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Indiscriminating Staff RAM Hospital


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Coming back from a two month diving trip on Ko Tao Island i needed to check up a wound and swollen , infected finger at RAM Hospital. As i already have been registered and holder of a RAM Card after other treatments, i just contacted the counter staff , showed her my Kasikorn ATM Card which includes Accidents Insurance.So, the Lady confirmed the treatment will be covered until 5000 bht.

The Doctor checked the wound, very friendly and of course unobjectively he prescribed me a simple Antibiotics & Painkillers, sent me to the counter where they handle out the medication.

So far so good..

As i realize that several other numbers passing over my number to pick the medication i ask them on the counter when i will receive mine...?

Once i realize there is a fussy Lady calling on the phone doesnt want to handle me out the required Pills exept i pay cash right now, im really gonna feel pissed off .Whats the point ? She doesnt " believe" me that the insurance covers the costs, as i never used it before, she brings in another colleague to confirm they dont " believe" me i didnt use that insurance before so they want me to pay cash.

No, i said. Let me talk to your Boss right now! I will complain about you both , almost accusing me to try obtaining medical services . Am i suspected here in a Hospital as im searching a medical treatment and in need to get this pills now? <deleted> , they finally want me to sign a paper i didnt use the insurance before so the costs will be covered surely... Asking them if they would do the same with a thai citizen , no answer. The nasty guy even starts to doubt about my health problems face to face in presence of a Consumer Relation Lady , which fortunately sorted out everything in my favor. They finally handle me out what the doctor prescribed me and keep quiet both of the impolite employees.

Writing a official complain does it make sense, will they be rebuked or what will be the following proceed ? Anibody has similar experiences?

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I suggest you relax or you're never going to be very happy in Thailand. That's a lot of venting over what probably was an insignificant amount of money and what might have been simply a misunderstanding about the process in which coverage is handled. Anyway, hope the wound gets better soon.

Edited by Mapguy
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Used insurance 4 times but each time as an in patient and it has always been sorted before I was discharged. Twice at Raj, twice at Klaimor.

Had to pay a small excess once but that was it,simple.

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I totally agree with our eyecatcher.

An English acquaintance I was unfortunate to know in Chiang Mai some years ago visited the Ram for a chest complaint. Although he had no insurance but was not over charged he for some trivial reason was dissatisfied with the service and believed he knew better than the doctor, accusing the doctor of prescribing him the wrong type of treatments. He put in an official complaint which involved the senior members and management of the hospital having to hold a special meeting on his behalf. The result was that my friend`s details regarding his complaint was sent to all the private hospitals in Chiang Mai. Although not officially banned, none of the hospitals would deal with him. In the end he had to send the Ram hospital an apology for his unreasonable behaviour to get his name off the unofficial blacklist.

Having such attitudes as the OP regarding the hospitals will only result in having the doors slammed in his face, he won`t win. My advice to the OP is; leave it and just put it down to experience.

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eyecatcher: That wasnt the issue. She just accused me or suspected me telling lies about the insurance would cover the costs because of have been used it already,which is simply not true.

The amount of money is not important.Its the way she talked to me pointing with her finger and aggressiv speech and that she almost denied me the prescripted medication because she didnt believe me and simply want to see CASH.

And, i repeat again, they checked it before the treatment , so whats the point she doubt about that?

Mapguy: Thank you.I agree with relaxing makes life easier , especially here in that country, but nonetheless that doesnt mean that i wont stand that

condescendingly behaviour we farangs sometimes have to deal with. Just imagine how you would feel in the same situation .

mesquite: What exactly are you referring to?

elektrified: As you wasnt there in my situation you should probably not judge about my reaction.Yes, maybe they would just pay for it and keep quiet as they grow up with that obsequiousness.ridiculous? Whats wrong with you ? Dont waste your and my time in here with your cheeky unhelpful comments.Thats my threat and people like you, sorry, are NOT welcome .

beetlejuice:Thank you very much. I will leave it that way as it doesnt make sense anymore to make an official complaint after the customer relation intervented so they get there lesson already.

Yes , im convinced they was wrong.

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eyecatcher: That wasnt the issue. She just accused me or suspected me telling lies about the insurance would cover the costs because of have been used it already,which is simply not true.

The amount of money is not important.Its the way she talked to me pointing with her finger and aggressiv speech and that she almost denied me the prescripted medication because she didnt believe me and simply want to see CASH.

And, i repeat again, they checked it before the treatment , so whats the point she doubt about that?

Mapguy: Thank you.I agree with relaxing makes life easier , especially here in that country, but nonetheless that doesnt mean that i wont stand that

condescendingly behaviour we farangs sometimes have to deal with. Just imagine how you would feel in the same situation .

mesquite: What exactly are you referring to?

elektrified: As you wasnt there in my situation you should probably not judge about my reaction.Yes, maybe they would just pay for it and keep quiet as they grow up with that obsequiousness.ridiculous? Whats wrong with you ? Dont waste your and my time in here with your cheeky unhelpful comments.Thats my threat and people like you, sorry, are NOT welcome .

beetlejuice:Thank you very much. I will leave it that way as it doesnt make sense anymore to make an official complaint after the customer relation intervented so they get there lesson already.

Yes , im convinced they was wrong.

Keep in mind that health insurance scans abound in Thailand.

Everything from using stolen copies of your passport to start policies to nurses and doctors demanding a cut in advance of the refund or they will not give you the required medical reports.

I know this well because there was a scaly farang living in the first apartment building I moved into in Bkk years back. He approached every farang who moved in with the line, 'I'd like to borrow your passport and any airline stubs you have for 24 hours'.

He was the brains behind many scams. Any yes some silly farangs handed over their documents.

I've had one personal experience with my Thai son's health insurance, hospital demanded a cut up front before they would give us the medical documents needed to make a claim.

In regard to RAM, I can't fault their service and I don't blame them for being careful.

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So sorry to hear such unsupported stories of scams. I have never had such experiences, nor, in this case, have I heard anyone ever say such a thing, especially so vague and unattributed. There are bum insurance policies, and there are good ones. Nothing unusual about Thailand. Bad ones don't "abound" here, but yes, there are some people (foreigners all) whom I have learned to avoid.

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eyecatcher: That wasnt the issue. She just accused me or suspected me telling lies about the insurance would cover the costs because of have been used it already,which is simply not true.

The amount of money is not important.Its the way she talked to me pointing with her finger and aggressiv speech and that she almost denied me the prescripted medication because she didnt believe me and simply want to see CASH.

And, i repeat again, they checked it before the treatment , so whats the point she doubt about that?

Mapguy: Thank you.I agree with relaxing makes life easier , especially here in that country, but nonetheless that doesnt mean that i wont stand that

condescendingly behaviour we farangs sometimes have to deal with. Just imagine how you would feel in the same situation .

mesquite: What exactly are you referring to?

elektrified: As you wasnt there in my situation you should probably not judge about my reaction.Yes, maybe they would just pay for it and keep quiet as they grow up with that obsequiousness.ridiculous? Whats wrong with you ? Dont waste your and my time in here with your cheeky unhelpful comments.Thats my threat and people like you, sorry, are NOT welcome .

beetlejuice:Thank you very much. I will leave it that way as it doesnt make sense anymore to make an official complaint after the customer relation intervented so they get there lesson already.

Yes , im convinced they was wrong.

What I said is true, I kid you not.

Even if you were in the right, you`re never get the better of these outfits because unfortunately we all have to use them at one time or another and they will always have the upper hand. Same applies with the police and Government services. Also keeping in mind that many of the doctors and staff that work in the Ram may also work in other hospitals at times and believe me, these people have long memories and can hold grudges.

At least you made your point and got a result at the end.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Personally, I was unaware that any Bank ATM card Account conferred any sort of Health/Accident Insurance to the Account Holder--is this true??

Also--surely the idea of 'Accident Insurance' is that it is to be used 'After' and Accident--not, surely, 2 months later?? Isn't that more follow-up 'After-Care'?

OP-- after a couple of years here I realized that it is always better to try to stay as calm as possible when in a dispute with Thais--when in the right--and definitely when found to be in the wrong.

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Seems that your first mistake was to go for treatment at RAM.

Second was to be buying your perscribed pills from them. Notorious for pricing phamacy items way above what you would pay at an outside phamacy.

Just pleasently take the perscription before processing and then save a lot of hassle and expense by going to a pharmacy outside of the hospital.

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Personally, I was unaware that any Bank ATM card Account conferred any sort of Health/Accident Insurance to the Account Holder--is this true??

Also--surely the idea of 'Accident Insurance' is that it is to be used 'After' and Accident--not, surely, 2 months later?? Isn't that more follow-up 'After-Care'?

OP-- after a couple of years here I realized that it is always better to try to stay as calm as possible when in a dispute with Thais--when in the right--and definitely when found to be in the wrong.

no, not "any" bank card. you can buy accident insurance at most of the banks and then you get a combined ATM card/insurance ID card. i think they are about 2,500 Bath at Kasikorn. most of the other banks have them too.

yes, i agree. that is indeed follow up after care - 2 months later. OP is lucky they didn't bounce him for attempted insurance fraud.

yup...it's called jai yen yen.

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Personally, I was unaware that any Bank ATM card Account conferred any sort of Health/Accident Insurance to the Account Holder--is this true??

Also--surely the idea of 'Accident Insurance' is that it is to be used 'After' and Accident--not, surely, 2 months later?? Isn't that more follow-up 'After-Care'?

OP-- after a couple of years here I realized that it is always better to try to stay as calm as possible when in a dispute with Thais--when in the right--and definitely when found to be in the wrong.

no, not "any" bank card. you can buy accident insurance at most of the banks and then you get a combined ATM card/insurance ID card. i think they are about 2,500 Bath at Kasikorn. most of the other banks have them too.

yes, i agree. that is indeed follow up after care - 2 months later. OP is lucky they didn't bounce him for attempted insurance fraud.

yup...it's called jai yen yen.

Thanks for clearing that up-it's an 'added' service offered by banks--got it.

I guess, really, when looking to buy financial services--go talk to a bank--BUT, if looking to purchase Insurance, then go talk to an Insurance Broker--correct??

Edited by haybilly
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He came here loking for sympathy and understanding and while I'm writing this Ian Dury's singing "what a waste!". Coincidence?

And as I'm writing this, Lord Kitchener is singing "Gimme D T'ing".

I've memorized this tune, just in case I ever find myself in a situation identical to the OP's.

In my experience, bursting into song is almost always the correct response when faced with these occasional, inevitable moments of cross-cultural confusion.

guitar.gif.pagespeed.ce.Rjd-vqhNlw.gif "Gimme d' t'ing wa' d' doctah ordah me, gimme d' t'ing!" guitar.gif.pagespeed.ce.Rjd-vqhNlw.gif

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Personally, I was unaware that any Bank ATM card Account conferred any sort of Health/Accident Insurance to the Account Holder--is this true??

Also--surely the idea of 'Accident Insurance' is that it is to be used 'After' and Accident--not, surely, 2 months later?? Isn't that more follow-up 'After-Care'?

OP-- after a couple of years here I realized that it is always better to try to stay as calm as possible when in a dispute with Thais--when in the right--and definitely when found to be in the wrong.

no, not "any" bank card. you can buy accident insurance at most of the banks and then you get a combined ATM card/insurance ID card. i think they are about 2,500 Bath at Kasikorn. most of the other banks have them too.

yes, i agree. that is indeed follow up after care - 2 months later. OP is lucky they didn't bounce him for attempted insurance fraud.

yup...it's called jai yen yen.

Thanks for clearing that up-it's an 'added' service offered by banks--got it.

I guess, really, when looking to buy financial services--go talk to a bank--BUT, if looking to purchase Insurance, then go talk to an Insurance Broker--correct??

for health insurance, yes. but those accident insurance policies that the banks offer are pretty good value IMO. they are not expensive, offer some coverage, and i believe there is also a death benefit with a decent amount of coverage.

edit: here it is - or one of them at least http://www.kasikornbank.com/EN/Personal/Insurance/Generalinsurance/AccidentProtect/Pages/AccidentProtect.aspx

Edited by Oscar2
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scorecard: thats exactly whats pissed me off. suspecting any farang generally because of bad experiences.Completely wrong behaviour .Fortunately she didnt get trough with that bullshit and had to follow the order .

Thaiberius: hahaha. Wrecken the lady behind the counter lost face as she didnt act "jai yenyen " like.pointing with her finger and overexcited behaviour while suspecting me for something completely wrong and unjustified even involving other colleagues and dramatizing a simple proceed.Maybe she just had a ovulation so thats why SHE overreacted.And , finally , in my eyes its embarassing to accuse a patient and refuse a treatment and also suspecting him .Missing a lot of social competence...

Haybilly:Yes , its true! Imagine they even give me the insurance for free when i open the account ! Of course the follow up after accident and continue with tetanus vaccine is part of it as its related to the same case, so its covered by that insurance, and also i dont see the point why should i pay first ? As they confirmed BEFORE the treatment it will be covered...finally i have to say im NOT blaiming RAM generally, as the treatment was good byside the doctor and also nurses.

oscar2: Fraud? Who are you to decide that? I repeat again! They confirmed before the treatment that the insurance will cover the costs.

Please, stop talking B.....t , dear smarta....s!

This tread was opened for serious cosideration not for twaddlers and insults.

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We had to pay out first, then my partner had to chase the purple bank for months on end to get the money back. Finally they paid out, but it was a serious hassle.

Why mess about with these card gimmicks - get real medical insurance and be done with it.

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having vast experiences and illnesses over the last 13 yrs,have found the ram without repute,the hospitality and service starts at the security parking attendants through to the specialist docs

do honestly feel that the opening post,is selling us porky pies,all have a nice eveningbiggrin.png

As long as we're pointing out grievous misapplications of English--see posts 19 and 29--here's another. I think evenstevens is wanting to commend Ram Hospital, but instead he's saying the opposite by writing that it's "without repute," i.e., it has a bad reputation.

What to believe?


Another favorite of mine while I'm at it is the frequent usage of "defiantly" instead of "definitely."

I'm really not niggling about misspellings now and again, especially when there are contributors here who do not have English as their first language. Yet with online dictionaries at our fingertips, the use of out of the ordinary but precise words for saying what we want should be quite an easy task.

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