painted 'NASCAR Sucks' they probably would have never made it out of Alabama alive laugh.png

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Why was this not considered racist ?

Oh please, get a life. I remember that episode. It was hilarious. Didn't Clarkson get busted for having a dead cow on the top of his car???

His buddies had 'Hillary For President' and 'Country & Western Is Rubbish' on their vehicles. Cool...

But if they had painted 'NASCAR Sucks' they probably would have never made it out of Alabama alive laugh.png

You sure you saw that episode because that is exactly what happened....

As far as "I Like Thai's" post, please. Do you not know the difference between racism and homophobia?

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Thanks Loptr, I think you're correct--I only watched the show when it was originally broadcast (? years ago?). And now I vaguely remember a reference to 'NASCAR'...maybe it was painted on the other side of one of the vehicles (my memory ain't what it used to be) wink.png

Anyway, I reckon the film crew paid the locals to participate without causing a ruckus (i.e. ten cases of Dixie Beer)

Didn't the lads nearly get lynched in New Orleans when they tried to sell the locals their cars???

i LOVE Top Gear...


How is it that so many think if someone says something racist when they are drunk, it's OK because they were drunk and really didn't mean it. Actually, I think people really show their true colors when they are drunk. The alcohol releases that which they hide when sober.

I have no desire to create controversy or hard feelings at all. That's Clarkson's raison d'être. That's what he does for a living. He just overstepped the mark and he's paying the price for his stupidity.
You prove my point precisely and your trying to argue he did it intentionally, based only on your desire to create controversy or hard feelings, demonstrates where the problem and true racism really resides.

You still haven't told me how anyone could use the word 'nigger' in a context that any civilised person would find acceptable nor have you answered my question as to why he chose to use that particular rhyme at all.

Oh this question. Fact is, I would cringe if I had heard him say that nursery rhyme and I would have felt it inappropriate. Nevertheless, I would have viewed it as if he made a mistake and did not mean anything harmful by it and it was not directed at anyone.

People like you want to make it into something racist and bigger than what it really is. Your example illustrates this clearly.

You attempt to equate a dumb arse, who was perhaps drunk at the time, letting it slip out in a nursery rhyme to someone walking up to a person on the street and personally directing the word toward someone out of hate or to intentionally hurt that person. I feel sad for you if you cannot see the difference.

I don't give him a break because he was drunk. Actually, being drunk often brings out a person's true colors and they actually say what they really feel instead of hiding it as they do when sober.


it turns out Elvis costello uses the word ok , but not jezza



With the furore escalating over Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson’s alleged use of the N-word, the BBC is now being accused of double standards.

It transpires that the song Oliver’s Army, by Elvis Costello, still features on the playlist at Radios 2 and 6, as well as 40 local BBC stations.

On Oliver’s Army, which has been broadcast in full ‘thousands’ of times since it was released in 1979, Costello sings ‘One more widow, one less white n****r’.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2620302/SEBASTIAN-SHAKESPEARE-BBC-forbidden-word-OK-Elvis-Costello-not-Jeremy-Clarkson.html#ixzz30rSwphri

And we could quote from the Pink Floyd album "The Wall"

" that one looks Jewish, that ones a coon, who let all this rif raf into the room ?, there's one smoking a joint, and that ones got spots, if I had my way I would have all of them shot"


Thanks Loptr, I think you're correct--I only watched the show when it was originally broadcast (? years ago?). And now I vaguely remember a reference to 'NASCAR'...maybe it was painted on the other side of one of the vehicles (my memory ain't what it used to be) wink.png

Anyway, I reckon the film crew paid the locals to participate without causing a ruckus (i.e. ten cases of Dixie Beer)

Didn't the lads nearly get lynched in New Orleans when they tried to sell the locals their cars???

i LOVE Top Gear...

The funny thing is the loonie PC's in the UK have created the environment for someone like Jeeza to come along, all he is purposely doing is winding them up and mocking them

Ask yourself this question. Why has TG become so popular ?

One suspects JC is saying things in public, which people are thinking themselves


Why was this not considered racist ?

because a lot of this stuff is staged ,setup for maximum effect and viewer ratings


in my home country there is a football field named after a famous local footballer,its called 'nigger brown oval'a court case to have the name changed was thrown out of court


Regardless of what he said,he could do with a rest from presenting TV programs,once he was interesting,now i'm sure i'm not alone,when I say I find him thoroughly boring!

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Don't think anyone needs to use the 'n' word just because it (unfortunately) exists - and certainly not when you are presenting a TV show. I think the right to not be insulted by a slur weighs more than the general freedom of speech, which is more about being able to express one's position on a topic and was never meant to facilitate/condone verbal abuse of minorities, etc.

"I think the right to not be insulted...weighs more than ...freedom of speech..." Seriously mate?

So you'd be right comfortable with Kim from North Korea and every other two bit dictator in the world who claimed he was being insulted by his opposition or whose deity had been insulted by one group or another and had them killed for insulting him or the God or Allah he followed? You're going to institutionalize and have the government restrict my ability to express my opinion and my speech because someone is or might be offended? Where does it end? Human beings are, well... human beings and they are naturally going to use derogatory terms and apply them to people they don't like or don't understand or maybe in fact hate. So what? This has been going on for thousands of years and now you think you're going to legislate the end of it? Is one derogatory term more heinous than others? It appears to me now that the "N" word (I can't even use it in this post or it will be deleted.) has achieved "Sacrosanct" status. It is the one word above all others that cannot be uttered. Why? Why is is it worse than all others? Can you give me a rationale? Have you ever heard the children's playground lament, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me."? You know there are numerous pejorative terms for a white person used by blacks, such as "Honky, Charlie, Cracker, White Boy, Haole, "Person of Privilege" (It's the newest term "person of privilege" it is meant to cow white people into submission.) What clap trap! What unmitigated BS. I won't be cowed. No one tells me mate, what I can or cannot say. Have a good day.

The whole idea of PC was not about being offended by words,but to effectively silence and control the perceived opposition! jumping on the Bandwagon of Racialism weakens the opposition,and often destroys reasonable debate!


How many of the posters here who are now defending Clarkson also scream racism over the use of the word "farang"?

Hell ... we've all told a racist joke or two ... or more ... amongst friends, but you gotta be pretty stupid to do so on a very popular TV show that's viewed world-wide by millions and millions of people ... a very large percentage of whom are non-whites. And to do it twice is as stupid as they come.

That sums it up really well HerbalEd.

JC, he use to be amusing many years ago but now not so, just smart arsecrap all the time, Annoying if anything and Their constant lack of respect for just about anything they come across is irritating.

Finally, clearly JC thinks he's all that but in reality he's far from it, he needs a mirror and a smack in the teeth, I'd live to be the one that gave it to the Whiney little biatch.


jezza is now back at work on a new series

Jeremy Clarkson larks around while filming Top Gear with James May and Richard Hammond... as he gets to work for the first time since N-word row

By Danielle Gusmaroli

Published: 15:38, 12 May 2014 | Updated: 15:42, 12 May 2014

He's been embroiled in a racism controversy after a tabloid published a clip of him allegedly using the N-word while reciting a nursery rhyme.

But Jeremy Clarkson, 54, shrugged off any tension and appeared back to his jovial self as he and fellow Top Gear presenters James May, 51, and Richard Hammond, 44, roared into a quiet corner of the Cotswolds to film the latest series.

The trio bowled into the market town of Stow-on-the-Wold in a racing green Peugeot 304 Cabriolet, causing locals to do a double-take as they played up to the camera when filming got underway on Sunday.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2626257/Jeremy-Clarkson-larks-filming-Top-Gear-James-May-Richard-Hammond-seen-time-N-word-row.html#ixzz31WNNOpzP
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Jeremy Clarkson says sacking 'inevitable' after final warning from BBC


Jeremy Clarkson says sacking 'inevitable' after final warning from BBC
Final warning: Jeremy Clarkson said he cannot afford to be caught up in any more racism rows (Picture: PA)

Published: 03 May 2014

Updated: 17:45, 03 May 2014

Jeremy Clarkson is on his final warning from the BBC after his latest racism row, the presenter has admitted.

Top Gear host Clarkson revealed he would be axed by the corporation if he makes another offensive remark after he appeared to use the N-word while filming the programme.

He was forced to make a humbling apology after using the word while reciting the nursery rhyme "Eeny, Meeny, Miny Moe".

In his apology he claimed to have deliberately mumbled during that part of the rhyme, but admitted that "it did appear that I'd actually used the word I was trying to obscure."

Writing his weekly Sun newspaper column, the presenter insisted he had not uttered the word.

"I've been told by the BBC that if I make one more offensive remark, anywhere, at any time, I will be sacked," he said.

"It's inevitable that one day, someone, somewhere will say that I've offended them, and that will be that."


Last thing id be bothered about if I were as rich as Clarkson is already would be the BBC threatening to get him a huge payrise by others who would just die to get him on their payroll.

PS some here really do need to lighten up whistling.gif


they dont realise how much nursery ryhmes are drummed into young kiddies heads at an early age and cant be forgotten easilly

he looks more like Desperate Dan every year


What many posters seem to have forgotten is that he did not say the offending word on TV.

He mumbled it in a section which then ended up on the cutting room floor. Somehow the Mirror found it and saw a stick with which to beat him.

N.B. For those who don't know, Clarkson writes a column for The Sun. The Sun's biggest rival and competitor is; yes, The Mirror!

It's as petty as the complaints about his use of the word 'slope,' when talking about the bridge they had built in Thailand. I saw that edition when it was first broadcast, and thought "Yes, it's definitely sloping left to right." I assumed that the out of focus individual at the other end of the bridge was James May.

If an out of work bit part actress hadn't seen an opportunity to get her name in the papers, that's all anyone would have thought about the remark.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course Clarkson is coarse, by BBC standards, he does not fit in with the Fascists that control the BBC.

The BBC Fascists that I am forced to pay with by My monthly direct debit fee for My BBC license.

I have no choice, I have to pay the BBC, otherwise I go to jail.

The fact that I spend most of My time on Thai Visa and not watching the BBC is irrelevant.


Top Gear is a hugely successful tv show for the BBC and they are not stupid enough to axe it. If you don' t like Clarkson etc then just change channels.

He is a lot more amusing than so called comedians such as. Ben Elton and Marcus Brigstock.


Top Gear is a hugely successful tv show for the BBC and they are not stupid enough to axe it. If you don' t like Clarkson etc then just change channels.

He is a lot more amusing than so called comedians such as. Ben Elton and Marcus Brigstock.


The words, Pratt, Smug, Rude, Arrogant, Imbecile, Tool, Pompous, smart arse, disrespectful and a few others come to my mind, but certainly not amusing.


Yes I agree he is all of those.

However if we don't like a programme there is the remote to change channels.


Top Gear is a hugely successful tv show for the BBC and they are not stupid enough to axe it. If you don' t like Clarkson etc then just change channels.

He is a lot more amusing than so called comedians such as. Ben Elton and Marcus Brigstock.


The words, Pratt, Smug, Rude, Arrogant, Imbecile, Tool, Pompous, smart arse, disrespectful and a few others come to my mind, but certainly not amusing.

Are you saying that only people you approve of and programmes you like should be shown on TV?

There are many people on TV I find to be one, some or all of " Pratt, Smug, Rude, Arrogant, Imbecile, Tool, Pompous, smart arse, disrespectful;" many programmes I don't like. So I don't watch them.

As Jay Sata says, if you don't like Top Gear, don't watch it.


Are you saying that only people you approve of and programmes you like should be shown on TV?


I know you might find this hard to believe but if I wanted to say what you are suggesting above then I would of used words such as, "Only the people I approve of and the program's that I like should be shown on Television.".

Now I didn't say that, did I ?

I merely passed comment in regards to Jays suggestion that CLARKSON was amusing and of course my option differs to his. Do you mind if I have a different opinion to someone else, am I allowed to not express an opposing opinion?

Ohh and by the way, I do change the TV channel if the Pratt comes on, don't worry about that ;)

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