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Sudan woman faces death for apostasy


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Please, Islam may be the sickest of the sick, but all religions are barbaric in their attitudes toward non-believers.

All religions are man-made and suffer all the fallacies of man.

Of course they are ALL man made.......BUT...........WHY do folk not understand that they are purely that.........Man made....?

There is absolutely nooooooooooooooooooo proof of any creator up in the "heavens", YET, folk kill folk because of written words from a BLOKE w00t.gif a zillion years ago..........blink.png ........I am for sure noooooo angel, but I have learned that brainwashing is here. coffee1.gif

I don't care what folk do with their religious thing but in his day and age killing the innocent really is from a bygone era.

Innocents die at the hands of man, always have, always will. Only one more reason to doubt the existence of a god and regret the existence of man.

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All religions, including Buddhism, have their phases they go through. (People want to call Buddhism a philosophy, in order to dodge the category of 'religion', but it's a religion in every way it manifests, though it doesn't claim there's a God. It nevertheless has a God in The Buddha).

Phases of Religion:

>>> an enlightened man (though questionable whether Mohammed was enlightened more than the average pot smoking hippie)

>>> small group of followers

>>> large group of followers

>>> rift between sects

>>> drift away from spiritual - toward orthodoxy, stratification, rules

>>> divorced from pure spirituality, and ever more orthodox. Old men in robes making issuing edicts and making moral judgements left and right. Ever crueler punishments.

>>> more rifts among sub-sects

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I saw this article on the best internet and thought about posting it to my Facebook with a suitably negative comment..

Believe it or not, I was worried about what reaction any Muslims may have...what a world.

That's the very essence of why fascists come to power. A woman in the U.S has had to change her identity and in effect go into hiding for life for organizing a draw Mohammad day. Another example from Sudan was the British teacher jailed for calling her teddy bear Mohammad.


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I saw this article on the best internet and thought about posting it to my Facebook with a suitably negative comment..

Believe it or not, I was worried about what reaction any Muslims may have...what a world.

That's the very essence of why fascists come to power. A woman in the U.S has had to change her identity and in effect go into hiding for life for organizing a draw Mohammad day. Another example from Sudan was the British teacher jailed for calling her teddy bear Mohammad.


It wasn't even her teddy bear and her pupils named it...

Beheading the teddy, a few lashes for the kids and throwing the teacher to the bears ought to do it.

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All religions divide people they do not unite them. They create a "Them" and "Us" division. Why do intelligent people allow Religion any bandwidth in any area of their lives...?

Could it be because the lack of it leaves you floating helples and directionless in the raging oceans of Samsara? Seeking solace and 'meaning' in trivial pursuits and substances of one sort or another..

Just sayin...

"floating helples and directionless in the raging oceans of Samsara"

....are you kidding? I'm familiar with Hinduism and Sanskrit words like Samsara. If you're immersed in some eastern religion, fine, go ahead and ally yourself with all it offers. Yet, using a sentence with samsara for a non-religionist is silly at best. It's like talking slalom skiing with a Tuarag. Non religionists are free from dogma. Non-religionists believe in nature and all it's glory. Pure nature isn't good enough for deists. Rather than see things as they are, deists are compelled to wrap everything in myth - usually with a cruel, egotistical, vindictive man-like God. It's no coincidence, that Christians say things like; "FEAR GOD" Islamists probably have an equivalent to that. I don't want to fear anything. Yea, I don't step on snakes or stick scorpions in my mouth, but it's not because I fear them, but more because I respect their self-preservation instincts. They're part of nature, and nature is endlessly fascinating and wondrous. God, on the others hand, is a colossal pain in the you know what. though I admit, deists need to invent a God, because people, as a species need a moralist to lord over them. People are not advanced enough as a species to be decent and simply do the right things, if left to their own devices.

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I would love to hear here from a farang female who now has taken this religion to hear their thoughts on this "legal" religious Sudanese barbarity.

I only know one farang female Muslim convert, and we're not still in touch. she was the only one I know that converted for religious reasons, though; most of the converts I know converted so that they could marry Muslims, and are not the most rigorous of adherents to all the tenets of the faith


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Changing face of Britain: 'Muhammad' is now second most popular boys name Wonder what happens when you shout to you friend "Hey Mohammed you're an idiot"

You know how kids are so adept at mocking other kids' names. Here are two for Mohammad.

"Moham is mad!" "na na na na na."

"Mohammad had a beard

black as locomotive trains

Now Sunnis and Shi'ites

fight like they got no brains"

Nobody calls anyone Mohamad; they'll use one of their other names. It does my head in, by the way, along with the diversity of spelling, since Arabic is the only true language for spelling Muhammad, and all the transliteration a vary. But I am fed up asking "Oi Abdul, what's your name, Jimmy? aye, right, and how do YOU spell it?"
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Oops, a little over the top, I guess. Well, the watered-down version - Islam is apparently a religion of peace, tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness. Something along those lines. Look around you and see if that's the case.

I think you mean Allegedly, not apparently, sorry, just being pedantic. But, have to agree with you wholeheartedlythumbsup.gif

You have a point. I stand corrected thumbsup.gif

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Isn't it about time that bigotted countries like this are boycotted by all the world powers.

Sharian law is pack of and the sooner western countries start blacklisted these countries , the better. How much aid has Sudan got from others over the last few years.

Cut them off until they wise up.

Cannot agree, sanctions / reduction of aid only punish people at the lower end of society, the rulers/elite are not impacted.

often the people at the lower end, the men especially, are the ones most uneducated and most fanatical, supporting these crazy laws and preachers can control their narrow minds the best. Same reason communists and other authoritarians thrive in low/ no educated countries. Us against them hatred is so simple concept. The reason the Islamists want to ban and eradicate western education , boko haram; especially for the women. Keep people dumb slaves.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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All religions divide people they do not unite them. They create a "Them" and "Us" division. Why do intelligent people allow Religion any bandwidth in any area of their lives...?

Could it be because the lack of it leaves you floating helples and directionless in the raging oceans of Samsara? Seeking solace and 'meaning' in trivial pursuits and substances of one sort or another..

Just sayin...

"floating helples and directionless in the raging oceans of Samsara"

....are you kidding? I'm familiar with Hinduism and Sanskrit words like Samsara. If you're immersed in some eastern religion, fine, go ahead and ally yourself with all it offers. Yet, using a sentence with samsara for a non-religionist is silly at best. It's like talking slalom skiing with a Tuarag. Non religionists are free from dogma. Non-religionists believe in nature and all it's glory. Pure nature isn't good enough for deists. Rather than see things as they are, deists are compelled to wrap everything in myth - usually with a cruel, egotistical, vindictive man-like God. It's no coincidence, that Christians say things like; "FEAR GOD" Islamists probably have an equivalent to that. I don't want to fear anything. Yea, I don't step on snakes or stick scorpions in my mouth, but it's not because I fear them, but more because I respect their self-preservation instincts. They're part of nature, and nature is endlessly fascinating and wondrous. God, on the others hand, is a colossal pain in the you know what. though I admit, deists need to invent a God, because people, as a species need a moralist to lord over them. People are not advanced enough as a species to be decent and simply do the right things, if left to their own devices.

What are the right things? In these crazy Islamic places stoning this woman to death is the right thing to do. In the west it is not. I say we are subjective points of consciousness experiencing and objective reality. That objective reality is subject to natural laws of cause and effect, light and dark and all the inbetweens, like a spectrum of good to bad which exists objectively (this objective light dark reality must be what you believe in too? Other wise if everything were just subjective then there would actually be no right or wrong, as right and wrong would then just be subjective human concepts dependent on our particular cultural stand point).

If God(s) existing and communicating with humans to forming some of these various religious teachings then seems it's likely not down to one scitzo deity, but probably forces from light through dark. Words of Jesus or Buddha for example are pretty good pure light side teachings while other parts of the bible have been influenced with darkness and all religions have light and dark aspects with in them and periods of their history. So the atrocities and great deeds of kindness could be looks at as the forces of nature expanded to other non material realms which are trying to exert influence on the world for the path of the development of human consciousness. A good god of pure light would not be the same god of the old testaments needing to be feared or the god of darkness that these nutters are following and killing in the name of. No need to slander all the heavens because you can't recognize the dark side at work. People responsibility is to separate the light from the dark and increase their awareness/ consciousness to guard against the dark sides trickery.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Isn't it about time that bigotted countries like this are boycotted by all the world powers.

Sharian law is pack of and the sooner western countries start blacklisted these countries , the better. How much aid has Sudan got from others over the last few years.

Cut them off until they wise up.

Cannot agree, sanctions / reduction of aid only punish people at the lower end of society, the rulers/elite are not impacted.

often the people at the lower end, the men especially, are the ones most uneducated and most fanatical, supporting these crazy laws and preachers can control their narrow minds the best. Same reason communists and other authoritarians thrive in low/ no educated countries. Us against them hatred is so simple concept. The reason the Islamists want to ban and eradicate western education , boko haram; especially for the women. Keep people dumb slaves.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Agree, but economic sanctions with not change attitudes of the conservatives/extremists & only impact the most disadvantaged

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There are alot of comments here showing a disturbing lack of acceptance of other cultures. Maybe some diversity training is needed so that people can stop being so judgemental of others.

Are you trying to suggest that expressing opinions against abduction, human trafficking, stoning, flogging and discriminatory rules is being too judgmental? Or that these practices ought to be accepted and tolerated because they, supposedly, represent a different culture?

Edited by Scott
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In the cases of Cuba, Myanmar or even North Korea I agree with you. But for these Islamic extremist countries I think maybe they should be completely cut off to try and stop the spread and financing of the hatred/ evil; travel bans, banking bans, trade bans, the lot. Pull up the draw bridge. You lot stay over there and live how you like and we stay over here and live our way. Any extremists living in west/ other peaceful/ non extremist countries, then deport them strait to the extreme Islam lands; if they want to stay with us then it's just not on to be preaching for the murder of innocents just because they don't share such warped cultural views; if they like such shit they can go live under that system and stop trying to spread it around the world. Cut them off- send them away. For the sake of peace and love- no vengeance or hate. Any Muslims who are nice and chilled are welcome to stay, but if evidence of extremism send them away with out delay.

Isn't it about time that bigotted countries like this are boycotted by all the world powers.

Sharian law is pack of and the sooner western countries start blacklisted these countries , the better. How much aid has Sudan got from others over the last few years.

Cut them off until they wise up.

Cannot agree, sanctions / reduction of aid only punish people at the lower end of society, the rulers/elite are not impacted.

often the people at the lower end, the men especially, are the ones most uneducated and most fanatical, supporting these crazy laws and preachers can control their narrow minds the best. Same reason communists and other authoritarians thrive in low/ no educated countries. Us against them hatred is so simple concept. The reason the Islamists want to ban and eradicate western education , boko haram; especially for the women. Keep people dumb slaves.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Agree, but economic sanctions with not change attitudes of the conservatives/extremists & only impact the most disadvantaged

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May I just but in here with my two bob^

Any religion or no religion. If leading life according to principles of light - peace, love, non-harmful, helping others- then that is what matters, and karma or the good lord would recognise that. If religion helps people focus to be good then that's great- but the problem a lot of people have with religions is that often they are used for politics and/ or harmful purposes.

This light/ dark actions is across all religions existing objectively.

We all live in the same world after all. It's not possible one sect at just one point in time across all of human history has it exactly right while everybody else is wrong and doomed to oblivion. What sends us on through this life and next is the result of our own actions.

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All religions divide people they do not unite them. They create a "Them" and "Us" division. Why do intelligent people allow Religion any bandwidth in any area of their lives...?

Could it be because the lack of it leaves you floating helples and directionless in the raging oceans of Samsara? Seeking solace and 'meaning' in trivial pursuits and substances of one sort or another..

Just sayin...

"floating helples and directionless in the raging oceans of Samsara"

....are you kidding? I'm familiar with Hinduism and Sanskrit words like Samsara. If you're immersed in some eastern religion, fine, go ahead and ally yourself with all it offers. Yet, using a sentence with samsara for a non-religionist is silly at best. It's like talking slalom skiing with a Tuarag. Non religionists are free from dogma. Non-religionists believe in nature and all it's glory. Pure nature isn't good enough for deists. Rather than see things as they are, deists are compelled to wrap everything in myth - usually with a cruel, egotistical, vindictive man-like God. It's no coincidence, that Christians say things like; "FEAR GOD" Islamists probably have an equivalent to that. I don't want to fear anything. Yea, I don't step on snakes or stick scorpions in my mouth, but it's not because I fear them, but more because I respect their self-preservation instincts. They're part of nature, and nature is endlessly fascinating and wondrous. God, on the others hand, is a colossal pain in the you know what. though I admit, deists need to invent a God, because people, as a species need a moralist to lord over them. People are not advanced enough as a species to be decent and simply do the right things, if left to their own devices.

You didn't answer my point...religion provides direction...no matter how 'flawed' it maybe sometimes.

Non-religion provides NOTHING of substance...just bogus philosophies and lifestyles that are ephemeral and doomed to failure and oblivion.

I don't know that non-religious philosophies are necessarily "bogus", or that all non-religious lifestyles are "ephemeral and doomed to failure and oblivion.".

Adopting a non-religious philosophy as a way of life would probably be a harder undertaking as there is no outer agency to monitor one's actions. No whip, no sword over one's head. It is more up to the individual to keep in line with the ideals upheld. Off the shelf religion is surely more constructed, and for most as such, easier for most people to follow.

The notion that non-religious lifestyles lack real essence and are devoid of meaning is, again, basically a product of what one makes of his life. Following a religion does not necessarily make one's lifestyle any less "ephemeral", nor does it provide any intrinsic protection from failure or whatever stands for oblivion.

Religions provide structure, a way to alleviate uncertainty, a coherent view of the world, meaning...whatever one wished to call it. It does not really make them superior to other ways of life, though.

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There are alot of comments here showing a disturbing lack of acceptance of other cultures. Maybe some diversity training is needed so that people can stop being so judgemental of others.

We don`t need to..........Most of us is represented by goverments that has gone through "diversity training" and passed with flying colours..........unfortunately.

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