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Austrian bearded drag queen wins Eurovision song contest

Lite Beer

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Intolerance, bigotry, and homophobia are real things. Not only in Russia.

And why do you think there are gay pride marches? Is it because they like to dress up and wear fancy clothes? Or is it a reaction to hundreds of years of oppression, persecution and violence- an opportunity and a defiant statement about being proud of who they are as humans? (Possibly both).

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on (gay) people showing affection in public: the more interesting question is, would the reaction be the same if a straight couple had done the same thing? While I personally find such behavior rather distasteful regardless of orientation, yet most of those folks complaining about gays acting in such a way would have no problem whatsoever with straight people doing the exact same thing. That's what I call hypocrisy and cognitive incapabilities. Certainly not a good role model to teach children manners.

Well,we can't all be perfect. If people were honest with themselves most would admit to being hypocritical,bigoted,racist,homophobic,selfish,and superstitious in some small or large way sometimes or always as the case maybe although i think most try to be fair,especially with the PC brigade running wild as if they are taking over the job of Jesus,but themselves are just as frail as us bigots. In the end it doesn't matter as long as we don't hang people for having the wrong religion,the wrong colour,or the wrong sexual orientation. We will all be forgiven in the end,its Gods job.

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I don't know Rumblecat why they do it nor do i care as long as it is't in my town. If any long suffering group had a reason to march out in force it would be the coloured people ( that is probably not PC but i don't do PC ) but they don't,and they certainly don't make fools of themselves

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I don't know Rumblecat why they do it nor do i care as long as it is't in my town. If any long suffering group had a reason to march out in force it would be the coloured people ( that is probably not PC but i don't do PC ) but they don't,and they certainly don't make fools of themselves

He doesn't do PC.

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After an Austrian drag queen won the Eurovision song contest, Russia has demanded a ‘straight’ version of the annual competition, which it has denounced as ‘endless madness’.


Let them go and have their boring little straights only contest!bah.gif

It's a great idea actually.

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After an Austrian drag queen won the Eurovision song contest, Russia has demanded a ‘straight’ version of the annual competition, which it has denounced as ‘endless madness’.


Let them go and have their boring little straights only contest!bah.gif

It's a great idea actually.

I don't know about Europe, but I do know that this contest is an annual comedy show for most Brits anyway.


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After an Austrian drag queen won the Eurovision song contest, Russia has demanded a ‘straight’ version of the annual competition, which it has denounced as ‘endless madness’.


Let them go and have their boring little straights only contest!bah.gif

It's a great idea actually.

I don't know about Europe, but I do know that this contest is an annual comedy show for most Brits anyway.


What's wrong with some big FUN?

Yes it's definitely better with the Graham Norton commentary.

Eurovision without gays would be like Los Angeles without Mexicans -- a living hell!

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After an Austrian drag queen won the Eurovision song contest, Russia has demanded a ‘straight’ version of the annual competition, which it has denounced as ‘endless madness’.


Let them go and have their boring little straights only contest!bah.gif

It's a great idea actually.

I don't know about Europe, but I do know that this contest is an annual comedy show for most Brits anyway.


What's wrong with some big FUN?

Yes it's definitely better with the Graham Norton commentary.

Eurovision without gays would be like Los Angeles without Mexicans -- a living hell!

Did I say there was anything wrong with FUN?

As I said it's an annual comedy show and gets a high viewing audience in UK.

It's almost cult status in UK ever since barefooted Sandie won it with her Puppet on a String in 1967

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Did I say there was anything wrong with FUN?

As I said it's an annual comedy show and gets a high viewing audience in UK.

It's almost cult status in UK ever since barefooted Sandie won it with her Puppet on a String in 1967

next time my dad is banging on about quality music in the good old days i will send him the link to that video

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russians shave off their beards in protest


The Russian nationalist website Sputnik & Pogrom seized on Wurst's victory to warn Ukrainians of what awaited them if they continued to push for European integration.

The website tweeted an image of Wurst standing in front of an EU flag with the caption: "Ukraine, you want into Europe? Conchita is waiting for Ukraine! May 11, either you go to the referendum, or the blue beard comes to you!"

now associated with pooftas in skirts

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russians shave off their beards in protest


The Russian nationalist website Sputnik & Pogrom seized on Wurst's victory to warn Ukrainians of what awaited them if they continued to push for European integration.

The website tweeted an image of Wurst standing in front of an EU flag with the caption: "Ukraine, you want into Europe? Conchita is waiting for Ukraine! May 11, either you go to the referendum, or the blue beard comes to you!"

now associated with pooftas in skirts

You will have jingthing at your throat soon telling what your opinions ought to be,he seems to be very orwellian.

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russians shave off their beards in protest


The Russian nationalist website Sputnik & Pogrom seized on Wurst's victory to warn Ukrainians of what awaited them if they continued to push for European integration.

The website tweeted an image of Wurst standing in front of an EU flag with the caption: "Ukraine, you want into Europe? Conchita is waiting for Ukraine! May 11, either you go to the referendum, or the blue beard comes to you!"

now associated with pooftas in skirts

Putin exploits the natural homophobia in Russian culture to associate the "threat" from the west with gay people. Putin is using gays for his own political gain in similar ways that Jews have been used by other regimes. Scapegoats.

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After an Austrian drag queen won the Eurovision song contest, Russia has demanded a ‘straight’ version of the annual competition, which it has denounced as ‘endless madness’.


Let them go and have their boring little straights only contest!bah.gif

It's a great idea actually.

I don't know about Europe, but I do know that this contest is an annual comedy show for most Brits anyway.


Lots have Euro parties, get everyone round, loads of Booze and grub, get wasted and Laugh our TiT$ off at how cheesy and what a fiddle half the voting is, Great Laugh and good fun...

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Im easygoing, but that freaks taking the piss , and doing nothing towards tolerance folk of different life styles

You really do not sound very easygoing at all, sorry to inform you.

Calling him a freak is obnoxious. He's a human being. You are no better than him. Probably a lot worse (or more WURST ... more apt in this context) if you look in the mirror.

Also, be clear, it's just a show business persona. In his everyday persona you wouldn't notice him at a supermarket.

Maybe,but you must admit he ( whatever ) does look like a freaky human being. As for not noticing him in civilian clothes i think you would,the heat when you passed him by would probably iron your trousers, i'm assuming now that you do wear trousers.

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Im easygoing, but that freaks taking the piss , and doing nothing towards tolerance folk of different life styles

You really do not sound very easygoing at all, sorry to inform you.

Calling him a freak is obnoxious. He's a human being. You are no better than him. Probably a lot worse (or more WURST ... more apt in this context) if you look in the mirror.

Also, be clear, it's just a show business persona. In his everyday persona you wouldn't notice him at a supermarket.

Maybe,but you must admit he ( whatever ) does look like a freaky human being. As for not noticing him in civilian clothes i think you would,the heat when you passed him by would probably iron your trousers, i'm assuming now that you do wear trousers.

He isn't my type at all, in drag or out.

Perhaps you didn't know this point as well, gay drag queens (similarly actual ladyboy people) have almost zero sex appeal to most mainstream gay men. Drag queens are often heard complaining about how hard it is for them to get laid.

But they are good fun!

Your humor about gay people I reckon some people find it funny. I don't but if you like it, have fun with it.

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Would you enjoy the company of a bearded thai ladyboy ? Could be a new trend soon coming to Pattaya.

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Did I say there was anything wrong with FUN?

As I said it's an annual comedy show and gets a high viewing audience in UK.

It's almost cult status in UK ever since barefooted Sandie won it with her Puppet on a String in 1967

Thanks, for the LINK, nice to hear again,I grew up with this song played in radio when I was a child and I like it and still like that song.

Funny, the movements and facial expressions of the dancing crowd. tongue.png

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Eurovision contest has always been politically influenced. This time as well.

I guess most of the Europeans just wanted to send their message to Putin, who has previously been against gay rights as well as everything which does not follow the old school morals.

I expect the Internet to modify this image so that there is few used tissues on the table, while his right hand is under the table.


Europeans showing their dislike now of Putin, every time Russia was voted for, or mentioned chorus of boo's from the audience

that was set up by the pro immoral push gay and everything immoral brigade. most europeans are disgusted by this sick rubbish. obviously you get your information from a source that suits your ideas.

dont get me wrong most people are quite tolerant of gayism and the rest. what they object to - as does Putin - is the outright promotion of the subnormal to children.

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Eurovision certainly has a lot of gay and gay tolerant fans but I don't think anyone could have predicted that Conchita would actually win. It was expected the act would do well, the talent, the novelty, the anti-Putin politics but it was hardly any kind of conspiracy or fix.

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that was set up by the pro immoral push gay and everything immoral brigade. most europeans are disgusted by this sick rubbish. obviously you get your information from a source that suits your ideas.

dont get me wrong most people are quite tolerant of gayism and the rest. what they object to - as does Putin - is the outright promotion of the subnormal to children.

Calling gay human beings subnormal tells reasonable people that any indirect claim of "tolerance" for gay people is simply not believable. Putin of course is using the natural homophobia in Russia to demonize gay people and make them SCAPEGOATS to greater strengthen his power and popularity at home as he launches international adventures. The danger to children thing is classic ... same kind of toxic tactic was used against Jews by multiple nations. Yes Putin is massively popular in Russia ... so were some other autocratic, dictatorial, scapegoating leaders of the past which I won't mention by name.

The booing was not directed at the country of Russia but rather the POLITICS and offensive actions of their leader, Putin.

Putin is correct to take what happened at Eurovision personally as a protest against his policies personally, about gays, about Ukraine.

That said, I seriously doubt it helps Russian gays or Ukraine, because it plays into his game, of equating the west in general with gays who he has successfully demonized. Putin doesn't seem to care at all what the world things about him but he DOES care to keep his own Russian poll numbers very high.

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Eurovision contest has always been politically influenced. This time as well.

I guess most of the Europeans just wanted to send their message to Putin, who has previously been against gay rights as well as everything which does not follow the old school morals.

I expect the Internet to modify this image so that there is few used tissues on the table, while his right hand is under the table.

Europeans showing their dislike now of Putin, every time Russia was voted for, or mentioned chorus of boo's from the audience

that was set up by the pro immoral push gay and everything immoral brigade. most europeans are disgusted by this sick rubbish. obviously you get your information from a source that suits your ideas.

dont get me wrong most people are quite tolerant of gayism and the rest. what they object to - as does Putin - is the outright promotion of the subnormal to children.

Or, as Al-Bundy once said to his son, ''Do what ever you want to do........just.....don't do it in a dress''

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