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Thai Police find bombs in Lumpini Park after PDRC rally ends


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Sure. The protesters clean up after themselves, but they leave their bombs behind.

No, your beloved whistle-blowing, gun-toting mob did not clean up. The cleaners were hundreds of local council workers. Sa-nguan Phattumanond, a park cleaner, said there was a huge amount of rubbish left behind.


The violent "anti-democracy protesters" are just a microcosm of Thai society, so one would expect the "huge amount of rubbish left behind" too mimic the larger Thai populace in general.

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obviously the head drunk has told the police what he needs them to find to allow him to keep spreading his bullsh*t and threats, these people are a real laugh, why would you clean all your rubbish and then leave bombs and your id so that you could be blamed, just goes to show how pathetic the ptp and the red police are.

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Great set up by the Capo, especially the backpack with ID from a southern resident.

Makes me a bit confused though, during months of protest and bombings, police never were able to find any booms, except for a bomb making factory in Chonburi, which made the same ping-pong bombs used by the red insurgents, a girl died near that factory, it became a 1 day news item, and case closed???

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The stupidity of leaving a bomb in a backpack with name has a strong Chalerm smell to it. Surely somebody with some more grey mass in the attic could have proposed a better plan to accuse the protestesters.

They had no choice as they could not take these bombs into government house when they moved. Interesting to note that these pipe bombs are the same type that was found at several PDRC members houses, but these never exploded, wonder why? Also interesting to note how the Dems controled BMA lie, remember less than a week ago they said there are no dummy CCTV in BKK and now the truth comes out.

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Sure. The protesters clean up after themselves, but they leave their bombs behind.

Pity that they did not clean up... Even the PDRC journalist Michael Yon put some pictures yesterday with the rubbish devastated park.

Staff from BMA is doing the cleaning.

And about bombs discovered... They could have been planted, or be left behind, nothing changes. Violent thugs are on both sides, so nothing is a surprise anymore.

micheal yon can hardly be considered a journalist.

a self promoting tustafarian perhaps, jouranlast, not so much.

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The place looks trashed, broken street lamps and not a blade of grass to be seen. A very disgusting looking park and a real blight on the city. Will take enormous amounts of money and time to make it resemble anything like a park.

Oh please! Should we compare the cost of renovating the park to that of the government they forced from office? Which will recover sooner, the park or the rice industry?

Edited by JRSoul
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Sure. The protesters clean up after themselves, but they leave their bombs behind.

Pity that they did not clean up... Even the PDRC journalist Michael Yon put some pictures yesterday with the rubbish devastated park.

Staff from BMA is doing the cleaning.

And about bombs discovered... They could have been planted, or be left behind, nothing changes. Violent thugs are on both sides, so nothing is a surprise anymore.

micheal yon can hardly be considered a journalist.

a self promoting tustafarian perhaps, jouranlast, not so much.

I forgot a pair of " " before and after the word journalist ;)

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Home made bombs in a bag with an ID, that's convenient.

Anyone has a link to that PDRC guard "caught" with an arsenal of weapons a few days ago that turned out to be working for the police/CAPO?

The stupidity of leaving a bomb in a backpack with name has a strong Chalerm smell to it. Surely somebody with some more grey mass in the attic could have proposed a better plan to accuse the protestesters.

They had no choice as they could not take these bombs into government house when they moved. Interesting to note that these pipe bombs are the same type that was found at several PDRC members houses, but these never exploded, wonder why? Also interesting to note how the Dems controled BMA lie, remember less than a week ago they said there are no dummy CCTV in BKK and now the truth comes out.

I think they would had more than the two options of either leaving them behind (together with an ID card) or take them to Government house, don't you agree?

Most of the bombing attacks against anti-government leaders and protestors have been with actual grenades, not home made explosives.

Also, the BMA statement refers to CCTV cameras installed by the BMA itself, there's no indication that the CCTV cameras referred to in the OP are BMA cameras, only that they were dummies, they could be cameras installed in private property.

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The place looks trashed, broken street lamps and not a blade of grass to be seen. A very disgusting looking park and a real blight on the city. Will take enormous amounts of money and time to make it resemble anything like a park.

And that was before the PDRC even turned up.

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This is not the first time that the BIB have 'found' bombs and other 'stuff' at a site vacated by the PDRC. I can well believe that the park was left in a mess considering how long they've been there although Richard Barrow's photo shows a pristine Lumpini park.

The BIB have made a habit of making up stories and supporting red shirt 'survivor's' wacky stories about the protestors. Pity they haven't put the same effort in finding the bombers and shooters at the protestors. The usual gullible lot actually believe this story. No doubt this will be repeated ad infinitum to make it a 'fact'.

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Not saying the PDRC guards are altar boys, they aren't - and if there's hard evidence for wrongdoing, they ought to be arrested,

brought before a judge, and punished as needed.

The evidence found could be genuine. Not probable that someone would be as stupid as leaving an ID with bombs in a bag,

but doesn't mean it can't happen or that it did not happen. Just that it ain't very likely, and that the RTP got a track record of

similar findings when it comes to certain groups. Some say that maybe they are lucky, but seems like that lady luck only shows

up in certain cases.

So well done chaps, and by the way - how are those other investigations coming along? Any leads on previous shooting at

demonstrators? Attacks on houses of leaders? Bystanders killed? How about the alleged kidnapping cum drowning case - any

proof there other than the guy's word? Where did Mr. Popcorn disappear to? And what happened to those caught with the M79

and other weapons? Probably forgetting a few others.

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The police have never even come close to finding the murderers of anti government protestors. No leads at all since the protests started. Sadly, more than 20 people have been killed.

But....... If there are cases against PDRC protestors the police almost always finds the culprits. Including their weapons, bombs and.....IDs that are ....uh....left behind at the crime scene. Then suddenly the police gets very active and creative.

A clear case of double standards with terrible consequences. The PT/Thaksin supporters here on TV have no time to think about this sad situation because they are to busy calling the anti government protestors thugs and scum even though many have been brutally murdered. It seems.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Gee fancy leaving all that behind, including your own ID card. very convenient.

Considering the gross incompetence shown by these people to date, why are you surprised?

What will be your excuse when various PDRC members' fingerprints are found all over the items?

"When" or "IF" GK. You are being a bit presumptious. 2 days later anyone could have planted them including FAKE PDRC members.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Nobody should be surprised about what the criminal PDRC did in recent months, because the PAD (their predecessor) did much the same at Government House in 2008. Looting, vandalisation, drug-taking. After they were cleared out the police found swords, guns, bombs. This is documented in the book 'Thaksin' (2009) by Phongpaichit/Baker, p.342. The cleanup cost 20 million Baht. And, never forget that the airport occupation by PAD cost the country 290 billion Baht = 3% of GDP.

The surprising thing is that Thailand seems to have this 'death wish' whereby it lets hoodlums like Suthep and his ex-prisoner 'guards' run riot over Bangkok, thereby scaring off investors and tourists. Wouldn't it be cheaper just to throw these crooks in prison?

Maybe Thaksin was corrupt, dunno. I just know that economically things were way better when he was in office, 2001-2006.

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Yellows now in complete denial!

Pure as the driven snow!

So the police planted the bombs!i

It's never the prdcs guards when someone gets bashed

Guy gets stabbed in front of his pregnant wife. Wasn't us!. Oh hang it might have been but he ran over our cone and was drunk

I haven't even mention the fake monk. Why bother it's just denial after the denial.

The only way you defend these guys is by attacking the reds to mask the fact that you not only condone violence on your side but you are condoning suteps push for a fascist government !

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Nobody should be surprised about what the criminal PDRC did in recent months, because the PAD (their predecessor) did much the same at Government House in 2008. Looting, vandalisation, drug-taking. After they were cleared out the police found swords, guns, bombs. This is documented in the book 'Thaksin' (2009) by Phongpaichit/Baker, p.342. The cleanup cost 20 million Baht. And, never forget that the airport occupation by PAD cost the country 290 billion Baht = 3% of GDP.

The surprising thing is that Thailand seems to have this 'death wish' whereby it lets hoodlums like Suthep and his ex-prisoner 'guards' run riot over Bangkok, thereby scaring off investors and tourists. Wouldn't it be cheaper just to throw these crooks in prison?

Maybe Thaksin was corrupt, dunno. I just know that economically things were way better when he was in office, 2001-2006.

Economically, things were better all over the world when Thaksin was in office. Isn't Thaksin amazing! Of course the global economic boom had nothing to do with things being good in Thailand at that time.

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