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No more Thai soaps?


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Gmmz showing nothing but the coup announcements.

Quite what the military leaders have against Eurosport and me watching The Tour of Italy is beyond me.

Can anyone explain how an international cycling event threatens Thailands internal security?

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Gmmz showing nothing but the coup announcements.

Quite what the military leaders have against Eurosport and me watching The Tour of Italy is beyond me.

Can anyone explain how an international cycling event threatens Thailands internal security?

I think they want that the people really listen to what they say. But I agree cutting off the soap operas will make the female population very upset.

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Pisses me right off, you would think they woukd keep the tv entertainment going to keep people in their homes, with no TV etc they are gonna be pissed and looking to do something.

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Gmmz showing nothing but the coup announcements.

Quite what the military leaders have against Eurosport and me watching The Tour of Italy is beyond me.

Can anyone explain how an international cycling event threatens Thailands internal security?

I think they want that the people really listen to what they say. But I agree cutting off the soap operas will make the female population very upset.

this will be disaster for some farangs in Thailand, they will have to work out a system of communication with their Thai wives...giggle.gif

Exact opposite in my case. Communication is all but impossible during compulsory soap opera.

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Time for some old Thai DVD's or else I will have to have sex. Hope the Thai DVD's work.

Don't just rely on the DVD's, board games, cards, paints, coloring pencils, get anything out that can keep your misses occupied before she gets fruity… Good luck Sir...

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No TV, 10pm curfew. No worries, most people are getting what they wanted. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I went home 5 days ago with an open end ticket to return. No need to rush back now.

I am sure the restrictions will not last long. Nobody could be that stupid to shut down television

and the bars, and not expect tourism to drop to zero and rioting in the streets by the locals.

The bar owners and ladies will be the biggest losers. coffee1.gif Oh well. Things should be back to

normal as far as business is concerned in a year or so. But I can't imagine the curfew and T.V.

shutdown lasting more than a week. My True Vision package is paid up till the end of June and it will not

be renewed unless there is service and compensation for lost service.

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Gmmz showing nothing but the coup announcements.

Quite what the military leaders have against Eurosport and me watching The Tour of Italy is beyond me.

Can anyone explain how an international cycling event threatens Thailands internal security?

I think they want that the people really listen to what they say. But I agree cutting off the soap operas will make the female population very upset.

this will be disaster for some farangs in Thailand, they will have to work out a system of communication with their Thai wives...giggle.gif

Boom, Boom. thumbsup.gif


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Well after 26 years and .. err well quite a few coupes this one seems well organise and so far ( touch wood n whistle ) bloodless. Lets hope it stays that way.

ind you if the keep the tv off I can see my old lady and her mates marching to war .

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What? No Thai soaps tonight? Ohh now we got it going, what should all the lady's do at night? Talk to their husbands?

I bet that tomorrow the soaps and the comedians are back or Thailand is really going to change.....They really can't live without their tv-programs

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