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NACC indicts Yingluck, asks Senate to impeach her as PM


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Here's where it all comes crashing down, thanks to the recent senate elections.

The coup clowns don't have the required 3/5 of the senate vote.

There will be no impeachment.

What is this Coup rubbish? You're beginning to sound like FB & he's goneburgers somewhere too. Probably Dubai. She did wrong for selfishe reasons a number of times wiith instructions from brother. She knew thay were wrong. She thought she would get away with it (Still does, silly woman) because "we Shins are allowed to break the rules.) She got caught. She got punished. Seriously knowing what she did & how she behaved would you have acted in her shoes the same way? I seriously doubt it, because you would also have known the law and the consequences. Do the crime. Do the time. Sorry, what coup? SHe has been an abysmal PM, Not atteding committeee meetings that she is chair of, NOT EVEN ONCE!!! Moving people round so she could give her brother's Brother-in-law a cushy job. Come On. The ruling is in. It was against the law and she is being served the consequences.BTW it doesn't "ALL COME CRASHING DOWN" The senate have no authorty over yesterdays's ruling. Today's haymaker is just icing for the cake.

The CC only did half their corrupt and crooked job and so have left the caretaker government alive and well with a new Acting Caretaker PM.

There is no political vacuum for Suthep and his thugs to fill.

The appointed coup clown senators don't have the numbers to force through an impeachment so the nation is stuck in limbo with the only way out being an election which the PTP will soundly win and so it all goes back to square one.

Every which way the coup clowns turn Thaksins' extreme popularity has got them trumped.

They're boxed in and finished.

The definition of insanity is to repeatedly do the same thing over and over expecting a different result each time.

Its over.

The coup clowns lost.

Well why do Shin Govts repeatedly do the same thing and expect a different result?

You should be happy the whole cabinet wasn't taken down,no vacuum,but you still insist they are biased.go figure,no pleasing some people

Lets see how things pan out before declaring victory,your arguments do have a small amount of merit but then you start belittling anything non govt and that's where you lose me,you cant accuse others of bias when you yourself cannot see both sides of the argument.Your beloved leader has just been exposed and been stood down and you claim coup clowns lost,the only coup clown is a guy called Jataporn.

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This decision is absolutely idiotic and will ultimately cause enormous harm to the country.

The coup appointed NACC and the majority military puppets in the senate playing nothing but political games for the people who put them there.

This idiotic decision just fuels the fire and divides the country further. Another case of the people behind all this of saying you can only be corrupt if you are on our side!

If the ex PM is impeached and criminal charges brought against her every single Thaj politician, government contractors, civil servants have to be prosecuted.

There is no one in this country in any position of power who can cast the first stone - the entire country lives of nepotism, connections and corruption!

The people behind this have robbed the country for decades have stolen 100's of billions from the Thai people and now go on raiding pretending they have the countries best interest at heart.

If this stupid military coup appointed NACC wants to clean up the country then they are the first ones who should be replaced!

Thailand will soon end up in a civil war where no one is safe anymore just because of a few old stubborn men who have no vision for the country - only a selfish agenda destroying the country in the process!

Total rubbish comment, no basis whatever in reality or fact. Spin, spin, spin. nothing more.

spin spin spin your rubbish all you want......but there will be trouble.....just as you Brits think your better than the Irish....the same goes with Bangkok thinking their better than the North.....there will be trouble...mark my word

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I don't think this means anything at all. Mr. T and the PTP had months to plan a contingency for this very outcome. Its not a secret that both the CC and NACC are not PTP friendly. I believe they saw this coming a mile away. Mr. T may be corrupt, criminal and everything else; he is also a very shrewd and cunning man. Those of you who think YL has got her panties in a bunch sitting at home crying into the pillow while her servants pack her stuff for an extended Dubai holiday, should think again. I think she is just following a contingency script for this very scenario that has been written sometime back.

This decision means nothing in the whole scheme of things, the same party is in power, the same puppet master running the show, its just a different puppet now. PTP is working in getting the next election going (and I don't see them bucking at the knees), the Dems are adamantly trying to avoid elections (even after a lot of TV members feel that the have now an overwhelming support from the masses). They must know something we don't!

I see the results of the last two days as a slap on the face of the Dems and Suthep. They were expecting for PTP to be banned, so as to play their reform strategy and claim power for however long they can stretch it to. That did not happen! So now they are trying to sugar coat this whole affair and claim some form of victory.

To the rest of the TV members on an extended party because of these rulings. You're in Thailand, do you really need a reason to go out and get shitfaced! I think being in Thailand with cheap booze is reason enough.

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Here's where it all comes crashing down, thanks to the recent senate elections.

The coup clowns don't have the required 3/5 of the senate vote.

There will be no impeachment.

With the Senate being 49% appointed by the Ammart the numbers are very close with slightly more than 60% favouring the old-guard.

Thailand needs reform and the first reform should be an elected senate.

tell me who is the Ammart

Principally I believe they are some Bangkok people but we are not allowed to say........ They are different people from the Chiangmart or "B"mart as some people call them.

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So now we have the Prime Minister position that can be taken away if the incumbant fails to stop corruption. In future they will not have to prove that any corruption has taken place or name the people who have been corrupt.

Seems like there will never be a stable government in Thailand again.

No, Brucie. Teacher's watching you. Don't deliberately fudge the facts. The Prime ministe's position was taken away YESTERDAY because she was corrupt. Giving a plum job to a family member at someone elses loss. Todays decision was probably based NOT on not stopping corruption, but failing to investigate it when she was advised; and probably becaues she never once attended commottees she was chair of, even when advised of corruption. The NACC are not a court. She was already an ex-PM today after yesterday losing the job. I say probably twice because I have not read the decision, bjut I do know what the evidence was and so do you, naughty boy. Thailand may have to get used to much less corruption in high places. I hope so. Perhaps you don't? Why? No benefit to you, surely?

Ex-Caretake Prime Minister HAS NOT BEEN ousted because found guilty of CORRUPTION.

Will stop people here to tell lies just to bring points to their team?

Edited by newcomer71
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I like it...

But....but.... Suthep, Abhisit..........what about their crimes of genocide?facepalm.gif

As long as you feel happy with yourself joking about the deaths of 96 people by referring to a genocide, feel free. I'm just glad I'm not you.

Trust that he is probably glad you are not him either. You are just absolutely precious Fab4. (Oh, and that was facetious too, BTW.)

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Iin answer to pookiki

I cannot vote in elections so why should I fear them?

Please tell me what your verdict is on the success of the populist policies such as the rice scam, tablets fiasco, 1st car buying joke and first house buying debacle!! Do you think that such immoral and unethical policies should have a place in politics purely to garner votes and not to benefit people?

Refreshing to know that you don't fear elections. Your post referred to refusing to allow parties to include populist policies in their party platforms. This is clearly a restriction on freedom of speech and freedom of association. However you feel about the alleged 'populist' policies of this government is your business. Hopefully, the Thai people will have the final say at the ballot box. Any you don't have to increase the font size of your posts to make a point. By the way, an interesting analogy to what you consider 'populist' was recently considered by the US Supreme Court when it ruled on Obamacare. In deciding that the program was constitutional, the Courts Chief Justice said that it was not in the courts realm to protect the people against what some considered to be political 'mistakes' or mismanagement. Let the Thai people decide if they think the actions of the government are as unethical and immoral as you believe they are.

Edited by pookiki
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Hey NACC, haven't you dimwits heard...she is already gone. Impeachment is to kick someone out of office...wake up!

And by all means let's have criminal charges filed because you haven't had your pound of flesh yet. While you are at it maybe you should make it legal to stone her just for being the sister of Thaksin, that evil devil.

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Whatever people feel about NACC's indictment, everyone seems undisturbed about the complete lack of specific evidence that NACC is relying upon to reach their decision. Even during its investigation the NACC seemed to withhold any details of evidence that it gathered. Yingluck seemd frustrated trying to provide evidence of innocence when there seemed to be no solid evidence of guilt. The most "solid" evidence pointed to after the fact information on market prices falling below government expectations and the opposition warning her about the precited failure of the program.

Should not the NACC be subjected to the same degree of transparency and accountabillity as the Government, if not more so as it decides whether criminal acts have occured? I would expect the news media to be publishing the details of evidence and if not offered by the NACC, demanding it. International news media has almost nothing to offer as to details of the evidence against Yingluck other than to state the allegations against her.

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Iin answer to pookiki

I cannot vote in elections so why should I fear them?

Please tell me what your verdict is on the success of the populist policies such as the rice scam, tablets fiasco, 1st car buying joke and first house buying debacle!! Do you think that such immoral and unethical policies should have a place in politics purely to garner votes and not to benefit people?

Your comment is full of drama queen hyperbole. The programs were neither immoral nor unethical. All of the programs were similar to what we have seen in other countries such as the cash for clunkers in the USA, the green car incentive programs in Canada and the USA. The rice program is fraction of the size of the wide scale agricultural subsidy programs in India, Vietnam, USA and EU.

Yingluck's government had 'Thaksinocracy' written all over it and one of its hallmarks was 'policy corruption' to gain votes through selective spending of the public treasury of targeted voter groups. Wikipedia has a whole page on how Thaksin does government.


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Yingluck's government had 'Thaksinocracy' written all over it and one of its hallmarks was 'policy corruption' to gain votes through selective spending of the public treasury of targeted voter groups. Wikipedia has a whole page on how Thaksin does government.


Does great reservoir of truth in Wikipedia have much to say about 'pork barrel' politics?

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Impeach her? She's gone already.

They keep it one step at a time to check red's reactions and react accordingly. Thais are very subtle, at least as much as Yingluck can be...

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So now we have the Prime Minister position that can be taken away if the incumbant fails to stop corruption. In future they will not have to prove that any corruption has taken place or name the people who have been corrupt.

Seems like there will never be a stable government in Thailand again.

That's not what they said! She was sacked because she unlawfully sacked the boss of the division and but her brothers B-I-L in his place, in that case the incumbent had done no wrong therefore it wasn't justified!!! tongue.png

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Hey NACC, haven't you dimwits heard...she is already gone. Impeachment is to kick someone out of office...wake up!

Not necessarily; check out the penalties. If convicted Yingluck could be compelled to pay damages.

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Yingluck's government had 'Thaksinocracy' written all over it and one of its hallmarks was 'policy corruption' to gain votes through selective spending of the public treasury of targeted voter groups. Wikipedia has a whole page on how Thaksin does government.


Does great reservoir of truth in Wikipedia have much to say about 'pork barrel' politics?

Since you are posting on this forum, you obviously have Internet access. Why don't you, yourself, look it up and give us your report?

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Here's where it all comes crashing down, thanks to the recent senate elections.

The coup clowns don't have the required 3/5 of the senate vote.

There will be no impeachment.

Doesn't really matter if the senate impeaches her or not since she's already been fired from her job! But it's amusing to see her get double whammied immediately after losing her prime ministership! biggrin.png

Sorry, but I don't quite understand. Didn't you know about this already? Everybody else did. We'll have to check the mailing list to see how you missed the memo. Both these verdicts were set in stone last year.

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Hey NACC, haven't you dimwits heard...she is already gone. Impeachment is to kick someone out of office...wake up!

Not necessarily; check out the penalties. If convicted Yingluck could be compelled to pay damages.

Oh. Well, then, if they can find some kind of twisted excuse they'll probably do it. Death by a thousand cuts, since they can't win an election.

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NACC will forward the case to the Senate to seek Yingluck’s impeachment. If found guilty, Yingluck, who was removed from the premiership on Wednesday over abuse of power over unlawful transfer of an official, will be banned from politics for five years.

Or both.

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If I understand this right the senate needs 60%, I.e. 90 votes to impeach YL. Some commentators have estimated some 70-80 senators are pro government, they will probably toe the PTP line. So it will be hard to get through.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yingluck's government had 'Thaksinocracy' written all over it and one of its hallmarks was 'policy corruption' to gain votes through selective spending of the public treasury of targeted voter groups. Wikipedia has a whole page on how Thaksin does government.


Does great reservoir of truth in Wikipedia have much to say about 'pork barrel' politics?

Why waste your time reading that. Just watch the PTP you have a front row seat.clap2.gif cheesy.gif violin.gif clap2.gif

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