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Ex-PMs Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck Shinawatra to establish government in exile

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  On 5/25/2014 at 10:09 AM, tonyboy33 said:

Where is Chalerm these days? Guest of the military or 'in exile' serving his Master?

Last I recall was that he's a guest.... somehow, I miss his charm, with and warmth.

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  On 5/25/2014 at 8:04 AM, transam said:
  On 5/25/2014 at 7:56 AM, mikemac said:
  On 5/25/2014 at 7:41 AM, siampolee said:

anteater post# 142

The other comparison with France in WW2 is that both in France then and in Thailand these days there were the collaborators, the fellow travellers. We have quite a lot of those here on Thai Visa.

Care to name and shame them and their political leaning?wai2.gif

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif ................"collaborators"..................

Reminds me of that great show Allo Allo.

"Leestin to me very carefully, I will say this only once"......................................clap2.gif


Hey transam, your'e not one of those British "bummers" are you ? cheesy.gif

  On 5/25/2014 at 9:59 AM, fab4 said:
  On 5/25/2014 at 9:50 AM, rubl said:

I knew I could count on you for some words of comfort, my dear fabs.

In the mean time since politicians only continued arguing for seven months with the nightly gunfire and grenades going on, it is clear that any organisation which is brave enough to put a stop to it and (hopefully) will start with real reforms, will want to be absolved of crimes by law. The romans did something similar with their dictators in the early days.

BTW your 'abuses' suggests more than it really means.

Anyway, another topic already mentioned that Ms. Yingluck was to be released within three to seven days. Mind you I would assume she will be prohibited to leave the country without asking permission first.

We'll see. The Romans had laws protecting their Dictators? - interesting, but this is 2014, rubl.

@ uncle rubl,

His abusive tone can be attributed to the fact that everything he stands for, everything he loves and values, is going down the toilet.

And he is lucky this is 2014, in whatever country he is in, and not Ancient Rome. They used to feed trolls to the lions back then. cheesy.gif

  On 5/25/2014 at 9:31 AM, Rob8891 said:

Posted 9 minutes ago

RT@Saksith: Thaksin tweeted again, saying ”as an elected PM,” he is ”saddened” by ”tragic events caused by another coup”: twitter.com/ThaksinLive/st…

RT@2Bangkok: @ThaksinLive Thaksin is tweeting again asking that at all parties be given rule of law and respect for human rights

I think I've said that about 15 times now. Thaksin has said NOTHING about a government in exile. Yingluck rather obviously won't be saying anything about it either. Only you know why you are sending the above in an excruciating thread in which ThaiVisa's Robert Amsterdam Followers And Fan Club insist that the Canadian guy only ever has the latest, dependable news.

Until Thaksin (or Yingluck or Yaowapa or Somchai) or Oak or even Noppadon or even Thaksin's daughters say something about a government in exile, this thread is nothing but a Thai Visa editor's troll, supported by Thai Visa Rumour Central and the Thai Visa Council Of Analytic Excellence, which has unanimously ruled that overnight Robert Amsterdam became the authoritative voice of Thailand.

I repeat also that I never say "never" but to this moment on Sunday afternoon, there has been no talk about a government in exile except in the minds of a Thai Visa editor and members, most of whom appear frankly to be going through some sort of withdrawal, possibly curfew-related?

(I didn't mean to cut off your first line there. I'm sure readers get the idea)

  On 5/25/2014 at 9:50 AM, rubl said:

Anyway, another topic already mentioned that Ms. Yingluck was to be released within three to seven days. Mind you I would assume she will be prohibited to leave the country without asking permission first.

And by the way, thanks for not answering me in the same tone I messaged you. I'm sort of a one-person campaign to stop the rumour train and it's pretty much impossible. I appreciate your civil tone, very much.



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  On 5/25/2014 at 12:45 AM, Diplomatico said:
  On 5/25/2014 at 12:39 AM, dcutman said:

What would a Govt in exile be able to accomplish? Other than keeping the hate fires burning brightly.

I think the objective is that - in the case of international intervention - the government in exile would be allowed to return to power if the junta were overthrown. Memory may fail me but I think that's happened in other countries with "governments in exile". (No, I can't provide an example but I think it's occurred, historically speaking.)

Iran maybe? That really worked out well.

  On 5/25/2014 at 9:24 AM, wandasloan said:
  On 5/25/2014 at 8:50 AM, rayw said:

If the USA is not a democracy then why do they spout off so much about being the home of democracy and all that propaganda. Total hypocrisy. You know I, as with many folk over the World used to respect and admire the USA but now I think they suck big time by their Corporate run extreme right wing Government run corruption and a total disrespect for true people power democracy and the arrogance and hypocrisy, so very much like the psyche of Thaksin who also puts money and corporate power above people. BTW I am British and used to love my country but I cannot say I do now as it is another corporate run USA puppet nation and sadly almost as corrupt as the USA too.

Thanks for your opinion about current US-Thai relations, at least unlike most posts, it's well-reasoned, if wrong. -)

As for your opinions of the US and UK, aren't you glad you (still) have the right to type that? I bet a few million Thais would be jealous if they knew. Since it's Thai Visa, they never will.

I was unaware that "they" claim the US is home of democracy, which it certainly is not, and I can't come up with an immediate reference at all. The US government "claims" it is a federal republic. I can't find any reference where any reliable or government or similar source says otherwise, and certainly one where it describes the US as "a democracy". Fact is that during the forming of the USA, the "founding fathers" debated what form of government they wanted, and democracy was debated quite heatedly for some time before it was rejected, for the reason that the majority could too easily become a tyranny. The federal republic system that was adopted included some democratic institutions starting with elections, but it was made clear the USA was not to be a democracy. A few minutes with Google can confirm that, and you can spend years researching it, some authors and scholars have.

Personally, repeat personally I kind of like the CIA Factbook's description for the US: "Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition."

The human rights Americans brag about (rightly so) like speech, and religion and gun ownership - the bill of rights? These are not democratic rights. On the contrary, they are NATURAL rights and cannot be removed by the legislature like some dirty filthy law. The courts have to make this point over and over again to ridiculous legislators, but that's what the courts do.

Where this "home of democracy" stuff you're finding rests, I do not know. Lots of people say "oh, yeah, the US is a democracy" in short form, but darned if I've ever heard anyone claim it is the home of democracy, that's a brand new one on me. These days it seems 99.734 per cent of people are historically challenged but "home of democracy"?

I don't think there even was a USA in 1066 for example, or am I wrong? Anyway, I'm almost positive Athens came before George Washington? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Okay if that is true then I stand corrected, my bad, my ignorance of the historical facts. What I was referring to is that it is deemed, wrongly, to be the CURRENT home of democracy. I did not of course mean the historical home as that was not my intention at all as I surely knew it was not. Yes I have heard the USA referred to as the "Home of Democracy ", in the current idiom that is, but I am unable to or more truthfully have the time to seek out the source of those quotes.

Anyway nice discussion Wandasloan if not a little off topic. Ah well thread drift is normal here on TVF and many good discussion come about because of it.

  On 5/25/2014 at 10:24 AM, wandasloan said:
  On 5/25/2014 at 9:31 AM, Rob8891 said:

Posted 9 minutes ago

RT@Saksith: Thaksin tweeted again, saying as an elected PM, he is saddened by tragic events caused by another coup: twitter.com/ThaksinLive/st

RT@2Bangkok: @ThaksinLive Thaksin is tweeting again asking that at all parties be given rule of law and respect for human rights

I think I've said that about 15 times now. Thaksin has said NOTHING about a government in exile. Yingluck rather obviously won't be saying anything about it either. Only you know why you are sending the above in an excruciating thread in which ThaiVisa's Robert Amsterdam Followers And Fan Club insist that the Canadian guy only ever has the latest, dependable news.

Until Thaksin (or Yingluck or Yaowapa or Somchai) or Oak or even Noppadon or even Thaksin's daughters say something about a government in exile, this thread is nothing but a Thai Visa editor's troll, supported by Thai Visa Rumour Central and the Thai Visa Council Of Analytic Excellence, which has unanimously ruled that overnight Robert Amsterdam became the authoritative voice of Thailand.

I repeat also that I never say "never" but to this moment on Sunday afternoon, there has been no talk about a government in exile except in the minds of a Thai Visa editor and members, most of whom appear frankly to be going through some sort of withdrawal, possibly curfew-related?

(I didn't mean to cut off your first line there. I'm sure readers get the idea)

  On 5/25/2014 at 9:50 AM, rubl said:

Anyway, another topic already mentioned that Ms. Yingluck was to be released within three to seven days. Mind you I would assume she will be prohibited to leave the country without asking permission first.

And by the way, thanks for not answering me in the same tone I messaged you. I'm sort of a one-person campaign to stop the rumour train and it's pretty much impossible. I appreciate your civil tone, very much.


A Thai Visa Editor troll? You should do some homework instead of assuming its a Thai Visa rumour train. It actually came from an Australian paper. Actually for items coming outside of Thailand Thai Visa is a day or two behind the play.

Edited to add it was also in that other Thailand English paper yesterday.

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  On 5/25/2014 at 9:59 AM, fab4 said:
  On 5/25/2014 at 9:50 AM, rubl said:

I knew I could count on you for some words of comfort, my dear fabs.

In the mean time since politicians only continued arguing for seven months with the nightly gunfire and grenades going on, it is clear that any organisation which is brave enough to put a stop to it and (hopefully) will start with real reforms, will want to be absolved of crimes by law. The romans did something similar with their dictators in the early days.

BTW your 'abuses' suggests more than it really means.

Anyway, another topic already mentioned that Ms. Yingluck was to be released within three to seven days. Mind you I would assume she will be prohibited to leave the country without asking permission first.

We'll see. The Romans had laws protecting their Dictators? - interesting, but this is 2014, rubl.

But don't forget the Romans were still more advanced then than Thailand is now. coffee1.gif


"Of course he is, he bought the brainwashed masses, hook, line and sinker."





et cetera


When Thailand had a free election, Thaksin won.

He was removed by force and exiled from Thailand.

When Thailand had it's next free election Yingluck won.

She was removed by force.

Can you think of anyone more entitled to run a "government in exile" than the last two legitimately elected PMs?.

  On 5/25/2014 at 10:38 AM, mikemac said:

Hey Wanda4, what's your address ? So I can send you a face towel.

Well, thank you, but I always keep Kleenex nearby, and in any case almost none of your spittle actually got on me.



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  On 5/25/2014 at 11:00 AM, AnotherOneAmerican said:

When Thailand had a free election, Thaksin won.

He was removed by force and exiled from Thailand.

When Thailand had it's next free election Yingluck won.

She was removed by force.

Can you think of anyone more entitled to run a "government in exile" than the last two legitimately elected PMs?.

DIsagree all round.

Do some further research you might be surprised what you find.

  • Like 1

rayw said: "BTW I am British and used to love my country but I cannot say I do now as it is another corporate run USA puppet nation and sadly almost as corrupt as the USA too. "

Hmmmm. The conspiracists in the US claim Queen Lizzie is the puppeteer twanging the strings of worldwide financial institutes.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

  On 5/25/2014 at 11:00 AM, AnotherOneAmerican said:

When Thailand had a free election, Thaksin won.

He was removed by force and exiled from Thailand.

When Thailand had it's next free election Yingluck won.

She was removed by force.

Can you think of anyone more entitled to run a "government in exile" than the last two legitimately elected PMs?.

They are welcome to do what they want as long as they do it far away from Thailand.

  • Like 1
  On 5/25/2014 at 12:45 AM, Diplomatico said:
  On 5/25/2014 at 12:39 AM, dcutman said:

What would a Govt in exile be able to accomplish? Other than keeping the hate fires burning brightly.

I think the objective is that - in the case of international intervention - the government in exile would be allowed to return to power if the junta were overthrown. Memory may fail me but I think that's happened in other countries with "governments in exile". (No, I can't provide an example but I think it's occurred, historically speaking.)

well, start with Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti, he returned from exile twice

  On 5/25/2014 at 11:00 AM, AnotherOneAmerican said:

When Thailand had a free election, Thaksin won.

He was removed by force and exiled from Thailand.

When Thailand had it's next free election Yingluck won.

She was removed by force.

Can you think of anyone more entitled to run a "government in exile" than the last two legitimately elected PMs?.

Can you think of anyone more entitled to run a "government in exile" than the last two legitimately elected PMs?.

Nope, cant think of another clan that has caused so much turmoil, death and economic destruction to a country. So I would say exile (in another country, preferably on a different continent) would be a great place for the Shin club, as long as it is all of them and their cronies.

  On 5/25/2014 at 10:50 AM, Roadman said:

A Thai Visa Editor troll? You should do some homework instead of assuming its a Thai Visa rumour train. It actually came from an Australian paper. Actually for items coming outside of Thailand Thai Visa is a day or two behind the play.

Edited to add it was also in that other Thailand English paper yesterday.

Yes, a troll begun by a Thai Visa editor. I know EXACTLY where it came from including where "an Australian paper" picked it up Saturday night. This is a one-source story that has no backing, no legs. I have no idea why the ABC would use such a ridiculous story from such a well-known ... let's say "bad source". But to now, no other news media have touched this story because it IS a troll and worthless as news.

You are wrong about "the other newspaper." It has printed no such story/item. You may have seen it printed somewhere, which I doubt very very much, but you did not see it where you say you saw it, either yesterday or any day.

You may mean this story from "the" newspaper, not "the other" newspaper. It appeared very briefly before it was scrubbed from its website. It was never printed, but the internet never forgets. This story, too, comes from the single source of Amsterdam, and is simply a troll and rather a stupid one, too.



  On 5/25/2014 at 9:24 AM, wandasloan said:
Personally, repeat personally I kind of like the CIA Factbook's description for the US: "Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition."


Excellent post. But I fear the CIA Factrbokk may have to remove the words "consitution-based" before Obama leaves office.

  On 5/25/2014 at 11:11 AM, Igor said:

rayw said: "BTW I am British and used to love my country but I cannot say I do now as it is another corporate run USA puppet nation and sadly almost as corrupt as the USA too. "

Hmmmm. The conspiracists in the US claim Queen Lizzie is the puppeteer twanging the strings of worldwide financial institutes.

Oh my goodness how could anyone forget Lyndon Larouche, thank you so very much. And it is in the Executive Intelligence Briefing, so it must be true. Just one thing: She is Queen Betty and while she pretty much controls world finances, she's been spending a lot of time the past 20 years running the international drug cartels. Also these aren't "the conspiracists" but just a small branch. But then they would say that, wouldn't they?

Dear Lyndon and Betty. Lor luva duck!


  On 5/25/2014 at 1:45 AM, chooka said:
  On 5/25/2014 at 12:25 AM, cloudhopper said:

Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

He made this statement last Thursday whilst be interviewed by Australian media, (ABC) his interviewed was beamed live into Thailand via the Australian network. The Thai Military have no power to stop the Australian government T.V station from broadcasting.

No but the Australian government t can

and Have already done

  On 5/25/2014 at 1:30 AM, otherstuff1957 said:

As others have pointed out, this announcement will give the military an incentive to hold her and other family members longer which will serve two purposes:

1 It will make the Junta look worse and Thaksin look better.

2 It will remove some of his less obedient followers from the decision making process. His sisters will be much more useful as martyrs than as functioning (or dysfunctional) members of his government in exile.

All in all, a shrewd but ruthless move on his part.

YL is a very photogenic martyr. Evita Peron comes to mind. oc

  On 5/25/2014 at 7:56 AM, wandasloan said:
  On 5/25/2014 at 7:25 AM, rayw said:

[snip] [snip] . Pity the arrogant Americans and the other Western puppet nations and Singapore and Malaysia and the Philippines and Vietnam and China and Hong Kong and Japan and India and the United Nations and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Brunei and Taiwan and South Korea and the Asian Human Rights Commission cannot see the truth and sense in that instead of their coup must inly be bad blinkered narrow minded vision. Like democracies there are good and true ones and bad ones that do not carry out the majority wishes (like USA and UK as two shining examples of corporate money led power raping true democracy). Likewise there are also good and bad coups and this one IMHO is a good one with honourable intentions, unlike many of the simply stealing power permanently ones we have seen elsewhere in the world. So USA bloody well <deleted>, stop interfering and open your eyes and minds before your big mouth and see the sense in what is happening here in the circumstances this country is going through right now.

I think we should have a more complete list, do you not? It needn't be fully complete but more representative, don't you think?

I'm also a little unclear on how following the specific US law of policy towards countries switching to a military junta is "interfering". Are you suggesting the US should have no foreign policy? If not, what? Note the US never gave orders or instructions to Thailand, only stated what it hopes will happen. And don't we all hope for what the US hopes? I sure do:

John Kerry (with a long face):

I urge the restoration of civilian government immediately, a return to democracy, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, such as press freedoms. The path forward for Thailand must include early elections that reflect the will of the people.

What in there do you not hope for, and why?

Also, the USA is not, and never has been a democracy. On purpose. It was debated at length and (irony alert!) the majority decided against it, so case settled long before you and I had any say.


"So USA bloody well <deleted>, stop interfering". So by the U.S. NOT gifting money to the Thai military following the military's coup is interfering? Shear lunacy.

  On 5/25/2014 at 10:44 AM, GlobalCtzn said:

Thaksin is a CFR alligned globalist who's job it is to sell Thailand on the cheap and 'privatize' anything they can get their corrupt hands on. Allow me to introduce you all to one of Thaksin's handlers. These guys are just a massive den of vipers!


Great link! Thai folks don't realize that they're being suckered into fighting a colored revolution! If there is a civil war, the globalist will come in and take it all! Wake up Thailand! Enough Red-Shirt, Yellow-shirt crap! You're all Thais! Tik-Tok mofo's!

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