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Pheu Thai denounces Constitutional Court's ruling

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Pheu Thai denounces Constitutional Court's ruling
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Pheu Thai Party Wednesday issued a statement to denounce the Constitutional Court's ruling against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra as relentless conspiracy to try to remove the Pheu Thai from power.

The party also called on the people, who disagreed with the ruling, to express their opposition through peaceful demonstrations or any other peaceful way.

The party announced that it would send is former MPs to meet their constituents to explain the party's belief that the ruling was a conspiracy against the party.

The party also denounced the ruling as a virtual coup against a democratic government.

"The Pheu Thai has been repeatedly pointing out that there has been a conspiracy to topple the democratic ruling system and to annul elections as well as destroying the democratic side all the time through cooperation between certain political parties, the People's Democratic Reform Committee and certain constitutional organisations," the party's statement said. The statement was read by Pheu Thai legal advisor Bhokin Bhalakula.

The statement pointed out that there were conspiracy against the Pheu Thai because the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission unusually rushed to conclude cases against Yingluck without allowing her and the government to provide enough defence witnesses.

The statement also alleged that the ruling violated Article 180 and Article 181 of the Constitution.

-- The Nation 2014-05-07

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What a crock ! Even if there was a conspiracy the evidence showed she acted in a manner that a should. Now she is gone. Accept it and move on. The PTP still have a party member as caretaker PM. They should be happy about that. Instead they are making excuses to create more conflict and to show they have no respect for thai laws or thai courts.

They should use this lesson learnt and in the future ensure they have all the lower courts and independant agencies under their control before they start their illegal activities.

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<deleted>> me dont give them ideas they wouldnt have thought of that by themselves..what with being retarded and all that..

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The PTP are truely PATHETIC.

Yes and now they have lost a valuable asset, in the photogenic leader,and i am sure she would of slipped into lets say a pair of lace top hold up stockings on one of those overseas trips where it was colder than Thailand,which rules in a lot of countries.

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lets see what happens to the ptp legally now over this latest grab by them at trying to accuse the highest court in Thailand of being corrupt and calling on the reds to start a rebellion. Maybe the ptp will now be dissolved and all members banned for 5 years with any luck, these idiots just cant help themselves and keep digging the hole deeper and deeper in the vain hope thaksin will come up with a solution.

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So PTP is calling on people to come out ??

Good to see they are setting great example for anyone who does not win in court or found guilty.

Just for that alone , capo and DSI should charge all PTP members as they are calling for a riot.

Just because they inserted word "peaceful" it does not change the calling or the agenda

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I hope the CC institutes criminal prosecutions for contempt of court against those who have publicly challenged its ruling. This contempt for law and rulings they don't happen to like has gone far enough.

Latest interesting twist is the Auditor-General's demand for the government to repay the B3.8bn wasted on the 2 Feb election. Let's hope the A-G will sue the individual cabinet members for criminal and civil damages. Same thing happened to the governor of the Bank of Thailand for blowing cUS$10bn of international reserves in a hopeless defence of the baht in 1997. He was eventually acquitted but spent over 10 years of his life fighting the case.

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So PTP is calling on people to come out ??

Good to see they are setting great example for anyone who does not win in court or found guilty.

Just for that alone , capo and DSI should charge all PTP members as they are calling for a riot.

Just because they inserted word "peaceful" it does not change the calling or the agenda

so what about all the men in jail for smuggling M_Wanna

they should be let free as there judgment was a conspiracy to a legal drug in some states of America

and what about all the other people in jain who still say they are innocent

today I was hoping that those left in the PTP would wake up and see they where not born to rule and will clean up there act

seems I have been reading so much La La land BS, part of is has worn onto me, when I believe that the PTP could actually reform

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When ever it does not go their way it is a conspiracy

The constitutional court is only right when they side with PT 555

What a bunch of tossers and <deleted> ...

95 are corrupt thru and thru ... only in politics for personal gain

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So PTP is calling on people to come out ??

Good to see they are setting great example for anyone who does not win in court or found guilty.

Just for that alone , capo and DSI should charge all PTP members as they are calling for a riot.

Just because they inserted word "peaceful" it does not change the calling or the agenda

so what about all the men in jail for smuggling M_Wanna

they should be let free as there judgment was a conspiracy to a legal drug in some states of America

and what about all the other people in jain who still say they are innocent

today I was hoping that those left in the PTP would wake up and see they where not born to rule and will clean up there act

seems I have been reading so much La La land BS, part of is has worn onto me, when I believe that the PTP could actually reform

Seems your entire post is La La BS

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express their opposition through peaceful demonstrations or any other peaceful way.

Yes I remember there definition of "peaceful" protests.

Peacefully threatened to blow up LPG truck, peaceful grenade attacks at Thai banks, peacefully attacking Thai charity with grenades, peacefully storming parliament, peacefully attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades, peacefully stormed police hospital, peacefully stormed TV station, peaceful bomb attacks on electricity pylons, peacefully took 2 police hostage, peacefully destroyed CCTV cameras, peacefully dumped tyres on sky train tracks. And all this before the soldiers fired 1 bullet. Should have seen how peaceful they were after that.

This OP is predictable though. When the agenda goes against the PTP out comes the intimidation and threats. If the result was in favor yingluck they would herald the courts as great bastions of justice. When it is against the agenda then it is time to spread the message to the people that it is a plot and to come out and "peacefully" protest. The red shirts and peaceful just don't mix well in the same sentence. They are like polar opposites.

Lets hope this cancer is removed from the patient before it becomes terminal. The surgery so far has been successful, but the cancer has spread that is what needs to be removed next.

Tagging the other side as "cancer" won't lead Thailand anywhere good.

This isn't something to win, but something to solve.

So far there's no civil war, why beat the war drums?

The PTP's and UDD's announcements are as expected. Pretty much a re-hash of other times they were kicked out of office or dissolved. If memory serves, there was no violence right afterwards, just verbal venting. Things got messy some time later on.

The fact that the PTP government was corrupt doesn't mean there was no plot to oust it.

Even is there was no plot, matters what people believe.

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So PTP is calling on people to come out ??

Good to see they are setting great example for anyone who does not win in court or found guilty.

Just for that alone , capo and DSI should charge all PTP members as they are calling for a riot.

Just because they inserted word "peaceful" it does not change the calling or the agenda

Er, just a reminder, it's not the PTP supporters who have been clogging up the streets of Bangkok for the last six months with their "peaceful" protest. What's good for the goose is good for the gander .......

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So PTP is calling on people to come out ??

Good to see they are setting great example for anyone who does not win in court or found guilty.

Just for that alone , capo and DSI should charge all PTP members as they are calling for a riot.

Just because they inserted word "peaceful" it does not change the calling or the agenda

Er, just a reminder, it's not the PTP supporters who have been clogging up the streets of Bangkok for the last six months with their "peaceful" protest. What's good for the goose is good for the gander .......

Erri do not recall any government official calling on them to come outthumbsup.gif

In case you missed it Suthep resigned from his post before starting the demonstrations.

I guess the other side has little more brainswhistling.gif

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Well, for those who have been wondering how Pheu Thai would officially react, need wonder no further. They've pulled out all the stops, wanting to convince everyone in the country that there was a conspiracy, that Yingluck didn't receive due process, and that the Constitutional Court and National Anti-Corruption Commission were out to get her. Pheu Thai has cast a wide net in their scorn. Like a bull in a china shop, everything indiscriminately gets smashed. All the UDD stops have been pulled out here, and their use is clearly to deliberately fan a crisis, and to deliberately create unrest. The Thai public can be grateful that the judicial system works, and despite all the intimidation it received, they stuck to their job and their responsibilities. The Thai public can be grateful they don't have to be treated to any more appearances by Chalerm or Surapong. Even though Thaksin still has a foot lodged in the door, two of his strongest, most durable supporters are gone. Pheu Thai are reeling from this, and their only response is to keep fighting back, more out of knee-jerk instinct than through thought. Thought has now been fully abandoned in their strategy. It's now done to hysteria. And that's Jatuporn's specialty. He'll take over from here.

You seem to conveniently forget that a lot of said public supports the PTP.

I don't think all of them feel grateful, and doubt they would appreciate lecturing.

The PTP took a hit, yes, and another blow probably coming from the NACC.

It may cut down some on leadership, but there will be others who will step up. The party is not dissolved

Go back to TRT and PPP reactions right after their dissolution, the coup, dismissing of PM.

That's pretty much what we see now. No surprises. Bottom line, they talked a lot but went away.

Major violence (not the "usual fair") came mostly at a later date.

While wallowing in this "victory" it might do well to remember that the exact same reaction from the Democrat Party in the past, was answered by yet another defeat at the polls. Sure, there are many irregularities, no argument. Even so, that does not solely account for the repetitive election results. The PTP may have lost some support, may not even be the largest party next time around - but no matter how you cut it, they do represent a large segment of the Thai public alluded to.

Absolute they represent a large segment of the Thai public.

Actually the complete political landscape in Thailand is sad...unless you look at Europe or USA....it seems there is a general degeneration.

No ideology anymore, just cheap populism from every party.

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