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Increasing her social status by hooking up/marrying a farang?

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It's mostly some thai girls usually poor most likely to be a bar girl. She hooks up with some farang and instantly she's like a celebrity. It's also on a racial basis because not only is she better than other thais she's also higher up compared to other asians like japanese for example.

Honestly speaking this is quite a common and misguided way some of them see it.

So a poor bar girl marries an old farang and 'becomes higher in status than a Japanese"?

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you dont know a lot about Thailand or its culture do you, Most respectable Thai women would not be seen dead with a foreigner.

Then i know several High So Thai women that must be dead on legs. Several TV female personalities are also married to Farang.

It depends on the farang. Hi-So women and celebs marry farangs of suitable status. It doesn't give them 'instant celebrity', it's just acceptable.

A girl from a rural village might have 5 minutes of fame by marrying a farang, but if her husband turns out to be a drunken slob who has no time for the locals, the goodwill will quickly fade. Respect is earned.

Yep, the husband might hit the falang, really mess her 5 minutes of fame up..................whistling.gif

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you dont know a lot about Thailand or its culture do you, Most respectable Thai women would not be seen dead with a foreigner.

That's not true.

Didn't miss thailand marry the big brother entrepreneur ?

There are many mixed relationship s that were formed in other places than bars.

Suggest you do a bit more research

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



Quite a FEW mixed marriages, they all look happy and mingle well together. I think he is from Bangkok, not Barcelona

Yes they all married to Thai Visa members who spend their free time watching the electric meter spin around and have electrical bill less than 699 baht amonth

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you dont know a lot about Thailand or its culture do you, Most respectable Thai women would not be seen dead with a foreigner.

err...try again....maybe with the sorts of farangs YOU choose to associate with!

Yes the ex Priministers Secretary.. Most Thais would rather marry a Chinese man, Thais with Big money tend to look in the same category of wealth as themselves. and race.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Sure, why not?

A poor Issan girl from a village, works in a bar. Takes her catch, a fifty year old fat farrang, back to the village. He builds the mum and dad a house, and a mansion for her. A year or two down the line and the fat farrang is gone and she marries her long time boyfriend. From one of the poorest families in the village, she (and the family) is now the wealthiest.

She might need a half white baby to persaude the farrang to build the mansion. No big deal.


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BGs don't rise in status outside of their small social group of other sex workers from her village. She may be able to drive a nice car and go to expensive restaurants and fly on planes, but to every Thai around her, she's still a sex worker from a poor farming community in Issan. The farang's status actually drops to her level. Let's be honest, the old farang with the BG is an embarrassment to most Thais and farangs.

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I think the OP is very drunk. I have no desire for racists comments on bar girls, no interest on the good and bad of bar girls. What i do know is that there is no way that she will gain anything, with an old, fat, singha vest wearer, other than a few pounds, that he has saved with his winter fuel allowance

". . . with an old, fat, singha vest wearer, other than a few pounds, that he has saved with his winter fuel allowance"

Could there be a more racist statement than this?

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While I agree with a few points above, I think air stewardesses are not the best source for analysis. I have a lot of thai friends who are upper middle class and very well to do, who complain that Thai airways staff tend to be extremely icy towards pretty much any and all Thai passengers, not only the vulgar bar wives. And lest we forget there is a rather nasty undercurrent of class snobbery amongst the elite and priveleged (most recently, take note of Miss thai universe).

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you dont know a lot about Thailand or its culture do you, Most respectable Thai women would not be seen dead with a foreigner.

Despite the posts above, I'm inclined to agree with this post. Sure, there are notable exceptions but they're Few and far between.

I believe, as a 'general rule-of-thumb', that it all depends on the 2 individuals involved.


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I think the OP is very drunk. I have no desire for racists comments on bar girls, no interest on the good and bad of bar girls. What i do know is that there is no way that she will gain anything, with an old, fat, singha vest wearer, other than a few pounds, that he has saved with his winter fuel allowance

". . . with an old, fat, singha vest wearer, other than a few pounds, that he has saved with his winter fuel allowance"

Could there be a more racist statement than this?


How much winter allowance do you get

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Honestly speaking this is quite a common and misguided way some of them see it.

Honestly speaking? In vino veritas??

Quite common?

I'm pretty sure the competition can go home now. You've knocked Donald Sterling out of first place and won the prize for 2014.

Category: Most Egocentric Mind Bogglingly Self Absorbed & Clueless Comment of the Year.

pattaya-thailand.jpgMy social status really soaring since I hooked up with you, Tubby.

Edited by Suradit69
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what make a thai air stewardess so special,,,,

all they want to do is marry someone in first class or a pilot, just the same as stewardesses from other countries,,

and you sit listening to what they say,,,lol

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what make a thai air stewardess so special,,,,

all they want to do is marry someone in first class or a pilot, just the same as stewardesses from other countries,,

and you sit listening to what they say,,,lol

dont be so quick to believe they come from wholesomeness,

the prostitutes I spoke to in bkk said they all had applications in at the airlines

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you dont know a lot about Thailand or its culture do you, Most respectable Thai women would not be seen dead with a foreigner.

Then i know several High So Thai women that must be dead on legs. Several TV female personalities are also married to Farang.

I doubt you understand what Hi So is unless you are a millionaire or ambassador or something.

Avoiding the Hi-So argument I get the Ops point:

Example in Hand from a flight attendant: Ex bar worker with her Western boyfriend / husband on a flight back to which ever western country he comes from.

Its obvious that she's an Ex Bar worker*. I'm told of some pretty shocking behaviour, these girls suddenly become Diva's.... their sense of self importance inflated though their latest relationship - they've jumped social status and are now being served upon by those who would otherwise look down on them.

*these things are easy enough to tell for many Thai's and indeed many Westerners who've been here a while.

I've heard these examples from a handful of flight attendants - some of whom in the past I've dated, others who are married to friends.

There is a section of middle and upper class society who deplore the behaviour and attitudes of those who behave poorly when having 'risen' or leap frogged upwards....


I've been out for dinner with my Wife at a decent restaurant, only to be seated at a table next to a guy and his BG. She is loud, obnoxious and when he asks her to quieten down her responses is "I don't give a F$%& who can hear me"... we were mildly entertained at his discomfort, he even apologised to those around him. But, ultimately we'd gone out for a nice quite romantic meal and it was destroyed by the actions of one girl who'd been taken out of her 'zone' and had no idea how to behave appropriately.

What do you mean obvious BG? How do you tell? From the face?

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