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My Thai wife wants to pay the offending party

Greg Nixon

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I was in a small altercation this AM. A neighbour from Australia who lives a few doors away came to my front gate and said with an angry face " If you spray water at me again, I will put you on your ass. " The previous day I had playfully sprayed water at him but the water fell some 10 feet short of him. He said angrily, " Don't do that " and pointed at his hearing aide. I understood and got the message. The neighbour repeated his threat 2 or 3 times at my front gate with an angry face. I was a little perturbed by now as he had threatened me before in a similar manner for something so trivial that I have forgotten.

If he had come and said " Greg , you know I have a hearing aide which I do not want to get wet . " , I would have apologised but threatening me at my home is unacceptable. I said to him after he repeated his initial threat three times, "I will put you on your ass now" . With that i opened the garden gate, he grabbed my arms and I pushed him down on the sidewalk. He immediately began calling for the police. He did not call for an ambulance. The second thing he called for was a lawyer.

After about 10 minutes someone called an ambulance. I have superficial scratches and abrasions where he grabbed me.

A policeman came and took my statement. The neighbour whom I assume was feigning a severe injury was loaded into an ambulance and was carted away.

No one witnessed the altercation excepting his Thai wife who was some 20 to 30 feet away. She most likely did not hear what he said.

My Thai wife contrary to my objections went to see him and his wife in the hospital. She wants to pay them money. I said if I have to pay him money I will go back to Canada. To me that is an admission of guilt. He threatened me and I was expecting a pleasant chat. He grabbed me first which was an assault albeit a minor one.

If I had put up with that what would he do next time ? Paying him money is to me an admission of guilt and I fell I am not guilty. I did not go to his house and threaten him.

My question is ? Should I pay money to him ? Should I return to Canada. What is my best course of action? I have hired a neighbour - lawyer to represent me.

The neighbour has confessed to me that he does not get along with any of his family. Not his ex wife, not his daughter, not his sons widow. He is estranged from his whole family. Although his Thai wife's son stays with them he accuses him of theft and property damage. He is a very angry man.

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At least you were true to your word and did put him on his ass,i would not be paying any money,for what? This bloke sounds like a total tool,i would just wait and see what happens,but to contemplate going back to Canada, seem's a bit of an overeaction to a minor incident,and maybe he will steer clear of you from now on. This sort of incident is commonly described in the Uk as ' handbags at five paces'.

Thank you and 555 . You are very smart and funny. One thing i did not say is he accepted my challenge verbally by saying cmon. I like the handbags at 5 paces. I will use it.

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The neighbour seems to have anger management issues and you appear to have common sense issues. I think you should go back to Canada and he should go back to Australia. At least it would put more distance between you.wink.png

Maybe it was a language problem laugh.png

Canada and Australia laugh.png

A blind and a deaf speak together about colors.....

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Don't pay a cent.

'But your problem was reacting the way you did. You should not have opened the gate but if your ego is so testosterone-laden and sensitive, you should have been the one to say "c'mon". My bet is he wouldn't have opened the gate, and if he had, he would be the one completely in the wrong.

Handbags at 5 paces indeed.

Man up, take him a beer and bury the hatchet as others have said.

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I am happy that you are not living somewhere near me.

Spraying someone with water bah.gif

When he complains putting him down bah.gif

And than someone asks why Farangs have such a bad reputation in Thailand.

Spraying water at someone is already something no normal man gets in his mind. But everyone with honor would apologize later, not get violent.

Really? I noticed a few of people doing that recently. They were grown ups. I guess Songkran must be a hard time for you.

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OP, no offense but what age are you? And what age is the Aussie?

By your own admission, you took the aggressive stance (through provocation) and told him you were going to put him on his ass as you opened your gate. Him grabbing you could be seen as defensive especially as you ended up pushing him to the ground.

But anyway, apart from the above, no, you shouldn't be paying anything, as long as he isn't pressing charges. Wait until he is out of hospital and bring a couple of cold ones round to his property as a peace offering and sort it out like adults normally do when trivial matters get out of hand.

If the olive branch approach isn't in your capability, then yes, maybe you should be looking at Canada.

IMHO of course.....................wink.png

"and sort it out like adults normally do"

Is that normally before or after one of the adults sprays the other with the hose?


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Maybe best to just mind your own business. If you had issues with this guy a while back (for any reason) then spraying water was a big no no.

Thai's have a different way to deal with thing... your wife may have done the right thing by getting on side with the other Thai person or maybe not... only time will tell.

Payment here never means guilt... it's just a way things can be finished. The other day I saw a child on a bicycle ride straight into the road and get hit by a motorcycle, the boy was okay and the bike bent a little but 1000 Baht was offered by the motorcycle driver to the boys family... it's the small, big, bigger rule here. It doesn't mean fault but settles everything quick.

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I am happy that you are not living somewhere near me.

Spraying someone with water bah.gif

When he complains putting him down bah.gif

And than someone asks why Farangs have such a bad reputation in Thailand.

Spraying water at someone is already something no normal man gets in his mind. But everyone with honor would apologize later, not get violent.

Really? I noticed a few of people doing that recently. They were grown ups. I guess Songkran must be a hard time for you.

When it is Songkran, people know about it and can decide to go out and get wet or stay at home. This is completely different.

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