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Will they let Suthep out for his victory party or will they keep him in custody in the army camp?

I don't think anyone should see this as a victory. It certainly won't help the Democrats. Suthep may see it differently but I think Abhisit is smart enough to see the dangers. He didn't support the last coup so there's no reason to suppose he'll support this one either.

I think the General has let his expectation of getting things done when he wants them cloud his judgement. These sort of negotiations need time to work and he hasn't given that.

I suspect the meetings aren't over yet. Prayuth may give them a little while to stew.

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Former head of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order Chalerm Yoobamrung and his sons were arrested by soldiers and escorted to the First Infantry Regiment of the Royal Guards.

-- Thai PBS 2014-05-22

How long was this one in coming????

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What's with the debate about the US denying it's a coup? The army has already said it's a coup.

Some people really do think too much.

If the US calls it a coup then they are forced to stop military aid to the country - but the US wont' do that because Thailand is a major ally of the US in the region - so they will not call it a coup.


Yes he did and then Aaron Hezelhurst sung the praises of Thailand and everyone looked upset. BBC still spouting it's own brand of propaganda.

Aaron sung what now? Who is 'everyone'... You been on the pish or what?

Now BBC are interviewing Yingluck's legal advisor Verapat says does doesn't know or want to know where Yingluck is. 55555555555555555

Yingluck who ?


Will they let Suthep out for his victory party or will they keep him in custody in the army camp?

They will let him out of course. They are on the same team. Prayuth and Suthep are kindred spirits.


CNN just did a live interview with a former CIA spook based in Bangkok who runs a political risk consultancy. He said this coup is quite different from the 2006 coup in that the army deployment is truly broad nation-wide, and that his sources tell him the army has mobilized in a big way in Khon Kaen, NE Thailand, and in the north.

This one might just be more serious and last longer than the last one.

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Will they let Suthep out for his victory party or will they keep him in custody in the army camp?

They will let him out of course. They are on the same team. Prayuth and Suthep are kindred spirits.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Will they let Suthep out for his victory party or will they keep him in custody in the army camp?

They will let him out of course. They are on the same team. Prayuth and Suthep are kindred spirits.

I think you might be misinformed as well.


My girlfriend said that they announced on TV that Thai people cant fly out of Thailand??? I struggle to believe this, she said the army said it just before they said schools shut from 22nd-25th. Anyone else hear. (it was spoken in thai)


I have been planning to retire to Thailand and have plans to leave in two weeks. i'd like to hear from EVERYONE their opinions on whether I should continue with my plans or go to another neighboring country for the interim.....



You probably will/would be able to travel/arrive by air into BKK, unless something unexpected happens.

But if you had any ability to postpone your plans temporarily, it might be prudent to do so.

Although, after a week or so, we'll probably all have a much better idea of what the fallout, good or bad, is going to be from today's events.


It's tempting to call this the death of democracy in Thailand, but you can't kill what was never alive.

Several people on the forum are using the analogy of the army as a 'father' intervening to break up a squabble between the 'children', and of course that is exactly right. In real democracies the army comes under the control of the elected government, whereas in the sham 'democracy' of Thailand it is the other way round.

This system will never and could never work. Thailand is fated to have coup after coup after coup, and as a country it will slowly sink further into the mire, as other countries which have stable systems of government - either democracies or autocracies - continue to progress.

Thailand: the country that just can't make up its mind.

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This is the only and best thing the military could do they have saved the country. The country will return to normal much faster now. Long live the King and Thailand.


My girlfriend said that they announced on TV that Thai people cant fly out of Thailand??? I struggle to believe this, she said the army said it just before they said schools shut from 22nd-25th. Anyone else hear. (it was spoken in thai)

The Army specifically has been saying that people bound for and coming from the airport will be allowed.

There was a Tweet from The Nation here a bit ago saying all schools had been ordered closed through the 25th.

The version I saw didn't specify if they meant government or private too, though I suspect it means both.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's tempting to call this the death of democracy in Thailand, but you can't kill what was never alive.

Several people on the forum are using the analogy of the army as a 'father' intervening to break up a squabble between the 'children', and of course that is exactly right. In real democracies the army comes under the control of the elected government, whereas in the sham 'democracy' of Thailand it is the other way round.

This system will never and could never work. Thailand is fated to have coup after coup after coup, and as a country it will slowly sink further into the mire, as other countries which have stable systems of government - either democracies or autocracies - continue to progress.

Thailand: the country that just can't make up its mind.

Thanks for that Nostradamus


Yes he did and then Aaron Hezelhurst sung the praises of Thailand and everyone looked upset. BBC still spouting it's own brand of propaganda.

Aaron sung what now? Who is 'everyone'... You been on the pish or what?

Now BBC are interviewing Yingluck's legal advisor Verapat says does doesn't know or want to know where Yingluck is. 55555555555555555

Yingluck who ?

Question. Who reads 488 posts? Answer. Curfewed folks?

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Chalerm and son arrested.

Made my day!

What's your source??? Son, which one? He's got two.

Check the TVF Live Feed.

Turns out both sons.

  • Like 2

bad, very bad, very depressing news

Incorrect ..., The army has done this several times before in order to stop the political street riots that toke place in the past, this time the street riots lasted many months with many disastrous activities.

Thailand's non-political state administrator's will be supported by the army in order to manage Thailand in a positive way until the current political problems get sorted

During the army's control, new politicians will appear and will be selected and when the time is right the army will agree to create a general election, and when positively completed the army will remove itself from the current position as they have done in the past, then Thailand will politically be a new democratic country with beneficial activities for Thailand and its population.


Weird... we have Happy Home Cable in Bangkok... 80 some channels.

Of those, all the Thai channels and some of the international channels are gone... except for periodic Army announcements.

But maybe 10 or so international channels are still coming thru -- Arirang, Animax, SyFy, Universal Channel, Fox News, BBC News and even Channel News Asia.

You get Syfy?

  • Like 1

I have been planning to retire to Thailand and have plans to leave in two weeks. i'd like to hear from EVERYONE their opinions on whether I should continue with my plans or go to another neighboring country for the interim.....



You probably will/would be able to travel/arrive by air into BKK, unless something unexpected happens.

But if you had any ability to postpone your plans temporarily, it might be prudent to do so.

Although, after a week or so, we'll probably all have a much better idea of what the fallout, good or bad, is going to be from today's events.

Answer: 'another neighboring country'.

If making the choice again, as things are today, I wouldn't even consider Thailand. If people think this coup today is the end of things then they are deluding themselves. Even Burma - on the skids a few years ago - now has a brighter future than Thailand.


Weird... we have Happy Home Cable in Bangkok... 80 some channels.

Of those, all the Thai channels and some of the international channels are gone... except for periodic Army announcements.

But maybe 10 or so international channels are still coming thru -- Arirang, Animax, SyFy, Universal Channel, Fox News, BBC News and even Channel News Asia.

You get Syfy?



Chalerm and son arrested.

Made my day!

What's your source??? Son, which one? He's got two.

Check the TVF Live Feed.

Turns out both sons.

Is that the cop killer son?

  • Like 1

Still got Jazeera, BBC, Fox etc here in Pattaya. Coup is old news already, they've returned to normal programming it seems.


If the US calls it a coup then they are forced to stop military aid to the country - but the US wont' do that because Thailand is a major ally of the US in the region - so they will not call it a coup.

Obama Administration does not have many spares nails for their coffin at this time.

Should they try to call it anything less than even the Thai Generals themselves have

announced already to the world that it is in fact a full coup.....well I think the result would be more

than damaging to the current administration than they can afford

I dont think this one can vaporize as easily as they may want

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