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Surapong insists he is still deputy PM and wants to attend ASEAN summit


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Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

Typical Red supporter; can't come up with a cohesive response, so they start attacking the posters.

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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

"Who else is there"

I'm glad that you asked !

1. There's the new acting-caretaker-PM, if he's not busy with other duties.

2. There's caretaker-DPM Pongthep, who's now taken-over foreign-affairs from Surapong, at a special-meeting of the remaining caretaker-Cabinet, perhaps they forgot/declined to inform former-caretaker-DPM Surapong ?

"Phongthep has been given the duties of Pracha and Surapong.

Phongthep said he was also in charge of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) in place of former labour minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who also oversaw the centre."


3. And lastly there are the professional diplomats & civil-servants of the Foreign Ministry, the ones who've been slightly miffed at being pushed-aside in their former lord-and-master's rush to do things himself, sometimes against their advice (according to rumour), they probably know something about representing the country at meeting like this, don't they ?

It does begin to seem Asean wants to deal with the representative of the legitimate democratically elected government of Thailand instead of the ammart or one of its minions in the bureaucracy that on the whole opposes the government.

Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect. Your pathetic ridicule means nothing at Asean. And given Surapong's experience in the present government over the past 3 years, it appears Asean will be pleased to receive Surapong and his familiarity with all of the ongoing and newest issues Asean is dealing with.

The cave man PDRC types seem to think Asean is Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. Asean is driven by Indonesia which in 2010 attained a $1 trillion GDP and is confidently democratic. Asean also includes the prosperous and confident democracies Singapore, Malaysia, as well as the Philippines and, additionally, the prosperous and confident Kingdom of Brunei. Myanmar is beginning to emerge from its period of the modern dark ages and Vietnam is developing well in addition to being hostile towards the Boyz in Beijing. Laos and Cambodia have better English than Thailand does.

Thailand is the lead Asean contact with Beijing through 2015 and is a formal national security treaty ally of the United States. Washington last week again spoke out in favor of democracy and elections in Thailand and Asean will do the same again this week. That gravely disturbs the many anti-democracy posters here who like to believe they can tear down Asean too.

"Your pathetic ridicule means nothing at Asean"

You forget to quote or say what "pathetic ridicule" you mean ? I've re-read my post, and can't see anything, you had asked who else might represent the country, instead of the former-caretaker-DPM/FM, and I gave you a list ! wink.png

In particular I would point out that Surapong's former duties were passed-on to someone else, at yesterday's special Cabinet-meeting.

Unless you think Surapong's personal-links with the rest of ASEAN over-ride the Thai Constitution/government, you must surely accept that they would prefer the new Thai representative, given that responsibility by the new acting-caretaker-PM and the remainder of the PTP-caretaker-government, or do you not accept their right to distribute the caretaker-government's duties as they see fit ?

You say, without giving a source or links, that "Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect."

But I put it to you, that it's up to the new acting-caretaker-PM and his Cabinet, how they distribute Surapong's duties & who they send to the meeting ! Thailand chooses who represents it to ASEAN, not the former occupant of the position, acting solely on his own authority.

Or does Surapong, as a Shin-clan member, not have to do as he's told by his PM ? Now that would indeed be pathetic and ridiculous ! laugh.png

The Cabinet and Asean do need to square up on who will be sent and who will be received. The OP suggests the question remained open, which brought a rain of assaults against Asean by the PDRC types around here because the OP was about Surapong wanting to go to next week's summit in Myanmar.

Perhaps Surapong will go with a newly minted FM, perhaps not. The Cabinet will indeed decide and I have not said or advocated otherwise. PDRC types here have been trying to dictate the decision, saying Surapong should not go.

The full frontal assaults against Asean from the first posts of the thread have been an unwise tactic and have backfired severely on the PDRC types that launched them. Asean will issue another statement supporting elections in Thailand and a peaceful resolution, in what is a new Asean look into the affairs of another member state.

The PDRC types here have since backed off their assault against Asean, but purely from a tactical standpoint as their position has proved untenable and unsustainable. More bad judgement by the PDRC types around here.

It would seem the PDRC types at the thread have decided to move on in their assault vehicle pc's to more fertile threads, at least for the moment.

Cheers. Peace.

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Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

Typical Red supporter; can't come up with a cohesive response, so they start attacking the posters.

There has been an awful lot of drivel - off-topic drivel at that - posted by the self-important Publicus on this thread.

It's not about the ammart (paranoia) nor is it about Suthep (hate and paranoia). It's not even about the Isan ammart but a little weasel called Surapong.

Even when a poster posts that the ex-cabinet remnants have appointed a new FM and a new CAPO head - that gets totally ignored by the fixation on others and that ASEAN will do what is unbelievable: accept Surapong when he has been replaced by another PTP party member.

Logical argument is not the strong point of PTP & red shirt disciples.

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Just when did your "likely" and "unlikely" turn into a confirmed ASEAN position?

You should know nothing is confirmed, as is clearly indicated in the OP.

Look above you because you seem to have missed (or overlooked) the sudden assault against Asean by PDRC types at this thread the moment the OP was posted by TVF.

The PDRC types are trying to extend their destruction of democracy and socio-economic development in Thailand to Asean, based on what you guys read in the OP - that Surapong was interested in attending next week's summit and that Asean might receive him.

The mere mention of it in the OP ignited a harsh assault against Asean by the PDRC militants here. You need to pay greater and better attention to developments. Youknow, get up to speed and all of that.

All I read was your "possibles" being changed to a statement of ASEAN attitude, not stated anywhere else. The OP was about Surapong's inability to accept his dismissal, you and you only, changed the topic to ASEAN.

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If Surapong goes to the Asean summit next week it will be international regional recognition he officially represents the Thai Government and there's nothing Suthep or Abhisit can do except cry in their beer along with their PDRC cave men.

Asean will issue another statement about the situation in Thailand. I don't think the ammart are going to like this one any more than they liked the prior Asean official statement of December. And what if Surapong did go to the summit and brought the new Asean statement back with him.

The ammart would wretch. But only after the ammart got over the shock of it.

If Surapong goes to the ASEAN summit next week he will only serve to embarrass himself and Thailand yet further. Had he an ounce of self-respect he would realize that.

Your numerous rants about the ammart are really a waste of bandwidth. If the ammart are not law abiding, the reforms will affect them as much as Thaksin.

If Surapong is received at the Asean summit next week it will be an affirmation by Asean of democracy in Thailand, the explicit expression of Asean to honor peaceful democratic processes and to respect the electoral sovereignty of the Thai people.

It will be a triumph of the courage of one man against the forces that would throw Thailand in to a dark age of oppression, repression, purges, show trials and imprisonments, expulsions, seizures of people and property to include the destruction of one person one vote democracy, and probably of any kind of democracy.

Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

Funny. Japan and WWII apart, I understand the Thais are proud of never having been colonised.

And evidently, your interpretation of ammart excludes Thaksin, Chalerm, et al. And it shouldn't.

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The cave man PDRC types here launched an all-out offensive against Asean at this thread, if only because Surapong is involved. Then you attack my responses to refute the PDRC types attempts to discredit Asean.

I'm the citizen (so to speak) who grabbed the thief and you want the police to arrest me. Get your head screwed on straight.

So you're saying an anti-ASEAN post or two bunched your panties so badly?

I hate to break it to you, but on the average Reformer's list of things to care about, I suspect ASEAN, Suthep, and the ammart are not at the top.

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Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

Typical Red supporter; can't come up with a cohesive response, so they start attacking the posters.

Typical Red supporter...

I rest my case concerning your posts..

My reply post pointed out a naivete and why it is a naivete. I can understand why you could take it personally because you suffer from the naivete, but the constructive purpose was to state what your naivete is and how you are naïve. But I see you missed that too.

Not a surprise.

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It is ironic that Surapong has lost his Ministerial status for this seemingly innocuous event rather than personally issuing a passport to a convicted fugitive criminal. You are done Surapong! He just wants to get to ASEAN to spread more sh*t. Why would other ASEAN leaders even have him at the same table, he has just been found guilty by the courts.

You want to know why the other ASEAN's still want to have to do with someone who is just convicted by a court.

I found a picture of the previous Asean meeting, I think Surapong is the one in the far left corner


The above is Post # 16 to the thread, focusing on Asean and Surapong.

it is the first of a series of posts by PDRC types attacking Asean because the PDRC posters here thought Surapong was going to go to Asean to represent Thailand. Another thread at the board today points out the position and duties of acting interim FM were assigned to another person.

Yet the PDRC types ran off a series of posts assaulting Asean because the posters thought Surapong was going to be sent to the imminent Asean summit on Monday and Tuesday, and that leaders of Asean were going to receive him as the official representative of Thailand.

I cannot say at this point whether Surapong will or will not attend in any capacity at all. It's up to the Cabinet to decide and for Surapong to accept that, or not to accept the Cabinet's decision. I should think Surapong would do the right thing. Perhaps Surapong can attend in a private capacity - don't yet know about it.

PCRD posters here started the assault against Asean for their own selfish and mischievous political reasons and purposes. PDRC posters here mistakenly and imprudently initiated their assault against Asean as an extension of their ongoing campaign to destroy Thailand.

The above Post #16 was made before I'd posted to the thread.

(N.B. Post # 16 at the present time, as post ordination sometimes can and does change subsequently to being assigned.)

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Just when did your "likely" and "unlikely" turn into a confirmed ASEAN position?

You should know nothing is confirmed, as is clearly indicated in the OP.

Look above you because you seem to have missed (or overlooked) the sudden assault against Asean by PDRC types at this thread the moment the OP was posted by TVF.

The PDRC types are trying to extend their destruction of democracy and socio-economic development in Thailand to Asean, based on what you guys read in the OP - that Surapong was interested in attending next week's summit and that Asean might receive him.

The mere mention of it in the OP ignited a harsh assault against Asean by the PDRC militants here. You need to pay greater and better attention to developments. Youknow, get up to speed and all of that.

All I read was your "possibles" being changed to a statement of ASEAN attitude, not stated anywhere else. The OP was about Surapong's inability to accept his dismissal, you and you only, changed the topic to ASEAN.

you and you only, changed the topic to ASEAN.

Wrong wrong wrong.

Read my post above.

Go back and re-read page 1 of the thread.

You are wrong.

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Thailand, no matter what colour shirt the ruling (pro tem) Party wears, will never accept regional workers streaming across its borders with their better English, logical reasoning skills, ability to admit mistakes and learn from them, to take Thais' jobs.


Just wait for a "Language Test" ...

Edited by Evilbaz
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It is ironic that Surapong has lost his Ministerial status for this seemingly innocuous event rather than personally issuing a passport to a convicted fugitive criminal. You are done Surapong! He just wants to get to ASEAN to spread more sh*t. Why would other ASEAN leaders even have him at the same table, he has just been found guilty by the courts.

You want to know why the other ASEAN's still want to have to do with someone who is just convicted by a court.

I found a picture of the previous Asean meeting, I think Surapong is the one in the far left corner


well more it reminds me to an B-Movie with zombies or vampires... You shoot them and a few minutes later they wake up again and attack.


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Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

Typical Red supporter; can't come up with a cohesive response, so they start attacking the posters.

Typical Red supporter...

I rest my case concerning your posts..

My reply post pointed out a naivete and why it is a naivete. I can understand why you could take it personally because you suffer from the naivete, but the constructive purpose was to state what your naivete is and how you are naïve. But I see you missed that too.

Not a surprise.

Further attacks won't make you look any better.

This thread is about something; the disgraced Surapong appointing himself as envoy to ASEAN.

If you honestly believe that sending someone to the revered ASEAN that only just Wednesday was described as "lacking in ethics, morality and what is right & just" by the highest court in the land is a good idea, by all means please argue the point.

Personal attacks just illustrate you have no argument.

As someone who operates five companies in Thailand and has been heavily invested in Pacific Rim countries (excluding Japan) for the last 25 years or so, I have an interest in ASEAN. But still, if a pastry box showed up on my desk, I can't imagine how much money it would have to contain to climb in bed with the likes of Surapong.

Furthermore, in an effort to do everything possible to help you unwedgie yourself, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for whomsoever posted a disparaging word about ASEAN.

Furthermore, in an effort to do everything possible to help you unwedgie yourself,...

To unwedge myself??!??!??!??!??


"Furthermore, in an effort to do everything possible to help you unwedgie yourself, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for whomsoever posted a disparaging word about ASEAN."

Actually,and all the same, your offer "to apologize" for whatever reason and/or for whatever "whomsoever" may have said or done "about ASEAN" is a commendable statement of a brothers in arms spirit and an honorable expression of humility, even noble in its fine example, to include indicating a courageous character of self-sacrifice. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Publicus
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It is ironic that Surapong has lost his Ministerial status for this seemingly innocuous event rather than personally issuing a passport to a convicted fugitive criminal. You are done Surapong! He just wants to get to ASEAN to spread more sh*t. Why would other ASEAN leaders even have him at the same table, he has just been found guilty by the courts.

You want to know why the other ASEAN's still want to have to do with someone who is just convicted by a court.

I found a picture of the previous Asean meeting, I think Surapong is the one in the far left corner


I think that's more like a meeting of PTP members with the big boss in Hong Kong or Dubai.

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It is ironic that Surapong has lost his Ministerial status for this seemingly innocuous event rather than personally issuing a passport to a convicted fugitive criminal. You are done Surapong! He just wants to get to ASEAN to spread more sh*t. Why would other ASEAN leaders even have him at the same table, he has just been found guilty by the courts.

You want to know why the other ASEAN's still want to have to do with someone who is just convicted by a court.

I found a picture of the previous Asean meeting, I think Surapong is the one in the far left corner


I think that's more like a meeting of PTP members with the big boss in Hong Kong or Dubai.

The stars and stripes kind of kill it though, don't you think. (Everybody knew somebody would say that.)

Actually, that's Moonao looking dapper behind the big guy. smile.png

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The (arse kissing) cousin has a passport, guess he can go whereever his black heart desires. Whover would allot public funds for his ''want'' to attend may find themselves explaining the misuse of government funds to those who want to pursue such matters........

Maybe he can take up the orange robes, ask for donations for bus fares, stay at temple, or join a backpacker group whose travel plans mirror his. The temple suggestion may not be well received by some of the more astute abbots, but they have orientation for wayward/lost souls to point them onto the straight and narrow.

When you are expelled from a school, business, etc you are not welcome at their activities, nor those they participate in with others. This man does seem to exihibet traits of being both stupid and ignorant in just about every aspect of responsible behavior.

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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

Still presenting your wishes as "likely" what others will say and react.

Clowns and jokers - like those who portray the various Shin clan political vehicles as some kind of champions of democracy and justice. There actions show they are not. Just a gang of wannabee dictators led by a crook.

PTP cling on to power, refusing to abide by lawful court rulings, refusing to move out of office (someone tried that before and the army had to throw him out - perhaps he's hoping for a repeat). PTP and their former incarnations have never respected the law so why should anyone be surprised they don't now. They will have to be dragged from the trough screaming and kicking.

Opposing a political dynasty that demonstrates a penchant for nepotism, cronyism, suppression of free speech, breaks the law, lies, cheats and refuses to recognize court judgments it doesn't like does not make someone automatically a supporter of the old Ammart. Yet another Thaksin and his supporters trick to try and tar all those who oppose their wannabee dictatorship with the same brush.

My god.

Your "lawful court rulings" are to democracies everywhere judicial coups d'état executed by the you know who of Bangkok.

Suthep is a failed putsch maker.

Abhisit is a eunuch.

The PDRC are fascists with platoons of fascist goons that attack innocent voters.

One could go on but like the Thais themselves everyone here keeps talking past one another.

I'm outta here for some R&R.

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He must have heard what an amazing ball the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Retreat was back in January, which he had unfortunately missed:

Mr Tovichakchaikul was also unable to attend the January ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Retreat in Bagan due to unrest in Thailand.

Source: Ousted Thai premier Yingluck must respect ‘rule of law’, says govt

So it's understandable that he wouldn't want to miss partying at the next big ASEAN meetup. Maybe there'll be a lot of free white powder going around.

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Ha ha ha. The ASEAN PMs will be really chuffed to do group pics and selfies with a ghost deputy prime minister, already fired by the CC for malfeasance, representing a ghost PM appointed without authority. I think he will be given an extremely wide berth there.

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You guys who talk about going back to feudalism let me clue you in, it has never gone away & when all the villagers in Isaan & elsewhere, which are ruled by the reds, still kowtow to the village head & their lords then you are saying it is not a form of feudalism. Yes keep pushing the red mantra about deomocracy & progressive ASEAN states like Cambodia, ruled by a despot, Burma, ruled by a military junta disguised as democracy, Brunei ruled by a sultan, Vietnam, communist rule.

clap2.gif This is why I have said that ASEAN would stoop to kiss Hitler's foot if he is still alive, because ASEAN has no principle regarding how power holders got their power. ASEAN is only interested as long as money can be made.

Extending the ever failing campaign to destroy democracy in Thailand outward to try to tear down Asean only shows how extreme and wildly desperate the militant feudalists are, that the extremists will go to any lengths and will stop at nothing trying to prevail.

The cave man PDRC types can't see or accept that the ammart have conducted a failed coup.

Almost all of the people who suddenly are trying to tear down Asean are the same people who have been trying to tear down Thailand since late last year. They are those identical feudal militants who are led by Suthep and his cave man PDRC and who lick Abhisit's boots.

Surapong and the government are intelligently taking actions that expose the militant fascism of the ammart, their institutions, their bourgeois supporters and their voices everywhere. It looks like Asean has sided against the ammart, Suthep, the PDRC, Abhisit.

Love you, Publicus.

In the future red shirt Hall of Fame you deserve a spot right next to Surapong, Chalerm, Juttaporn. I've been missing out on TV forums for quite some time. But I do recognise a new star when I see one. You sir are premier league material.

Too bad he won't be able to answer and say Thank You. His nurse just gave him his injection, and he'll be under observation for a few hours, now.

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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

Still presenting your wishes as "likely" what others will say and react.

Clowns and jokers - like those who portray the various Shin clan political vehicles as some kind of champions of democracy and justice. There actions show they are not. Just a gang of wannabee dictators led by a crook.

PTP cling on to power, refusing to abide by lawful court rulings, refusing to move out of office (someone tried that before and the army had to throw him out - perhaps he's hoping for a repeat). PTP and their former incarnations have never respected the law so why should anyone be surprised they don't now. They will have to be dragged from the trough screaming and kicking.

Opposing a political dynasty that demonstrates a penchant for nepotism, cronyism, suppression of free speech, breaks the law, lies, cheats and refuses to recognize court judgments it doesn't like does not make someone automatically a supporter of the old Ammart. Yet another Thaksin and his supporters trick to try and tar all those who oppose their wannabee dictatorship with the same brush.

My god.

Your "lawful court rulings" are to democracies everywhere judicial coups d'état executed by the you know who of Bangkok.

Suthep is a failed putsch maker.

Abhisit is a eunuch.

The PDRC are fascists with platoons of fascist goons that attack innocent voters.

One could go on but like the Thais themselves everyone here keeps talking past one another.

I'm outta here for some R&R.

What's wrong with being a eunuch? I just read that eunuchs live longer than not castrated men. So why not become one yourself? Enjoy your life some more and entertain me and probably others with your lovely comments here. By the look of those comments your little thingie isn't working anyway, so why not chop it off? Sweet dreams!

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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

Still presenting your wishes as "likely" what others will say and react.

Clowns and jokers - like those who portray the various Shin clan political vehicles as some kind of champions of democracy and justice. There actions show they are not. Just a gang of wannabee dictators led by a crook.

PTP cling on to power, refusing to abide by lawful court rulings, refusing to move out of office (someone tried that before and the army had to throw him out - perhaps he's hoping for a repeat). PTP and their former incarnations have never respected the law so why should anyone be surprised they don't now. They will have to be dragged from the trough screaming and kicking.

Opposing a political dynasty that demonstrates a penchant for nepotism, cronyism, suppression of free speech, breaks the law, lies, cheats and refuses to recognize court judgments it doesn't like does not make someone automatically a supporter of the old Ammart. Yet another Thaksin and his supporters trick to try and tar all those who oppose their wannabee dictatorship with the same brush.

My god.

Your "lawful court rulings" are to democracies everywhere judicial coups d'état executed by the you know who of Bangkok.

Suthep is a failed putsch maker.

Abhisit is a eunuch.

The PDRC are fascists with platoons of fascist goons that attack innocent voters.

One could go on but like the Thais themselves everyone here keeps talking past one another.

I'm outta here for some R&R.

What's wrong with being a eunuch? I just read that eunuchs live longer than not castrated men. So why not become one yourself? Enjoy your life some more and entertain me and probably others with your lovely comments here. By the look of those comments your little thingie isn't working anyway, so why not chop it off? Sweet dreams!

It's the old saying in warfare that it's not how you surrender, the important thing is that you do surrender. And you have surrendered, as anyone can plainly see. clap2.gif .

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I would like it if you could explain the Amart that you always rant about please. I mean I have seen normal office workers donate money to Suthep to continue the fight are those the amart you are talking about ?. In comparison the red are paid to protests (video proof of that) or they rent Cambodians to make higher numbers. Looks more like your side is paid to do stuff while the common man wants this government gone.

Also do you think its fair that the Democrats cant campaign in the north for fear of their life ?

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Probably this explains why Suthep want to keep on with the rally.

Surapong die die will insist in the govt.

this is great. Big show coming up.

There can be millions reason for him to stay in the govt. can he?

Next time, can other deputy minister employ Surapong as assistant And permit him to attend the meetings?

Or the parliament toilet aunty cleaner hire Surapong as her toilet assistant and assign him to attend the meetings, can he?

Since all are under govt salary.


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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

Still presenting your wishes as "likely" what others will say and react.

Clowns and jokers - like those who portray the various Shin clan political vehicles as some kind of champions of democracy and justice. There actions show they are not. Just a gang of wannabee dictators led by a crook.

PTP cling on to power, refusing to abide by lawful court rulings, refusing to move out of office (someone tried that before and the army had to throw him out - perhaps he's hoping for a repeat). PTP and their former incarnations have never respected the law so why should anyone be surprised they don't now. They will have to be dragged from the trough screaming and kicking.

Opposing a political dynasty that demonstrates a penchant for nepotism, cronyism, suppression of free speech, breaks the law, lies, cheats and refuses to recognize court judgments it doesn't like does not make someone automatically a supporter of the old Ammart. Yet another Thaksin and his supporters trick to try and tar all those who oppose their wannabee dictatorship with the same brush.

My god.

Your "lawful court rulings" are to democracies everywhere judicial coups d'état executed by the you know who of Bangkok.

Suthep is a failed putsch maker.

Abhisit is a eunuch.

The PDRC are fascists with platoons of fascist goons that attack innocent voters.

One could go on but like the Thais themselves everyone here keeps talking past one another.

I'm outta here for some R&R.

What's wrong with being a eunuch? I just read that eunuchs live longer than not castrated men. So why not become one yourself? Enjoy your life some more and entertain me and probably others with your lovely comments here. By the look of those comments your little thingie isn't working anyway, so why not chop it off? Sweet dreams!

It's the old saying in warfare that it's not how you surrender, the important thing is that you do surrender. And you have surrendered, as anyone can plainly see. clap2.gif .


Let's not forget there is also another one. He is oversea. Convicted and RUN.

Then he make online conference and ask the blinded cows to fight in Bangkok. He will by their side.

Is it? Where is he when Bangkok fall into darkness? He is eating Dubai abalone comfortably.

Eunuch, all same same.......

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