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I have to ask, what do think is typical in the western world? I actually have

some experience in this arena and know something about the statistics of

what happens in the western world in this situation, but need to hear your

considerations. I am not trolling and my query is genuine before I respond

to your question.

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True love exists between Thai people and foreign people.

What they were probably meaning was that it s good luck he left 15 million. This is a lot of money.

Although I haven't lived in my home country for a long time, I imagine if a normal girl's husband died and left her the equivalent, which would be around 2 million pounds, then people would say good luck, especially if she never knew about the money.

I'd really like to turn 15 million baht into 2 million pounds. Can you advise how to do this please?

15 million baht to a normal Thai girl, who perhaps earns 15,000 baht a month is the equivalent to about 2 million ounds to the average UK worker who gets say 100,000 baht a month.

  • Like 1

I have to ask, what do think is typical in the western world? I actually have

some experience in this arena and know something about the statistics of

what happens in the western world in this situation, but need to hear your

considerations. I am not trolling and my query is genuine before I respond

to your question.

Im not one of those members that want to stroke their ego by saying how good their girl/gf/wife is when they are what society calls them losers of society in the western world. if it works for them then so be it, I am in no position to judge. If it makes them happy, then good for them, Im envious that they can find something that makes them happy

My experience in western society is that when you marry the woman of your dreams, then you stick by the words of "till death do us part"

I am fairly young in my early 30s, never been married, and I strongly believe in it.

in my fairly circle of friends and family, if you dumped your girl over something superficial like being sick, then that shows how insignfiicant your relationship meant.

In a perfect world, I would like to know that if worst comes to worst, then you can rely on your partner (regardless of age and nationality) and not have to worry about superficial things. It might be hard for those old codgers that married bar girls to understand, but its important to me, when shit hits the fan that you have someone to rely on.

just my 2c

  • Like 1

Nothing to do with the culture. If you got a good girl she sticks by you. I take it you were born last night?rolleyes.gif

I agree with you, but if you are dealing with a new culture/country, its better to know reality and what it entails. rather then get hurt later

and no, I was not born last night! :)



1) is Thailand mandatory - see other posts - Vietnam, Malaysia etc

2) get the appropriate visa - it appears that an ED visa is # 1 in your case

3) bring your g/f? High risk? "Garden of Eden" - how important is this factor?

4) your age? there is little that you can do about this

5) location - not that important. From my limited knowledge (I have never taught in LOS). CNX would be more difficult to "land" a job. Remuneration is significantly less than other places mentioned. Then, cost of living is significantly less too.

6) if teaching proves unsuccessful - volunteering is an option. There are immigration procedures/restrictions applicable?


research & research

take your time

expand your horizons re location

g/f factor


  • Like 1

True love exists between Thai people and foreign people.

What they were probably meaning was that it s good luck he left 15 million. This is a lot of money.

Although I haven't lived in my home country for a long time, I imagine if a normal girl's husband died and left her the equivalent, which would be around 2 million pounds, then people would say good luck, especially if she never knew about the money.

I'd really like to turn 15 million baht into 2 million pounds. Can you advise how to do this please?

15 million baht to a normal Thai girl, who perhaps earns 15,000 baht a month is the equivalent to about 2 million ounds to the average UK worker who gets say 100,000 baht a month.

Oh I see what you mean. Thought I was becoming even more thick.biggrin.png


I have to ask, what do think is typical in the western world? I actually have

some experience in this arena and know something about the statistics of

what happens in the western world in this situation, but need to hear your

considerations. I am not trolling and my query is genuine before I respond

to your question.

Im not one of those members that want to stroke their ego by saying how good their girl/gf/wife is when they are what society calls them losers of society in the western world. if it works for them then so be it, I am in no position to judge. If it makes them happy, then good for them, Im envious that they can find something that makes them happy

My experience in western society is that when you marry the woman of your dreams, then you stick by the words of "till death do us part"

I am fairly young in my early 30s, never been married, and I strongly believe in it.

in my fairly circle of friends and family, if you dumped your girl over something superficial like being sick, then that shows how insignfiicant your relationship meant.

In a perfect world, I would like to know that if worst comes to worst, then you can rely on your partner (regardless of age and nationality) and not have to worry about superficial things. It might be hard for those old codgers that married bar girls to understand, but its important to me, when shit hits the fan that you have someone to rely on.

just my 2c

I honestly don't want to offend you to your beliefs but seriously have you looked at the western world lately?

I don't know what experience you are referring to as by your own admission you have never been married but take it from someone who has.

Western woman are exactly the same as any other race.

There are good and bad.

My experience (yes I have been married to a western woman) is that she nearly destroyed my life. Took me to the cleaners then came back to run me through another spin cycle.

I know more people that have been divorced or separated than I do happily married.

Divorce is at an all time high in the west.

I hope you do get your "till death do us part" I really do but to assume it will happen in a western marriage over an eastern one is naive and silly. You got the same chances no matter who or where u marry.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Part of the reason I ask is I see and hear many ladies when their dad is sick or something happens, they quit their jobs, even dump their current bf and look for a local husband and go back home to look after them.

And was wondering if their husband (faring or not) would get the same treatment

The latest example I heard was a friends sister, she is middle to upper class girl who,s father had a stroke , dumped her fairly rich Thai bf, quit her job, and went and married a local Thai man who is apparently poor, all in a period of 6 months and moved back home town to look after him (mother is still alive and healthy too!)

I was mighty impressed but was surprised how quickly she got married,

The question,now the hook,follow by some good laughs i hope.


They stay by you as long as you have the means to support whatever life style you got

them to be use too, Thai ladies are not known to be loyal and have tendencies to play

the field as soon as you're not looking, and thus much less when time are hard...

Usual BS from a cynical person.


I can say definitely yes. Many Thai ladies have stood by me during hard times.

Same. Early morning is my favourite hard time.


Very subjective but in general, Thais are still holding the Asian values unlike the western counterpart. Well, I give you a 60% / 40% for and against.


I understand the thrust of your OP but ...

What is "typical in the western world"

and why do you think that it is 'Thai Culture' and not based on the chosen partner?


There seems to be a view that all 67 million Thais act and think exactly the same, so if you see one or two examples of a certain behaviour it must be true for all the others because THEY act very differently from US.

Likewise, if one Thai doesn't smile at one farang, it means ALL THAIS don't want US here. Of course it something similar happened back in your home country you'd just consider that the behavior of an individual rather than everyone of that nationality.

Do thai ladies stand by their man in tough times?

Sounds like something Dolly Parton would sing about.


OP, very difficult question. IMHO most will, some won't, as others have commented this is the case worldwide.

As for my relationship with my wife, without going into sordid detail, this girl saved my life, literally. She is the person you should be blaming for some of my stupid postings on here, because without Mrs. Chrisinth I wouldn't be here. Truth!

And I know 15 years is a relatively short period of time, but even now, through good times and bad, she still remains my wife and best friend.

That actually reads quite soppy, she is in fact a real ball-breaker at times, but still my best friend.......................thumbsup.gif

  • Like 1

I have to ask, what do think is typical in the western world? I actually have

some experience in this arena and know something about the statistics of

what happens in the western world in this situation, but need to hear your

considerations. I am not trolling and my query is genuine before I respond

to your question.

Im not one of those members that want to stroke their ego by saying how good their girl/gf/wife is when they are what society calls them losers of society in the western world. if it works for them then so be it, I am in no position to judge. If it makes them happy, then good for them, Im envious that they can find something that makes them happy

My experience in western society is that when you marry the woman of your dreams, then you stick by the words of "till death do us part"

I am fairly young in my early 30s, never been married, and I strongly believe in it.

in my fairly circle of friends and family, if you dumped your girl over something superficial like being sick, then that shows how insignfiicant your relationship meant.

In a perfect world, I would like to know that if worst comes to worst, then you can rely on your partner (regardless of age and nationality) and not have to worry about superficial things. It might be hard for those old codgers that married bar girls to understand, but its important to me, when shit hits the fan that you have someone to rely on.

just my 2c

I'm guessing you come from a family oriented background with family oriented values. In that situation, you have strong feelings towards "in sickness and in health, til death do us part". In the west, those values don't stand up to the weaknesses of the human frailties. The rate of divorce between married couples where one experiences a debilitating illness/accident, most women involved with long term relationships remained with the man they loved while the greatest percentage of men left their significant other when she no longer fulfilled her "wifely" duties.

I have been a caretaker to both my father and my 1st wife, both culminating with their demise.

I am now married to a Thai woman who I have known for 18 years and I am constantly reminded of her love/care on a daily basis. I am a lucky man that can only suggest you choose wisely.

BTW - I agree with your ethics concerning the validity of marriage, good luck as I can attest it is possible

  • Like 1

I have to ask, what do think is typical in the western world? I actually have

some experience in this arena and know something about the statistics of

what happens in the western world in this situation, but need to hear your

considerations. I am not trolling and my query is genuine before I respond

to your question.

Im not one of those members that want to stroke their ego by saying how good their girl/gf/wife is when they are what society calls them losers of society in the western world. if it works for them then so be it, I am in no position to judge. If it makes them happy, then good for them, Im envious that they can find something that makes them happy

My experience in western society is that when you marry the woman of your dreams, then you stick by the words of "till death do us part"

I am fairly young in my early 30s, never been married, and I strongly believe in it.

in my fairly circle of friends and family, if you dumped your girl over something superficial like being sick, then that shows how insignfiicant your relationship meant.

In a perfect world, I would like to know that if worst comes to worst, then you can rely on your partner (regardless of age and nationality) and not have to worry about superficial things. It might be hard for those old codgers that married bar girls to understand, but its important to me, when shit hits the fan that you have someone to rely on.

just my 2c

I'm guessing you come from a family oriented background with family oriented values. In that situation, you have strong feelings towards "in sickness and in health, til death do us part". In the west, those values don't stand up to the weaknesses of the human frailties. The rate of divorce between married couples where one experiences a debilitating illness/accident, most women involved with long term relationships remained with the man they loved while the greatest percentage of men left their significant other when she no longer fulfilled her "wifely" duties.

I have been a caretaker to both my father and my 1st wife, both culminating with their demise.

I am now married to a Thai woman who I have known for 18 years and I am constantly reminded of her love/care on a daily basis. I am a lucky man that can only suggest you choose wisely.

BTW - I agree with your ethics concerning the validity of marriage, good luck as I can attest it is possible


didn't read any of the replies.

but ...

if your tough times are caused by thai people/rules/customs, your thai gf/wife WILL not object them... period.


  • Like 1

They stay by you as long as you have the means to support whatever life style you got

them to be use too, Thai ladies are not known to be loyal and have tendencies to play

the field as soon as you're not looking, and thus much less when time are hard...

you got any stats to back that claim up?


why would you think they would all act the same?

file under: brainwashing... as long as u can not accept that thai people think totally different than farang, u have no idea what u're doing there.

i'm NOT saying they think stupid... i say they think *all* very similar similar (uniform) due to education/brainwashing/etc....

no need to call me racist or "generalising" or bitter, i know what i'm saying. and i love thai people but would NEVER rely on them in case of an issue.... never ever.

this very mentality makes my stay in thailand very UN-frustrating, UN-stressy, UN-disappointed.

oh and many people in the world are identical, i lived in Africa, N-Africa, Balkan, .... they will also take sides with their own people, always, or stay out of taking sides when you are having an issue.

  • Like 1

why would you think they would all act the same?

file under: brainwashing... as long as u can not accept that thai people think totally different than farang, u have no idea what u're doing there.

i'm NOT saying they think stupid... i say they think *all* very similar similar (uniform) due to education/brainwashing/etc....

no need to call me racist or "generalising" or bitter, i know what i'm saying. and i love thai people but would NEVER rely on them in case of an issue.... never ever.

this very mentality makes my stay in thailand very UN-frustrating, UN-stressy, UN-disappointed.

oh and many people in the world are identical, i lived in Africa, N-Africa, Balkan, .... they will also take sides with their own people, always, or stay out of taking sides when you are having an issue.

I know exactly what I do in thailand and have been doing so for many years. you ARE generalizing and obviously spend time with a certain type


why would you think they would all act the same?

file under: brainwashing... as long as u can not accept that thai people think totally different than farang, u have no idea what u're doing there.

i'm NOT saying they think stupid... i say they think *all* very similar similar (uniform) due to education/brainwashing/etc....

no need to call me racist or "generalising" or bitter, i know what i'm saying. and i love thai people but would NEVER rely on them in case of an issue.... never ever.

this very mentality makes my stay in thailand very UN-frustrating, UN-stressy, UN-disappointed.

oh and many people in the world are identical, i lived in Africa, N-Africa, Balkan, .... they will also take sides with their own people, always, or stay out of taking sides when you are having an issue.

I know exactly what I do in thailand and have been doing so for many years. you ARE generalizing and obviously spend time with a certain type

good for you. i know what i say and it's based on OBJECTIVE research. i don't spend time with a certain type since:

1/ i move all the time (been living all-over the south and the centre & north, never isaan sofar)

2/ i have no wife/family there (keeping me inside a certain scene)

anyway, i'm not here to convince you, at all. we will talk again whenever u have an issue, the type of issue i'm refering to. many of my 20years+ LOYAL thai friends will help me whenever needed BUT when the issue is too "delicate" they will NOT. thai know very well how far they can/are willing to go. which is perfectly ok for me as i don't expect them to help me.


  • Like 1

No man should marry a woman if he thinks along the line their maybe a possible chance that she'll leave in circumstances like the OP. Too many Farang men get married early that are still in the 'glamour' stage of the relationship.

stay together with your significant other 5 yrs prior to marriage, and you will know if she will stick around until 'death do us part'.

TRUE faithfulness - loyalty - Love are characteristics only few possess sad.png

If that's your missus in the photo then I wouldn't blame you for marrying in the glamour stage. wink.png

Ummm.. I'm the girl in the photo, unless you know a man name Kirsty?

But thanks for the compliment. I feel flattered. 555+

pretty, and pretty sharp..


why would you think they would all act the same?

file under: brainwashing... as long as u can not accept that thai people think totally different than farang, u have no idea what u're doing there.

i'm NOT saying they think stupid... i say they think *all* very similar similar (uniform) due to education/brainwashing/etc....

no need to call me racist or "generalising" or bitter, i know what i'm saying. and i love thai people but would NEVER rely on them in case of an issue.... never ever.

this very mentality makes my stay in thailand very UN-frustrating, UN-stressy, UN-disappointed.

oh and many people in the world are identical, i lived in Africa, N-Africa, Balkan, .... they will also take sides with their own people, always, or stay out of taking sides when you are having an issue.

I know exactly what I do in thailand and have been doing so for many years. you ARE generalizing and obviously spend time with a certain type

good for you. i know what i say and it's based on OBJECTIVE research. i don't spend time with a certain type since:

1/ i move all the time (been living all-over the south and the centre & north, never isaan sofar)

2/ i have no wife/family there (keeping me inside a certain scene)

anyway, i'm not here to convince you, at all. we will talk again whenever u have an issue, the type of issue i'm refering to. many of my 20years+ LOYAL thai friends will help me whenever needed BUT when the issue is too "delicate" they will NOT. thai know very well how far they can/are willing to go. which is perfectly ok for me as i don't expect them to help me.


lol! a subjective opinion on the quality of your objective research!. and whoever you are spending time with certainly dont match the folks I am familiar with. And my experience in thailand is more than a match for yours so spare me the "old thai hand" schtick


I've had mixed experiences with a couple of different Thai girlfriends. One thing that sticks in my mind, however, is the following. A couple of years ago my girlfriend had a friend who owned a beauty shop. She stopped by often to chat and I also got to know her girlfriend and her Farang boyfriend and they always seemed nice to me. One day her girlfriend was telling her friends in the shop that a woman she knows.......HAD VERY GOOD LUCK.........HER FARANG HUSBAND DIED SUDDENLY.....HE LEFT HER OVER 15 MILLION BAHT!!! This is good luck? Your husband dies? I still shake my head. To my surprise every woman in the shop agreed....THIS WAS GOOD LUCK!!! Not one word of how the poor guy passed away or sadness about his sudden demise!

if this were back in the west and a guy had an older wife die and then he unexpectedly inherited 15 million pounds/euros/ dollars etc you can bet

a lot of his friends would think he was a lucky son of a b itch biggrin.png



My girls's name is neither Nit nor a bargirl. While she doesn't see me as a walking ATM. Regardless, still need more time with her to gain more information about her loyalty.

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