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German reporter 'attacked' by PCAD at Constitutional Court

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Still I would have though a journalist would have loved the opportunity to have a private talk with one of the protest leaders. No idea what NN said in arguing not to accept the 'kind' invitation. Some say he can be somewhat blunt and argumentative with clear bias towards one site. That would surely not go well with guards. No info on that though, no one reported that type of details as far as I know.

To seriously go into why NN wouldn't be tortured and dumped seems to suggest a certain bias on your side by the way. Why else go into it as it's totally irrelevant here.

BTW it may be possible that Buddha Issara indeed wanted to see NN and talk with him. NN is well known as in the other camp, and I'm sure Buddha Issara as astute as he is would like some first hand info on NN's thoughts.

Hi Rubl. I've got several relatives and friends at Chaengwatana, and they confirm that Luang Pu has absolutely no idea of who is that reporter that people is talking about. They neither know who are those alleged guards that approached NN.

The target of NN is to gain popularity and to demonize the anti-government protesters using dirty tricks.

Thanks for the info. The last sentence I'm not surprised about.

No offence meant, the first paragraph I take as is. Unfortunately there are too many on all sides of the fence who have no problem 'stating facts'. On the other hand I also had heard about 'fake guards' and some even misusing the situation to 'earn some more money'.

Stay cool and keep smiling,

uncle rubl

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There is more to the story.

It's clear that the militant absolutist Suthep and his fellow cave man PDRC subscribe to the Totalitarian Theory of the Press/Media which means the state owns, controls and directs all media of the society in all of its forms.

After the militants seize state power they formally identify who throughout the media are their enemies, who are their friends. The BP and the Nation will be fine as long as they comply with the new social order. However, the broader purge of political and socio-economic opponents includes specifically the new fascist state's enemies in the MSM and in all forms of media.

Under the Totalitarian Theory of the Press/Media the Boyz in Beijing censor - prohibit, block - from the mainland PRC social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, U-Tube; also, CNN, BBC, ABC and all of the other global satellite cable programming provided here by True (certain foreigner's ghetto hotels only in the PRC carry this programming).

Website forums in the PRC are tightly controlled and censored by more than 30,000 CCP censors who work full time to find and identify websites globally that they want to censor and to censor all global sites on their ever expanding list of censored sites.

One of the first orders of the new feudalism in Thailand, such it occur, would be for the new fascist PDRC government led by Suthep to identify internet websites to shut down, to include such forums as Political Prisoners, Bangkok Pundit, Thai Intelligence News, Thailand's Political Watch and so many others who are either based here or that have sources here to reveal events, developments, the interaction of people and their fate.

Make no mistake about it. Suthep, Abhisit, the PDRC and the rest of them fully intend to take complete control of all media in Thailand and will do so regardless of the consequences to journalists and bloggers and to the people themselves.

Dissent or opposition is not acceptable or allowed, as we see in the instances of certain existing laws.



I can see your point through the haze of hyperbole and fantasy, but there is nothing in your post that can be intellectually concluded outside your mind. Your trying to make an analogy but your wild inferences and baseless associations actually don't connect. I don't recall any citations wherein the PDRC announced such a ludicrous motivation and since their actions which you protest seem to live in the future, it is all ad hominen attack. Perhaps your correct about the future... Perhaps we could intellectually conclude your point... you just don't achieve it with the analogies today.

However, what can be managed, evidenced, and traced in the present are the partisan actions of the subject of the OP- the "journalist." There is an inexhaustible bounty of evidence on the subject of left leaning journalists working for or through NGO funding that destabilizes and foments dissent and agitation under the guise of democratic reporting, especially those ancillary press organs and NGOs that receive funding from the Soros Tides Foundation and their malignant derivatives. Sure, they can freely do as they wish, but there is no requirement we call this objective reporting and dangerous to assign them the carte blanche of "Press."

So, while all reasoned minds agree physical harm is not only beneath us, it actually doesn't achieve much anyway, and in the battle of perceptions, can be quite harmful to your cause. But did this act really happen? Seems a little to much to ask an observer to believe this particular man is telling the truth, or hasn't an agenda. Lastly, your point overlooks one glaring condition- the press market is not impartial, certainly not international press. Know a man by his fruit. The international press sing one single, left-leaning tune, with few exceptions. So the future you protest is already here. Perhaps you don't note it because they agree with you?

Your post condenses to the following question in your third paragraph:

But did this act really happen?

You could have saved yourself time, effort and much right wing verbiage by making one short and concise post to pose your deniers question posted repeatedly throughout this thread - and you are a denier, nothing more. Your are a denier who blusters his way through your post in the same manner as the PDRC black shirts strode forward to seize their targeted journalist.

I haven't any doubt the attack was real. Nor do I have any doubt the masked goon attackers from the PDRC were able to brazenly stride their way into an enclosed and crowded setting to execute a violent act with the stated intention of abduction.

Your bombastic rhetoric exhibited below of the extremist right sector of societies in turmoil reveals the shameless nature and character of the PDRC and its men in hooded black masks who openly attack innocent voters at polling stations or journalists at their assignment venue. Some of the soldiers of the far right perform physical assaults while others are more suitable as keyboard warriors. To wit:

There is an inexhaustible bounty of evidence on the left leaning journalists working for or through NGO funding that destabilizes and foments dissent and agitation under the guise of democratic reporting, especially those ancillary press organs and NGOs that receive funding from the Soros Tides Foundation and their malignant derivatives. Know a man by his fruit. The international press sing one single, left-leaning tune, with few exceptions. So the future you protest is already here. Perhaps you don't note it because they agree with you?

I read and re-read your post to see where you said you do support "democratic reporting" but I couldn't find any such statement by you, only one passing reference to it amidst a jungle of right sector rhetoric and accusations against a broad swathe of journalists you have identified as the enemy and have decided not to like or accept. You don't discuss the particulars of this incident or of the journalist, preferring instead to condemn and denounce an entire class of journalist bogey men to whom your mind arbitrarily assigns a political persuasion you disapprove.

So my only real question to you here at TVF is: Would you care to list the right wing journals that have published your writings?

Or that have rejected them.

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Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

There probably are:

he is quite distinctive,

he seems to try and always be in the thick of it

his reports/photographs don't always, how can I put it, paint certain groups or people in a favourable light.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Its probably rather to the benefit of PDRC that Mr Nostitz managed to get away.

The abduction of an accredited journalist in such a manner, in the presence of a BBC staff correspondence would have catapulted these goons and their activities right into the headlines of the worlds press.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The international press sing one single, left-leaning tune, with few exceptions. So the future you protest is already here. Perhaps you don't note it because they agree with you?

While it is certainly true that journalists overall skew left, I read a fair amount of western right-leaning decidedly-not-Soros-funded press, and their assessment of the situation in Thailand differs little from that in the left-leaning press. I would love to link, but most western Thailand pieces are legally risky in Thailand (for reasons which we are all aware of).

Needless to say, this is because what is going on in Thailand is not that hard to understand for people with access to a free flow of information (nota bene: The Thai press is not "free" under any reasonable definition).

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Its probably rather to the benefit of PDRC that Mr Nostitz managed to get away.

The abduction of an accredited journalist in such a manner, in the presence of a BBC staff correspondence would have catapulted these goons and their activities right into the headlines of the worlds press.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And yet NOT a WORD at the BBC about the possible abduction of a foreign reporter in Thailand .. strange don't you think?

"Accredited " journalist :: who?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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There is more to the story.

It's clear that the militant absolutist Suthep and his fellow cave man PDRC subscribe to the Totalitarian Theory of the Press/Media which means the state owns, controls and directs all media of the society in all of its forms.

After the militants seize state power they formally identify who throughout the media are their enemies, who are their friends. The BP and the Nation will be fine as long as they comply with the new social order. However, the broader purge of political and socio-economic opponents includes specifically the new fascist state's enemies in the MSM and in all forms of media.

Under the Totalitarian Theory of the Press/Media the Boyz in Beijing censor - prohibit, block - from the mainland PRC social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, U-Tube; also, CNN, BBC, ABC and all of the other global satellite cable programming provided here by True (certain foreigner's ghetto hotels only in the PRC carry this programming).

Website forums in the PRC are tightly controlled and censored by more than 30,000 CCP censors who work full time to find and identify websites globally that they want to censor and to censor all global sites on their ever expanding list of censored sites.

One of the first orders of the new feudalism in Thailand, such it occur, would be for the new fascist PDRC government led by Suthep to identify internet websites to shut down, to include such forums as Political Prisoners, Bangkok Pundit, Thai Intelligence News, Thailand's Political Watch and so many others who are either based here or that have sources here to reveal events, developments, the interaction of people and their fate.

Make no mistake about it. Suthep, Abhisit, the PDRC and the rest of them fully intend to take complete control of all media in Thailand and will do so regardless of the consequences to journalists and bloggers and to the people themselves.

Dissent or opposition is not acceptable or allowed, as we see in the instances of certain existing laws.



I can see your point through the haze of hyperbole and fantasy, but there is nothing in your post that can be intellectually concluded outside your mind. Your trying to make an analogy but your wild inferences and baseless associations actually don't connect. I don't recall any citations wherein the PDRC announced such a ludicrous motivation and since their actions which you protest seem to live in the future, it is all ad hominen attack. Perhaps your correct about the future... Perhaps we could intellectually conclude your point... you just don't achieve it with the analogies today.

However, what can be managed, evidenced, and traced in the present are the partisan actions of the subject of the OP- the "journalist." There is an inexhaustible bounty of evidence on the subject of left leaning journalists working for or through NGO funding that destabilizes and foments dissent and agitation under the guise of democratic reporting, especially those ancillary press organs and NGOs that receive funding from the Soros Tides Foundation and their malignant derivatives. Sure, they can freely do as they wish, but there is no requirement we call this objective reporting and dangerous to assign them the carte blanche of "Press."

So, while all reasoned minds agree physical harm is not only beneath us, it actually doesn't achieve much anyway, and in the battle of perceptions, can be quite harmful to your cause. But did this act really happen? Seems a little to much to ask an observer to believe this particular man is telling the truth, or hasn't an agenda. Lastly, your point overlooks one glaring condition- the press market is not impartial, certainly not international press. Know a man by his fruit. The international press sing one single, left-leaning tune, with few exceptions. So the future you protest is already here. Perhaps you don't note it because they agree with you?

Your post condenses to the following question in your third paragraph:

But did this act really happen?

You could have saved yourself time, effort and much right wing verbiage by making one short and concise post to pose your deniers question posted repeatedly throughout this thread - and you are a denier, nothing more. Your are a denier who blusters his way through your post in the same manner as the PDRC black shirts strode forward to seize their targeted journalist.

I haven't any doubt the attack was real. Nor do I have any doubt the masked goon attackers from the PDRC were able to brazenly stride their way into an enclosed and crowded setting to execute a violent act with the stated intention of abduction.

Your bombastic rhetoric exhibited below of the extremist right sector of societies in turmoil reveals the shameless nature and character of the PDRC and its men in hooded black masks who openly attack innocent voters at polling stations or journalists at their assignment venue. Some of the soldiers of the far right perform physical assaults while others are more suitable as keyboard warriors. To wit:

There is an inexhaustible bounty of evidence on the left leaning journalists working for or through NGO funding that destabilizes and foments dissent and agitation under the guise of democratic reporting, especially those ancillary press organs and NGOs that receive funding from the Soros Tides Foundation and their malignant derivatives. Know a man by his fruit. The international press sing one single, left-leaning tune, with few exceptions. So the future you protest is already here. Perhaps you don't note it because they agree with you?

I read and re-read your post to see where you said you do support "democratic reporting" but I couldn't find any such statement by you, only one passing reference to it amidst a jungle of right sector rhetoric and accusations against a broad swathe of journalists you have identified as the enemy and have decided not to like or accept. You don't discuss the particulars of this incident or of the journalist, preferring instead to condemn and denounce an entire class of journalist bogey men to whom your mind arbitrarily assigns a political persuasion you disapprove.

So my only real question to you here at TVF is: Would you care to list the right wing journals that have published your writings?

Or that have rejected them.


Publicus, I can only state I am far more emotionally detached than your post above reflects. I enjoy the writings of many here; agree or not. There are a number of posters who make lots of sense, and also provoke my fears as well. For example, some of the posters here have gone off topic- such as yourself- and discussed "what ifs" regarding the PDRC and power, etc; I have those concerns as well. Indeed, it is fair to say both sides here alarm me. Were this my country and if I could vote, I would be lost for a choice. I am not a right winger- politics are remarkably void of real choices anymore, anywhere. (In America, for example, Left... Right.. there is practically no difference in public policy; a right winger could hardly assert this).

What you detected in my post are my concerns that US and European governments and NGOs perversely influence politics in Thailand and elsewhere under the guise of "democracy;" yet this "democracy" is remarkably capitalistic solely- predatory even. Their parent organizations routinely use reporters as tools for that end either by what is published or omission. That numerous media proffer this singular voice is not just my opinion. If my assertions make me "right wing" then you ipso facto demonstrate that my observation is on left-wing manipulation of the democratic process.

But my observations here generally try to remain on target; I try to stay with the thread somewhat. I am not chagrined that you import emotion into your diatribe. Indeed, it is hilarious to imagine you frothing at the mouth. But the point remains, the journalist at issue in this thread does give voice to my observation by his past deportment and outright declarations. However, he is, as I noted, a clown or tool. He is not sophisticated enough to cause real damage, except to himself, as repeatedly evidenced. If I, by my words, offended you, that was never my intent. My post upset you but I remain unemotional or always attempt fun and reason. I enjoy TV and in particular the views of those who differ from mine as I am not Thai; the varied opinions here are a force multiplier, allowing me in a small space of time to consider many complex issues from multiple perspectives. So, calling me a right winger is wrong, unless that is irrelevant and you, like many in the west, use this as a pejorative to stifle opinion.

I prefer to exit this sidetrack and return the thread to its theme; not the two of us. (Don't be so angry. We are blessed to be able to discuss such issues and learn from each other). This is a fascinating thread!

Edited by arjunadawn
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The international press sing one single, left-leaning tune, with few exceptions. So the future you protest is already here. Perhaps you don't note it because they agree with you?

While it is certainly true that journalists overall skew left, I read a fair amount of western right-leaning decidedly-not-Soros-funded press, and their assessment of the situation in Thailand differs little from that in the left-leaning press. I would love to link, but most western Thailand pieces are legally risky in Thailand (for reasons which we are all aware of).

Needless to say, this is because what is going on in Thailand is not that hard to understand for people with access to a free flow of information (nota bene: The Thai press is not "free" under any reasonable definition).

So basicly what you are saying here, or at least somehow suggest is something I in Thailand cannot verify.

That means I cannot even judge if what info you might be able to access would make it easier to understand the Thai situation. From what I've seen before though I must admit to get a confusing picture with descriptions contradicting each other.

BTW I just bought a 100 Baht trueWIFI card and upon first login I had to give ID/passport number and valid email address and the page also contains references to the Computer Act I should be aware of. Welcome to Thailand.

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I am surprised that in the environment that this alleged "abduction " took place that there seems to be NO PICTURES or corresponding evidence other than J Head (who didn't report further on it)

Surely there must have been MANY real as well as budding journalist (nick) about!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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At least he wasn't killed like the italian journalist Polenghi who was filming the massacre by the illegal putschist Abshit-ler government or the

japanese camaraman who was filming the killing of more than 20 people in Tanao Road (corner with Khaosand Road).

Or like human right activist australian Connor Purcell who was horribly tortured in jail for opposing the Abhisit -the British puppet military dictatorship.

What can we expect from those Nazis ? They hate foreigners and more than once they publicly said how much they hate "farangs" and compare us to dogs. Killing people -either Thais or farangs- is the national sport of the black-yellowish thugs.

Now after the new judicial coup , they will be given the power for new massacres and so on....this is the Thailand they dream on...a small elite, a country with 65 million of slaves, violence, misery, desperation ,racism and massacres. Welcome to the yellow Thailand , once again...

You do talk a load of rubbish don't you.

As I've mentioned in a previous post the 2 journalists killed in 2010 were shot by the military and seemingly whilst posing no threat so they weren't acting under the ROE given to them by the Abhisit government but they are being protected by the current caretaker government who aren't going to investigate their actions.

What on earth makes you think Abhisit is a British puppet? He was born there purely because he parents were teaching in the country at the time. He was educated there as are a lot Asians, particularly those who have rich parents. I don't know how rich his parents were at the time although judging by the flat they lived in when he was born I'd guess not that rich. Yingluck and Thaksin both went to US universities. Does that make them puppets of the USA?

The Abhisit government wasn't illegal, it came about due to the banning of many of the MPs in the Thaksin backed party. There may be some doubt as to whether those bans were handed out in an unbiased way but that doesn't mean the resulting government was illegal. A government was needed and the Democrats were the largest party so they formed the government.

Who was it that said they hate farangs and compare us to dogs? I did criticise Suthep after he said that foreign observers weren't needed for the 2011 election but I've not heard any of this other stuff from either side. I think Suthep was just being overly nationalistic as many Thais are.

If there's one thing I would give Yingluck credit for it's the calm and dignified way she handled herself after the verdict. You would do well to copy her instead of

Edited by kimamey
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The international press sing one single, left-leaning tune, with few exceptions. So the future you protest is already here. Perhaps you don't note it because they agree with you?

While it is certainly true that journalists overall skew left, I read a fair amount of western right-leaning decidedly-not-Soros-funded press, and their assessment of the situation in Thailand differs little from that in the left-leaning press. I would love to link, but most western Thailand pieces are legally risky in Thailand (for reasons which we are all aware of).

Needless to say, this is because what is going on in Thailand is not that hard to understand for people with access to a free flow of information (nota bene: The Thai press is not "free" under any reasonable definition).

So basicly what you are saying here, or at least somehow suggest is something I in Thailand cannot verify.

That means I cannot even judge if what info you might be able to access would make it easier to understand the Thai situation. From what I've seen before though I must admit to get a confusing picture with descriptions contradicting each other.

BTW I just bought a 100 Baht trueWIFI card and upon first login I had to give ID/passport number and valid email address and the page also contains references to the Computer Act I should be aware of. Welcome to Thailand.

A useful, and in my opinion, brilliant blog is written right here in Bangkok. Landdestroyer (Alternatively, The New Eastern Outlook) may not appear objective if one does not like the conclusions. However, nearly all my observations are confirmed by a voice that speaks much better than I could articulate even my thoughts. I have read this blog for years and his pieces are frequently picked up by others, perhaps some right wing. He is not necessarily PDRC friendly, but he reveals processes in Thai politics that are quite penetrating and timely.

If you pulled the archived pieces one could build a much deeper grasp of local politics. You may then reject these conclusions, but you would have an intelligent grasp of opposing viewpoints.

I think it is fair to say I painted too broadly regarding journalists as left leaning. It is my experience in numerous countries, but this does not a fact make. I do maintain that media parent companies evoke a political filter primarily.

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So basicly what you are saying here, or at least somehow suggest is something I in Thailand cannot verify.

That means I cannot even judge if what info you might be able to access would make it easier to understand the Thai situation. From what I've seen before though I must admit to get a confusing picture with descriptions contradicting each other.

BTW I just bought a 100 Baht trueWIFI card and upon first login I had to give ID/passport number and valid email address and the page also contains references to the Computer Act I should be aware of. Welcome to Thailand.

Well, you could just do a reading spree when you go abroad, that would be my reccommendation.

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At least he wasn't killed like the italian journalist Polenghi who was filming the massacre by the illegal putschist Abshit-ler government or the

japanese camaraman who was filming the killing of more than 20 people in Tanao Road (corner with Khaosand Road).

Or like human right activist australian Connor Purcell who was horribly tortured in jail for opposing the Abhisit -the British puppet military dictatorship.

What can we expect from those Nazis ? They hate foreigners and more than once they publicly said how much they hate "farangs" and compare us to dogs. Killing people -either Thais or farangs- is the national sport of the black-yellowish thugs.

Now after the new judicial coup , they will be given the power for new massacres and so on....this is the Thailand they dream on...a small elite, a country with 65 million of slaves, violence, misery, desperation ,racism and massacres. Welcome to the yellow Thailand , once again...

You do talk a load of rubbish don't you.

As I've mentioned in a previous post the 2 journalists killed in 2010 were shot by the military and seemingly whilst posing no threat so they weren't acting under the ROE given to them by the Abhisit government but they are being protected by the current caretaker government who aren't going to investigate their actions.

What on earth makes you think Abhisit is a British puppet? He was born there purely because he parents were teaching in the country at the time. He was educated there as are a lot Asians, particularly those who have rich parents. I don't know how rich his parents were at the time although judging by the flat they lived in when he was born I'd guess not that rich. Yingluck and Thaksin both went to US universities. Does that make them puppets of the USA?

The Abhisit government wasn't illegal, it came about due to the banning of many of the MPs in the Thaksin backed party. There may be some doubt as to whether those bans were handed out in an unbiased way but that doesn't mean the resulting government was illegal. A government was needed and the Democrats were the largest party so they formed the government.

Who was it that said they hate farangs and compare us to dogs? I did criticise Suthep after he said that foreign observers weren't needed for the 2011 election but I've not heard any of this other stuff from either side. I think Suthep was just being overly nationalistic as many Thais are.

If there's one thing I would give Yingluck credit for it's the calm and dignified way she handled herself after the verdict. You would do well to copy her instead of

The 2 journalist were killed in the Red shirts conflict.

So go blame the Red shirts.

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Still I would have though a journalist would have loved the opportunity to have a private talk with one of the protest leaders. No idea what NN said in arguing not to accept the 'kind' invitation. Some say he can be somewhat blunt and argumentative with clear bias towards one site. That would surely not go well with guards. No info on that though, no one reported that type of details as far as I know.

To seriously go into why NN wouldn't be tortured and dumped seems to suggest a certain bias on your side by the way. Why else go into it as it's totally irrelevant here.

BTW it may be possible that Buddha Issara indeed wanted to see NN and talk with him. NN is well known as in the other camp, and I'm sure Buddha Issara as astute as he is would like some first hand info on NN's thoughts.

Hi Rubl. I've got several relatives and friends at Chaengwatana, and they confirm that Luang Pu has absolutely no idea of who is that reporter that people is talking about. They neither know who are those alleged guards that approached NN.

The target of NN is to gain popularity and to demonize the anti-government protesters using dirty tricks.

Thanks for the info. The last sentence I'm not surprised about.

No offence meant, the first paragraph I take as is. Unfortunately there are too many on all sides of the fence who have no problem 'stating facts'. On the other hand I also had heard about 'fake guards' and some even misusing the situation to 'earn some more money'.

Stay cool and keep smiling,

uncle rubl

You really do have a hate thing about Nostitz.

First you imply he's responsible for being beat up in 2013 by allegedly arguing with "guards", next you imply he's responsible for Thailands worsening reputation with Reporters without Borders "Not NN's fault, although one might 'argue' about it." and now you agree with some muppet that the "target of NN is to gain popularity and to demonize the anti-government protesters using dirty tricks."

Probably to be expected from someone who has trouble admitting that unarmed civilians were killed by the RTA.

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A useful, and in my opinion, brilliant blog is written right here in Bangkok. Landdestroyer (Alternatively, The New Eastern Outlook) may not appear objective if one does not like the conclusions. However, nearly all my observations are confirmed by a voice that speaks much better than I could articulate even my thoughts. I have read this blog for years and his pieces are frequently picked up by others, perhaps some right wing. He is not necessarily PDRC friendly, but he reveals processes in Thai politics that are quite penetrating and timely.

If you pulled the archived pieces one could build a much deeper grasp of local politics. You may then reject these conclusions, but you would have an intelligent grasp of opposing viewpoints.

I think it is fair to say I painted too broadly regarding journalists as left leaning. It is my experience in numerous countries, but this does not a fact make. I do maintain that media parent companies evoke a political filter primarily.

Tony Cartalucci is certainly notable as perhaps the most relentlessly propagandistic writer on the topic of Thailand that exists today (though he is rather skilled in his craft). I have read his writing extensively and for a long time. Like Michael Yon, however, he lives and works in Thailand, which means two things:

1) Even if he wanted to, he could not write freely about Thai politics under present law.

2) He needs to pay the bills in any case, and his customer base is the yellow Bangkok middle class and upper class.

Outside of Thailand, he works for outlets that, frankly, are considered a bit looney by almost everyone. Not "looney" as in "extremist", but rather "looney" in the sense of sheer unfocused whackiness (a.k.a. Alex Jones).

As soon as you venture away from writers that are directly in the pay of the Thai middle class (which includes pretty much all writers stationed outside of Thailand), you will start getting a rather similar analysis of Thai politics. It´s rarely Pro-Thaksin (as Thaksin is not a sympathetic figure), but is in general highly critical of... well, read and find out.

Edited by Mrgk
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So basicly what you are saying here, or at least somehow suggest is something I in Thailand cannot verify.

That means I cannot even judge if what info you might be able to access would make it easier to understand the Thai situation. From what I've seen before though I must admit to get a confusing picture with descriptions contradicting each other.

BTW I just bought a 100 Baht trueWIFI card and upon first login I had to give ID/passport number and valid email address and the page also contains references to the Computer Act I should be aware of. Welcome to Thailand.

A useful, and in my opinion, brilliant blog is written right here in Bangkok. Landdestroyer (Alternatively, The New Eastern Outlook) may not appear objective if one does not like the conclusions. However, nearly all my observations are confirmed by a voice that speaks much better than I could articulate even my thoughts. I have read this blog for years and his pieces are frequently picked up by others, perhaps some right wing. He is not necessarily PDRC friendly, but he reveals processes in Thai politics that are quite penetrating and timely.

If you pulled the archived pieces one could build a much deeper grasp of local politics. You may then reject these conclusions, but you would have an intelligent grasp of opposing viewpoints.

I think it is fair to say I painted too broadly regarding journalists as left leaning. It is my experience in numerous countries, but this does not a fact make. I do maintain that media parent companies evoke a political filter primarily.

Rubl probably already subscribes to LandDestroyer RSS feed. Tony Cartalucci certainly provides an alternative view.

Here's one "conclusion" I not only dislike, but I find the person who could seriously write such garbage totally mentally unstable, let alone "not appear objective"..........

Tony Cartalucci on the deaths resulting from the events of April/May 2010

Of the 92 that died, many were red shirts who perished from smoke inhalation while looting buildings fellow protesters lit ablaze.


Just plain mental.

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At least he wasn't killed like the italian journalist Polenghi who was filming the massacre by the illegal putschist Abshit-ler government or the

japanese camaraman who was filming the killing of more than 20 people in Tanao Road (corner with Khaosand Road).

Or like human right activist australian Connor Purcell who was horribly tortured in jail for opposing the Abhisit -the British puppet military dictatorship.

What can we expect from those Nazis ? They hate foreigners and more than once they publicly said how much they hate "farangs" and compare us to dogs. Killing people -either Thais or farangs- is the national sport of the black-yellowish thugs.

Now after the new judicial coup , they will be given the power for new massacres and so on....this is the Thailand they dream on...a small elite, a country with 65 million of slaves, violence, misery, desperation ,racism and massacres. Welcome to the yellow Thailand , once again...

You do talk a load of rubbish don't you.

As I've mentioned in a previous post the 2 journalists killed in 2010 were shot by the military and seemingly whilst posing no threat so they weren't acting under the ROE given to them by the Abhisit government but they are being protected by the current caretaker government who aren't going to investigate their actions.

What on earth makes you think Abhisit is a British puppet? He was born there purely because he parents were teaching in the country at the time. He was educated there as are a lot Asians, particularly those who have rich parents. I don't know how rich his parents were at the time although judging by the flat they lived in when he was born I'd guess not that rich. Yingluck and Thaksin both went to US universities. Does that make them puppets of the USA?

The Abhisit government wasn't illegal, it came about due to the banning of many of the MPs in the Thaksin backed party. There may be some doubt as to whether those bans were handed out in an unbiased way but that doesn't mean the resulting government was illegal. A government was needed and the Democrats were the largest party so they formed the government.

Who was it that said they hate farangs and compare us to dogs? I did criticise Suthep after he said that foreign observers weren't needed for the 2011 election but I've not heard any of this other stuff from either side. I think Suthep was just being overly nationalistic as many Thais are.

If there's one thing I would give Yingluck credit for it's the calm and dignified way she handled herself after the verdict. You would do well to copy her instead of

The 2 journalist were killed in the Red shirts conflict.

So go blame the Red shirts.

Thanks, I was aware of the nature of the protests.

If the army had targeted redshirts or others who were presenting a threat then they would have been within their ROE and therefore probably protected under the emergency decree and the only issue would have been were the orders they were given acceptable. However that's not what they seem to have done, at least in the cases so far investigated which includes the the 2 journalists. The redshirts were told to leave but didn't but that doesn't necessarily make killing acceptable. Most of the protesters weren't violent but as is the case now and in many similar events worldwide there are always those who are intent on violence and I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that some of the deaths were due to reds and in some cases reds in army uniform but as of now there's no evidence for that.

The army had their orders and they appear not to have abided by them and this is backed up by other journalists who were there.

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Still I would have though a journalist would have loved the opportunity to have a private talk with one of the protest leaders. No idea what NN said in arguing not to accept the 'kind' invitation. Some say he can be somewhat blunt and argumentative with clear bias towards one site. That would surely not go well with guards. No info on that though, no one reported that type of details as far as I know.

To seriously go into why NN wouldn't be tortured and dumped seems to suggest a certain bias on your side by the way. Why else go into it as it's totally irrelevant here.

BTW it may be possible that Buddha Issara indeed wanted to see NN and talk with him. NN is well known as in the other camp, and I'm sure Buddha Issara as astute as he is would like some first hand info on NN's thoughts.

Hi Rubl. I've got several relatives and friends at Chaengwatana, and they confirm that Luang Pu has absolutely no idea of who is that reporter that people is talking about. They neither know who are those alleged guards that approached NN.

The target of NN is to gain popularity and to demonize the anti-government protesters using dirty tricks.

Yes, and no doubt the police and BBC correspondent Jonathan Head are colluding with Nick in this wicked plot to discredit Luang Pu. The orders almost certainly came directly from Thaksin's Dubai lair or as I call it, "the heart of darkness". The puppet master pulls on his strings. Shocking to think about really, here's a monk trying to ply an honest trade, do his bit for the country, and the evil one is laying traps for him all the time. First it was the fake torture incidents and the faked shootings, now he's even roped Nick into his devilish scheme... Nick and Jonathan. People who we should be able to trust. Only the most evil man in the world would be capable of something like this.

I'm glad you've set us straight on this, MGP. A few hours ago I was inclined to believe it, thinking that the FCCT would never condemn a fake incident, and Jonathan Head would certainly have no reason to lie. But now your relatives have confirmed they've never heard of Nick, I see this sham for what it is. We're through the looking glass people. How deep does this rabbit hole go? I say we band together and create a "Nostitz-truther movement". Let's expose this deceit to the whole world!

Is there any other evidence forthcoming about this incident?

Were the alleged PDRC "guards" speaking Thai or English?

If Thai can J Head speak Thai?

Was he actually close enough to hear what was said?

How many PDRC guards were there?

Also strange to think that during a situation like today's hearing that the police / security forces would let a gang of masked men wander around .. no?

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So basicly what you are saying here, or at least somehow suggest is something I in Thailand cannot verify.

That means I cannot even judge if what info you might be able to access would make it easier to understand the Thai situation. From what I've seen before though I must admit to get a confusing picture with descriptions contradicting each other.

BTW I just bought a 100 Baht trueWIFI card and upon first login I had to give ID/passport number and valid email address and the page also contains references to the Computer Act I should be aware of. Welcome to Thailand.

A useful, and in my opinion, brilliant blog is written right here in Bangkok. Landdestroyer (Alternatively, The New Eastern Outlook) may not appear objective if one does not like the conclusions. However, nearly all my observations are confirmed by a voice that speaks much better than I could articulate even my thoughts. I have read this blog for years and his pieces are frequently picked up by others, perhaps some right wing. He is not necessarily PDRC friendly, but he reveals processes in Thai politics that are quite penetrating and timely.

If you pulled the archived pieces one could build a much deeper grasp of local politics. You may then reject these conclusions, but you would have an intelligent grasp of opposing viewpoints.

I think it is fair to say I painted too broadly regarding journalists as left leaning. It is my experience in numerous countries, but this does not a fact make. I do maintain that media parent companies evoke a political filter primarily.

Rubl probably already subscribes to LandDestroyer RSS feed. Tony Cartalucci certainly provides an alternative view.

Here's one "conclusion" I not only dislike, but I find the person who could seriously write such garbage totally mentally unstable, let alone "not appear objective"..........

Tony Cartalucci on the deaths resulting from the events of April/May 2010

Of the 92 that died, many were red shirts who perished from smoke inhalation while looting buildings fellow protesters lit ablaze.


Just plain mental.

"Mental?" It is true, untrue, or reasonably surmised. I don't know which of course but I think you mean that it is flatly false. Maybe; I try to balance what I read but I only read English, excepting Prachatai, there are few for me to get balanced ideas. But I don't doubt your observation above. A few of you have really put my reading choices in a light to consider.

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Rubl probably already subscribes to LandDestroyer RSS feed. Tony Cartalucci certainly provides an alternative view.

Here's one "conclusion" I not only dislike, but I find the person who could seriously write such garbage totally mentally unstable, let alone "not appear objective"..........

Tony Cartalucci on the deaths resulting from the events of April/May 2010

Of the 92 that died, many were red shirts who perished from smoke inhalation while looting buildings fellow protesters lit ablaze.


Just plain mental.

"Mental?" It is true, untrue, or reasonably surmised. I don't know which of course but I think you mean that it is flatly false. Maybe; I try to balance what I read but I only read English, excepting Prachatai, there are few for me to get balanced ideas. But I don't doubt your observation above. A few of you have really put my reading choices in a light to consider.

It is plainly a lie. As far as mental is concerned, I truly think that Cartalucci is mentally unstable, it wasn't a figure of speech.

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Rubl probably already subscribes to LandDestroyer RSS feed. Tony Cartalucci certainly provides an alternative view.

Here's one "conclusion" I not only dislike, but I find the person who could seriously write such garbage totally mentally unstable, let alone "not appear objective"..........

Tony Cartalucci on the deaths resulting from the events of April/May 2010

Of the 92 that died, many were red shirts who perished from smoke inhalation while looting buildings fellow protesters lit ablaze.


Just plain mental.

"Mental?" It is true, untrue, or reasonably surmised. I don't know which of course but I think you mean that it is flatly false. Maybe; I try to balance what I read but I only read English, excepting Prachatai, there are few for me to get balanced ideas. But I don't doubt your observation above. A few of you have really put my reading choices in a light to consider.

It is plainly a lie. As far as mental is concerned, I truly think that Cartalucci is mentally unstable, it wasn't a figure of speech.

Do you happen to have the death certificates for all the dead?

I do agree highly unlikely "many " but who knows one or two .. maybe!

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Just an insight as to what we will see if suthep get control with his paid thugs going around and disposing of the garbage. Garbage of course being anyone who doesn't bow down to the great leader. As Mango Bob said, any foreigner that supports this want to be Pol Pot better hope they don't end up as eradicated by these thugs.

I love how the courts still say the yellows are peaceful, yet this happens on their doorstep. Not corrupt at all coffee1.gif

When people get excited & paranoid, bad things can happen. As a generalization these guys are babes next to the Redshirt terrorists of 2010. Lets hope we do not have to see that again to refresh your memory & clarify your thought processes. But you know all this you just say this rubbish because..........UM!! Why DO you say all this sort of rubbish?

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Note: How could you possibly know the Press bodies' two announcements were "quite independent? You've no idea, but slipping that premise in there, if accepted, makes your conclusion seem valid. It is not! The International image of Thailand is being managed and a cursory analysis shows this.

I know because I work in the Thai media and I know EXACTLY who made the TJA research and statement and EXACTLY how they did it. And I know for an absolute fact you weren't there at any stage of it, let alone all. Repeat. I *know* that you were not privy to, part of or present at any of it at all. Unlike me.

You think you can kiss off facts with an attack on the messenger. Goodness knows why but I always have my suspicions about little things like yours.

Go ahead big man, attack me! But if you are so very certain that a worker in the Thai media for many, many years doesn't know what is happening in the Thai media compared with you, then simply tell us what really happened. Shooting the messenger doesn't big you up, that's for sure.

Give us your version of what happened that the TJA made its statement last week about Bangkok rallies and their negative influence on the Thai media. I for one will be fascinated by your claims. Unlike you, I won't attack you personally IF you make any attempt at all to explain what happened. I'll just address your claims and dismantle them.

Do try. Please. On the other hand, if you refuse to address the point and just continue your pointless and senseless personal attacks, well, we'll all have learned quite a lot about you. So. Up to you.


Edited by wandasloan
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Note: How could you possibly know the Press bodies' two announcements were "quite independent? You've no idea, but slipping that premise in there, if accepted, makes your conclusion seem valid. It is not! The International image of Thailand is being managed and a cursory analysis shows this.

I know because I work in the Thai media and I know EXACTLY who made the TJA research and statement and EXACTLY how they did it. And I know for an absolute fact you weren't there at any stage of it, let alone all. Repeat. I *know* that you were not privy to, part of or present at any of it at all. Unlike me.

You think you can kiss off facts with an attack on the messenger. Goodness knows why but I always have my suspicions about little things like yours.

Go ahead big man, attack me! But if you are so very certain that a worker in the Thai media for many, many years doesn't know what is happening in the Thai media compared with you, then simply tell us what really happened. Shooting the messenger doesn't big you up, that's for sure.

Give us your version of what happened that the TJA made its statement last week about Bangkok rallies and their negative influence on the Thai media. I for one will be fascinated by your claims. Unlike you, I won't attack you personally IF you make any attempt at all to explain what happened. I'll just address your claims and dismantle them.

Do try. Please. On the other hand, if you refuse to address the point and just continue your pointless and senseless personal attacks, well, we'll all have learned quite a lot about you. So. Up to you.


So any further information relevant to this .. pictures? Other witnesses?

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Note: How could you possibly know the Press bodies' two announcements were "quite independent? You've no idea, but slipping that premise in there, if accepted, makes your conclusion seem valid. It is not! The International image of Thailand is being managed and a cursory analysis shows this.

I know because I work in the Thai media and I know EXACTLY who made the TJA research and statement and EXACTLY how they did it. And I know for an absolute fact you weren't there at any stage of it, let alone all. Repeat. I *know* that you were not privy to, part of or present at any of it at all. Unlike me.

You think you can kiss off facts with an attack on the messenger. Goodness knows why but I always have my suspicions about little things like yours.

Go ahead big man, attack me! But if you are so very certain that a worker in the Thai media for many, many years doesn't know what is happening in the Thai media compared with you, then simply tell us what really happened. Shooting the messenger doesn't big you up, that's for sure.

Give us your version of what happened that the TJA made its statement last week about Bangkok rallies and their negative influence on the Thai media. I for one will be fascinated by your claims. Unlike you, I won't attack you personally IF you make any attempt at all to explain what happened. I'll just address your claims and dismantle them.

Do try. Please. On the other hand, if you refuse to address the point and just continue your pointless and senseless personal attacks, well, we'll all have learned quite a lot about you. So. Up to you.


I don't have a version. But I also don't rant in emotion either. If I was premature, and you do in fact have an idea that they were "quite independent" then return and post which useful information could shed light. Having others with differing views are not a bad thing and sometimes we need information to perhaps see a point of view we'd not realized previously. The fact remains, as written, your post did not support the conclusion offered; this remains true even if you are the CEO of CNN. Your comments above also don't elaborate on your earlier post. For someone who is so angry and raging you've certainly made my point for me.

When someone uses all CAPS to write it generally means they are screaming; really? Why would you scream and enter physical properties visuals such a "big man?" Do you mean I am large or it was sarcasm suggesting... Gee, I don't know what you were suggesting. But let's remain focused. My suspicion, based on my various life experiences, makes me simply question coincidences such as you've commented on. Ok. That's me. Maybe I'm wrong. You still haven't connected the dots and you've only been rude: or perhaps defensive. Either way, it reflects poorly on you.

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