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German reporter 'attacked' by PCAD at Constitutional Court

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Another one of those fake news by Khaosod paid by Thaksin. We all know that Nick is red, and most probably paid by Thaksin. BBC mention nothing, that is the best proof that Nick is lying. Also, masked man will not allowed in court.

BBC's man in bangkok, Jonathan Head posted this news on his twitter account yesterday. I believe it happened outside the court.

So to use yellow buffalo logic, then Thaksin is so rich and powerful, all of the BBC, and Reuters, are all being paid for editorial cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I used to think Thaksin's influence was a bad thing for Thailand, until I realized how batcrap crazy and dangerous the other side was

Soon there will be a press release from PCAD about Thaksin causing the earthquake.

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The BBC correspondent in question was Jonathan Head who tweeted on the incident at the time:

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

Nick Nostitz was attacked by PDRC thugs at Const. Court. Police and soldiers right next to him but scared to intervene.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

Nick is OK. He got out. But PDRC heavies were trying find him and detain him. And we all know what happens to people they detain.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

@FreeMindXs I think they'd have done same any time. Their (PDRC) people control access to CC. Their cameras filmed him. Then reported to security.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 10h

@GVSRsiam @8td @CMDThai There were dozens of journalists at CC with Nick. I was close and saw what happened.

Comment from the FCCT:

"Nostitz was sitting close to the court's entrance and wearing a green Thai Journalists' Association (TJA) armband clearly identifying him as a member of the press. Having been singled out, Nostitz was told to come and see 'Luang Bu'. He was shoved hard in the chest and pushed around when he declined, and the guards attempted to take him with them.

The court was being guarded by some 20 police officers and soldiers. Police intervened after shouts from Nostitz and another journalist. Nostitz took shelter inside the courthouse and was eventually smuggled away from the scene in a police vehicle. Credit is due to everyone who contributed to defusing this incident."


Well it appears these thugs were following the orders of the MAD MONK, go and kidnap this journalist and bring him to me. Time to go in arrest this evil monk before he has someone killed.

Logic cringes.

Well, if you stop killing all his people there wouldn't be a problem, would there. How many casualties have there been so far, nearly a 1000?, not counting those lost to intimidation.

Seems reasonably logical that they were following the orders of this man of god. If they were going to the temple to make merit they would just take along a few packets of noodles. Most thais don't try and abduct foreign journalists to offer up to monks so they can feed.
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A distressing situation for the partisan photographer, but the perfect opportunity to get a scoop. Its a pity the incident, "startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time" that they were so surprised the seasoned journalists didn't take a few picture.

You say partisan. Maybe he is photographing and reporting on things his attackers don't want the world to see. Given the behavior evident in this incident is that not a possibility. You question why other reporters have no photographic evidence on the incident, If that is case, I think you may already know where the answer lies, you just try to spin every foul incident committed in the name of PCAD into a conspiracy theory and try to abrogate responsibility elsewhere. Perhaps if you were actually a witness to such events you may have a different opinion on how fear and intimidation works.

Edited by chrisrazz
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Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

Well I wouldn't call him reporter, I would call him red activist.....

Before he posted on TV and only pro red, no matter what.

Well maybe that was the Mad Monks thinking. Here we have an international Journalist not towing the PDRC line, time to send in the thugs and take him out of the picture.

Perfectly justified course of action then.

Edited by chooka
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Sorry for my naivety, why was this Nick Nostitz specifically targeted?

He could not have been the ONLY foreign journalist in that location isn't it? Or for that matter in Thailand?

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cheesy.gif the attack ' startled ' police and soldiers and EVENTUALLY the police came. No need to rush into anything, stand back and make a considered command decision.

Just who was the senior BBC correspondent, no, could it have been ... ?

Apparently it was indeed Jonathan Head, just back from a tedious assignment counting bloated corpses in Korea. I am surprised the PDRC guards missed Mr Head but they probably don't watch English language cable TV and may be unaware of his style of his reporting. They do, on the other hand, watch BlueSky and look at Facebook which have made Mr Nostitz a recognisable celebrity with the PDRC market, despite his complete obscurity in the international market.

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Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

Well I wouldn't call him reporter, I would call him red activist.....

Before he posted on TV and only pro red, no matter what.

Well maybe that was the Mad Monks thinking. Here we have an international Journalist not towing the PDRC line, time to send in the thugs and take him out of the picture.

Perfectly justified course of action then.

Correct. Nick is "towing the UDD line......" He is clearly a red activist.

If you would take the time to do some research on Nick you would come to the conclusion that he is very biased.

I guess karma is catching up with him for writhing so much divisive crap.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now he can cry together with Sunisa. Anyhow, what is this biased red reporter still doing in Thailand?

The same question could be asked about you. What is a biased Suthep reporter still doing in Thailand.

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The BBC correspondent in question was Jonathan Head who tweeted on the incident at the time:

Jonathan Head @pakhead 16h

Nick Nostitz was attacked by PDRC thugs at Const. Court. Police and soldiers right next to him but scared to intervene.

Jonathan Head @pakhead 16h

Nick is OK. He got out. But PDRC heavies were trying find him and detain him. And we all know what happens to people they detain.

Jonathan Head @pakhead 16h

@FreeMindXs I think they'd have done same any time. Their (PDRC) people control access to CC. Their cameras filmed him. Then reported to security.

Jonathan Head @pakhead 10h

@GVSRsiam @8td @CMDThai There were dozens of journalists at CC with Nick. I was close and saw what happened.

Comment from the FCCT:

"Nostitz was sitting close to the court's entrance and wearing a green Thai Journalists' Association (TJA) armband clearly identifying him as a member of the press. Having been singled out, Nostitz was told to come and see 'Luang Bu'. He was shoved hard in the chest and pushed around when he declined, and the guards attempted to take him with them.

The court was being guarded by some 20 police officers and soldiers. Police intervened after shouts from Nostitz and another journalist. Nostitz took shelter inside the courthouse and was eventually smuggled away from the scene in a police vehicle. Credit is due to everyone who contributed to defusing this incident."


Ok, that makes it believable for me. I was starting to think it normal Khaosod BS, what with a name like Nose Tits and all.

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I guess the so called monk does not believe in freedom of the press. He sends his thugs to intimidate him. What a shameful act by these so called peaceful protesters. And the stupid part is you fools who support Suthep will agree with what the guards did. The man does not like or trust foreigners but get you to support this man who in the future would stab you in the back.

Actually, the really stupid part is the people that think it's about Suthep!

And do you know what it is really about? I do, but cannot put it in print as I dont want to risk a lengthly prison sentence.

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Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

Well I wouldn't call him reporter, I would call him red activist.....

Before he posted on TV and only pro red, no matter what.

Not only is it not the first time he was attacked, and not only is he a Red activist, it also looks like he is an informer for the police.

Looks like there's more to the story.

This so called "journalist" has zero credibility, and is biased to the bone...

But this is not a reason for him to be attacked.

No, but it makes it more understandable that someone gets upset. A lot of the anti-government protesters got killed or hurt and than an arrogant foreigner talks some bs. I understand that someone got angry and as it seems Nick didn't get hurt, just scared.

If I would be a protester in my country and a Thai reporter behalf like Nick, I would be very upset and most probably I would say something that I regret later on....

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Let me get this straight . . . this attempted abduction occurred outside the Constitutional Court, which at the time was surrounded by reporters, Police and Army personnel (lots of them) . . . and alleged PCAD guards in masks walked about attempting to abduct the totally impartial reporter with no one doing anything until later on when they woke up?

My credulity is being stretched here just a little.

Because you are are a Judas , Suthep supporter, you will deny all evil that Suthep advocate, the court and police is on the Dem's side so they all closed there eyes when this occurred and they always will.

A Judas . . . strong words my friend!

I'll say it again . . . I'm not a fan of Suthep, only of the work he has done to expose and bring to light the many wrongdoing of Thaksin and PT.

As for this incident, my credulity was stretched to believe the Police and Army stood around watching and doing nothing whilst someone was assaulted by people dressed as PCAD protestors and wearing masks. As the Police are very obviously in Thaksin's pocket, why didn't they rush to protect a fellow brother-in-arms red supporter? Why was anyone allowed to wear a mask when Police and Army are nearby? Were they not there to "protect" people? Or was it by chance an orchestrated attempt by non-PCAD protestors to initiate more negative reaction?

Finally, why is it "Nick" that seems to get singled out for "assaults" so often?

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what a drama queen this guy is

he brings it all on himself - as a reporter in a foreign country in a conflict zone the one thing you must maintain at all costs is neutrality - if you don't then what follows is nobodies fault but your own, this man has been very outspoken in the past - he is far from neutral, if he thinks his press pass and camera will protect him he is delusional........................simple as that

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I still do not understand why the Chanegwattana site has not be retaken by armed police?

It is a gigantic government complex that is needed for government to function properly and yet there is a handful of scum and a few road barriers holding it, send in a massive force at 5 am one morning using tear gas and high powered water hoses why are the Thais so inept when it comes to law and order?

Because everytime the police try to take back a building or area, they are met with armed force and when they respond the army issue statements telling them not to use force and that the demostrations are peaceful.

Lets see if the same applies when the red shirts start demonstrating.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now he can cry together with Sunisa. Anyhow, what is this biased red reporter still doing in Thailand?

The same question could be asked about you. What is a biased Suthep reporter still doing in Thailand.

I am not a reporter. Are you making up stories again? Well it doesn't surprise me because you have been doing that all along.

If not me, who is that biased Suthep reporter you are referring to?

Edited by Nickymaster
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