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Thailand visa: Missing MH370 ‘behind visa run crackdown’. Fingerprints next?

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Well last year 2013 I came over on a Non Immigration-0 Visa. That's the marriage Visa.

I was absolutely amazed they would not allow an extension of this Visa.

Unexplained I think was the reason I could not show significant money.

What a country, you marry one of their girls and they kick you out of the Country with a fine.

I think 500 baht a day.

You would think they would welcome me, I get too pay my father in law to live when Shinawatra would not pay him for rice

On the other hand my Thai wife is welcome in New Zealand and we achieved residency in less than two years.

This year I have applied for Non Immigration 0-A Visa . That's the retirement Visa.

I have to show good bank account, criminal record and health.

$NZ250 say $US180

Then I only have to do 90 day reporting.

A non O is not a "marriage" visa. It is granted for many different reasons. It is only the extension that is specific to marriage or retirement etc

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so it is not because passports are being stole on an industrial scale, or that they are copied so easely for a small fee ?

Swedish imigrants "loose" their passports in an alaming rate. We talk 100000 passports that they have "lost". The Swedish goverment happely

print new passports to them and even pay for them.

At the same time the Syrian passport printing machine is "on the run". Anyone can now buy a legit Syrian passport. Since Sweden have granted

"assylum" for anyone with Syrian passports we are overrunned by people seeking "assylum". (In Sweden imigrants gets: Free housing, money, education, get out of jail

card and right to do what they want. No wonder 25% of our total budget goes to this farse)

The rumoured terrorits on the flight had Swedish passports.

Thailand should just ban Sweden and their crazy print-passport-support terrorism strategy that they have = problem solved.

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"They also get a warning that they must fly out of the country before that time expires and “get a proper visa from a Thai consulate” if they want to come back in."

PHUKET: -- A Russian national was denied entry into Thailand by Phuket International Airport Immigration officers on April 21 and detained until she could be deported the next morning. What???cheesy.gif

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There is a certain website that cannot be mentioned that will give you all the lowdown on Farangs who scam their

Fellow countrymen.

The Thai police need to get their own house in order before thinking about cross border crime with Malaysia.

If it was so easy we would not read about the bombs in the south everyday.

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Hi guys,

many foreigners own businesses and houses illegal (Thai wife owner), not pay taxes and so on,


not legal to use a dummy

If it's a Thai wife that is the owner...........how is that illegal?

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It looks very much that I have to spend my money elsewhere. If the Thai government not wants my money I must spend it in Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, in the Philippines, in Malaysia, in Indonesia. I am travelling a lot and I spend an average of 100 US$ per day.

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BTW, I wonder if this is also already trickling into other immigration functions. Just last week, I went in for my 90 day. Usually the immigration officer glances at it, rips off the bottom part, and staples it in my passport. This time, she took it to a computer and spent four or five minutes looking something up, then went to a printout and checked through that. I had no idea why a process that usually takes about 30 seconds stretched out to almost 10 minutes. Maybe this is the reason?

Normally there is a big book that all these 90 day reports get filed in.

They never get posted in a computer. Times are changed.

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It looks very much that I have to spend my money elsewhere. If the Thai government not wants my money I must spend it in Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, in the Philippines, in Malaysia, in Indonesia. I am travelling a lot and I spend an average of 100 US$ per day.

It does appear that Thainess is now hostility to the traveler.

Of all people, the tourists

with declining tourism numbers, or collapsing numbers, this may be the best time for them to actually do this, as they have less traffic and by default, more time to focus on the hard core

they picked the right time

Edited by Scarpolo
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First step. I think this country intends to keep squeezing and squeezing and squeezing until they force out most Westerners of whatever visa status. Both sides of the political debate want Westerners out. Anyone working here is seen as someone taking a Thai's money and job. And, as this policy shows, they can change the rules on a moment's notice. Retirement visa. Non-immigrant work visa? They could decide next week to kick everybody out of the country starting the next morning. And most Thais would probably celebrate.

Unlikely scenario and based on what data other than just being paranoid. This most recent immigration ruling is closing a hole in their process. It will improve an area that has apparently caused issues that were unfavorable. As for Thailand kicking everyone out I say extremely unlikely. Look at history! Has Thailand ever before done such a thing? Did they ever close down and kick out all the consulate offices and embassy's? As for jobs, it's common knowledge that many specialized jobs such as SME (subject matter expert) skilled workers are difficult to recruit locally. This applies to several industries. Thailand is not going to completely stop issuing work permits to foreigners it they are a value add to the country. Why create this fabricated illusion? Don't worry, us foreigner's aren't getting kicked out.
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If it is thought that this could involve more revenue in some way, then why not have a compromise, and abolish the free 30 day visa, and make everyone pay 500 baht or 1000 baht on entry, as they do for instance in Nepal and various other countries. The extra staff needed would be more than paid for by the additional revenue raised, and it might just put off a few criminals from choosing Thailand, if that is the excuse now being used to justify cracking down on Visa runs. It is a stupid system. Why not just update and modernise the whole Visa system, and make it more viable for genuine people wanting to stay here for more than 30 days? Visas on arrival are not that difficult to implement, if the will is there !

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BTW, I wonder if this is also already trickling into other immigration functions. Just last week, I went in for my 90 day. Usually the immigration officer glances at it, rips off the bottom part, and staples it in my passport. This time, she took it to a computer and spent four or five minutes looking something up, then went to a printout and checked through that. I had no idea why a process that usually takes about 30 seconds stretched out to almost 10 minutes. Maybe this is the reason?

Normally there is a big book that all these 90 day reports get filed in.

They never get posted in a computer. Times are changed.

There is a computer generated print out now, with the date to return for next report. That's been done for sometime at Trat.

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Thai side should not be blame for losing passport the Malaysia side lack of security in airport all the data never link to interpol server for checking

Philippines pirate came to Sabah to kidnapped Chinese tourist and the Malaysia government cannot even secure his own sovereignty, the corruption even greater then in Thailand.

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First step. I think this country intends to keep squeezing and squeezing and squeezing until they force out most Westerners of whatever visa status. Both sides of the political debate want Westerners out. Anyone working here is seen as someone taking a Thai's money and job. And, as this policy shows, they can change the rules on a moment's notice. Retirement visa. Non-immigrant work visa? They could decide next week to kick everybody out of the country starting the next morning. And most Thais would probably celebrate.

Yea...Until they start to realize us Falang pump more money into their economy then they think.............

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What a great move by Thailand. This will solve all their security problems, airport closings, bombs in the south, killings in Bangkok, hit and run cop killings, pervasive corruption, failed education system, drug and human trafficking. What a stroke of genius. Thais, they are something else.

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First step. I think this country intends to keep squeezing and squeezing and squeezing until they force out most Westerners of whatever visa status. Both sides of the political debate want Westerners out. Anyone working here is seen as someone taking a Thai's money and job. And, as this policy shows, they can change the rules on a moment's notice. Retirement visa. Non-immigrant work visa? They could decide next week to kick everybody out of the country starting the next morning. And most Thais would probably celebrate.

Nope! you're wrong. They are just one step smarter than what you have described:

They absolutely don't want to kick every Farangs out of the country. They desperately want us, so they can organize tricks, complicate laws, oblige fees, twist figures, scam and abuse for the "big Falang money".

I don't know exactly but I'd bet the Falang incoming money represents at least the 3rd or 4th source of this country's revenue.

Of course they keep squeezing: there's always juice in the lemons and always lemons coming in. In that sense, we can say they are no dummy. crazy.gif

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Border fingerprinting ? I dont think so somehow cheesy.gif

why not the American's do it...the equipment to do this is not expensive/electronic and info just goes into the immigration data base they are already using, you already have your photo taken coming into Swampy, so implementation of this is not so difficult

Yes, I agree with border fingerprinting it happens in KL, the best and fastest paperless immigration in Asia. The only problem I can forsee is the internet infrastructure required to keep it operational, it may need border crossing backup of all "visitors" until exit. But I get a visa every time I enter as it gives me the best "guarantee" of entry without undue hassle.

I must be the lucky one, I have never had a single issue either coming in, going out or reporting. I have always been treated with courtesy and respect.

We are ALL aware of the large number of foreigners illegally working in Thailand so we must expect a response. The fact that this is getting so much reaction, only tells me that it will be effective in making it difficult for the minority who are abusing the system.

For those border crossings where it cannot be implemented, restrict them to Visa only and no visa waiver entry, simple really??

The alternative is to grant one only 30 day visa waiver entry to facilitate tourism and then you have to pay for your next visa at a Consulate.

To the people claiming it will not be effective in reducing crime and terrorism, my opinion is that it will indeed make it harder for these people and increase the likelihood of detection before or worse case scenario, after

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Is it going to help in keeping terrorist and criminals out of Thailand? not sure,

as shown in Malaysia who uses the fingers scan system and still, those stolen

passport carrying passengers managed to get on board,

In short, the system is as good as the people who oversee and men's it....

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I think anyone who thinks Farange money means anything to the Thai elite, I would say, you are wrong.

They are much more interested and worried about their industrial base and their commerce base,

there are millions of Thai's in the malls and on the streets, buying from vendors all day and night,

you barely see Farange, and as a % of the population, its less than drivel,

other than buying over priced alcohol, and bar girls no one in their right mind would touch if not plastered.

Farange's aren't wanted,

and it is beginning to show more and more

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This is one of the most horribly written/edited articles I have seen in a long time.

It's sad. "Editors"; yes even quotes from non-native English speakers can be edited for readabilty.

Phuket News...? Thai Visa...? Yes, I am looking at you both.


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Border fingerprinting ? I dont think so somehow cheesy.gif

why not the American's do it...the equipment to do this is not expensive/electronic and info just goes into the immigration data base they are already using, you already have your photo taken coming into Swampy, so implementation of this is not so difficult

so do the Japanese
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Give me a 1 year visa and I will show.

1) I have income from abroad only and can support myself.

2) Clean criminal record in Thailand and my home country.

3) Pretty much anything else, I got nothing to hide.

Just give me a chance to stay here.

What's stopping you getting a 1 year visa now ?

Exactly, before I turned 50 I got a triple entry tourist visa. Extended by 30 days at the end of of each one. 9 months as a tourist. Not bad really.

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This is one of the most horribly written/edited articles I have seen in a long time.

It's sad. "Editors"; yes even quotes from non-native English speakers can be edited for readabilty.

Phuket News...? Thai Visa...? Yes, I am looking at you both.


If you are going to slag off posters for poor English skills you had better learn English first. Your post is "one of the most horribly written and unedited articles I have seen in a long time, your punctuation is all over the place, and I have never heard of the word "READABILTY".

Just remember that many TV members do not have English as a first language like yourself it seems.

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South Korea has been using a fingerprint scanner for years. It's quick and easy and the technology is not expensive. S. Korea also has heat scanners that will show an elevated body temperature possibly indicating a disease.

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One could suggest that they 'clamp down' on the theft of passports in Phuket, rather than tarring everyone with the same brush, but I suppose that would smack too much of hard work.

Passports are stolen (along with many other things) all over the world....how do you suppose you could clamp down on a thief who decides to steal a passport...or a wallet... .or a bag of sweets from 7-eleven...or whatever any thief decides to steal.

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I think anyone who thinks Farange money means anything to the Thai elite, I would say, you are wrong.


Farange's aren't wanted,

and it is beginning to show more and more

Or, you can look at it from the other side:

"For years, we've been very lenient in enforcing our immigration policies, giving millions of folks the benefit of the doubt, and rolling out the welcome mat.

This we do, in spite of the fact that our people have to jump through hoops of fire- for even a short visit to the countries these people come from.

And in return, they crap all over us, call us idiots, have absolutely no respect for our culture, spend most of their time and money getting drunk, treat our daughters as sperm receptacles, and find more and more ways to take advantage of our lenience."

Heck, if I owned a hotel and had to put up with a lot that I see on the streets of BKK, I'd kick out a lot of my "guests", too. I'd rather close down than deal with it.

Edited by impulse
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