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Suthep vows to surrender, stop rallies by May 27 if remaining Cabinet members not resign

Lite Beer

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2009 disqualification as MP[edit]

In 2009, Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had received concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep had supported, Members of Parliament are banned from holding stakes in companies which have received government concessions. In July 2009, the Election Commission announced that it would seek a ruling by theConstitutional Court to disqualify Suthep.

Suthep held a press conference a day later, announcing his decision to resign from Parliament. Suthep's resignation as an MP did not affect his status as a Deputy Prime Minister and as a Cabinet member. If his case had been submitted to the Constitution Court, he would have been suspended from duty as Deputy Prime Minister. He insisted his resignation was not a proof that he had done anything wrong but that he was worried about status as Deputy Prime Minister.[10]

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That's brought 11 of you out very quick, just up your street, another thread about government blunders--no one.

Spot on ginjag, 11 of them led by #1 resident troll "phiphidon" himself.

So obvious the cowards trawl through the forum looking for easy pickings. And their silence is deafening on the many topics focusing on Chalerm, redshirt atrocities like children being killed by the red scumbags, rice farmers being ripped off etc.

What a pack of gutless trolls !

Again trying to invalid points over the death of innocent children. Sickening!!!

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2013 indictment for murder charge over 2010 strife[edit]

After several Criminal court rulings that deaths and injuries sustained by red-shirt protesters during the political unrest in April and May 2010 were the direct result of orders to soldiers given by Suthep Thaugsuban, the director of the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES), the Department of Special Investigation, public prosecutors and police agreed to file murder charges against him.[11][12] Suthep was also found responsible by the Court for the assassination of Italian journalist Fabio Polenghi, who was covering the 2010 protests.[13]

"People's Democratic Reform Committee" (PDRC)[edit]
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I don't believe a word he says. He is trying to get sympathy from the people who used to come out and support him. He will just say he has a million people and continue the protest. However he will need a lot more than a million to win a victor over the government. There is not great victory for him, the government or the Thai people. Have elections now is the only way you can have reforms in the laws and in the constitution. No other way. Elections, reforms and than another election.

Only crackpots believed anything Suthep ever said and I agree with your post that Suthep simply will declare a million people present and continue on in his mad way.

Still, the more Suthep and the PDRC continue, the more likely it is they will become completely isolated, which should also prevent them stopping the next election.

So I would politely modify your sequence a mite to say elections, a representative constitutional convention, referendum. So that would be


Representative Constitutional Convention


That would about do it.

Yes I think so.

What I would like to know from you PTP/red shirt supporters.

Do you honestly think this Govt is / has been run in a democratic manner as you would know in your own countries or any others?

Do you believe this Govt is pure a driven snow, not have committed numerous and blatant acts of corruption, cronyism, and nepotism?

Do you believe this govt populous policies where well thought out and for the benefit of all Thai people or only a select (very) few, and merely unsustainable campaign promises?

Do you honestly believe this govt has acted in a unbiased way to all Thai citizens and not shown total (biased) favoritism towards their supporters (red shirts)?

The last thing.

Do you believe that the anti govt protests are actually a bad thing and these people have no gripe of the current govt?

I dont think anyone is claiming that Puea Thai are all angels. Pretty much all politicians in Thailand are corrupt and put money in their own pockets. But ruining the country both in reputation and financially just to put corrupt Puea Thai out of office to replace with corrupt Democrats is not the answer. The improvements in Thailand will ultimately come from stability, not from anarchy.

The Democrats like Suthep and Abhisit are not interested in reforms, or otherwise they would have implemented them when they were in office. Just ask yourself, why did they not implement these reforms when they were in power? They had an absolute majority in parliament. They could have easily passed all these reforms. But no, they did absolutely nothing except put money in their own pockets.

These reforms are not really reforms, but just a power grab. Nothing more. Once they are in power, nothing will change and if there are any changes made it will be to ensure that they stay in power, not actual changes for the better of the country.

So, ask yourself ...is it worth ruining the country to replace one corrupt politician with another corrupt politician?

some mindless people on here assume if one doesnt like yellows one loves reds..,good post

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some mindless people on here assume if one doesnt like yellows one loves reds..,good post

Well BF, you may find this hard to believe but there are "some" people on TV who label anyone with the gall to condemn the PTP as a yellow lover ! Can you believe it ?

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I do not support any form of violence. If you know who was responsible for the sad deaths of the children then you should send your evidence to the correct authorities. I do not think that anybody believes that they were deliberately targeted and nobody knows for certain who caused the deaths.

For you to try to capitalize on those sad deaths just to score points on an internet forum is a sign of just how low you are.

For you to even think that I would try to capitalize on those deaths to score points shows just how low you are, and that you don't know me at all. You may operate like that, but I don't.

And for you to say you don't support any form of violence, and yet be an avid and vocal reds fan tells me that you are either a hypocrite, a troll, or a liar.

You go by the name Dr Bruce, did you take the hypocritical oath ? whistling.gif

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Pheu Thai, the UDD, and their supporters have always assumed that the anti-Thaksin movement was all wrapped up in one man - Suthep. It is true that Suthep has been seminal and in some cases key in bringing this administration to its knees, but it is folly to suggest he could have done it alone. He's been seminal and key in bringing on its dissolution, but he certainly couldn't have done that alone. He was seminal and key in the lack of a parliamentary quorum, but he certainly didn't do that alone. He's been seminal and key in Yingluck's departure, but that was the decision of the Constitutional Court. He's been seminal and key in showing that a good chunk of the business community, universities, ministries, and civil servants are on the side of this movement, and that outspoken presence proves he is not alone. He has brought hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of people to the streets. They still exist, and they can speak for themselves. He has championed the cause of the rice farmers at a time when the Pheu Thai administration turned their back and called them " fake farmers ". He has been an unflinching, avid and unquestionable supporter of the Constitutional Court and the independent agencies and the constitutional process - when neither Pheu Thai or the UDD have. He galvanized public attention to the outrages of the Yingluck administration - the amnesty bill - passed at 4 in the morning - to pardon Thaksin and over 25,000 other people convicted of corruption - the Senate bill that tried to amend the constitution through unconstitutional means - also passed at 4 in the morning - the rice scandal, that simply blew away billions upon billions of baht, creating a huge pile-up of rice that was destined to go nowhere, ruining rice farmers' lives, capsizing the rice industry, filling the pockets of administrators, engaging in fake deals and fake contracts, and taking Thailand off the top tier in the world rice export industry for the very first time in three decades. The Pheu Thai administration has been run by a man in Dubai through skype. Cabinet ministers have routinely gone abroad to receive instructions. Chalerm and Thaksin's cousin Surapong have been consistent in threatening the Constitutional Court and the independent agencies. This was a truly horrible administration, that was satisfied in its ability to get away with anything, and has thus exposed itself susceptible to the worst forms of corruption and graft. That is the administration that Pheu Thai supporters are so eager to defend.

Suthep has been key. But Pheu Thai have always been under the illusion that if Suthep were not part of this equation that the movement would simply collapse. They think it's all down to Suthep. But it isn't, and it never has been. This drama is not about Suthep. It is about the crimes of the Pheu Thai administration and Thaksin's unconstitutional hold on it.

What really is happening - and this is true whether Suthep is part of the equation or not - is that this administration has no parliament and no legislative power and is administratively paralyzed. There is no pathway to an election, because there is no guarantee that it could be successfully held, given a sizable and significant portion of the public that do not wish to take part. The courts and the independent agencies are investigating and ruling on the malfeasance of the Pheu Thai administration. Suthep's absence has no effect on that. That goes ahead. The Senate is trying to find a way to bring about a consensus on reform among all parties, because it recognizes that this is a national crisis. Suthep's absence has no effect on that. That goes ahead. Suthep's absence has no effect on the participation of the Democratic party. Suthep's absence changes the equation for Pheu Thai not one iota. Suthep exists because public outrage exists. And that outrage will continue to exist with or without him. Whatever happens in the coming days and weeks, the country has changed - there is no question about it - and will never be the same. A positive consciousness has been awakened. And that consciousness remains.

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I don't think I have anything to give up. I'm personally satisfied that people stood up to autocrat Shinawatra and stopped his dirty schemes. In the long run Thailand can only benefit from it. You are the one who just have to give up the dear leader in exile and things will sort out by themselves.

Give up the dear leader.

I'm anti-fascist, not pro Thaksin. All this time and you can't get that straight in your own little world of the feudal Thai elites and their feudal fahlang.

Your post above as with a few others here waxes philosophical, same as a concession statement by Gordon Brown, Julia Guillard, Mitt Romney, Abhisit himself. You know, the standard we lost statement - the my conscience is clear losers musing, the we raised people's awareness self-comforter, in the long run we (fill in the space), I'm personally satisfied - and so on and so on.

Yes, getting closer to the end daze / days. Time has always been on the side of the government.

That's what you say. If you really were anti-fascist, you would be in Ukraine right now, fighting against them. Not wasting people's time in Thailand by posting the same posts all over again ad nauseum. What are you trying to do here? Make up the numbers? Can't you show some originality?

Give up the dear leader.

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Oh Suthep will just point with his finger and count anybody who walks and drives in Bangkok then he will say they all came out to support him!

Hahaha sure he will "surrender" then he will post bail and then the legal proceedings will be dragged out until he dies!

Unless of course he is following the foot steps of "Dr." Siri who has already fled the country to the US after the numbers twindled and the threat of arrest.

After all how could anyone even think about to throw him in jail with those LoSo's with dark complexion!

The only time any of these crooks of all sides who are above the law would go to prison would be if they lock them up in a 5* hotel with room service!

I thought we had finally seen the final of all 20 or so final battles now he is going back on his word again!

He will "summon" state enterprises?

Who does the lunatic think he is?

Getting a bit delusional ?

He doesn't seem to understand his own Thai people and their ability to "abandon ship" as soon as they see the slightest listing!

They are called "phuan kin" in Thailand or fair weather friends!

Since most state enterprises are already occupied what is he going to do next?

Threaten ministers at gun point to resign?

Cut of water and electricity to Bangkokians?

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That's brought 11 of you out very quick, just up your street, another thread about government blunders--no one.

Spot on ginjag, 11 of them led by #1 resident troll "phiphidon" himself.

So obvious the cowards trawl through the forum looking for easy pickings. And their silence is deafening on the many topics focusing on Chalerm, redshirt atrocities like children being killed by the red scumbags, rice farmers being ripped off etc.

What a pack of gutless trolls !

Another keyboard tough guy. Pathetic. Atrocities indeed, total BS.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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That's brought 11 of you out very quick, just up your street, another thread about government blunders--no one.

Spot on ginjag, 11 of them led by #1 resident troll "phiphidon" himself.

So obvious the cowards trawl through the forum looking for easy pickings. And their silence is deafening on the many topics focusing on Chalerm, redshirt atrocities like children being killed by the red scumbags, rice farmers being ripped off etc.

What a pack of gutless trolls !

Another keyboard tough guy. Pathetic. Atrocities indeed, total BS.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It figures that you wouldn't consider children being killed by indiscriminate gunfire in a family oriented market. Despicable!
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I don't think I have anything to give up. I'm personally satisfied that people stood up to autocrat Shinawatra and stopped his dirty schemes. In the long run Thailand can only benefit from it. You are the one who just have to give up the dear leader in exile and things will sort out by themselves.

Give up the dear leader.

I'm anti-fascist, not pro Thaksin. All this time and you can't get that straight in your own little world of the feudal Thai elites and their feudal fahlang.

Your post above as with a few others here waxes philosophical, same as a concession statement by Gordon Brown, Julia Guillard, Mitt Romney, Abhisit himself. You know, the standard we lost statement - the my conscience is clear losers musing, the we raised people's awareness self-comforter, in the long run we (fill in the space), I'm personally satisfied - and so on and so on.

Yes, getting closer to the end daze / days. Time has always been on the side of the government.

That's what you say. If you really were anti-fascist, you would be in Ukraine right now, fighting against them. Not wasting people's time in Thailand by posting the same posts all over again ad nauseum. What are you trying to do here? Make up the numbers? Can't you show some originality?

Give up the dear leader.

You presume to dictate to me where I should be or why?

You presume to assign motives or loyalties to me?

Shove off.

I anyway commend you for getting some new lines even if they are arbitrary diktats. Come to think of it, that's really nothing new in your support of the feudalists and for the thugs that violently attack innocent voters at the polling stations. People that try violently to prevent or to stop an election are absolutely not to be trusted or believed when they say they support elections, advocate elections, will hold an election. Never. Not ever.

The way things are moving however Suthep and his PDRC aren't likely to be around to demolish the next election.

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That's brought 11 of you out very quick, just up your street, another thread about government blunders--no one.

Spot on ginjag, 11 of them led by #1 resident troll "phiphidon" himself.

So obvious the cowards trawl through the forum looking for easy pickings. And their silence is deafening on the many topics focusing on Chalerm, redshirt atrocities like children being killed by the red scumbags, rice farmers being ripped off etc.

What a pack of gutless trolls !

Another keyboard tough guy. Pathetic. Atrocities indeed, total BS.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Definitely pathetic. Although, he's right on one count...Suthep sure is easy pickings! The whole protest since November speaks to an utter lack of creativity on Suthep and the PDRC. Mocking Suthep and his ridiculous rants is the only entertaining aspect of this very tragic situation (OK...Chalerm too!).

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That's brought 11 of you out very quick, just up your street, another thread about government blunders--no one.

Spot on ginjag, 11 of them led by #1 resident troll "phiphidon" himself.

So obvious the cowards trawl through the forum looking for easy pickings. And their silence is deafening on the many topics focusing on Chalerm, redshirt atrocities like children being killed by the red scumbags, rice farmers being ripped off etc.

What a pack of gutless trolls !

Another keyboard tough guy. Pathetic. Atrocities indeed, total BS.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The only ones that are pathetic are you and your implants on TVF, had you had any gorm at all you would be against Dung government.

Any silly Rs could come and get a user name, and fire away at posters that are against pathetic run government.

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That's brought 11 of you out very quick, just up your street, another thread about government blunders--no one.

Spot on ginjag, 11 of them led by #1 resident troll "phiphidon" himself.

So obvious the cowards trawl through the forum looking for easy pickings. And their silence is deafening on the many topics focusing on Chalerm, redshirt atrocities like children being killed by the red scumbags, rice farmers being ripped off etc.

What a pack of gutless trolls !

Another keyboard tough guy. Pathetic. Atrocities indeed, total BS.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Definitely pathetic. Although, he's right on one count...Suthep sure is easy pickings! The whole protest since November speaks to an utter lack of creativity on Suthep and the PDRC. Mocking Suthep and his ridiculous rants is the only entertaining aspect of this very tragic situation (OK...Chalerm too!).

Did you forget the 2 years before November. democratically elected government--fouling up everything they touched.---Sutheps going so how about not being in denial---you did mention Chalerm---you forgot the rest.

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I don't think I have anything to give up. I'm personally satisfied that people stood up to autocrat Shinawatra and stopped his dirty schemes. In the long run Thailand can only benefit from it. You are the one who just have to give up the dear leader in exile and things will sort out by themselves.

Give up the dear leader.

I'm anti-fascist, not pro Thaksin. All this time and you can't get that straight in your own little world of the feudal Thai elites and their feudal fahlang.

Your post above as with a few others here waxes philosophical, same as a concession statement by Gordon Brown, Julia Guillard, Mitt Romney, Abhisit himself. You know, the standard we lost statement - the my conscience is clear losers musing, the we raised people's awareness self-comforter, in the long run we (fill in the space), I'm personally satisfied - and so on and so on.

Yes, getting closer to the end daze / days. Time has always been on the side of the government.

That's what you say. If you really were anti-fascist, you would be in Ukraine right now, fighting against them. Not wasting people's time in Thailand by posting the same posts all over again ad nauseum. What are you trying to do here? Make up the numbers? Can't you show some originality?

Give up the dear leader.

You presume to dictate to me where I should be or why?

You presume to assign motives or loyalties to me?

Shove off.

I anyway commend you for getting some new lines even if they are arbitrary diktats. Come to think of it, that's really nothing new in your support of the feudalists and for the thugs that violently attack innocent voters at the polling stations. People that try violently to prevent or to stop an election are absolutely not to be trusted or believed when they say they support elections, advocate elections, will hold an election. Never. Not ever.

The way things are moving however Suthep and his PDRC aren't likely to be around to demolish the next election.

Neither will your pathetic shambles of a government be in the race at the next election---but can they vote from jail ????

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It figures that you wouldn't consider children being killed by indiscriminate gunfire in a family oriented market. Despicable!

OTT post.

Would be OTT--everything that hits a nerve is denial.----Thaksin sent from Heaven--Chalerm -Jutaporn-the rest --Ha Ha what a line up for a government--the record proves it.

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I don't believe a word he says. He is trying to get sympathy from the people who used to come out and support him. He will just say he has a million people and continue the protest. However he will need a lot more than a million to win a victor over the government. There is not great victory for him, the government or the Thai people. Have elections now is the only way you can have reforms in the laws and in the constitution. No other way. Elections, reforms and than another election.

Only crackpots believed anything Suthep ever said and I agree with your post that Suthep simply will declare a million people present and continue on in his mad way.

Still, the more Suthep and the PDRC continue, the more likely it is they will become completely isolated, which should also prevent them stopping the next election.

So I would politely modify your sequence a mite to say elections, a representative constitutional convention, referendum. So that would be


Representative Constitutional Convention


That would about do it.

Yes I think so.

What I would like to know from you PTP/red shirt supporters.

Do you honestly think this Govt is / has been run in a democratic manner as you would know in your own countries or any others?

Do you believe this Govt is pure a driven snow, not have committed numerous and blatant acts of corruption, cronyism, and nepotism?

Do you believe this govt populous policies where well thought out and for the benefit of all Thai people or only a select (very) few, and merely unsustainable campaign promises?

Do you honestly believe this govt has acted in a unbiased way to all Thai citizens and not shown total (biased) favoritism towards their supporters (red shirts)?

The last thing.

Do you believe that the anti govt protests are actually a bad thing and these people have no gripe of the current govt?

I dont think anyone is claiming that Puea Thai are all angels. Pretty much all politicians in Thailand are corrupt and put money in their own pockets. But ruining the country both in reputation and financially just to put corrupt Puea Thai out of office to replace with corrupt Democrats is not the answer. The improvements in Thailand will ultimately come from stability, not from anarchy.

The Democrats like Suthep and Abhisit are not interested in reforms, or otherwise they would have implemented them when they were in office. Just ask yourself, why did they not implement these reforms when they were in power? They had an absolute majority in parliament. They could have easily passed all these reforms. But no, they did absolutely nothing except put money in their own pockets.

These reforms are not really reforms, but just a power grab. Nothing more. Once they are in power, nothing will change and if there are any changes made it will be to ensure that they stay in power, not actual changes for the better of the country.

So, ask yourself ...is it worth ruining the country to replace one corrupt politician with another corrupt politician?

Thanks Shannon, a sound reply.

I only have personal experience with the last three govts, the last being being the most relevant to me.

I will agree all are corrupt, and none without major flaws.

So, ask yourself ...is it worth ruining the country to replace one corrupt politician with another corrupt politician?

I would like to ask, why have another election if everybody knows nothing is going to change, and this same conflict will continue nobody what party is in office?

I would think having a (completely) independent government (non-partisan) for major reforms would be a good thing. Of course reform would not happen over night, it would take some time, but who cares? The only thing that is going to end this power (self serving) struggle is reform and a long break in the status quo.

So one has to ask, what is more important, an elected, corrupt, self serving govt. Or an independent body that could possibly bring this country closer to unity and possibly a better path to development that could be proud not to be considered a "banana republic".

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Definitely pathetic. Although, he's right on one count...Suthep sure is easy pickings! The whole protest since November speaks to an utter lack of creativity on Suthep and the PDRC. Mocking Suthep and his ridiculous rants is the only entertaining aspect of this very tragic situation (OK...Chalerm too!).

Did you forget the 2 years before November. democratically elected government--fouling up everything they touched.---Sutheps going so how about not being in denial---you did mention Chalerm---you forgot the rest.

Denial? ... I have no idea what you are talking about. You are sounding a big hysterical ginjag, maybe its a good time to take a TVF break for the night!

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That's what you say. If you really were anti-fascist, you would be in Ukraine right now, fighting against them. Not wasting people's time in Thailand by posting the same posts all over again ad nauseum. What are you trying to do here? Make up the numbers? Can't you show some originality?

Give up the dear leader.

You presume to dictate to me where I should be or why?

You presume to assign motives or loyalties to me?

Shove off.

I anyway commend you for getting some new lines even if they are arbitrary diktats. Come to think of it, that's really nothing new in your support of the feudalists and for the thugs that violently attack innocent voters at the polling stations. People that try violently to prevent or to stop an election are absolutely not to be trusted or believed when they say they support elections, advocate elections, will hold an election. Never. Not ever.

The way things are moving however Suthep and his PDRC aren't likely to be around to demolish the next election.

Neither will your pathetic shambles of a government be in the race at the next election---but can they vote from jail ????

More vacuous talk.

Say something of substance about the issues or the principal players for a (radical) change.

I was generous to have commended you on new lines, even tongue in cheek, lines which as I'd noted above only turned out to be new diktats and which as usual were arbitrarily thundered from above.

Which of the disturbed flat rocks is yours.

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