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Is kissing in public not allowed in Thailand ?

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To my limited knowledge, kissing in public, holding hands, or showing signs of affection is not against the law per say, but for sure more against Custom. A Custom that is not limited to just Thailand either. I haven't been to Myanmar yet but it is also fronded upon in Cambodia and other parts of S.E. Asia.

I personally think this has more to do with religion than anything else. Buddhism teaches control of all emotion, such as an over expression in Happiness, Sadness, Anger, and Love, thus showing affection in public goes against these practises. I know many Thais break these rules themselves, just like many Practising Christians use the Lords name when they swear, But then many Practising Buddhist also do not, as is true with many Practising Christians.

I highly doubt you would ever go to jail for this. I remember a Russia Couple caught on the Beach by the police, totally naked, and making out, and they were hauled down to the local Police Station. But just told to put their clothes back on, warned, and let go. Maybe a small fine to, which I am not sure of now.

It is one thing to not know the Thai Custom and do something like that. Thais will generally look the other way and give you this extra space, or tell you politely, like perhaps another Farang may also do. But it is also another thing if you do know and go and do it anyway. Personally, if you are the kind of person who does not care about another peoples country or custom, and come here to break tradition or laws, or just cause trouble, then why not just stay at home?

I don't think that Thai People here are asking too much from you or anybody else, to put a shirt on when you are walking in public. or stop groping your wife or girlfriend in public when your hotel room, or a short time room, is very close by. To try and be polite and cultured, like many Thais are.

Do You? .

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So, the people of Thailand has absolutely nothing to do and the government is even sending emails to people who are so full of lust they can't even wait till they get home.

They really need to pull their socks up, don't they?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

similar to farting loudly in a crowded lift back home

But not as funny!

actually most couples i have seen kissing in public in thailand (normally morbidly obese white trash guys and thai women who work unsocial hours) are quite funny... in a disgusting kind of way

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So, the people of Thailand has absolutely nothing to do and the government is even sending emails to people who are so full of lust they can't even wait till they get home.

They really need to pull their socks up, don't they?

tongue condoms?

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A message from the Thai government about his Facebook picture..... Your mate is telling porkies

Agree. Definitely a porkie. Which branch of government? The "Office of Prohibiting Imaginary Kisses in Public?" Mr. Sandman, how can you be so gullible?

I will say that showing extreme public affection is generally frowned upon. It's not against the law (unless you're having sex in public), but most respectable women would not want to be smooching in public. Different story for hookers, of course. Hand-holding generally ok, little peck on the cheek, ok, a short hug, ok, but full-blown making out in public, not cool. It's about community standards. In America, you won't generally see two gay men making out in public. (Even straight folks don't often do that.) And in a Muslim country, much more strict. I don't think it's too much to ask for couples to keep it behind closed doors.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The last time I was in Bangkok I spent the day with a lovely Thai gal. She was always wanting to hold my hand, and she gave me plenty of hugs in public. I think she even kissed me a few times while we roamed around in MBK, especially after I bought her new shoes.

Not a bar girl. But come to think about it . . . she was sort of, kind of . . . an escort?

One time while I was in Bangkok I was at the airport. I was just standing around when I notice this somewhat fat and ugly middle aged white woman, but dressed very nicely. She came in with her suitcases and with perhaps one of the most Beautiful Thais Girls I have ever seen her. Couldn't have been a day over 19 with a Beautiful Face and every curve exactly the right size and in the right place. Truth is that it was her I noticed first, then this Old Bag!

But my view was soon to be spoiled. In the muddle of the room, for all to see, and I highly doubt she could have found a better spot at this time, or place, for getting the most attention, she laded the biggest most sensual kiss on this Thai Beauty while holding her very close all this time. To tell you the truth I was a bit shocked, which is strange for me as I thought I had seen everything, but then found myself terribly disgusted.

I do not have anything at all against Gays, I truly feel we should Live and Let Live when it comes to this. Although I admit I may have been more disgusted if the Gender was changed and it was 2 Men doing this. But it also got me thinking that what if this was an Old Man and this Thai Girl doing this? Would I still not feel disgusted by this?

The truth is I don't know. But what I do know is that if I felt disgusted by what I saw, I felt that the other Thais that witnessed this, especially the ones with children, must have felt far more disgusted than I did. So I personally don't do this in public anymore, as I don't see the need to do it, and don't want to offend anyone.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The last time I was in Bangkok I spent the day with a lovely Thai gal. She was always wanting to hold my hand, and she gave me plenty of hugs in public. I think she even kissed me a few times while we roamed around in MBK, especially after I bought her new shoes.

Not a bar girl. But come to think about it . . . she was sort of, kind of . . . an escort?

One time while I was in Bangkok I was at the airport. I was just standing around when I notice this somewhat fat and ugly middle aged white woman, but dressed very nicely. She came in with her suitcases and with perhaps one of the most Beautiful Thais Girls I have ever seen her. Couldn't have been a day over 19 with a Beautiful Face and every curve exactly the right size and in the right place. Truth is that it was her I noticed first, then this Old Bag!

But my view was soon to be spoiled. In the muddle of the room, for all to see, and I highly doubt she could have found a better spot at this time, or place, for getting the most attention, she laded the biggest most sensual kiss on this Thai Beauty while holding her very close all this time. To tell you the truth I was a bit shocked, which is strange for me as I thought I had seen everything, but then found myself terribly disgusted.

I do not have anything at all against Gays, I truly feel we should Live and Let Live when it comes to this. Although I admit I may have been more disgusted if the Gender was changed and it was 2 Men doing this. But it also got me thinking that what if this was an Old Man and this Thai Girl doing this? Would I still not feel disgusted by this?

The truth is I don't know. But what I do know is that if I felt disgusted by what I saw, I felt that the other Thais that witnessed this, especially the ones with children, must have felt far more disgusted than I did. So I personally don't do this in public anymore, as I don't see the need to do it, and don't want to offend anyone.

i agree lesbians kissing is disgusting

but do you have any photos?...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If he had had his tongue half way down her throat on the steps of a wat, that might be different.

Unless the abbot could have a go too.....

The mention of an abbot could lead to a few replies...............wink.png

But I will not be tempted...................tongue.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The last time I was in Bangkok I spent the day with a lovely Thai gal. She was always wanting to hold my hand, and she gave me plenty of hugs in public. I think she even kissed me a few times while we roamed around in MBK, especially after I bought her new shoes.

Not a bar girl. But come to think about it . . . she was sort of, kind of . . . an escort?

One time while I was in Bangkok I was at the airport. I was just standing around when I notice this somewhat fat and ugly middle aged white woman, but dressed very nicely. She came in with her suitcases and with perhaps one of the most Beautiful Thais Girls I have ever seen her. Couldn't have been a day over 19 with a Beautiful Face and every curve exactly the right size and in the right place. Truth is that it was her I noticed first, then this Old Bag!

But my view was soon to be spoiled. In the muddle of the room, for all to see, and I highly doubt she could have found a better spot at this time, or place, for getting the most attention, she laded the biggest most sensual kiss on this Thai Beauty while holding her very close all this time. To tell you the truth I was a bit shocked, which is strange for me as I thought I had seen everything, but then found myself terribly disgusted.

I do not have anything at all against Gays, I truly feel we should Live and Let Live when it comes to this. Although I admit I may have been more disgusted if the Gender was changed and it was 2 Men doing this. But it also got me thinking that what if this was an Old Man and this Thai Girl doing this? Would I still not feel disgusted by this?

The truth is I don't know. But what I do know is that if I felt disgusted by what I saw, I felt that the other Thais that witnessed this, especially the ones with children, must have felt far more disgusted than I did. So I personally don't do this in public anymore, as I don't see the need to do it, and don't want to offend anyone.

i agree lesbians kissing is disgusting

but do you have any photos?...

Some beautiful young Thai escorts will do just about anything for the money. I'd guess for fat and ugly lesbian action - 20,000 baht a day? I'm a man, not fat and ugly, but the truth is, I can't pay most Thai gals to kiss me. Anywhere. Say, mai juup. Guess its for married people here. In Hawaii where I came from everyone hugged everyone else all the time. When I first arrived I was wanting to wai and hug everyone. It took less than my first day to wise up. I have never hugged or even thought about kissing any of my Thai friends since.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

...I have always wondered why tomboys are allowed to explicitly touch grope and kiss in public......

Some minorities get a free pass...seek special privileges not afforded the general population...

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I tried to kiss a mamasan on the back of her hand once, and she recoiled like I'd give her some nasty disease.

Just a precaution, in case you'd give her one of the few diseases she hadn't had yet.


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I tried to kiss a mamasan on the back of her hand once, and she recoiled like I'd give her some nasty disease.

Just a precaution, in case you'd give her one of the few diseases she hadn't had yet.


Good response - and why TV can often be a lot of fun.

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Im not sure about kissing in public in Thailand but PISSING in public by Thai men of all ages has become the national pastime. I mean these guys whip out their little twig and berries no matter traffic, day, night, even parades are fair game. I swear I've seen it all.

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Im not sure about kissing in public in Thailand but PISSING in public by Thai men of all ages has become the national pastime. I mean these guys whip out their little twig and berries no matter traffic, day, night, even parades are fair game. I swear I've seen it all.

They're just shooting rabbits, that's all.

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Im not sure about kissing in public in Thailand but PISSING in public by Thai men of all ages has become the national pastime. I mean these guys whip out their little twig and berries no matter traffic, day, night, even parades are fair game. I swear I've seen it all.

They're just shooting rabbits, that's all.

I guess better than kissing them

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Public displays of affection are not supposed to be allowed here in Dubai, signs in malls but I walk with my GF holding hands and I may peck her for whatever reason. Nothing has ever happened. I can't imagine Thailand being that bothered

Generally speaking I don't need to slobber over a girl in public though

I highly doubt the bleedin government are sending facebook warnings, &lt;deleted&gt; :D

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