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PDRC's make-or-break bid

Lite Beer

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Looks like it's all over for the mad little evil lunatic. Oh wait he will probably plan another final push if he loses this final push. Be a man of your word you little turd and call it quits, give the country back and bugger off for good. There is a nice cell waiting for you and should be home for the next 20 yrs.

Suthep has already won.

He is merely removing the people from harm's way before the final axe from the constitutional court and the senate takes its final swing.

The reds will rise up and be blown away by the army as they march on Bangkok 2010 fashion with no PDRC to confront, they only have the army and violence.

They will be crushed and the UDD will be no more.

If you can't see that, then you are as blind as can be.

Unless of course you have 'contacts' behind all the closed doors that have told you otherwise.

Suthep is not just going to walk away and let the UDD/REDS/CAPO claim victory and neither will he let down all the people who supported the movement for the past 7 months, and he is especially NOT going to suffer the biggest face loss in Thai political history when the job is 90% complete.

But you lot who support the Thaksin regime can cling to your own delusions that Suthep has failed and enjoy the last 2 weeks of your god's power in Thai politics.

He who laughs last, laughs longest.

Just because I despise the evil lunatic Suthep does not mean I support Thaksin. Personally I despise Thaksin just as much as I hate Suthep.

This seems to be the thoughts of most anti suthep posters on TV. We are well aware of how bad PT are, just that if the yellows get into power, the people will lose the right to self determination and will be persecuted (and most probably exterminated) so that they are never able to challenge the ruling so call elites again.

Feudalism has no place in the modern world as anyone with an education and any concern for people other than themselves would know.

A change would be most welcome, but it must be a change good for the people of Thailand

All the more reason to support reforms.

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Interesting article in the Bangkok Post - search for "senate plan to appoint interim premier on track" . . . some highlights:

With reference to installing an interim PM: the process is already "80% complete.

Sounds like there's more to the OP story.

Suthep meets with the Senate. Then Suthep aligns with the Senate. Then Suthep mentions end dates.

Maybe Suthep has an understanding of the Senate's time line.

i also was thinking this..something guna happen this week i think..a lot of behind the scenes activity going on ..

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I believe people will come out on that day not because of Suthep. What is the main purpose for those people to protest in the very beginning? What have they saw in this current ptp govt? It will be very wasted and regretful for them to let go such an opportunity. The ever largest group of protesters when the people come out to protest the amnesty bill 6mth ago. And now is just one last small step to the finish line. Or have the people change their mind, hoping to see big boss daddy coming back?

Good luck to Thailand.

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Did you ever kick over an ant hill and watch them all scramble around? Its like that on any "political" TV thread. I love watching all the red and yellow folks snarking back and forth at each other - its great fun! Especially since they are all so completely blinded to their own side's character issues, corruption problems, violent predilections, etc. They just see one side as right, and one side as wrong. And that is why they are all morons.

were not all blinded sonny most of us know the awful people that play out this game year on year...so you can take my place as the moron..if befits your posts..or did i miss your poor attempt at humour...wai2.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Suthep looks well-rested and confident. Whatever happens, he knows he's on the right side of history. He's a genuine Thai hero. He has sacrificed much and put himself on the line for what he fervently believes in, to a degree few would have had the courage ( though naturally more than enough to mock ). There are many who believe in what he believes, but would not have had the guts to make the sacrifices he has made, or put himself on the line to the degree he has. Like most heroes in history, he doesn't have an unsullied history. But what Karma has been collected has more than been made up. And if he is destined to go behind bars, he will show Thaksin how it is done, proudly and with grace. Nelson Mandela showed that being behind bars for much of his life for what he believed in was a quiet and graceful reflection of character and moral integrity. To each man their own path and calling. Suthep has brought honour to himself by following his. Ideally, what is left of this illustrious Pheu Thai cabinet should resign. This illustrious cabinet - which includes such illustrious figures as Nattawut " Burn them, burn them all " Saikua, and Charupong - the man who endorsed a UDD platform that included secession on February 23 - these illustrious men are the vestiges of Thaksin's honourable cabinet. They are the banners of honour that Pheu Thai supporters have always proudly claimed as their own - the champions of decency to whom we can all aspire.

The final chapter has not yet been written. The Bangkok Post cites a source that says that the arrangements to appoint a prime minister through the Senate are 80 % complete. Other sources have indicated that there is actually more of a congruity between the Senate's inclinations and the push for this remedy than is known, but that the timing is not yet ripe for it. This sounds entirely credible, as does this :

" Pheu Thai Party deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa, meanwhile, denied an allegation by Suthep that ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra intended to pay 35 Senators Bt7 billion in total for their allegiance. "Suthep is insulting the senators. They are not goods that anyone can order to buy on the phone,'' he said. "

Said naturally with a straight face.

Who writes this crap. You or do you just post what the anti government speech writers want posted here

my my mongo have you ever re-read the trolling rubbish you spew out...and you think he talks rubbish.w00t.gif every village eh.

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Just because I despise the evil lunatic Suthep does not mean I support Thaksin. Personally I despise Thaksin just as much as I hate Suthep.

This seems to be the thoughts of most anti suthep posters on TV. We are well aware of how bad PT are, just that if the yellows get into power, the people will lose the right to self determination and will be persecuted (and most probably exterminated) so that they are never able to challenge the ruling so call elites again.

Feudalism has no place in the modern world as anyone with an education and any concern for people other than themselves would know.

A change would be most welcome, but it must be a change good for the people of Thailand

All the more reason to support reforms.

I do support reforms. Not sure where I ever claimed otherwise.

This includes

  • Judicial reforms - with judges not just following a political mandate
  • Election reforms - those corrupting elections should face severe jail terms
  • Military reforms - the army should serve the people, not the generals
  • police reform - top down
  • Political reform - accountability and corruption to be punishable for both sides and NO appointed senate

Until reform happens at the top, there will be no rule of law making anything else impossible

This does not change the rights of the people to choose their own government

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PDRC holds meeting on 'final battle'
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, May 18--- The People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) group on Sunday has met with labour unions of state enterprises and retired senior civil servants to map out an overall plan for the anti-government operation.

PDRC secretary general Suthep Thaugsuban and other PDRC leaders have met with representatives from labour unions of state enterprises to delegate tasks for the new operation and are set to hold discussions with retired senior civil servants in the afternoon.

PDRC spokesman Akanat Promphan said the meetings today will conclude and result in an overall plan for the anti-government operation.

The final battle to regain control of sovereign power will start tomorrow. From May 19 through 21, groups of PDRC supporters will follow each of the 25 remaining caretaker ministers to ask them to resign from their posts.

Mr Akanat said that government agency heads will be invited to a meeting on Thursday (May 22) to map out how to root out the ‘Thaksin Regime,’ adding that a major uprising of the people will occur on May 23-26 to pressure civil servants to join the fight with the people.

The PDRC spokesman affirmed that tomorrow there will be no seizure of government offices or television stations as the plan has been completed. He explained that the target is the resignations of the 25 remaining members of the caretaker cabinet. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-05-18

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"The final battle to regain control of sovereign power will start tomorrow"

What is the date of the next final battle? Let me guess the 22nd. Bloody daily final battles from the biggest moron on the planet

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"The final battle to regain control of sovereign power will start tomorrow"

What is the date of the next final battle? Let me guess the 22nd. Bloody daily final battles from the biggest moron on the planet

Is there anything constructive you have to contribute or you're just making up the numbers by repeating yourself ad nauseum. It's tedious. Incidentally, my old man used to say, kiddo, only an idiot dares calling other people morons. It appears he was right. God bless him.

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"PDRC to pursue acting PM and 11 ministers to force them to resign"

Suthep "Bully" Thug Suban

I don't see anything democratic in bullying.

Please what the Japanese write about this situation.

"Antidemocratic elements — and there is no other word for them — in Thai society refuse to tolerate a government that they do not control, the sentiments of the majority of the Thai people be damned.

This is the third time that judges have removed a prime minister they did not like and this indifference to the popular will is hardening sentiment in Thailand and pushing the country closer to civil war."


Said many times in the last few weeks...the above is what the whole world sees. Why cant the deluded anti democratic whack jobs supporters on Thai Visa see it

Has it ever occurred to you that actual illegitimate care taker government is totally antidemocratic in whatever they do. Autocratic rule. Nothing happens without one man's permission. Nothing. Not to mention paramilitary formations which killed almost 30 people and injured few hundreds so far. Bullying people into submission by unleashing UDD/Red shirts terror cells on them. Aren't you a bit deluded?

What's democratic about today's débâcle?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"PDRC to pursue acting PM and 11 ministers to force them to resign"

Suthep "Bully" Thug Suban

I don't see anything democratic in bullying.

Please what the Japanese write about this situation.

"Antidemocratic elements — and there is no other word for them — in Thai society refuse to tolerate a government that they do not control, the sentiments of the majority of the Thai people be damned.

This is the third time that judges have removed a prime minister they did not like and this indifference to the popular will is hardening sentiment in Thailand and pushing the country closer to civil war."

Said many times in the last few weeks...the above is what the whole world sees. Why cant the deluded anti democratic whack jobs supporters on Thai Visa see it

Or perhaps people should consider just WHY judges remove people that continually break the law . . . but then that ruins the fantasy that Thaksin is whiter than white and only has "the good of the people" at heart.

Because of a cooking show ?? I mean really ??

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"PDRC to pursue acting PM and 11 ministers to force them to resign"

Suthep "Bully" Thug Suban

I don't see anything democratic in bullying.

Please what the Japanese write about this situation.

"Antidemocratic elements — and there is no other word for them — in Thai society refuse to tolerate a government that they do not control, the sentiments of the majority of the Thai people be damned.

This is the third time that judges have removed a prime minister they did not like and this indifference to the popular will is hardening sentiment in Thailand and pushing the country closer to civil war."

Said many times in the last few weeks...the above is what the whole world sees. Why cant the deluded anti democratic whack jobs supporters on Thai Visa see it

Or perhaps people should consider just WHY judges remove people that continually break the law . . . but then that ruins the fantasy that Thaksin is whiter than white and only has "the good of the people" at heart.

Because of a cooking show ?? I mean really ??

Did he break the law or not? The simple answer is yes . . . and he got kicked out for doing it . . . same with every other Thaksin affiliated party . . . they simply cannot follow/abide by the law . . . if the laws are stupid, change them, that's what reforms are all about you know.

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Looks like it's all over for the mad little evil lunatic. Oh wait he will probably plan another final push if he loses this final push. Be a man of your word you little turd and call it quits, give the country back and bugger off for good. There is a nice cell waiting for you and should be home for the next 20 yrs.

Suthep has already won.

He is merely removing the people from harm's way before the final axe from the constitutional court and the senate takes its final swing.

The reds will rise up and be blown away by the army as they march on Bangkok 2010 fashion with no PDRC to confront, they only have the army and violence.

They will be crushed and the UDD will be no more.

If you can't see that, then you are as blind as can be.

Unless of course you have 'contacts' behind all the closed doors that have told you otherwise.

Suthep is not just going to walk away and let the UDD/REDS/CAPO claim victory and neither will he let down all the people who supported the movement for the past 7 months, and he is especially NOT going to suffer the biggest face loss in Thai political history when the job is 90% complete.

But you lot who support the Thaksin regime can cling to your own delusions that Suthep has failed and enjoy the last 2 weeks of your god's power in Thai politics.

He who laughs last, laughs longest.

There will be no civil war. The best either side could muster would be around 2,000 hard core supporters.

The idea of a people's republic is also a non-runner. There's a band on the east and west sides of the north that are not PT and I'm sure that if push came to shove, the people in the middle would not have the majority

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An interesting move there by Suthep.

If he (Suthep) surrenders fine.

However what about those prominent pro government personalities who have a number of outstanding warrants concerning their actions and comments.

Do they, or are they going to surrender of their own free will as well or are the police going to have to pursue those characters to execute those outstanding arrest warrants?

Justice or the due process of law such as it is here is being challenged and the result of a one sided course of action may well be the catalyst for more demonstrations and possibly more violent actions by the various concerned parties.

The whole scenario is a bubbling seething cauldron of intriguing power plays.

Arrest Suthep, put him on trial and if he is convicted indeed a new hero will have been created. That hero is one who will be and currently is in Thailand as opposed to residing abroad.

The whole move is rather like the tale below. Suthep is a wise old mouse

LONG ago, the mice had a general council to consider what measures they could take to outwit their common enemy, the Cat. Some said this, and some said that; but at last a young mouse got up and said he had a proposal to make, which he thought would meet the case. “You will all agree,” said he, “that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us. Now, if we could receive some signal of her approach, we could easily escape from her. I venture, therefore, to propose that a small bell be procured, and attached by a ribbon round the neck of the Cat. By this means we should always know when she was about, and could easily retire while she was in the neighbourhood.” This proposal met with general applause, until an old mouse got up and said: “That is all very well, but who is to bell the Cat?” The mice looked at one another and nobody spoke. Then the old mouse said:

Edited by siampolee
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Did you ever kick over an ant hill and watch them all scramble around? Its like that on any "political" TV thread. I love watching all the red and yellow folks snarking back and forth at each other - its great fun! Especially since they are all so completely blinded to their own side's character issues, corruption problems, violent predilections, etc. They just see one side as right, and one side as wrong. And that is why they are all morons.

were not all blinded sonny most of us know the awful people that play out this game year on year...so you can take my place as the moron..if befits your posts..or did i miss your poor attempt at humour...wai2.gif

If your "most of us know" is talking about TV political posters, than you get to keep the moron place warm :)

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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"The final battle to regain control of sovereign power will start tomorrow"

What is the date of the next final battle? Let me guess the 22nd. Bloody daily final battles from the biggest moron on the planet

Is there anything constructive you have to contribute or you're just making up the numbers by repeating yourself ad nauseum. It's tedious. Incidentally, my old man used to say, kiddo, only an idiot dares calling other people morons. It appears he was right. God bless him.

Such a cute little monkey you are :)

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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"The final battle to regain control of sovereign power will start tomorrow"

What is the date of the next final battle? Let me guess the 22nd. Bloody daily final battles from the biggest moron on the planet

Is there anything constructive you have to contribute or you're just making up the numbers by repeating yourself ad nauseum. It's tedious. Incidentally, my old man used to say, kiddo, only an idiot dares calling other people morons. It appears he was right. God bless him.

And chooka was talking about Suthep, who IS a moron. Your posey seems to take issue with Suthep being labeled as such - therefore you are an associate of moronism ;)

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Suthep looks well-rested and confident. Whatever happens, he knows he's on the right side of history. He's a genuine Thai hero. He has sacrificed much and put himself on the line for what he fervently believes in, to a degree few would have had the courage ( though naturally more than enough to mock ). There are many who believe in what he believes, but would not have had the guts to make the sacrifices he has made, or put himself on the line to the degree he has. Like most heroes in history, he doesn't have an unsullied history. But what Karma has been collected has more than been made up. And if he is destined to go behind bars, he will show Thaksin how it is done, proudly and with grace. Nelson Mandela showed that being behind bars for much of his life for what he believed in was a quiet and graceful reflection of character and moral integrity. To each man their own path and calling. Suthep has brought honour to himself by following his. Ideally, what is left of this illustrious Pheu Thai cabinet should resign. This illustrious cabinet - which includes such illustrious figures as Nattawut " Burn them, burn them all " Saikua, and Charupong - the man who endorsed a UDD platform that included secession on February 23 - these illustrious men are the vestiges of Thaksin's honourable cabinet. They are the banners of honour that Pheu Thai supporters have always proudly claimed as their own - the champions of decency to whom we can all aspire.

The final chapter has not yet been written. The Bangkok Post cites a source that says that the arrangements to appoint a prime minister through the Senate are 80 % complete. Other sources have indicated that there is actually more of a congruity between the Senate's inclinations and the push for this remedy than is known, but that the timing is not yet ripe for it. This sounds entirely credible, as does this :

" Pheu Thai Party deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa, meanwhile, denied an allegation by Suthep that ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra intended to pay 35 Senators Bt7 billion in total for their allegiance. "Suthep is insulting the senators. They are not goods that anyone can order to buy on the phone,'' he said. "

Said naturally with a straight face.

Who writes this crap. You or do you just post what the anti government speech writers want posted here
Funny Bob, I think the same every time you post "who writes this crap" :)

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Edited by Stradavarius37
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"The final battle to regain control of sovereign power will start tomorrow"

What is the date of the next final battle? Let me guess the 22nd. Bloody daily final battles from the biggest moron on the planet

Is there anything constructive you have to contribute or you're just making up the numbers by repeating yourself ad nauseum. It's tedious. Incidentally, my old man used to say, kiddo, only an idiot dares calling other people morons. It appears he was right. God bless him.

And chooka was talking about Suthep, who IS a moron. Your post seems to take issue with Suthep being labeled as such - therefore you are an associate of moronism ;)

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Suthep looks well-rested and confident. Whatever happens, he knows he's on the right side of history. He's a genuine Thai hero. He has sacrificed much and put himself on the line for what he fervently believes in, to a degree few would have had the courage ( though naturally more than enough to mock ). There are many who believe in what he believes, but would not have had the guts to make the sacrifices he has made, or put himself on the line to the degree he has. Like most heroes in history, he doesn't have an unsullied history. But what Karma has been collected has more than been made up. And if he is destined to go behind bars, he will show Thaksin how it is done, proudly and with grace. Nelson Mandela showed that being behind bars for much of his life for what he believed in was a quiet and graceful reflection of character and moral integrity. To each man their own path and calling. Suthep has brought honour to himself by following his. Ideally, what is left of this illustrious Pheu Thai cabinet should resign. This illustrious cabinet - which includes such illustrious figures as Nattawut " Burn them, burn them all " Saikua, and Charupong - the man who endorsed a UDD platform that included secession on February 23 - these illustrious men are the vestiges of Thaksin's honourable cabinet. They are the banners of honour that Pheu Thai supporters have always proudly claimed as their own - the champions of decency to whom we can all aspire.

The final chapter has not yet been written. The Bangkok Post cites a source that says that the arrangements to appoint a prime minister through the Senate are 80 % complete. Other sources have indicated that there is actually more of a congruity between the Senate's inclinations and the push for this remedy than is known, but that the timing is not yet ripe for it. This sounds entirely credible, as does this :

" Pheu Thai Party deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa, meanwhile, denied an allegation by Suthep that ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra intended to pay 35 Senators Bt7 billion in total for their allegiance. "Suthep is insulting the senators. They are not goods that anyone can order to buy on the phone,'' he said. "

Said naturally with a straight face.

Who writes this crap. You or do you just post what the anti government speech writers want posted here

Funny Bob, I think the same every time

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

well done with a one sided narrow and blinckered mind you excel yourself biggrin.png going to have to hand back that moron badge to you.or you can pass it on to bob.

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Suthep looks well-rested and confident. Whatever happens, he knows he's on the right side of history. He's a genuine Thai hero. He has sacrificed much and put himself on the line for what he fervently believes in, to a degree few would have had the courage ( though naturally more than enough to mock ). There are many who believe in what he believes, but would not have had the guts to make the sacrifices he has made, or put himself on the line to the degree he has. Like most heroes in history, he doesn't have an unsullied history. But what Karma has been collected has more than been made up. And if he is destined to go behind bars, he will show Thaksin how it is done, proudly and with grace. Nelson Mandela showed that being behind bars for much of his life for what he believed in was a quiet and graceful reflection of character and moral integrity. To each man their own path and calling. Suthep has brought honour to himself by following his. Ideally, what is left of this illustrious Pheu Thai cabinet should resign. This illustrious cabinet - which includes such illustrious figures as Nattawut " Burn them, burn them all " Saikua, and Charupong - the man who endorsed a UDD platform that included secession on February 23 - these illustrious men are the vestiges of Thaksin's honourable cabinet. They are the banners of honour that Pheu Thai supporters have always proudly claimed as their own - the champions of decency to whom we can all aspire.

The final chapter has not yet been written. The Bangkok Post cites a source that says that the arrangements to appoint a prime minister through the Senate are 80 % complete. Other sources have indicated that there is actually more of a congruity between the Senate's inclinations and the push for this remedy than is known, but that the timing is not yet ripe for it. This sounds entirely credible, as does this :

" Pheu Thai Party deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa, meanwhile, denied an allegation by Suthep that ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra intended to pay 35 Senators Bt7 billion in total for their allegiance. "Suthep is insulting the senators. They are not goods that anyone can order to buy on the phone,'' he said. "

Said naturally with a straight face.

Who writes this crap. You or do you just post what the anti government speech writers want posted here
Funny Bob, I think the same every time you post "who writes this crap" smile.png

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By mocking scampers bang-on post, it seems you are playing him like a cheap fiddle. I for one am not dancing to your tune. Now rosin up your bow and try writing something with more gravity.

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No body touching because this time I will be lenient? Do When he is not lenient it's an admission that violence from his team is the norm? Clearest indication yet of this sadists intentions.

It's made because he actually intends to use the threat of violence to secure resignation letters. Do this willingly under the duress of intimidation because next time we won't be so lenient. Unfortunately the idiot doesn't realise that this statement actually makes any resignation letter unlawful and useless .... the very next day, when the thugs have left, the person can recant their resignation saying it was made under the threat of violence and as such is not lawful.

Sutheps stupidity and desire for violence in the future are VERY obvious

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"PDRC to pursue acting PM and 11 ministers to force them to resign"

Suthep "Bully" Thug Suban

I don't see anything democratic in bullying.

Please what the Japanese write about this situation.

"Antidemocratic elements — and there is no other word for them — in Thai society refuse to tolerate a government that they do not control, the sentiments of the majority of the Thai people be damned.

This is the third time that judges have removed a prime minister they did not like and this indifference to the popular will is hardening sentiment in Thailand and pushing the country closer to civil war."


Said many times in the last few weeks...the above is what the whole world sees. Why cant the deluded anti democratic whack jobs supporters on Thai Visa see it

Or perhaps people should consider just WHY judges remove people that continually break the law . . . but then that ruins the fantasy that Thaksin is whiter than white and only has "the good of the people" at heart.

Because of a cooking show ?? I mean really ??

Did he break the law or not? The simple answer is yes . . . and he got kicked out for doing it . . . same with every other Thaksin affiliated party . . . they simply cannot follow/abide by the law . . . if the laws are stupid, change them, that's what reforms are all about you know.

Suthep destroys and election and goes against a royal declaration but thats ok .... Going on a cooking show isn't? Man your priories are completely screwed up

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"PDRC to pursue acting PM and 11 ministers to force them to resign"

Suthep "Bully" Thug Suban

I don't see anything democratic in bullying.

Please what the Japanese write about this situation.

"Antidemocratic elements — and there is no other word for them — in Thai society refuse to tolerate a government that they do not control, the sentiments of the majority of the Thai people be damned.

This is the third time that judges have removed a prime minister they did not like and this indifference to the popular will is hardening sentiment in Thailand and pushing the country closer to civil war."


Said many times in the last few weeks...the above is what the whole world sees. Why cant the deluded anti democratic whack jobs supporters on Thai Visa see it

Or perhaps people should consider just WHY judges remove people that continually break the law . . . but then that ruins the fantasy that Thaksin is whiter than white and only has "the good of the people" at heart.

Because of a cooking show ?? I mean really ??

Did he break the law or not? The simple answer is yes . . . and he got kicked out for doing it . . . same with every other Thaksin affiliated party . . . they simply cannot follow/abide by the law . . . if the laws are stupid, change them, that's what reforms are all about you know.

Suthep destroys and election and goes against a royal declaration but thats ok .... Going on a cooking show isn't? Man your priories are completely screwed up

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Samak was not axed for going on a cooking show. He was axed for lying about being paid to appear on the cooking show, which he was not allowed to do because PM can only have 1 paying job. He could have been voted back into the PM chair the next day, but Thaksin decided to choose somebody he could trust and control more, his brother in law Somchai.

Samak should have been axed anyway after his despicable behavior on a BBC interview where he verbally savaged the poor young female interviewing him, when he was asked about the Thammasat deaths. Only 1 person died screamed the manic Samak, repeatedly spiiting flecks of salive with his eyes bulging out on stalks. Look for it on Youtube. Disgusting, but the good lord put karmic retribution into swift effect.

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Looks like it's all over for the mad little evil lunatic. Oh wait he will probably plan another final push if he loses this final push. Be a man of your word you little turd and call it quits, give the country back and bugger off for good. There is a nice cell waiting for you and should be home for the next 20 yrs.

Suthep has already won.

He is merely removing the people from harm's way before the final axe from the constitutional court and the senate takes its final swing.

The reds will rise up and be blown away by the army as they march on Bangkok 2010 fashion with no PDRC to confront, they only have the army and violence.

They will be crushed and the UDD will be no more.

If you can't see that, then you are as blind as can be.

Unless of course you have 'contacts' behind all the closed doors that have told you otherwise.

Suthep is not just going to walk away and let the UDD/REDS/CAPO claim victory and neither will he let down all the people who supported the movement for the past 7 months, and he is especially NOT going to suffer the biggest face loss in Thai political history when the job is 90% complete.

But you lot who support the Thaksin regime can cling to your own delusions that Suthep has failed and enjoy the last 2 weeks of your god's power in Thai politics.

He who laughs last, laughs longest.

Cant wait to quote this comedy gold in a few weeks laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

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Arrest Suthep, put him on trial and if he is convicted indeed a new hero will have been created. That hero is one who will be and currently is in Thailand as opposed to residing abroad.

I had this conversation with friends the other day (most of them yellow as it happens) and while it was a heated discussion we all agreed on one thing. If Suthep is arrested and put on trial he will likely be aquitted because the courts are biased. They all accept and recognise this .... they just dont like to admit it.

They did seem to think that when Suthep is gone, the protest movement will lose its credibility and elections will occur and things will go back to normal.

What we all believe is that as soon as elections are held and a red majority is restored it will be clear that Suthep did not have the mandate of the people ... a few weeks of discussing that across the country and his credibility will be completely lost ... he won't be a hero in the long term, just an embarrassment. Most yellows consider him an embarrassment already, but whilst he is trying to hurt the reds, the yellows tolerate him

It's really very sad for everyone concerned, both red and yellow, that this idiot got any following in the first place ... all he has done is polarise a country even further at a time that it really needs to come together.

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"PDRC to pursue acting PM and 11 ministers to force them to resign"

Suthep "Bully" Thug Suban

I don't see anything democratic in bullying.

Please what the Japanese write about this situation.

"Antidemocratic elements and there is no other word for them in Thai society refuse to tolerate a government that they do not control, the sentiments of the majority of the Thai people be damned.

This is the third time that judges have removed a prime minister they did not like and this indifference to the popular will is hardening sentiment in Thailand and pushing the country closer to civil war."


Said many times in the last few weeks...the above is what the whole world sees. Why cant the deluded anti democratic whack jobs supporters on Thai Visa see it

Or perhaps people should consider just WHY judges remove people that continually break the law . . . but then that ruins the fantasy that Thaksin is whiter than white and only has "the good of the people" at heart.

Because of a cooking show ?? I mean really ??

Did he break the law or not? The simple answer is yes . . . and he got kicked out for doing it . . . same with every other Thaksin affiliated party . . . they simply cannot follow/abide by the law . . . if the laws are stupid, change them, that's what reforms are all about you know.

Suthep destroys and election and goes against a royal declaration but thats ok .... Going on a cooking show isn't? Man your priories are completely screwed up

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Thanks for telling me what my priorities are.

ALL who break the law should be punished for doing so. We weren't talking about Suthep, but as you've brought him into this, I'll say the following:

Whilst I admire to a point the fact that he's managed to expose so many people to the wrongdoings of the Thaksin clan and their followers, I don't always agree with "how" some of it has been done. I also am well aware that he's no saint either but it does rather seem to be "the Thai way". However after so many years living here, everything he and others have done pales into comparison to what Thaksin and his acolytes have done and continue to do to this day.

As for the "cooking show" incident, you obviously have been spoonfed the usual red propaganda. He was in trouble for LYING ABOUT BEING PAID ... simple as that. You cant conceal assets or paid positions whilst PM or indeed any other MP. He knew the law and he chose to break it and paid the price. As should any and all who break the law. Including Suthep.

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Suthep To Surrender if Final "Last Battle" Fails

By Khaosod Eng.


BANGKOK — Leader of the anti-government protest movement Suthep Thaugsuban has said he will turn himself in to the police if his upcoming "final fight" against the government fails.

"It will have to end by 26 May," said Mr. Suthep, the leader of the People's Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD). Mr Suthep announced last night that “victory” will be achieved by a massive "operation" to be launched next week.

Although Mr. Suthep is known to have announced numerous "final fights" in the past — a report by Prachatai places the number at 11 — the PCAD leader insisted that next week's campaign will truly be the final struggle against the government of acting Prime Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongphaisarn.

In fact, Mr. Suthep said that if next week’s “final fight” is not victorious, he will accept defeat and turn himself to the police.

It is the first time that Mr. Suthep, who is wanted on charges of insurrection and other related offences, has expressed a willingness to turn himself in since the PCAD began its protests in November 2013.

Anti-government protesters accuse the current government of being a proxy for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, whom the protesters view as a corrupt, anti-monarchy tyrant who continues to meddle with Thai politics from his self-imposed exile in Dubai.

Mr. Suthep announced last night that on 19 May PCAD demonstrators will begin "hunting down" the government’s Cabinet members and force them to resign.

"Those who know about the houses and safehouses of each Minister should report these home addresses to us." Mr. Suthep said, "We will organise rapid-moving units, and units that coordinate with neighbours and bureaucrats to determine where those Ministers are hiding."

He said he expects all of the 25 Ministers to be "found" within three days.

Mr. Suthep also said that the PCAD will encourage all state workers and bureaucrats to "rebel" against the government and hang banners proclaiming their loyalty to the "Great Mass of the People" in front of their offices.

Mr. Suthep said he plans to convene a meeting on 22 May with the leadership of every ministry, department, and state agency to "purge" those who are sympathetic to "Thaksin Regime."

"It does not mean we want to get rid of anyone. We will discuss how to re-educate the mind of those who serve Thaksin Regime," Mr. Suthep explained.

Finally, the "Great Popular Uprising" will reach its climax on 26 May, when "millions of people" are expected to pour into the streets across Thailand, said Mr. Suthep.

"The operation to return Sovereign Power to the people will commence on 19 May. It will wrap up by 26 May, and 27 May will be the day we celebrate the victory of the people," Mr. Suthep said, "This is the last roll of the film. 27 May has to be the Day of Victory of the Great Mass of the People."

"If the people do not come out in millions [by 26 May], I will cease all struggles, because I cannot fight more than this," Mr. Suthep said. "We have to prepare our hearts for either victory or defeat. We have done our best. Therefore, we will dedicate all we have to our missions from 18-26 May."

He added that he did not choose the date of 27 May as the Day of Victory based on any astrological calculation.

"I see that it is the time when the movies will have been playing for too long. It has to end,” said Mr. Suthep. Whether it will be a happy ending is up to the people throughout the country."

Mr. Suthep also suggested that Prime Minister Niwatthamrong resign before the PCAD attempts to unilaterally seize power on their own. For months, the PCAD has called for the creation of of an unelected "People's Council" headed by an appointed PM tasked with implementing a series of unspecified "national reforms.”

The PCAD had previously demanded the Senate appoint an unelected Prime Minister to replace Mr. Niwatthamrong in accordance with Mr. Suthep's interpretation of Article 7 of the Thai Constitution, but Senate Speaker Surachai Liangboonlertchai indicated on Friday that he would not comply with Mr. Suthep's demand for the time being.

Although Mr. Surachai did not rule out the possibility of an invocation of Article 7, the Senate's lack of action is considered to be a major setback for the PCAD.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1400398979&section=11&typecate=06

-- Khaosod English 2014-05-18

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Doesn't the mad man realize that a "forced resignation" would be worthless. Anyone who signs it can turn right around the next day and say they were forced or threatened to sign it, and that makes the whole thing invalid and now worth the paper it's written on.

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