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Illegal for 'farang' to wear that lapel pin!


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As mentioned in a separate thread in the Phuket forum, I had an interesting experience at the airport where I was told that it was illegal for a 'foreigner' to wear a particular lapel pin.

Here is a photo of that pin on my jacket.


This pin was given to me by the boss of the Thai Tourist Police at an official ceremony in Phuket about 8 years ago - in appreciation of my help for tourists at the airport etc.

(BTW, my jacket is not 'festooned' with badges! I never got the flying wings pin for jumping off a 2-metre tower, but I am proud to occasionally wear this 'royal' lapel pin).

The immigration officer at the airport, upon seeing this pin on my jacket, was adamant that foreigners were not allowed to wear a pin of this type - it was reserved for Thais only.. (My explanation about the pin did not sway him...)

Has anyone else had a similar experience? IMHO, it is akin to telling me that I cannot wear a 'HM King' yellow shirt because I'm not Thai.


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I steer well away from anything that may be construed as a farang displaying royal insignia. A road strewn with many a prison sentence.

Surely not if you were officially awarded it? I know other foreigners who were also awarded this pin.

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I steer well away from anything that may be construed as a farang displaying royal insignia. A road strewn with many a prison sentence.

Surely not if you were officially awarded it? I know other foreigners who were also awarded this pin.

how would others know you were officially awarded it , Was a memo sent to all officials in Thailand notifying them of this ?

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I steer well away from anything that may be construed as a farang displaying royal insignia. A road strewn with many a prison sentence.

Surely not if you were officially awarded it? I know other foreigners who were also awarded this pin.

I know nothing about this but suspect this isn't an official award, just something given to a farang for good work at the behest of a senior official. The main point is a farang wearing something that is connected to His Majesty. This is a gesture that is open to misinterpretation as the OP has found out.

An unlikely but possible scenario. The said insignia is worn, the wearer gets into a disagreement, a scuffle takes place and the insignia is ripped off and thrown to the floor. A zealous policeman witnesses this and interprets it in a way we wouldn't understand.

We have all heard of the use of the law in situations like this where people have been put in prison. My thinking is by all means wear the insignia at official functions where the insignia is recognised but for day to day wear a little discretion is required.

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I know nothing about this but suspect this isn't an official award, just something given to a farang for good work at the behest of a senior official

This award was official - it included an award certificate signed by the Chief of Police etc and the press were present etc.

how would others know you were officially awarded it , Was a memo sent to all officials in Thailand notifying them of this ?

Was I informed about the awards made to millions of Thai people????

This thread is not about discussion of royalty etc. It is to discuss situations where you have been advised that you cannot do/wear something because you are not Thai. (I'll exclude prohibited professions from this discussion).

Have you ever been told that 'farang' cannot wear a yellow shirt? Or cannot display a 'We love the King' sticker on your car?

Can you show your support for Suthep with a car-sticker?

What displays of loyalty/support are only for Thais?

Edited by simon43
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Why is a farang expressing loyalty to one or another organisation/political party? Thailand isn't a bastion of open analytical democratic political discussion and argument. Go down that road and you will experience problems.

Thai's will nod in agreement with whatever opinion you express but don't confuse that with encouragement.

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I think a quick and polite letter to the agency that supervises Royal Awards may give the policeman quite a surprise. His action in trying to stop an awardee of a Royal Award wearing it could be construes as Lesse Majesty.

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If you had stood in line for a few minutes you could have gauged his reaction as the locals filed through with Union Jacks (etc) on their heads, ears, breasts, backs, a*ses, feet or baggage.

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It was awarded to you you have proof of it wear it if you like. But understand some Thais are xenophobic and hate farangs and will take offence. (there are racist farangs enough too you will have them in any country) Its a bit of a problem when they wield some power then they can go after you but you got proof so if its worth your trouble wear it.

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As proud as you might be, it isn't necessary to wear it on a daily basis, and maybe it belittles the award to do so.

Could be petty jealousy on his part or you might be wrong. It might be that the meaning of illegal in this context means inappropriate.

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Well Simon,

in answer to your question, it cannot be illegal for you to possess and wear the pin as you were presented with it by a Thai Government official at a Thai Government event.

Wear it with pride Sir as I feel you deserve it!!!wai.gif

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a thai friend gave me something similar years ago, it looked expensive but i could never bring myself to wear it.

from my travel experience i find its better to be the grey man and not stand out be it a farang in a yellow shirt on monday or my football team's shirt.

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The next question is - Was the officer who gave you the pin authorised to do it?

(for some unknown reason I can't see the pic you posted)

The awards my wife wears each came with an official letter with big red stamp and signed by HRH.

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The next question is - Was the officer who gave you the pin authorised to do it?

Read carefully, OP writes above in Post 7 =

"This award was official - it included an award certificate signed by the Chief of Police etc and the press were present etc."


Edited by ALFREDO
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The OP says it is a Royal award

I was questioning if the local boss of the tourist police is authorised to issue a Royal award.

The Royal awards my wife has are all accompanied by an official red stamped letter from the Royal department and signed by HRH. The top of the letter is embossed with the award.

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Maybe the immigration officer was confused - like all those hi-so police badges stuck on the front of cars, which you can buy at the market. I guess he also thought the OP's badge is fake too. I'd still wear it:)

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What was the purpose of wearing the pin through immigration on your way to yet another visa exempt entry. was it to provide some visual palm grease to smooth the transaction or ?

Edited by Spoonman
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What a joke. I had a simular experience I was presented a Thai military tie clip a few years back that I would wear when invited to functions with my Thai wife who was in the military and had a police officer tell me to remove it as it was against the law.

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What a joke. I had a simular experience I was presented a Thai military tie clip a few years back that I would wear when invited to functions with my Thai wife who was in the military and had a police officer tell me to remove it as it was against the law.

Did you, just out of interest?

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What was the purpose of wearing the pin through immigration on your way to yet another visa exempt entry. was it to provide some visual palm grease to smooth the transaction or ?

And au revoir Spoonman - I have noticed from your previous posts that you enjoy stirring the pot whenever I post. I can't be bothered to read your posts if you cannot add anything constructive. So you join the blocked users.....

Ahhh your answer albeit lacking says a thousand words and as I suspected.

Thank-you for the confirmation, please be careful upon that glass pedestal you place yourself so highly.

Edited by Spoonman
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