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classic boy meets girl with limited language skills.


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I've been in thailand for a few years, and I can speak good basic Thai. I'm wondering what you all think about a farang chatting up a girl you met in a store or on a park bench.

Let's say there's mutual physical attraction, you're both real adults (late 20's or 30's), and you both have something in common to talk about. Let's say you both have dogs. You can talk about the color, size and general temperament of the dogs etc. Generally, would date follow?

At home, that sounds like it would be easy to at least get a phone number, and have a coffee or something, but my friends nor I have had that experience. People we work with or friends of a friend... sure, but not the random spontaneous connection.

Do Thais do that with Thais? Is language and culture fear a big obstacle in this chance meeting? I'm not looking for advice, but would like to hear the stories. Successes and failures alike.

Thanks guys,

Edited by ajarnyai
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You say you've lived in Thailand for years? Thai women aren't aliens, even though they may sometimes seem like it. Of course you can ask them on dates, it happens all the time. I've taken girls out from my condo block, hotel, in the bank etc etc over the years. Just smile and ask, never been knocked back and I'm not a young handsome man. We generally go for dinner, to a sky bar when in Bangkok or a walk around. It's nice and it's what males and females do.

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Mate, dont think to much about it, jusk ask for her number, if she gives it to ya that means that she is interested in ya

I do that all da time, and dont b shy, the worse thing that ya can get from a chick is an slap and

there is nothing t b ashamed of ;)

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You say you've lived in Thailand for years? Thai women aren't aliens, even though they may sometimes seem like it. Of course you can ask them on dates, it happens all the time. I've taken girls out from my condo block, hotel, in the bank etc etc over the years. Just smile and ask, never been knocked back and I'm not a young handsome man. We generally go for dinner, to a sky bar when in Bangkok or a walk around. It's nice and it's what males and females do.

I've been here for 4 years. I've never had this experience. I'm not shy or anything. I guess, I've been "lucky" with ladies that are around me on a consistent basis. Again, I was just wondering what the first meeting stories were, and a little discussion on why you might think it went the way it did.

I move around a lot, so I don't have many Thai friends I can ask about this (limited Thai), but it's been said that friend of a friend is the standard. Especially, when there's there's mid-range language skills involved.....Your thoughts?

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You say you've lived in Thailand for years? Thai women aren't aliens, even though they may sometimes seem like it. Of course you can ask them on dates, it happens all the time. I've taken girls out from my condo block, hotel, in the bank etc etc over the years. Just smile and ask, never been knocked back and I'm not a young handsome man. We generally go for dinner, to a sky bar when in Bangkok or a walk around. It's nice and it's what males and females do.

I've been here for 4 years. I've never had this experience. I'm not shy or anything. I guess, I've been "lucky" with ladies that are around me on a consistent basis. Again, I was just wondering what the first meeting stories were, and a little discussion on why you might think it went the way it did.

I move around a lot, so I don't have many Thai friends I can ask about this (limited Thai), but it's been said that friend of a friend is the standard. Especially, when there's there's mid-range language skills involved.....Your thoughts?

I've been in thailand for a few years, and I can speak good basic Thai.

Which one is it ?

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my mate speaks thai and regularly approaches random women in parks, shops and bus stops attempting to chat them up.

he's fairly thick skinned and seems totally unaware of the discomfort, embarrassment and occasionally outright fear he regularly causes.

i've been with him when he sees a girl he likes and just steams right in. i see her body language and the look in her eyes and its clear she is not up for it and wants him to go away.

i advise him to wait until a girl has shown interest in him first with eye contact or a smile but he cant seem to stop himself when he sees a nice looking girl.

i dont think its a thai thing, i dont think its a good idea to randomly approach and try to chat up women in any country

and... he's not that successful.

Sounds like he's heading for a 'float' down the local canal or an imrpomptu 'meeting' with a gang of locals down a dark alley when he tries chatting up the wife/GF of a local big wig/copper or nutter. You seem a bit more aware than he is. maybe you should have a chat with him before he comes unstuck.

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You say you've lived in Thailand for years? Thai women aren't aliens, even though they may sometimes seem like it. Of course you can ask them on dates, it happens all the time. I've taken girls out from my condo block, hotel, in the bank etc etc over the years. Just smile and ask, never been knocked back and I'm not a young handsome man. We generally go for dinner, to a sky bar when in Bangkok or a walk around. It's nice and it's what males and females do.

I've been here for 4 years. I've never had this experience. I'm not shy or anything. I guess, I've been "lucky" with ladies that are around me on a consistent basis. Again, I was just wondering what the first meeting stories were, and a little discussion on why you might think it went the way it did.

I move around a lot, so I don't have many Thai friends I can ask about this (limited Thai), but it's been said that friend of a friend is the standard. Especially, when there's there's mid-range language skills involved.....Your thoughts?

I've been in thailand for a few years, and I can speak good basic Thai.

Which one is it ?

Both, as I said. Any other questions?
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I think I made a mistake in using the term "chatting up". Some of you seem to think this is a "how to" question on getting a Thai girlfriend. Sorry, it's more of a "how I met your mother; fun story" question with a light dose of "analysis".

I met a guy a in Laos from Sudan, he said "a relative usually I introduces the couple and they go from there".

Both are probably true here in Thailand, but what have you English speakers experienced?

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Errrr; excuse me. Real Adults at 20-30 years old ? The majority of 'Young Women' in Thailand in that age group act like 12-17 year old's for the most part !

As for the Thai young men....well, lets just not go there.

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Errrr; excuse me. Real Adults at 20-30 years old ? The majority of 'Young Women' in Thailand in that age group act like 12-17 year old's for the most part !

As for the Thai young men....well, lets just not go there.

But they have the smalls dicks,c'mon Trainman give them some slack.

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Caw jai tur, lairk burr tor!

My heart wants your phone number.

You can't mispronounce it, cos it's a famous song that every Thai girl knows.

Surely every Thai boy and every farang knows lovely Ying Lee too?

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my mate speaks thai and regularly approaches random women in parks, shops and bus stops attempting to chat them up.

he's fairly thick skinned and seems totally unaware of the discomfort, embarrassment and occasionally outright fear he regularly causes.

i've been with him when he sees a girl he likes and just steams right in. i see her body language and the look in her eyes and its clear she is not up for it and wants him to go away.

i advise him to wait until a girl has shown interest in him first with eye contact or a smile but he cant seem to stop himself when he sees a nice looking girl.

i dont think its a thai thing, i dont think its a good idea to randomly approach and try to chat up women in any country

and... he's not that successful.

Would that not be because he is overweight, tattooed, wearing shorts and has facial hair.

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my mate speaks thai and regularly approaches random women in parks, shops and bus stops attempting to chat them up.

he's fairly thick skinned and seems totally unaware of the discomfort, embarrassment and occasionally outright fear he regularly causes.

i've been with him when he sees a girl he likes and just steams right in. i see her body language and the look in her eyes and its clear she is not up for it and wants him to go away.

i advise him to wait until a girl has shown interest in him first with eye contact or a smile but he cant seem to stop himself when he sees a nice looking girl.

i dont think its a thai thing, i dont think its a good idea to randomly approach and try to chat up women in any country

and... he's not that successful.

Would that not be because he is overweight, tattooed, wearing shorts and has facial hair. Oh, and does not have a fat wallet.

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I'm wondering what you all think about a farang chatting up a girl you met in a store or on a park bench.

Why oh why would you ever pose this question to total strangers (many of whom put the "strange" in strangers) on a forum populated by seemingly scores (a popular word here at TV when reporting disasters recently) of bitter old dears whose skills with women generally and Thai women in particular go way beyond the typical meanings of bungling & "socially-challenged?"

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Just ask her mate, I have never been refused a phone number yet ( Or a date for that matter), ( and i'm getting on a bit lol)

I sort of understand some of the earlier posts ( being from the UK) some ladies ( In the Uk and Usa) would either slap you or call for their huge boyfriends if you asked for a tel no. I have never seen a Thai girl do that, Now, she may not answer when you call, or a guy may answer, so what!, Plenty more fish in the sea (I'm a diver, go figure lol).

Edited by lucifer666
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I'm wondering what you all think about a farang chatting up a girl you met in a store or on a park bench.

Why oh why would you ever pose this question to total strangers (many of whom put the "strange" in strangers) on a forum populated by seemingly scores (a popular word here at TV when reporting disasters recently) of bitter old dears whose skills with women generally and Thai women in particular go way beyond the typical meanings of bungling & "socially-challenged?"

Thought it might make for an interesting conversation, but I wasn't very optimistic about getting any good stories. Also, today's my day off, and I was bored.

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I'm wondering what you all think about a farang chatting up a girl you met in a store or on a park bench.

Why oh why would you ever pose this question to total strangers (many of whom put the "strange" in strangers) on a forum populated by seemingly scores (a popular word here at TV when reporting disasters recently) of bitter old dears whose skills with women generally and Thai women in particular go way beyond the typical meanings of bungling & "socially-challenged?"

Oh here we go again,i guess you must now be on the top floor of your ivory tower,looking down on us scum,how does it feel ,or maybe you are the bitter one,sure seems like it from your posts,but of course you sir are so normal and decent,you have to bore the rest of us about it.

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I'm wondering what you all think about a farang chatting up a girl you met in a store or on a park bench.

Why oh why would you ever pose this question to total strangers (many of whom put the "strange" in strangers) on a forum populated by seemingly scores (a popular word here at TV when reporting disasters recently) of bitter old dears whose skills with women generally and Thai women in particular go way beyond the typical meanings of bungling & "socially-challenged?"

Thought it might make for an interesting conversation, but I wasn't very optimistic about getting any good stories. Also, today's my day off, and I was bored.

Dont worry mate,this bloke has his head so far up his own **** he has not seen daylight for many a long year.

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