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How much pocket money should I give my Thai girlfriend?


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To answer the op's question, i think most guys who are willing to pay give between 10 and 20k a month but the amount really depends on how much she is use to getting. I think a man's age may increase or decrease the amount by 25 percent or perhaps more depending on how he looks and his ability to pay. Also, If a guy has a ton of money his gf will expect a big paycheck.

Having said all of that.... I once thought that for an older guy in Thailand to have a gf 30 years younger or more you needed to give them a monthly paycheck. I tried this twice and both times the results were not so great. Both relationships ended as the money was never enough and there was never any trust or honesty on either side.

I am older but as I am told by many people I still look young. I would also add that I have always been perhaps a little above normal in the looks department... Not bragging just saying.... A few years ago I changed my ways and decided that I will no longer hand money over to a girl every month just so i could have someone young and sweet to enjoy in bed everyday. I found that if I avoid these types of ladies and spend my time in and around places where no bargirls or similar types hang out I can score for free. I have found that you never really have to give a paycheck to any lady to be with you. There are many young, sweet, beautiful, cute, lovely girls out there who are only looking for someone honest who will treat them nice. They want a guy who looks smart and is not a drunk or pushy. Age is a factor but it is mostly about personality and looks. If you are 60, good looking, speak nice and perhaps a little Thai, smile a lot and don't have a big beer gut you can pick up girls in their twenties all day long for free. The only down side is that these ladies look at you as more than just a friend or customer and you can not just push them away so easy. They are looking for a future and looking for perhaps money down the road. I pay my rent and all the electric, water etc. I also pay when we go out to eat and drink. I never just hand over money. The girls I select all work normal jobs and have their own spending money.

Never date a girl who ever had sex for money or a girl who does not have a real job. Both will expect money and have no idea how to spend or save.

There are exceptions to every rule but this is my experience.

rule 1.

girls 30 years younger than u are not your girlfriend.

rule 2.

see rule number 1..................................lol.

60 year old getting 20 year old thai sex objest for free all day any day all year long...........................hahahaha and HA!

I don't play by anyone's rules but my own. Believe what you want ....

I have a great life and its because I live it correctly. Read my posts and you will understand my thinking and why I can do what I do.

Why is it that young guys think they have a lock on young ladies ? Good looking people attract good looking people no matter what age they are. I would rather be with a good looking 50 year old lady who took care of her body than a young ugly 20 year old who did not. Good looking guys with good personalities will alway attract young good looking girls. That's rule number 1 !!! Not the crap rules you think .... Hahaha

Ugly people just don't get it and never will. Jealousy !!!!

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I'd just open a joint account, put in 30k baht and see how long it lasts, if the money has gone in a flash then she's too expensive but over time you'll see her spending habits.

You will learn.

Once you turn the tap on you can't turn it of.

Its never enough.

You will need to set a limit.

Get back to us in 12 months and let us know how your getting on.

If you're paying per month then what have you got ????

But if you're sharing then what do you have ????

The money might be gone in a flash but at least you know it's time to move on unless i'm happy with that arrangement.

If I want trust, then I'm going to share but if I want a working girl then I'll pay.

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I usually top madams account back up to about 50,000 Baht at the end of each month. During the month she pays for most things, especially when we eat out ... it amuses me to see the face of the person bringing the bill when I point to her and later hold my hand out for the change. If I don't have enough cash on me when it's time to pay the maid, she will do it. When we lived in the UK she just had a card on our joint account. Suppose that I have been a tad lucky. Buying anything out of the ordinary we discuss.

During the last twelve years or so she hasn't worked, we both prefer that she either potters around in the garden or plays golf. I'm sure that there is quite an appeal to a new 'chick' now and then but there must come a time when you want to settle down with a good woman.wink.png

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Why should a man pay ???? My Girlfriend has been living with me for 6 years she has a well paid job (Not a Bar Girl) and has never asked me for money for her or her family ........

What is it with people who come to Thailand and think they have to give money to there other halves .....I didn';t do it in the west and I will not do it here either .

There are plenty of respectable non bar girls with well paid jobs looking for love and security all you have to do is find them .

110% agree, my experience as well, but then again we may belong to a different class of males who date a different class of females.

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"Generally, I personally have learned not to trust Thai women. It is sad how often their mothers use them to fetch money for them."

Unfortunately, I learned not to trust any sexual partner.

Once you have sex with them, the rules are out the window.

Not to do with women.

Not to do with being Thai.

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What is the point in paying for a girlfriend? If you are paying then it is not love, and you will also have all the extra hassles that come with a relationship. If you are prepared to pay, then may as well just regularly go to hookers so you can have your fun without the hassle.

The point is how a fat, ugly, old Falang can live quite happily with 25 yr old arm candy, for a period of time ( the honeymoon period), whilst getting his moneys worth, I thought!

How to have a great time here using a proven, more sensible logical approach.

I have a chauffeur for my daughter, full time maid, cook and bottle washer plus sex on tap for ONLY 20K a month.
Who said anything about lov?
If your lucky that may happen.
But nothing lasts for ever.
To point out to the guys before they lose their car, house and sanity there are other ways to skin a cat.
The guys in armour on their white stallion can of course continue trying to help the damsel in distress, in what ever way they see fit.
Good luck with that.
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If you are living together 30000 baht a month but she pay for everything,rent,food,water,electricity,school for kids,plane ticket if you want to go back home for a couple of weeks every 6 months.Every 3 months you give her cash 90000 baht bonus.If you are not living with her you give her nothing

30K is my food bill a month!

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If you are living together 30000 baht a month but she pay for everything,rent,food,water,electricity,school for kids,plane ticket if you want to go back home for a couple of weeks every 6 months.Every 3 months you give her cash 90000 baht bonus.If you are not living with her you give her nothing

30K is my food bill a month!

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If you are living together 30000 baht a month but she pay for everything,rent,food,water,electricity,school for kids,plane ticket if you want to go back home for a couple of weeks every 6 months.Every 3 months you give her cash 90000 baht bonus.If you are not living with her you give her nothing

My food bill is 30K a month!

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If you are 60, good looking, speak nice and perhaps a little Thai, smile a lot and don't have a big beer gut you can pick up girls in their twenties all day long for free.


Well I'm 53.

Don't drink , don't smoke and obviously don't have a beer gut.

Great sense of humour, charitable and a car that turns heads.

But I don't want to take advantage of them by stringing them along, I'm gonna be the next village idiot!

I encourage a hot, happy honeymoon period with a very short down time towards the end!

That's all.

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Referring to his partner, or maybe, as he would prefer ... his current squeeze


I have a chauffeur for my daughter, full time maid, cook and bottle washer plus sex on tap for ONLY 20K a month.

ppmacready, you are a class act.

Thankfully, not an act I choose to follow.

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I'd just open a joint account, put in 30k baht and see how long it lasts, if the money has gone in a flash then she's too expensive but over time you'll see her spending habits.

You will learn.

Once you turn the tap on you can't turn it of.

Its never enough.

You will need to set a limit.

Get back to us in 12 months and let us know how your getting on.

If you're paying per month then what have you got ????

But if you're sharing then what do you have ????

The money might be gone in a flash but at least you know it's time to move on unless i'm happy with that arrangement.

If I want trust, then I'm going to share but if I want a working girl then I'll pay.


Ok get back to us in 36 months please.

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If you are living together 30000 baht a month but she pay for everything,rent,food,water,electricity,school for kids,plane ticket if you want to go back home for a couple of weeks every 6 months.Every 3 months you give her cash 90000 baht bonus.If you are not living with her you give her nothing

My food bill is 30K a month!
Your joking
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If you are living together 30000 baht a month but she pay for everything,rent,food,water,electricity,school for kids,plane ticket if you want to go back home for a couple of weeks every 6 months.Every 3 months you give her cash 90000 baht bonus.If you are not living with her you give her nothing

My food bill is 30K a month!
Your joking

Sadly I'm not!

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Referring to his partner, or maybe, as he would prefer ... his current squeeze


I have a chauffeur for my daughter, full time maid, cook and bottle washer plus sex on tap for ONLY 20K a month.

ppmacready, you are a class act.

Thankfully, not an act I choose to follow.

As I say to my doormat friends.

Don't blame the player, blame the game!

That said.
It stands to reason the older, fatter and uglier you get, the more you are gonna have to pay.
Being grumpy with little sense of humour, your relationships are going to be short, maybe not sweet.
Good looking girls can find new sponsors 24-7!
I'm simply pointing out, you don't need to sign over your house and car to have a great time here!
I never mentioned anything about enduring love , marriage and prenuptial agreements.( just in case that 'special' marriage don't work out)
You just need to think sensibly and with logic.
Once you understand that. And a little about their culture, its game on.
You are 75% of the way there to living a very happy bachelor lifestyle in Thailand.
The other 25%, you simply have to be firm but fair.
Or be a door mat!
I choose to assume from the start, logically no matter how much she loves you, and you love her, 'nothing lasts forever'.
I've not been disappointed assuming this so far.
I've really, honestly had a great time here.
I love the girls here. Much easier to 'read' than Falang women.
I've not had the bitter break ups many suffer.
Never been physically attacked.
And I'm still on talking terms with all my X Thai girlfriends.
With no house or car to fight over, no bitterness at the end.
I agree some guys do win the lottery.
As may be the case with you David48.
And you are living with a 'special' girl/ partner who loves you for what you are, not what you have.
If your that lucky one in a million guys, congratulations.
But for the rest of us that will not win the lottery, this is my well proven game plan.
To really get the best out of the Land of Lies.
How many guys would still own their own house if they had tried this approach 10 years ago?
To end on a positive note.
My present arm candy, I met 3 years ago and we are presently still in our 'honeymoon ' period.
She took my advice and sent her son to a private school using her pocket money.
He is currently number 3 in the class, which she gives me credit for.
And were still having hot passionate sex 3 times a day!
I have no intention of leaving her.
But my experience tells me when its all going well, they start wanting a house or car in their name like their friends.
Chock Dee
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If you are living together 30000 baht a month but she pay for everything,rent,food,water,electricity,school for kids,plane ticket if you want to go back home for a couple of weeks every 6 months.Every 3 months you give her cash 90000 baht bonus.If you are not living with her you give her nothing

My food bill is 30K a month!
Your joking

Sadly I'm not!


My health insurance with BUPA international is 315.15 pounds a month.

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I agree some guys do win the lottery.
As may be the case with you David48.
And you are living with a 'special' girl/ partner who loves you for what you are, not what you have.
If your that lucky one in a million guys, congratulations.

Indeed I did ppmacready ... indeed I did.

Plus a bit of respect to you to say that our worlds are different ... thumbsup.gif

I can see your viewpoint also.

Would be boring if everyone lived in my world ... and crowded if everyone, in your world.

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If you are 60, good looking, speak nice and perhaps a little Thai, smile a lot and don't have a big beer gut you can pick up girls in their twenties all day long for free.


Well I'm 53.

Don't drink , don't smoke and obviously don't have a beer gut.

Great sense of humour, charitable and a car that turns heads.

But I don't want to take advantage of them by stringing them along, I'm gonna be the next village idiot!

I encourage a hot, happy honeymoon period with a very short down time towards the end!

That's all.

being british, youll know what they say about big flashy cars,,,lol

sorry couldnt resist, and i do agree with a lt of what you say, if that what you want to do, just that some like myself wanted to settle down,,lol

our pig farm keeps us, im in iraq at this very moment working,

when my wife sells pigs everymonth it goes into a bank acount and she uses what she wants to use,,


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